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The corolation between the American left and the pre=WWII nazi party

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32 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

 So gaslighting must be the new hipster psychobabble meaningless catchphrase right?

 But really woodpecker if you think that was an actual insurrection and not just a bunch of middle aged people milling around (Well except for the unarmed women that was murdered)  It's time to buy a few rifles go to the basement and waited for the Civil War.


Milling around?  You're in denial, or should I post a few video clips to refresh your memory?   Steve- sorry. tell that to the 100+ Capitol police who were injured defending the Capitol. Forget the noose they were going to hang Pence from?  

Unabated- Pence, Pelosi and others DEAD. The mob was looking for them ya know. Electoral votes- in a bonfire. I don't even want top think the eventual outcome would have been if that had come to pass- but I CAN CERTAINLY SAY- THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN A LOT MORE THAN A COUPLE PEOPLE DEAD. Maybe not the Banana Republic of Trump- but MHO- take names and kick ass?  The National Guard would likely have kicked some serious ass.. 

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10 hours ago, hoorta said:

Milling around?  You're in denial, or should I post a few video clips to refresh your memory?   Steve- sorry. tell that to the 100+ Capitol police who were injured defending the Capitol. Forget the noose they were going to hang Pence from?  

Unabated- Pence, Pelosi and others DEAD. The mob was looking for them ya know. Electoral votes- in a bonfire. I don't even want top think the eventual outcome would have been if that had come to pass- but I CAN CERTAINLY SAY- THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN A LOT MORE THAN A COUPLE PEOPLE DEAD. Maybe not the Banana Republic of Trump- but MHO- take names and kick ass?  The National Guard would likely have kicked some serious ass.. 

 Horse shit. Just horseshit. We know what riots look like we know what looting looks like we know what murder looks like we know how many cops are killed each and every year by Biden voters we know how many federal buildings are torched. (Oh, wait, those are infiltrators right? Ha) This was nothing. And a recount  and certificatio of the electoral vote is completely constitutional.

 Mamalard? Hes a dead man Niedermeyer dead....



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7 minutes ago, hoorta said:

- Once Upon a Time

Milling around?  You're in denial, or should I post a few video clips to refresh your memory?   Steve- sorry. tell that to the 100+ Capitol police who were injured defending the Capitol. Forget the noose they were going to hang Pence from?  

Unabated- Pence, Pelosi and others DEAD. The mob was looking for them ya know. Electoral votes- in a bonfire. I don't even want top think the eventual outcome would have been if that had come to pass- but I CAN CERTAINLY SAY- THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN A LOT MORE THAN A COUPLE PEOPLE DEAD. Maybe not the Banana Republic of Trump- but MHO- take names and kick ass?  The National Guard would likely have kicked some serious ass.. 

You should start all your post with... Once Upon a Time

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30 minutes ago, hoorta said:


Seriously, don't you have something more productive to do with your time than feebly trying to insult me pavlov doggie? Your string of responses shows you're obviously following my comments WOW!!! I even have my own MAGA Fan Club!!! I'm honored.  :D :D :D 

Why not run along and see what other right wing crap you can dig up on The Blaze, Red State, Newsmax, or OANN... Stuff your other right wing pals will really appreciate keeping up on the latest conspiracies...  


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I thought he was taking his mod football and was stomping

all the way home and not coming back.

The Hoorta who cried wolf...and won't give up trying to bait Vambo into

crossing whatever line he keeps drawing and applies to only people who disagree with him.


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20 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

 Horse shit. Just horseshit. We know what riots look like we know what looting looks like we know what murder looks like we know how many cops are killed each and every year by Biden voters we know how many federal buildings are torched. (Oh, wait, those are infiltrators right? Ha) This was nothing. And a recount  and certification of the electoral vote is completely constitutional.

 Mamalard? Hes a dead man Niedermeyer dead....



Yeah Steve- then I guess you don't really know what a riot looks like...  You and the others here can continue with your delusion....  BTW- those Electoral Votes were certified, in many cases by REPUBLICAN states. January 6th is set in law. Too late to change it.  "Come on down, IT WILL BE WILD!!!" It was indeed...  

Young Montana girl writes letter to officer injured in Capitol riots |  wusa9.com

FBI Had Intelligence of Plans for Violence at Capitol: Report - Rolling  Stone

Capitol Police Overlooked Threats Before Jan. 6 Riot, Inspector General  Report Finds - WSJ

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20 hours ago, Vambo said:


Just continue with your BDS.... Ghoolie Jr...  You always have to get the last word in my little Pavlog Doggie... I'll let you have it this time..... 

Too bad the GOP is now the GQP of Cheetos.... I'd be lying if I said I wish them well...  

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8 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Just continue with your BDS.... Ghoolie Jr...  You always have to get the last word in my little Pavlog Doggie... I'll let you have it this time..... 

Too bad the GOP is now the GQP of Cheetos.... I'd be lying if I said I wish them well...  

Biden Island


Hoorta's vote in action!

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13 hours ago, hoorta said:

Just continue with your BDS.... Ghoolie Jr...  You always have to get the last word in my little Pavlog Doggie... I'll let you have it this time..... 

Too bad the GOP is now the GQP of Cheetos.... I'd be lying if I said I wish them well...  

 If you think that was really an insurrection and that anyone was in danger you are stupid drunk or crazy and frankly I don't believe your stupid.  Also time to ease up on your personal hatred of anyone who disagrees with you and your never ending obsession with Tommy.

 Speaking of too bad the Democrat party has become the party of BLM murdered coos endless welfare  taking a back seat to foreign adversaries riots looting and destroying the economy.  And whatever you want to call this woke and multiple gender bullshit.  That's why many of us don't like Joe Biden. It really has nothing to do with his personality as distasteful as it is.  You have 3 1/2 more years of that to worry about. Trump is no longer president. So your blind devotion to Joe Biden should at least be reevaluated.



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4 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

 If you think that was really an insurrection and that anyone was in danger you are stupid drunk or crazy and frankly I don't believe your stupid.  Also time to ease up on your personal hatred of anyone who disagrees with you and your never ending obsession with Tommy.

 Speaking of too bad the Democrat party has become the party of BLM murdered coos endless welfare  taking a back seat to foreign adversaries riots looting and destroying the economy.  And whatever you want to call this woke and multiple gender bullshit.  That's why many of us don't like Joe Biden. It really has nothing to do with his personality as distasteful as it is.  You have 3 1/2 more years of that to worry about. Trump is no longer president. So your blind devotion to Joe Biden should at least be reevaluated.



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/6/2021 at 11:35 AM, calfoxwc said:

 because they can't keep up with any legit thread.

Haven't seen one since you disappeared into the 🐰🕳️ with all the other unconstitutional lemmings.


"He came to three conclusions which explained to him (Hitler) the success of the Social Democrats: They knew how to create a mass movement......; they had learned the art of propaganda among the masses; they knew the value of using what he calls physical and spiritual terror" - William L. Shirer in The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.

That there is trumpy in a nut(case)shell.

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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Haven't seen one since you disappeared into the 🐰🕳️ with all the other unconstitutional lemmings.


"He came to three conclusions which explained to him (Hitler) the success of the Social Democrats: They knew how to create a mass movement......; they had learned the art of propaganda among the masses; they knew the value of using what he calls physical and spiritual terror" - William L. Shirer in The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.

That there is trumpy in a nut(case)shell.

May be an image of 3 people and text

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2 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Haven't seen one since you disappeared into the 🐰🕳️ with all the other unconstitutional lemmings.


"He came to three conclusions which explained to him (Hitler) the success of the Social Democrats: They knew how to create a mass movement......; they had learned the art of propaganda among the masses; they knew the value of using what he calls physical and spiritual terror" - William L. Shirer in The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.

That there is trumpy in a nut(case)shell.

you three bitch about any conservative source of an article, then you post from the huff post????

cowardly. really, really cowardly - it never ends. same old stupid slurs and generalizations.

You are just angry that Pres Trump, like his personality or not - I didn't until he ran for president - did over 200 good/great things FOR AMERICA - and you won't admit you can't name one thing your feeble--minded, Jew hating, America hating biden and his puppeteers have one FOR AMERICA their entire lives.

Just, cowardly. Yes, Weyner hated Pres Trump before he was president. who cares. His stupidity about it is just the usual. $$$$$$$ for hateful rhetoric gets them amazing instant notoriety with the msm.

But reality bites you in the rear - and you on the irrational left must love it.

Which, is worse than cowardly. You three are TERRIFIED that you can't name ONE thing FOR AMERICA on your leftwing side.

If you would FEEEEEEELLLLL like it would make you happy, I can print out this entire text to you in an email.

but you three are too terrified to read it - your "godlike" egos would be threatened and you are too terrified to admit it.


As of January 2021

Trump Administration Accomplishments

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3 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

you three bitch about any conservative source of an article, then you post from the huff post????

cowardly. really, really cowardly - it never ends. same old stupid slurs and generalizations.

Same old broken record and refusal to acknowledge that SCOTUS has spoken on the validity of trumpy's election steal lie. 🤒

That still makes you only a believer in autocracy, not democracy. The voters spoke and the court system spoke and you are still stone deaf.

It's a coward who was afraid to commit to whatever SC decision was made before they made it, even a  6-3 Republican stacked SC. Why were you afraid?

Because you are not a constitutional backer like you claim to be. I on the other hand took my chances and vowed to support them, even if they were stacked.

Why was that? Because I had faith that the SC would rule in favor of a democracy, not right wing conspiracy theory nuts.

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and you lied. and you suck up to biden failures.

You can't name one, you look like a cowardly fool. The reality is, Pres Trump was GREAT

FOR AMERIICA, and your feeble-minded hero is dumping corrupt garbage on America,

and you pretend you love it because you are afraid to admit your ego would be tanked.

Go worship your feelings.

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4 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

and you lied. and you suck up to biden failures.

You can't name one, you look like a cowardly fool. The reality is, Pres Trump was GREAT

FOR AMERIICA, and your feeble-minded hero is dumping corrupt garbage on America,

and you pretend you love it because you are afraid to admit your ego would be tanked.

Go worship your feelings.

You have a real problem with feelings, that much is clear. 

You're like a petulant child who did not get his way, so you turned your back on the Constitution.

There is a lot I disagree with when it comes to Biden, but I see no reason to discuss it with anyone who turns his back on this democracy like you have done.

You have traded your loyalty to the country for loyalty to an individual. Shame on you and all others who continue to support his efforts to undo an election he lost.


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6 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

and you lied. and you suck up to biden failures.

You can't name one, you look like a cowardly fool. The reality is, Pres Trump was GREAT

FOR AMERIICA, and your feeble-minded hero is dumping corrupt garbage on America,

and you pretend you love it because you are afraid to admit your ego would be tanked.

Go worship your feelings.

Actually, you're as pathetically out of touch as the Orange Messiah you worship. I gave you Biden's accomplishments TWICE. You gave me bullshit, spin, and denial.  Pound salt if you think I'm stupid enough to enter your alternate reality rabbit hole AGAIN. 

But just keep on believing the BIG LIE Cal.. 60 judges, the 6-3 TRUMP Supreme Court, Bill Barr, and I could go on..  Now he's going to try to get MAGA brained Republican State Legislatures to go digging miles deep into your conspiracies conducting fraudits to dig up "proof"... FWIW, your Arizona Ninjas are going to cost Arizona taxpayers plenty- because anything they've touched- like ballots and voting machines- can't be used in future elections...  Believe me, I know a thing or two about "chain of custody" from my medical background- and when the Ninjas had to vacate the Coliseum- well there it went.  :D  The irony is Syd the Sham was claiming compromised Dominion software- but when the Ninjas take a look at it- totally on the up and up. Like hell.   

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PS- could I support a forensic audit?  YES under the following conditions...  

1) It needs to be conducted by an organization that is certified to do forensic audits....  Not a bunch of assclown GQP Ninja volunteers... 

2) Observers from both political parties need to have unlimited access to said recount.

3) ALL news organizations must have full access to observe and televise anything they deem appropriate...  

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

PS- could I support a forensic audit?  YES under the following conditions...  

1) It needs to be conducted by an organization that is certified to do forensic audits....  Not a bunch of assclown GQP Ninja volunteers... 

2) Observers from both political parties need to have unlimited access to said recount.

3) ALL news organizations must have full access to observe and televise anything they deem appropriate...  

and, they must ask for your permission, right? You failed to name one good/great thing your obaMao commie or biden ever did FOR AMERICA.

you keep forgetting that last part. Maybe I should display it clearer.

F...........O..........r       A............M..........E............R...............I.........C.......A

you named the failure - obaMaocommiecare. that was worse than dumb. I think you named bin laden, haha, which was started years before, and just happened to have happened during your obaMao commies watch.

You and Mex sold out our country with your stupid vote. I named over two hundred GOOD/GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF PRESIDENT TRUMP.  I support him still because HE DID OVER TWO HUNDRED GOOD?GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA.

I do not support obaMao commie fatmouth, nor your imbecile kremlin puppet biden, who is letting the middle east fall apart, is favoring russian and communist chinese, and iran, what sense does that make? what sense does the sick spending make:?

estimates are this stupidass biden horde will add 6 TRILLION to our national debt. You want cloward piven because Pres Trump had orange skin?

    You and mex are saying stupid crap to get negative attention. Nobody is buying anything you are selling. Rail away. But do let us know if you or Mex decide to talk intelligently about supporting our country, instead of worshipping your feelings and your egos.

IOW's, let us know when you decide to be a loyal AMERICAN, instead of your irrational Pres Trump hatefest. I don't care diddly about how you don't like him. I didn't like him either. But I love my country more. and America First is being undone.

Perhaps you would like to go away again and THINK instead of just feebly feeling.

You can't name one LEGIT one, you're done. Why don't you and Mex go have a nice anti-American BBQ with liz cheney, obaMao commie, and biden etc...and give them great big smoochies.

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6 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

and, they must ask for your permission, right? You failed to name one good/great thing your obaMao commie or biden ever did FOR AMERICA.

you keep forgetting that last part. Maybe I should display it clearer.

F...........O..........r       A............M..........E............R...............I.........C.......A

you named the failure - obaMaocommiecare. that was worse than dumb. I think you named bin laden, haha, which was started years before, and just happened to have happened during your obaMao commies watch.

You and Mex sold out our country with your stupid vote. I named over two hundred GOOD/GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF PRESIDENT TRUMP.  I support him still because HE DID OVER TWO HUNDRED GOOD?GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA.

I do not support obaMao commie fatmouth, nor your imbecile kremlin puppet biden, who is letting the middle east fall apart, is favoring russian and communist chinese, and iran, what sense does that make? what sense does the sick spending make:?

estimates are this stupidass biden horde will add 6 TRILLION to our national debt. You want cloward piven because Pres Trump had orange skin?

    You and mex are saying stupid crap to get negative attention. Nobody is buying anything you are selling. Rail away. But do let us know if you or Mex decide to talk intelligently about supporting our country, instead of worshipping your feelings and your egos.

IOW's, let us know when you decide to be a loyal AMERICAN, instead of your irrational Pres Trump hatefest. I don't care diddly about how you don't like him. I didn't like him either. But I love my country more. and America First is being undone.

Perhaps you would like to go away again and THINK instead of just feebly feeling.

You can't name one LEGIT one, you're done. Why don't you and Mex go have a nice anti-American BBQ with liz cheney, obaMao commie, and biden etc...and give them great big smoochies.

Liz is more American than you will ever hope to be again. At least she stands up for democracy instead of a fool standing up for a McCarthy throwback.

The issue is not about anyone's presidential accomplishments as you see it. It's always been about an attempt to throw out election results in the face of court decisions, the 3rd power under the Constitution.

And for you it's acceptance of the courts where that Liar had his day but failed to produce the proof of his claim of rigged election, which was the exact same claim he had about the one he won until he actually won it. Then it all "just went away - like a miracle".

Until you accept the decisions of  the 6-3 SCOTUS, you and others like you will be viewed as the real Un-Americans here and history will not look kindly on him or his minions who are the real destroyers of American Democracy. Congrats on your graduation to Putinism you commie autocrat. Totally sickening that a veteran who swore to uphold the Constitution has come to this by following a fraud so deep into the rabbithole he will never see light again. Open you eyes and look at what you are doing🧐. You have forsaken your democratic country just like all those politicians in the "new" GOP. At least they had the excuse of an office they might lose if they don't stay down there with him.

See there is actually intelligence in there in what I say. It isn't just railing. It's defense of the Constitution over inability to analyze without emotional attachment to a Con artist's delusions, which is where you are. Emotional, conspiracy based knee jerky reactions to your boy's loss, which is what it was.

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37 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Liz is more American than you will ever hope to be again. At least she stands up for democracy instead of a fool standing up for a McCarthy throwback.


 Then again you voted against all those supposedly conservative ideals that you say she holds.


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2 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Liz is more American than you will ever hope to be again. At least she stands up for democracy instead of a fool standing up for a McCarthy throwback.

The issue is not about anyone's presidential accomplishments as you see it. It's always been about an attempt to throw out election results in the face of court decisions, the 3rd power under the Constitution.

And for you it's acceptance of the courts where that Liar had his day but failed to produce the proof of his claim of rigged election, which was the exact same claim he had about the one he won until he actually won it. Then it all "just went away - like a miracle".

Until you accept the decisions of  the 6-3 SCOTUS, you and others like you will be viewed as the real Un-Americans here and history will not look kindly on him or his minions who are the real destroyers of American Democracy. Congrats on your graduation to Putinism you commie autocrat. Totally sickening that a veteran who swore to uphold the Constitution has come to this by following a fraud so deep into the rabbithole he will never see light again. Open you eyes and look at what you are doing🧐. You have forsaken your democratic country just like all those politicians in the "new" GOP. At least they had the excuse of an office they might lose if they don't stay down there with him.

See there is actually intelligence in there in what I say. It isn't just railing. It's defense of the Constitution over inability to analyze without emotional attachment to a Con artist's delusions, which is where you are. Emotional, conspiracy based knee jerky reactions to your boy's loss, which is what it was.

    SO, you are a veteran, but act like woodpecker, you post attack slur garbage to make yourself feeeeellllll goooood about your sick ego.

    If you ever start using words accurately, it would be great.

"democracy" ? that is like "if you don't agree with my obstinate stupid ass-backwards garbage, I will give you warning points?"

The facts are in.

Read this political coward:


don't make me list the entirety of it. Man up and READ THEM. and YES it is about what Pres Trump DID GOOD/GREAT FOR AMERICA. You vote for our country, but apparently your loyalty is to mexico, Mex.

You are supposed to vote FOR AMERICA - you voted to feel superior about yourself, by voting AGAINST America. You voted for yourself at the expense of all the rest of us who DID vote for America.

Look at the damage being done. Look at how great we were doing. You should probably just go cloward-piven yourself - that is what you voted to do to America.

READ THOSE ACCOMPLISHMENTS, THEN LIST the good/great things FOR AMERICA that your obaMao commie and biden ever did FOR AMERICA in their lives.

You can't name one. Don't go away mad, just have a nice communist red flag day as usual, Mr. communist sympathizer negative attention wonk. Try being honest with yourself, just once. Maybe it will carry over into this forum.

or just keep getting negative attention and ignore all the damage being done to America because you want to FEEL superior to everything and everyone.

sick stuff, says I.

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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

 Then again you voted against all those supposedly conservative ideals that you say she holds.


Starting with fiscal responsibility? I didn't see it in McConnel/Trump. I saw Democratic mind blowing deficit spending and cuts for the rich & powerful that are permanent.


36 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

    SO, you are a veteran, but act like woodpecker, you post attack slur garbage to make yourself feeeeellllll goooood about your sick ego.

    If you ever start using words accurately, it would be great.

"democracy" ? that is like "if you don't agree with my obstinate stupid ass-backwards garbage, I will give you warning points?"

The facts are in.

Read this political coward:


I just told you any perceived accomplishments pail next to an attempted and groundless overthrow of an elected government.

You still will not support the Constitutional right of SCOTUS to make the decisions they made about that. That still makes you against this Constitutional Democracy.

None of the BS you throw up on this board will overcome that fact. And nothing you throw at me personally can divert from the fact that even before the first court case I was saying, "Take it to court", because that is what the Constitution calls for. You would not commit to the courts (including the stacked SCOTUS) and you will not commit now. Those are facts. You have the right to change your mind still if you really are a believer in the Constitution. Right now the fact that you won't says all that needs saying. You do not believe in the 3 way sharing of power as set out in that document.

Quit trying to weasel out from that coward.

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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Starting with fiscal responsibility? 

 Yes. Let's start there. Burning trillions upon trillions in handouts paying people to stay home destroying the workforce is not fiscal responsibility.Pissing away energy independence and making us more reliant on Russian and Middle Eastern oil is not fiscal responsibility. Signing a stupid treaty that puts the clamps on American business while promoting the interests of the Chinese is not fiscal responsibility.Raising corporate and capital gains tax higher than nearly any other country in the free world making it more profitable to build goods overseas is not fiscal responsibility.

 So unless you believe those were Liz Cheneys  initiatives you are talking out your ass as usual.


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14 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

and, they must ask for your permission, right? You failed to name one good/great thing your obaMao commie or biden ever did FOR AMERICA.

you keep forgetting that last part. Maybe I should display it clearer.

F...........O..........r       A............M..........E............R...............I.........C.......A

you named the failure - obaMaocommiecare. that was worse than dumb. I think you named bin laden, haha, which was started years before, and just happened to have happened during your obaMao commies watch.

You and Mex sold out our country with your stupid vote. I named over two hundred GOOD/GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF PRESIDENT TRUMP.  I support him still because HE DID OVER TWO HUNDRED GOOD?GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA.

I do not support obaMao commie fatmouth, nor your imbecile kremlin puppet biden, who is letting the middle east fall apart, is favoring russian and communist chinese, and iran, what sense does that make? what sense does the sick spending make:?

estimates are this stupidass biden horde will add 6 TRILLION to our national debt. You want cloward piven because Pres Trump had orange skin?

    You and mex are saying stupid crap to get negative attention. Nobody is buying anything you are selling. Rail away. But do let us know if you or Mex decide to talk intelligently about supporting our country, instead of worshipping your feelings and your egos.

IOW's, let us know when you decide to be a loyal AMERICAN, instead of your irrational Pres Trump hatefest. I don't care diddly about how you don't like him. I didn't like him either. But I love my country more. and America First is being undone.

Perhaps you would like to go away again and THINK instead of just feebly feeling.

You can't name one LEGIT one, you're done. Why don't you and Mex go have a nice anti-American BBQ with liz cheney, obaMao commie, and biden etc...and give them great big smoochies.

You are as thick as a ten foot deep brick wall.  I've listed those accomplishments twice...  The problem is- Biden and Obama actually did a few good things for America- but you're so far in denial about it- you can't admit it- and never will, either.  How many times do I have to tell you... Third time's the charm? For what? To get the exact same bullshit and denial out of you?  I'M SMARTER THAN THAT.  But keep up your delusion and rant, it's getting old... Just like you can't admit Trump lost the election, and for all intents and purposes January 6th was an attempt to interrupt Congress counting electoral votes while it was in session. Maybe you missed the "HANG MIKE PENCE" chants from the lemmings- well, guess what Mr. Upholder of Democracy? I SURE AS HELL DIDN'T. Now your McCarthy and McConnell's are trying to change history, sweep it under the rug, and act like it never happened.  

BTW- for the record-me and Tex sure as hell aren't buying any of your right wing conspiracy crap either.  Trump's xenophobic vision of America, and tax breaks for his rich pals isn't the only one, not by a long shot...  Quite the business success there Donnie...  How's those pesos coming in from Mexico for your wall? The great Obamacare replacement you promised? Or the Infrastructure plan that Joe is going to have to spend money on- since you dropped the ball on that one too... :D  



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40 minutes ago, hoorta said:


BTW- for the record-me and Tex sure as hell aren't buying any of your right wing conspiracy crap either.  Trump's xenophobic vision of America, and tax breaks for his rich pals 

 Because  if you support the Joe Biden economic plan  and immigration policy, you are garden variety  tax and spend free shit antibusiness liberals who encourage illegal immigration. 

 I haven't seen enough to know if you actually join the squad in terms of antisemitism. 

 As simple as that.


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