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Magnetic Morons

MLD Woody

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14 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

woodpecker has never understood magnetic fields. He has this idea that if he FEELS like poles of two magnets attract, why then, they do.

and if he FEELS that opposite poles of two magnets repel, why then that is "science".

Of course, he will never try it - it would be damaging to his lefty emotional turmoil block.

He would emotionally rupture his tail feathers.

This is pretty weird even for you. Finding new and inventive ways to use your “FEELS” schtick. What’s next?

“And he FEELS if he turns the knob clockwise, it will open the door. And he FEELS if he turns the knob counter clockwise… it will also open the door…”

I dig it.

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For the willingly obtuse - my observation for decades, is that liberals worship their own FEELINGS. And on that, they FEEL SUPERIOR.

It's often reflected in their arguments, actions, posts, etc. They can't stop themselves.

Like gender. Gender isn't science to them. (they love to be about science, right?) except they

warp out on their feelings - so the definition of biological gender - male/female - they can't do that. They go

by how they FEEL instead. So, if they feel like a lizard woman/man, they FEEL they ARE that. It's their "FEELING GENDER".

     Everything has to be different to support their FEELINGS of being ELITE.

So, they can't believe in actual gender, they invent about 35 ? "other genders".

They can't believe in God, for that threatens their FEELING of superiority.

They can't believe in anything greater than their "superior feelings".

so, they don't believe in their country...or flag....or honor....family structure.

They don't believe in Real Marriage. They don't believe in anything. They fight against

anyone who DOES believe in great things. They don't believe in history. They love the strong FEELINGS of

being "victims". They fake being "victims" at every chance they can muster.

     Sad to say, they can't stand being disagreed with, because that threatens their elitist FEELINGS>

They are HAPPY to wail about liars. But they get angry when others don't like liars that make the liberals FEEL GOOD.

They love unlimited abortion - being irresponsible and against the moral status quo make them feel elite.

But,while they love the murder of unborn and even born children, they fight like hell against capital punishment, because

it makes them feel good to fight against the norm.

     They just attack anyone who does believe in great things. Capitalism/Constitution/Bill of Rights/election integrity/ETC ETC ETC...they argue against it.

    But they hate those things because it make them feel ...not special, not supreme. They name call and berate others - but on the turn of the tale, they HATE being name called because they FEEL that THAT isn't FAIR. But it's okay if THEY do it, because then they FEEL GREAT.


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44 minutes ago, Ibleedbrown said:

This is pretty weird even for you. Finding new and inventive ways to use your “FEELS” schtick. What’s next?

“And he FEELS if he turns the knob clockwise, it will open the door. And he FEELS if he turns the knob counter clockwise… it will also open the door…”

I dig it.

Well, I revisited this thread, and the amount of unverified and straight out whacko "science" from some posters was pretty stunning.  

OMG- an MRI after a covid shot will kill you? Get outta here with that crap!!!  Here's one thing that could happen if you have an imaging exam right after the vaccine. real science.  :) 


"Because a common side effect of the COVID-19 vaccines are temporary swollen lymph nodes, which can show up on imaging scans in the days and weeks after vaccination. This is a natural and expected reaction to the shot, a positive sign that the vaccination is working as the body mounts an immune response. Often, a person will not even realize they have enlarged nodes."

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social media has become a two-edged sword. it is just as much as a provider of excellent informaton, and just as much

a provider of the most outrageous, stupid-ass falsehoods and attention-getting intentionally dramatic falsehoods.

  I can't imagine folks refusing to get the polio vaccine or smallpox vaccine back in the day.

No asinine garbage from social media.

Millions and millions of folks get the vaccine, and are FINE.....but the conspiracy nonsense about the vaccine just is out of hand.

Get the vaccine, I say. Early on, we asked our family dr about it, and she said get the moderna or phizer asap.

I'm not sure about the J&J per some studies, but that is a different deal.

Nobody is turning into "magneto" dammit. I swear... if somebody on the net says "My cousin got the anti-covid vaccine , and he turned into sasquatch...I saw it!...

you have to wonder how many foolish people would buy into it and use it for an excuse to not get it.....

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3 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

For the willingly obtuse - my observation for decades, is that liberals worship their own FEELINGS. And on that, they FEEL SUPERIOR.

It's often reflected in their arguments, actions, posts, etc. They can't stop themselves.

Like gender. Gender isn't science to them. (they love to be about science, right?) except they

warp out on their feelings - so the definition of biological gender - male/female - they can't do that. They go

by how they FEEL instead. So, if they feel like a lizard woman/man, they FEEL they ARE that. It's their "FEELING GENDER".

     Everything has to be different to support their FEELINGS of being ELITE.

So, they can't believe in actual gender, they invent about 35 ? "other genders".

They can't believe in God, for that threatens their FEELING of superiority.

They can't believe in anything greater than their "superior feelings".

so, they don't believe in their country...or flag....or honor....family structure.

They don't believe in Real Marriage. They don't believe in anything. They fight against

anyone who DOES believe in great things. They don't believe in history. They love the strong FEELINGS of

being "victims". They fake being "victims" at every chance they can muster.

     Sad to say, they can't stand being disagreed with, because that threatens their elitist FEELINGS>

They are HAPPY to wail about liars. But they get angry when others don't like liars that make the liberals FEEL GOOD.

They love unlimited abortion - being irresponsible and against the moral status quo make them feel elite.

But,while they love the murder of unborn and even born children, they fight like hell against capital punishment, because

it makes them feel good to fight against the norm.

     They just attack anyone who does believe in great things. Capitalism/Constitution/Bill of Rights/election integrity/ETC ETC ETC...they argue against it.

    But they hate those things because it make them feel ...not special, not supreme. They name call and berate others - but on the turn of the tale, they HATE being name called because they FEEL that THAT isn't FAIR. But it's okay if THEY do it, because then they FEEL GREAT.


Your problem is painting anyone with the same brush who doesn't agree with YOUR (often unverifiable with facts) FEELINGS. And you'd be dead wrong there. Mr. Narrow Minded right winger.  And a lot of your above is using an extreme example and then making it into a wild generalization.  How's this for a parallel? Everyone who's seeking asylum in Texas is is a covid infested thug. 

Uh huh- and anyone who doesn't agree with your feelings is "in denial".  Pretty amusing, because as far as I'm concerned- you're so far in denial about so many things. The last chapters in the Book of Bone Spurs have yet to be written, and don't be shocked if they don't result in a happy ending.  

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16 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

woodpecker has never understood magnetic fields. He has this idea that if he FEELS like poles of two magnets attract, why then, they do.

and if he FEELS that opposite poles of two magnets repel, why then that is "science".

Of course, he will never try it - it would be damaging to his lefty emotional turmoil block.

He would emotionally rupture his tail feathers.

Are you defending JAFBF and siding with him on the cereal thing?

Is that what you're doing?

No childlike insult response. Really answer this one. 

Are you siding with JAFBF on this?

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9 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Are you defending JAFBF and siding with him on the cereal thing?

Is that what you're doing?

No childlike insult response. Really answer this one. 

Are you siding with JAFBF on this?

OMG- iron enriched cereal? Really?  Better watch out ladies if you're taking supplemental iron for low Vitamin B-12  or hemoglobin levels. And don't you dare go for an MRI either if you value your life.  :D :D :D Do those magnetic morons ever consider you already have around 4 grams of iron in your body- mostly in your red blood cells- and that doesn't affect how you could magically become magnetized from a covid shot?  

Digging a little deeper Woodster- I'm beginning to doubt there's any graphene oxide in those vaccines at all..  But never let a good conspiracy die...  https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2021/07/10/graphene-oxide-in-pfizer-covid-19-vaccines-here-are-the-latest-unsupported-claims/?sh=260db90774d7

Even if there actually is a trace of graphene - um- if you bother to read any actual scientific articles- It's really not magnetic... https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780081021545000059

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10 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

social media has become a two-edged sword. it is just as much as a provider of excellent informaton, and just as much

a provider of the most outrageous, stupid-ass falsehoods and attention-getting intentionally dramatic falsehoods.

  I can't imagine folks refusing to get the polio vaccine or smallpox vaccine back in the day.

No asinine garbage from social media.

Millions and millions of folks get the vaccine, and are FINE.....but the conspiracy nonsense about the vaccine just is out of hand.

Get the vaccine, I say. Early on, we asked our family dr about it, and she said get the moderna or phizer asap.

I'm not sure about the J&J per some studies, but that is a different deal.

Nobody is turning into "magneto" dammit. I swear... if somebody on the net says "My cousin got the anti-covid vaccine , and he turned into sasquatch...I saw it!...

you have to wonder how many foolish people would buy into it and use it for an excuse to not get it.....

I'll quote myself since the ignorant woodpecker didn't read it. Of course I'm not defending the magnetic vaccine stupidity.

But I won't defend any stupid post by the whining pining woodpecker, either. At least Jaf has a few really good posts here and there.

The woodpecker has had maybe one in the last so many years. And as to my post about the emotional worship by liberals, methings a few guilty parties got po'd. Don't get po'd, just think about how you knee jerk with little or NO legit reason to object. You just do - to protect your dominant "god like" emotions. And it is a strong trend.

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17 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

It is literally iron enriched cereal. This isn't new. Are you really going to try and keep running with this one?


Yes, that is kind of the point in that mineral enrichment is just a gimmick.

it seems a bit coarse for bodily absorption.


Why not just swallow a small piece of Iron and be done with it ?


If I crushed up dried Spinach, do you think I'd see the same thing ?


I'm sure dirt is full of minerals too, doesn't mean I want too eat it.


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1 hour ago, JAFBF said:


Yes, that is kind of the point in that mineral enrichment is just a gimmick.

it seems a bit coarse for bodily absorption.


Why not just swallow a small piece of Iron and be done with it ?


If I crushed up dried Spinach, do you think I'd see the same thing ?


I'm sure dirt is full of minerals too, doesn't mean I want too eat it.


You've reached new levels of stupid that I just can't respond to. Congratulations.

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1 hour ago, JAFBF said:


Yes, that is kind of the point in that mineral enrichment is just a gimmick.

it seems a bit coarse for bodily absorption.


Why not just swallow a small piece of Iron and be done with it ?


If I crushed up dried Spinach, do you think I'd see the same thing ?


I'm sure dirt is full of minerals too, doesn't mean I want too eat it.


How you've survived this long is a testament to developed society essentially dragging your corpse to the finish line.  Which is a damn shame because the world is better without people like you.

The worst part is, despite being demonstrably incorrect, your arrogance won't allow you to just be like "yep, looks whacky but after reading into it further - seems legit". 


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14 hours ago, JAFBF said:

Yes, that is kind of the point in that mineral enrichment is just a gimmick.

it seems a bit coarse for bodily absorption.

Why not just swallow a small piece of Iron and be done with it ?

If I crushed up dried Spinach, do you think I'd see the same thing ?

I'm sure dirt is full of minerals too, doesn't mean I want too eat it.


I'll waste my time responding. I was one course short of a chemistry minor in college... JABF- you are totally hopeless...  FWIW, spinach does happen to be a good source of dietary iron.  OTOH, cereals have a virtually miniscule amount of "iron enrichment".  Pour yourself a whopping bowl of Rice Krispies, and you're going to get a huge 0.0007th of an ounce of iron. Buy a clue guy- this isn't elemental iron. ALL of the "essential" trace elements that you need to stay healthy aren't in their elemental form. Elemental potassium and calcium would rapidly eat a hole in your stomach. Elemental potassium wouldn't even get that far- it reacts violently with any water it comes in contact with. The end result of that is potassium hydroxide- a close relative of Drano. Women who take calcium for osteoporosis are using calcium carbonate. 

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On 8/19/2021 at 8:54 PM, MLD Woody said:

if anti vaxxers only fucked themselves up then I'd be all for them rushing towards a Darwin award

but unfortunately those morons hurt everyone

You keep bitching and bitching and bitching. I don't think there are any anti-vaxxers on this board. So as usual, who cares?

Again the three least likely groups to get vaccinated vote Democrat.

And thanks for doing the Twitter research for us.


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39 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

You keep bitching and bitching and bitching. I don't think there are any anti-vaxxers on this board. So as usual, who cares?

Again the three least likely groups to get vaccinated vote Democrat.

And thanks for doing the Twitter research for us.


If people couldn't post about something no one on this board thinks, then you'd lose at least half of the threads on here. This is also literally a thread about the vaccine causing you to become magnetic, which is, believe it or not, on this board. So not exactly free of anti vaxx nutjobs.

Again, there's objectively more demonstrated vaccine hesitancy among republicans as a whole. Hell, a sizeable group of conversatives thinks the vaccine includes a microchip...

The fact this is even politicized is a damn shame. 




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14 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

If people couldn't post about something no one on this board thinks, then you'd lose at least half of the threads on here. This is also literally a thread about the vaccine causing you to become magnetic, which is, believe it or not, on this board. So not exactly free of anti vaxx nutjobs.

Again, there's objectively more demonstrated vaccine hesitancy among republicans as a whole. Hell, a sizeable group of conversatives thinks the vaccine includes a microchip...

The fact this is even politicized is a damn shame. 




You can post whatever you want bud. There are plenty of topics that have no responses. I'm just saying it's kind of a waste of time.


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On 8/22/2021 at 11:47 AM, Westside Steve said:

You keep bitching and bitching and bitching. I don't think there are any anti-vaxxers on this board. So as usual, who cares?

Again the three least likely groups to get vaccinated vote Democrat.

And thanks for doing the Twitter research for us.


Steve... I've said my piece in another thread. Thankfully, no one responded to it.   I'll let the folks conspiracy away here- it's damn hopeless even bothering to respond.  

You're one of the few rational ones left....  Bitching, bitching and bitching? Mostly because of stupid,  stupid, and more stupid stuff that shows up here. Biased, biased, and more biased too.  That just may demand a response from those not living in- as I pointed out- "alternate reality lives here".   Here's my white flag- I give up. If they don't like me as a moderator? Go bitch to Kathy - please.. Get your delusional ass kicked off.  

I'll say this- If I had Zombo's level of Board Control- I'd seriously consider renaming this forum....  8chan Discussion...  because it sure as hell more accurately describes the banter that goes on here.  

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33 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Steve... I've said my piece in another thread. Thankfully, no one responded to it.   I'll let the folks conspiracy away here- it's damn hopeless even bothering to respond.  

You're one of the few rational ones left....  Bitching, bitching and bitching? Mostly because of stupid,  stupid, and more stupid stuff that shows up here. Biased, biased, and more biased too.  That just may demand a response from those not living in- as I pointed out- "alternate reality lives here".   Here's my white flag- I give up. If they don't like me as a moderator? Go bitch to Kathy - please.. Get your delusional ass kicked off.  

I'll say this- If I had Zombo's level of Board Control- I'd seriously consider renaming this forum....  8chan Discussion...  because it sure as hell more accurately describes the banter that goes on here.  

There are no anti-vaxxers here. You guys are screaming into the wind for no reason. That's all.

If you had Bill W's control you wouldn't be so outraged all the time either.



PS do you even know who you're responding to?


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1 minute ago, Westside Steve said:

Seriously woodpecker, who cares? You're as crazy as anybody you bitch about.

And you're more than likely sober... All the worse.


Look, you have said now twice "there are no anti-vaxxers here"

That is demonstrably false. I'm pointing that out.

Unless you're just choosing to make up your own facts, which is would be expected. 



(just as it is incorrect to say I'm equal and opposite to the far right posters here... but that's something else)

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7 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Look, you have said now twice "there are no anti-vaxxers here"

That is demonstrably false. I'm pointing that out.

Unless you're just choosing to make up your own facts, which is would be expected. 



(just as it is incorrect to say I'm equal and opposite to the far right posters here... but that's something else)

Yes you are. Just the fact that you've been obsessing over four pages how about somebody saying there are instances of the human body being magnetized.

My response would be I wouldn't bet against the idea that there were instances or kernel of Truth in the idea. Furthermore I don't care. Not in the slightest bit. And if you do you're as crazy as they are.

Number two I did take a poll and not a single person who responded said they were anti-vaxxers. I have never heard jafb say he was or if he just has problems with the recent covid vaccine, but if he is great. I will let him answer if he is or not. If he is, you've got one guy. One single guy who spends a lot of time with conspiracy theories. (Just like the lefties and Biden voters only from the other fringe) One guy you are obsessed with like others might be about past presidents.


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