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Just To Break Up This Love Fest

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2 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

Cold and snow in Texas is cutting down the oil production in the U.S. by 100,000 barrels a day in the month of June?

You may want to look at a calendar Larry.

Well, XL is gone for good...  Score one for the Environmentalists....  I've said- you can start pumping that low grade crap when there's no other alternative. Gee Canada- why not build your refinery on the other side of the border?  After you wasted a billion dollars on a pipeline to nowhere instead?  Hmmmm?   Ditto my opposition to drilling in the ANWR, initially approved by "I don't give a flying fuck about the environment, or polar bears" DJT. Haven't been there personally- but my good friend who lives in Anchorage has. In the summer it's a God forsaken mosquito infested swamp, and in the months long sunless 40 below winters- it's an ice cube. 

Or you not understand the mentality of the oil companies?   $30 bucks a barrel Don't have any... $50 bucks a barrel- don't have any...  $70 bucks a barrel- we can't pump it fast enough. 


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great. somebody drinks too much wine, and goes emotionally violent trying to get on peoples nerves, yet says stuff like

Texas is snowing and really cold in June.

  My brother-in-law was just visiting up from Texas - he says it's too hot.

too bad he doesn't drink a lot of wine, he could pretend to cool off like.......

meanwhile, you-know-who's honey biden -


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14 hours ago, hoorta said:

Thy comeback is lame. As usual deflection gets you nowhere....  Thanks for complimenting me again STALKER- and for the record, I'd bet some serious money you're following me too....   I follow no one- for the record.. But keep up with your silly right wing crap.. It's sort of funny...    You're not worth anymore of my time to tear your gun totin' BDS delusional ass to shreds.  Joe kisses a relative? Well, Orangie cheated on every one of his wives- one of who was pregnant at the time. Got some rebuttal for that? The score is Trump 20, Joe 1.  BDS central?  Can't wait until Ghislaine tells all about his pal- ling around with Epstein in a plea deal either.   :D  :D  :D   

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