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The corolation between the American left and the pre=WWII nazi party

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

and you lie. It doesn't mean we always agree with the Supreme Court. But we are a FREE COUNTRY, despite your cowardly lyin.

You and Hoorta brag about the Supreme Court - so here's your sign: (it means "YOU LOSE AGAIN"


In Historic 9-0 Decision, Supreme Court Drops A Sledgehammer On Illegal Aliens

Name calling, obfuscation, finger pointing, deflection to other issues...............................everything but say you agree with the Constitution that there are 3 powers here and the 3rd one has not upheld any fraudulent election claims for the 2020 election. Nor have the lower courts it came to first. And yet you just are unable to admit it. Well at least there is some headway. You are no longer claiming that you are totally committed to the Constitution.  

See you just have to keep pinning down the slippery weasels or they run, dodge and jump the real issue. Do you believe in and abide by the United States Constitution which you once swore to uphold? Easy question to answer yet you just can't do it.

PS-I am a believer in the Constitution and I agree with that 9-0 decision. The sledgehammer was dropped on illegal aliens who have committed crimes here and are then deported. No problem with that whatsoever. In fact I was a jury member on just such a case and myself and a clergyman on the jury convinced the other members he was lying about multiple things concerning aggravated sexual assault. We made sure he would spend a minimum of 40 years and then be deported when time was up, primarily to protect the Mexican American woman he assaulted.

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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Name calling, obfuscation, finger pointing, deflection to other issues...............................everything but say you agree with the Constitution that there are 3 powers here and the 3rd one has not upheld any fraudulent election claims for the 2020 election. Nor have the lower courts it came to first. And yet you just are unable to admit it. Well at least there is some headway. You are no longer claiming that you are totally committed to the Constitution.  

See you just have to keep pinning down the slippery weasels or they run, dodge and jump the real issue. Do you believe in and abide by the United States Constitution which you once swore to uphold? Easy question to answer yet you just can't do it.

PS-I am a believer in the Constitution and I agree with that 9-0 decision. The sledgehammer was dropped on illegal aliens who have committed crimes here and are then deported. No problem with that whatsoever. In fact I was a jury member on just such a case and myself and a clergyman on the jury convinced the other members he was lying about multiple things concerning aggravated sexual assault. We made sure he would spend a minimum of 40 years and then be deported when time was up, primarily to protect the Mexican American woman he assaulted.


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8 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

chimpanzees give unwarranted warning points?

or is this a request for woodpecker to stop his crap, and for Mex to quit texing?

You had just better get a better grip on reality, you should visit it sometime. Get your overly sensitive right wing feelings hurt?  UNWARANTED? One member got warning points (that I revoked) - and was suspended for a week for REPEATED, PROFANE PERSONAL ATTACKS ON ANOTHER POSTER. AND BTW- IT WASN'T ME EITHER.  If you'd REALLY want a reign of Terror...  shit- I could just start deleting BS threads, kicking guys I don't like off (that are many) for a week or three, and start changing screen names to something more appropriate from my POV- t-Rump Asskisser would be a good start.  :D  

Consider yourself damn lucky that I do everything  I can on a personal level to not interfere with Steve letting the inmates run the asylum here. Hmmmm because he happens to agree with the majority POV? That's piss poor moderating IMHO.  And my POV is this crap is totally out of control...  I suspect that's because I've learned he mostly agrees with them.  :(  One jackwagon in particular (and it's not you) delights insulting me personally- and I'll say it to you- because he knows as me being a Moderator- on another forum- I won't call him a fucking pile of shit stalker to his face- at least not publicly. I have higher standards than that craphole BDS infected loser.    

There you have it- conspiracy away...   

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5 hours ago, Vambo said:


Grandpa hugs the kids... BDS, BDS, BDS...   

t-Rrump cheats on every one of his wives- one of who happened to be pregnant at the time...   NOPE, NOTHING TO SEE THERE, MOVE ALONG... :D  :D  :D  

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21 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Grandpa hugs the kids... BDS, BDS, BDS...   

t-Rrump cheats on every one of his wives- one of who happened to be pregnant at the time...   NOPE, NOTHING TO SEE THERE, MOVE ALONG... :D  :D  :D  


Grampa tastes kids...hoorta's TDS vote in action! 


Doesn't look like Jill...


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2 minutes ago, hoorta said:

You had just better get a better grip on reality, you should visit it sometime. Get your overly sensitive right wing feelings hurt?  UNWARANTED? One member got warning points (that I revoked) - and was suspended for a week for REPEATED, PROFANE PERSONAL ATTACKS ON ANOTHER POSTER. AND BTW- IT WASN'T ME EITHER.  If you'd REALLY want a reign of Terror...  shit- I could just start deleting BS threads, kicking guys I don't like off (that are many) for a week or three, and start changing screen names to something more appropriate from my POV- t-Rump Asskisser would be a good start.  :D  

Consider yourself damn lucky that I do everything  can on a personal level to not interfere with Steve letting the inmates run the asylum. Hmmmm because he happens to agree with the majority POV? That's piss poor moderating IMHO.   I suspect that's because I've learned he mostly agrees with them.  :(  One jackwagon in particular (and it's not you) delights insulting me personally- and I'll say it to you- because he knows as me being a Moderator- on another forum- I won't call him a fucking pile of shit stalker to his face- at least not publicly. I have higher standards than that craphole BDS infected loser.    

There you have it- conspiracy away...   

Fair enough, ...it has always been impossible to have a serious simple discussion with Tex and woodpecker. Ask anybody.

My opinion - everybody is supposed to be allowed to simply have opinions. It gets tiresome to continually be bashed for not agreeing with the going "accepted" opinion - like mmgw. Old Shep used to bash me hugely for simply disagreeing. Now? a lot of evidence is in that disproves the crisis - like this:


Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling


May 31, 2012 · That is because natural climate cycles have already turned from warming to cooling, global temperatures have already been declining for more than 10 years, and global


    etc etc etc. I just call them like I see them...I wanted illegal immigration stopped back in the bush w days. Pres Trump FINALLY was hard working and acommplishing it. Now, it's gone backwards. You support that, I belleve. I don't understand why, you never really have explained.

   You and others are against abortion, but you didn't vote for Pres Trump. I don't get it. It always seems to be the left that HATES opinions they don't share. You see it all over - in Congress, social media, msm,

   On principle, I stand by our Constitution, smaller gov, Right to Life, Right to Work, safe borders, especially 1st and 2nd Amendments, major American institutions like Real Marriage, equal opportunity for every American, terrific education for ALL students... etc etc.

    It's being defiled at every turn right now. I'll say it again - I did NOT like Trump ever. But I started listening to him in the primaries, and came to understand he was serious about America First.  I love what he did FOR AMERICA. that is my standard.

    I gave ObaMao the benefit of the doubt early on. Maybe he WOULD make "post racial" , bring us all together, do great things.

He lied to get into office, and betrayed that trust so many people put in his promises - he brought so many.

Pres Trump kept so many of his promises - he should be president right now.

The main problem with serious conversation attempts - lefties just bash sources, ignore content, bash anyone who disagrees with them, screw with treads, feign "offense" after offending, and never? explain WHY they are saying the stuff they say.

A thousand? "Orange King" means nothing but a slur. But it's late. That list is long. I used to try hugely to respect Tex and have discussions with him, but all you get is a farce and satire.

Non left folks are fine with free speech. You see how it isn't free anymore per the left.

About the only thing I disagree with Pres Trump about, was his "mean tweets" - they were counter-productive. But I've shown you the list of over 200 good/great accomplishments by he and his admin.

I've heard some folks say Pres Trump was divisive. But they never say obaMao or biden are. That is amazing to me.

Just because the liberal msm and democrat haters bashed him for all of 4 years - does not mean HE was divisive.

The glorification of the russian collusion was a complete farce after all. Too bad. That killed any chance of genuine legit conservation on subjects. Now, we can't get lefties to talk about what is going on in our country. Some see that after having fun trying to intimidate everybody else with constant slurs towards Pres Trump, now our country is being damaged. Bad time for the same people to want to shut this forum down - but it's politically expedient, right?

   If it were republicans that were doing ballot harvesting in big cities, the left would raise hell, corrupt leftwing federal judges would make rulings against it, and the )(^ would hit the fan.

Hillary for one, declared the election was stolen from her. I never heard anybody say "conspiracy theory by tin foil hate crowd" back then.

  and we never had any report about any ballot harvesting, you betcha.

go figure.

The bash Pres Trump for attention is all the rage. But teflon senile corrupt joe biden gets a pass?

I mean, seriously.





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41 minutes ago, Vambo said:


Grampa tastes kids...hoorta's TDS vote in action! 


Doesn't look like Jill...


Hi- got anymore lame BDS memes for me?   Nice try at deflection loser... Too bad you can't admit Trump cheating on wives = every bit or more slime ball...  Seek mental help- your stalking is getting positively creepy....  

Jeffrey Epstein Was a 'Terrific Guy,' Donald Trump Once Said. Now He's 'Not  a Fan.' - The New York Times


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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Hi- got anymore lame BDS memes for me?   Nice try at deflection loser... Too bad you can't admit Trump cheating on wives = every bit or more slime ball...  Seek mental help- your stalking is getting positively creepy....  


Trump is not in office your obsession with him has been positively creepy....  You have to make things up about him to this day, you are beyond help your TDS is to strong nothing can get Trump out of your heart and mind may God have mercy on your soul...the drinking doesn't help,  Trump is like a scorned lover in your dreams.

There is plenty of creepy Joe out there 50 years worth!


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Anyone who feels personally attacked on a forum should probably bow out now.


If your only argument against baby killing, transgender participation, open borders/rape, corruption, documented abuse etc is Orange man bad you have the problem.

Its not Trump people are clamoring for but the movement to get rid of deep state and crooked life long politicians, rigged elections.  Policies that are anti American and refusal to stop those who wish to tear down the America way of life.

If you stand against what is right just cause you hate one person, once again Your the problem.

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3 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

Fair enough, ...it has always been impossible to have a serious simple discussion with Tex.

   On principle, I stand by our Constitution, smaller gov, Right to Life, Right to Work, safe borders, especially 1st and 2nd Amendments, major American institutions like Real Marriage, equal opportunity for every American, terrific education for ALL students... etc etc.

    It's being defiled at every turn right now. I'll say it again - I did NOT like Trump ever. But I started listening to him in the primaries, and came to understand he was serious about America First.  I love what he did FOR AMERICA. that is my standard.

Well now. I think I got a statement there finally. In theory you do but in practice you and trumpy do not stand by the Constitutional transfer of power as now endorsed by SCOTUS's decisions that he lost.

So in practice you don't stand by our Constitution. You just stand by trumpy.

Did you think I would just lay off putting you on the spot? 


Now how was that for a discussion?😂 What, don't like to face the truth? You have a theoretical belief in the Constitution, just not a real one when it's not convenient.

Now see how simple and direct that can be?

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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Well now. I think I got a statement there finally. In theory you do but in practice you and trumpy do not stand by the Constitutional transfer of power as now endorsed by SCOTUS's decisions that he lost.

So in practice you don't stand by our Constitution. You just stand by trumpy.

Did you think I would just lay off putting you on the spot? 


Now how was that for a discussion?😂 What, don't like to face the truth? You have a theoretical belief in the Constitution, just not a real one when it's not convenient.

Now see how simple and direct that can be?

 Making completely baseless claims (about  a document subject to the whim of 5 out of 9 political appointies)  doesn't put anybody on the spot regardless of political position.



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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

 Making completely baseless claims (about  a document subject to the whim of 5 out of 9 political appointies)  doesn't put anybody on the spot regardless of political position.



It puts trump on the spot for fomenting Jan 6 and continuing his behavior that led to it.

It puts anyone supporting that behavior on the spot who approves of it.

And it puts you on the spot for being ignorant about the Constitution and why it's so important to this country to abide by and support it including rejection of the man who would attempt to take back his position through illegal means. I put that link in to it's history on purpose. Without it we would still revert to Monarchy or worse.

You certainly try to rescue cal a lot here from his own bogus claim to believe the Constitution is the most important document we have. If he accepted it in practice he would not continue to defend trump after Jan 6 and neither would you for that matter.

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32 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

It puts trump on the spot for fomenting Jan 6 and continuing his behavior that led to it.

It puts anyone supporting that behavior on the spot who approves of it.

And it puts you on the spot for being ignorant about the Constitution and why it's so important to this country to abide by and support it including rejection of the man who would attempt to take back his position through illegal means. I put that link in to it's history on purpose. Without it we would still revert to Monarchy or worse.

You certainly try to rescue cal a lot here from his own bogus claim to believe the Constitution is the most important document we have. If he accepted it in practice he would not continue to defend trump after Jan 6 and neither would you for that matter.

 Trump did absolutely nothing wrong.   The only reason you liberals are screaming about this is to take attention away from the shit performance of the guy you voted for.

 Beyond that Cal can take care of himself and you have absolutely no idea what the Constitution says or doesn't.


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7 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

It puts trump on the spot for fomenting Jan 6 and continuing his behavior that led to it.

It puts anyone supporting that behavior on the spot who approves of it.

And it puts you on the spot for being ignorant about the Constitution and why it's so important to this country to abide by and support it including rejection of the man who would attempt to take back his position through illegal means. I put that link in to it's history on purpose. Without it we would still revert to Monarchy or worse.

You certainly try to rescue cal a lot here from his own bogus claim to believe the Constitution is the most important document we have. If he accepted it in practice he would not continue to defend trump after Jan 6 and neither would you for that matter.

bullcrap. Your slurs are baseless, you just want to give people garbage to try to help Hoorta in getting them to cross the line so he can kick them off.

   Not goin to work. All you show is putting yourself in position to get attention. That is really sad.

You've rarely, if ever, contributed to legit conservation about any issue.

abortion? biden? pelosi? national debt? Israel? terrorists/"palestinians"/hamas? illegal immigration? ballot harvesting/voter fraud?

hunter squid biden? you didn't criticize obaMao commie during all eight years. antifa? blm?

you got nothin. No stance on anything, just smart ass changes of direction/subject. It amuses you, it's boring to me and perhaps others.

I sneeze in your direction.

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Hoorta, mex and and woodpecker need to wise up.

we were correct -suspecting the covid virus came from the lab is even

legit now with farcebook. Their emotional knee jerk reaction by swimming in Egypt has come back to make them look all wet.


Facebook reverses course, allows users to claim COVID was man-made as lab-leak theory gains groundF6l68HZxBSHHcw9RmQHOwkOAOdhbjEG5geAEHO3t

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The Morning Briefing: Democrats' Pre-Election Lies Are Unraveling

By Stephen Kruiser May 27, 2021 5:10 AM ET
AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. My Liberace action figures are all in their original boxes.


Try as I might, I just can’t block last year out of my head. I’m going to need some sort of medically-induced coma to be able to pull that off. Rather than continuing the futile effort of avoiding it, I spend my time picking it apart, trying to see if I can pinpoint the exact moment that it all went awry. I’m writing a book that recaps the madness and it still seems as if I’m chronicling a bad dream. It couldn’t really have been that surreal, could it?


I keep checking, and I guess it was.

Despite four relentless years of the media lying intensely about him, Donald Trump was still poised to be re-elected as we headed into 2020. Then the infernal Wuhan Chinese Bat Flu hit and the Democrats immediately sniffed opportunity.

The centerpiece of their early attacks on Trump involved painting him — and by extension his supporters — as a RAAAAAACIST liar for suggesting that the coronavirus came from a lab in Wuhan. From there they built the house of lies that enabled the race to become close enough for them pull whatever shenanigans they did in November that got us to this point.

We entered a truly disturbing and bizarre phase where the American mainstream media was willing to take at face value any claims made by agents of the Chinese Communist Party, all the while rejecting and denigrating anything that was said by the president of the United States. It was a new low even for that group of professional bottom-dwellers.

As my colleagues over at Townhall noted yesterday, some in the media weren’t behaving like lapdogs for the CCP:

Throughout 2020, as the China virus spread across the globe, infecting millions and killing hundreds of thousands, Townhall reported on the latest information about COVID-19’s spread, President Trump’s plan to defeat it and his efforts to develop new treatments, and most importantly, reminded readers where the virus originated: Wuhan, China.

While Townhall reported on those questioning the lies coming from the Chinese communist government and the scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology about the coronavirus leaking from a lab, the left-wing media, Democrats, and Dr. Fauci bought into the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda and anyone asking questions about a potential lab leak was labeled a conspiracy theorist.

Now, the Left and the Democrat Media Complex are changing their tune, saying that the lab leak theory has some credibility, but we were reporting the facts and real news first


PJ Media did as well.

There were also many of us who weren’t Fauci fans from the get-go. He looks more and more dodgy by the day now.

The pandemic was a godsend to Biden and the Democrat Media Complex knew it. It gave him a one-note campaign. He didn’t have to grasp and talk about complex policy issues. He had an excuse to abandon the rigors of a presidential campaign and stay home and make the occasional video appearance from his basement. All he had to do was bark, “Trump! Virus! Bad!” and DOCTOR Mommy Jill would let him get back to his Legos.

Dem-friendly media of both the mainstream and social variety went to work feverishly to make the magic happen for Drooling Joe. They continued to discredit Trump and his supporters whenever they told the truth about the virus. Facebook decided that it was in the business of deciding what was and was not truth. The platform began yanking any content that went against the approved Democratic pandemic narrative.

There’s been a bit of a shift on that front too:

On Wednesday, Facebook ended its ban on posts claiming that COVID-19 was man-made, a spokesman told Politico. Facebook had previously decreed that the man-made virus theory had been debunked.

“In light of ongoing investigations into the origin of COVID-19 and in consultation with public health experts, we will no longer remove the claim that COVID-19 is man-made from our apps,” Facebook said in a statement. “We’re continuing to work with health experts to keep pace with the evolving nature of the pandemic and regularly update our policies as new facts and trends emerge.”

The “new facts” line is rich. The facts were there in the beginning, they were just inconvenient for what Facebook was trying to achieve for Joe Biden.


It wasn’t just the truth about the plague that Zuckerberg and Company had to sweep under the rug. There was also the matter of Biden’s sleazebag cocaine freak son Hunter. When the really bad news about him broke late in the campaign, Zuckey, Dorsey, and the rest of the Hitler Youth began shutting down anyone who truthfully reported it. We were told that it was a nothingburger of a story and that Biden was the most innocent of lambs when it came to any of the Burisma stuff.

Tyler wrote yesterday that that bit of fiction is falling apart now too:

According to documents on the laptop Hunter Biden abandoned at a repair shop in Delaware, Hunter introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to an executive at the notoriously corrupt Ukrainian gas firm Burisma at a dinner in Washington, D.C. Burisma was paying Hunter Biden $83,333 per month to sit on the firm’s board. Hunter’s Russian and Kazakh business partners also attended the dinner.

Hunter Biden invited guests to the dinner on April 16, 2015, held in the private “Garden Room” at Café Milano, a Georgetown restaurant whose catchphrase is, “Where the world’s most powerful people go.” The New York Post first reported on the emails on Wednesday.

The next day, Vadym Pozharskyi, an executive at Burisma, emailed Hunter Biden to thank him for introducing his father.

When they weren’t lying outright, they were actively suppressing the truth. We’ve all got opinions on how many legitimate votes Joe Biden received last November (LOL at 81 million) but one thing is very obvious now: however many people actually did vote for him did so without complete or honest information.


Of course, the Dems and the MSM are all safe from repercussions now. The Oval Office fix is in, and even they know that Ol’ Gropes isn’t going be running again, no matter what his wife keeps telling him to say. Naturally, the mainstream media won’t be reporting on how awfully the mainstream media behaved to get Biden elected.

In parting, let me say that all of this really isn’t doing much for my skepticism about the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election.

Everything Isn’t Awful


10 Ducklings Follow Mom Through Elementary School Continuing a 20-Year Tradition—WATCH 🦆

20 yrs ago, a female mallard decided to nest in the school’s enclosed courtyard—but she’d made one strategic error: there was no direct access to the pond nearby.https://t.co/uRUn11sMQc

— Good News Network (@goodnewsnetwork) May 26, 2021


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On 5/27/2021 at 8:14 AM, Westside Steve said:

 Trump did absolutely nothing wrong.   The only reason you liberals are screaming about this is to take attention away from the shit performance of the guy you voted for.

 Beyond that Cal can take care of himself and you have absolutely no idea what the Constitution says or doesn't.


Which is why the Trumpublicans have voted against a commission so you can still believe that horseshit. Ben Sasse for President 2024-one of 6 who voted for approval of the commission.

20 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

bullcrap. Your slurs are baseless, you just want to give people garbage to try to help Hoorta in getting them to cross the line so he can kick them off.

   Not goin to work. All you show is putting yourself in position to get attention. That is really sad.

I sneeze in your direction.

And for the "theoretical" Constitutionalist who in reality is a Non-Constitutionalist unless it supports his own dictator. You continue to live in the rabbit hole which is the issues you will not debate because you are so far buried in it you cant think for yourself anymore. So here is the appropriate song for you as you turn your back on your sworn oath to defend it. You just can't remember that day and when I try to remind you, you do this all around it every single time.  You are unreachable.


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Oh I understand the never trumpers. They're just part of the old guard power grid. They didn't like it that trump made them look foolish and they think that today hes a threat to the status quo which he is. People who support trump mostly support the issues that he talks about. Whether he has flip flopped or not.They don't believe in all the bullshit Joe Biden and the hard left has foisted upon us. If you clowns could get the term Democrat or Republican out of your head you might be able to see it should be about issues. If the democrats and the republicans are offering the same crap why should I be loyal to one of the other? Seriously? 

 I mean if a Republican had Joe Biden's tax plan and hand out plan as part of his platform why would I vote for him just because there's an R in his name?

 You get the idea or you should.  I wouldn't mind a candidate that was for  all of the programs I wanted even if he hated to trump. 


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55 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Oh I understand the never trumpers. They're just part of the old guard power grid. They didn't like it that trump made them look foolish and they think that today hes a threat to the status quo which he is. People who support trump mostly support the issues that he talks about. Whether he has flip flopped or not.They don't believe in all the bullshit Joe Biden and the hard left has foisted upon us. If you clowns could get the term Democrat or Republican out of your head you might be able to see it should be about issues. If the democrats and the republicans are offering the same crap why should I be loyal to one of the other? Seriously? 

 I mean if a Republican had Joe Biden's tax plan and hand out plan as part of his platform why would I vote for him just because there's an R in his name?

 You get the idea or you should.  I wouldn't mind a candidate that was for  all of the programs I wanted even if he hated to trump. 


I've got exactly the guy for you and I'll vote for him too. Ben Sasse. He doesn't really hate trump, he just thinks trump tried to overthrown an elected government based on trump's delusions that he won. But he also stands for a lot of conservative values that I value and I think many here do too. And I have my nevertrumper sister seriously considering him next time around as well. And you mischaracterize them. Most nevertrumpers are just like she is, very conservative values but not at the price of sacrificing a democracy to a despicable autocrat with no morale values.

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5 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

I've got exactly the guy for you and I'll vote for him too. Ben Sasse. He doesn't really hate trump, he just thinks trump tried to overthrown an elected government based on trump's delusions that he won. But he also stands for a lot of conservative values that I value and I think many here do too. And I have my nevertrumper sister seriously considering him next time around as well. And you mischaracterize them. Most nevertrumper are just like she is, very conservative values but not at the price of sacrificing a democracy to a despicable autocrat with no morale values.

So no Democrats then...

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23 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

And here we are with today's Trumpublicans. Love the new mascot. Very Texian.🤠


Elephant in armadillo armor
Getty / The Atlantic
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Negative "discussion" from Mex means attention to his twisted psyche and ego. The op is about Mex's rabid "Hamas Caucas" .

Hate drives it - they won't hate anything done, and will just attack Pres Trump's personality rather than admit Pres Trump did over 200 GOOD/GREAT things FOR AMERICA,

they care about their egos. All the folks who voted for Pres Trump voted FOR AMERICA, AMERICA FIRST.

those who didn't, voted against America.

simple as that. they deny it of course, but it is what it is.

a stupid vote - against THEIR OWN COUNTRY? WTF?

all the smart ass quips won't let their stupid, destructive vote fade away.

Every destructive hatemongering thing the left is doing - is on them.

They should own it. That's Hoorta, Mex and woodpecker around here.

Pres Trump's FIRST YEAR:



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4 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

I've got exactly the guy for you and I'll vote for him too. Ben Sasse.
Ben Sasse? You mean the guy that asked for Trump’s endorsement, then voted to impeach him….sounds like a great guy!

He doesn't really hate trump, he just thinks trump tried to overthrown an elected government based on trump's delusions that he won.

So you REALLY think 200-300 people can overthrow the US Government? If you do you’re a special kind of stupid.


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12 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

So you REALLY think 200-300 people can overthrow the US Government? If you do you’re a special kind of stupid.

Trump obviously thought he could get them to stop the vote. Maybe you missed his stupid speech. And did those stupid people think they could stop the count. Yes, they did. Because he told them they could stop the steal, told them where to go and then lied to them- "And I'll be right there with you". Bone spur part II.

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