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Stock up folks America is going to get HIT bad with inflation


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19 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

total bs. The forum is biased on both sides. The hate started with every republican president. "Reagan was dumb", Bush was dumb,

etc etc etc.

  The years of Pres Trump was outstanding FOR AMERICA because he was AMERICA FIRST. It is BASED ON HIS POLICIES

that I supported him, not his personality. I gave your obaMao commie a chance. Then he flipped and did garbage that was the opposite of what he SAID he'd do.

    and moochelle said she was never proud of America ...til SHE got the WH. sick stupid crap that is.

You and your little woodpecker - and Tex, hated Pres Trump because he was ORANGE.

one more time:

here is a very long list of ACCOMPLISHMENTS by PRES TRUMP and his ADMIN FOR AMERICA:


Here is the non-existent list of things your ObaMao commie and your stupid loser "president" have accomplished for America in their entire lives:



You can't name one.

We will bash what biden and the rest ARE DOING. We bashed your obaMao commie for what he was DOING.

and it was all bad.

You all bashed Pres Trump for stupid crap - and ignored all he and his admin did that was GREAT/GOOD FOR AMERICA.

It's about our country. not your feelings 


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