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Mandated vaccine opinions

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 Just looking for opinions I have no idea have its constitutional or not. Or if it would be helpful or not. So instead of arbitrary bullshit restrictions that have absolutely no effect on the spread of the virus how about we mandate vaccinations? Or use the vaccination card as a Visa to attend events restaurants etc in a normal fashion?  And of course waive liability for the drug companies when something fucks up and the trial lawyers descend like vultures.

 Keep it civil.


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I got both shots for two reasons A) just attempting to be kind to my family & humanity B)hoping that many do the same so we can get back to normal.

Im not going to be very happy if these restrictions don't go away (I'm assuming the majority of our population is getting vaccinated). They asked/begged us to comply, so here's hoping that we see normal real soon.

For the anti-vax folks, I know they have concerns & reasons. I wouldn't want them to be treated as 2nd class citizens however. I think mandating the vaccine(s) isn't a good idea. Way too much control there in the " land of the free."

But like your last sentence implies, we can all have our beliefs on this. The wild card are the damn lawyers who may end up screwing both the people who got the vaccine, and those who did not.

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I got the vaccination not because I care about the fears of people who have spent the last year and change shitting their pants but because I don't need a weatherman to see which way the wind blows. Some of you old people can sit there and thump your chests about it but I've still got shit to do. 

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Huh, didn't know you were a Lib WSS, at least it's not on the level of others on here.


I'll use a familiar chant in reply :


"My Body my choice".



If your Vaccine works for you, why do I need to take it ?


Where do people get off thinking they can strip me of my Rights just so they don't have to run to their "Safe" spaces ?


This is no different than Vegans forcing everyone to stop eating Meat, they're sure pushing for this if you're not paying attention (Cow Farts).


The Constitution was not written to grant us Rights, but to prevent the Government from taking them away.

Our Government is so corrupt and out of control it's beyond belief.



Unbelievable, the Nazi's truly have infiltrated and destroyed this Nation.


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16 minutes ago, JAFBF said:

Huh, didn't know you were a Lib WSS, at least it's not on the level of others on here.


I'll use a familiar chant in reply :


"My Body my choice".



If your Vaccine works for you, why do I need to take it ?


Where do people get off thinking they can strip me of my Rights just so they don't have to run to their "Safe" spaces ?


This is no different than Vegans forcing everyone to stop eating Meat, they're sure pushing for this if you're not paying attention (Cow Farts).


The Constitution was not written to grant us Rights, but to prevent the Government from taking them away.

Our Government is so corrupt and out of control it's beyond belief.



Unbelievable, the Nazi's truly have infiltrated and destroyed this Nation.


Start a revolution then. I'm sure you'll find support. 

One of two groups will lose and then hopefully both of them will shut the fuck up for a while. 

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16 minutes ago, JAFBF said:

"My Body my choice".

If your Vaccine works for you, why do I need to take it ?

well, it would help you not die, for one thing. but thanks to the irresponsible and war criminals communist china and...

"farci" ? who said it was a risk worth taking to mess with this virus in the Wuhan lab?..

it's all over the world. Smallpox was another one. Polio was another one. We wiped them out.

OF course, when the left invites hundreds of thousands of illegals, some of them will be carrying smallpox, aids, covid....

and folks like you could catch it because "if the vaccine works for you....".


Again, a best friend went to Myrtle beach with her husband - somehow, somewhere, they got covid. My Wife said she should go to the hospital and she did.

her husband refused to go. Somehow, after he got back, I found out he got a vaccine. But he already had the covid.  Since they always ask you....He finally allowed himself to be taken to the hospital - but 4 or 5? days later, it was too late.

he died last week. But I can't support some communistic mandate to all Americans to get a vaccine. Not happenin.

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1 hour ago, JAFBF said:

Huh, didn't know you were a Lib WSS, at least it's not on the level of others on here.


I'll use a familiar chant in reply :


"My Body my choice".



If your Vaccine works for you, why do I need to take it ?


Where do people get off thinking they can strip me of my Rights just so they don't have to run to their "Safe" spaces ?


This is no different than Vegans forcing everyone to stop eating Meat, they're sure pushing for this if you're not paying attention (Cow Farts).


The Constitution was not written to grant us Rights, but to prevent the Government from taking them away.

Our Government is so corrupt and out of control it's beyond belief.



Unbelievable, the Nazi's truly have infiltrated and destroyed this Nation.


 Simmer down. I'm looking at this purely as a bottom line evaluation. We know how these politicians are and how they operate. Personally I think the safety measures are worse than mandating vaccination. But at least a compromise would be this: Your choice to get the vaccination or not but you can't come to Ohio to party on the island without a vaccination card.  If you have one you can go to any bar or restaurant you want without a mask and without social distancing. PS I think the masks and social distancing are basically bullshit but that's how these assholes operate.  DeWhine  just loves his little restrictions whether they'r arbitrary and useless or not.

 Just for the record I was all for Romney care before Obama gutted it. I have no problem with seat belt and helmet laws. Why? Because if some dumb bastard gets mangled because hes not wearing one who pays his medical bills  if he chooses not to buy insurance? But that being said I  trust the pharmaceutical companies more than I trust the politicians.

 But basically just because the politicians will use the phony statistics of cases cases cases to keep people like me from being able to do our jobs. And pass out more and more welfare money so that the dead beats don't ever have to work again.


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9 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Start a revolution then. I'm sure you'll find support. 

One of two groups will lose and then hopefully both of them will shut the fuck up for a while. 


9 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

well, it would help you not die, for one thing. but thanks to the irresponsible and war criminals communist china and...

"farci" ? who said it was a risk worth taking to mess with this virus in the Wuhan lab?..

it's all over the world. Smallpox was another one. Polio was another one. We wiped them out.

OF course, when the left invites hundreds of thousands of illegals, some of them will be carrying smallpox, aids, covid....

and folks like you could catch it because "if the vaccine works for you....".


Again, a best friend went to Myrtle beach with her husband - somehow, somewhere, they got covid. My Wife said she should go to the hospital and she did.

her husband refused to go. Somehow, after he got back, I found out he got a vaccine. But he already had the covid.  Since they always ask you....He finally allowed himself to be taken to the hospital - but 4 or 5? days later, it was too late.

he died last week. But I can't support some communistic mandate to all Americans to get a vaccine. Not happenin.


8 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

 Simmer down. I'm looking at this purely as a bottom line evaluation. We know how these politicians are and how they operate. Personally I think the safety measures are worse than mandating vaccination. But at least a compromise would be this: Your choice to get the vaccination or not but you can't come to Ohio to party on the island without a vaccination card.  If you have one you can go to any bar or restaurant you want without a mask and without social distancing. PS I think the masks and social distancing are basically bullshit but that's how these assholes operate.  DeWhine  just loves his little restrictions whether they'r arbitrary and useless or not.

 Just for the record I was all for Romney care before Obama gutted it. I have no problem with seat belt and helmet laws. Why? Because if some dumb bastard gets mangled because hes not wearing one who pays his medical bills  if he chooses not to buy insurance? But that being said I  trust the pharmaceutical companies more than I trust the politicians.

 But basically just because the politicians will use the phony statistics of cases cases cases to keep people like me from being able to do our jobs. And pass out more and more welfare money so that the dead beats don't ever have to work again.



Guess ya'll missed the hypocrisy / sarcasm, as well as the comparisons   .   .   .  


Cal, go dig deep into those items you posted, you'll find there was more going on during those times than just those diseases.

Not saying they aren't real, but History is, shall we say, "not complete".


Example, the Spanish Flu of 1918, most if not all deaths were from vaccines   .   .   .   had the article earlier, will repost once I find it again.


This vaccine is unlike any other in history, and if it is not 100% a Placebo, then we've got some serious issues coming.



Very disappointed in the trust I see for a Gov that has flagrantly shown it's tyranny and disdain for the people in even just the last few months.






"It's for the greater good"



As to Cysco, I'm far too old for that these days, and that is currently the responsibility of our Military :




I support them 100% until they betray that Trust and Responsibility.


Beyond that, it's up to the Constitutionally declared Militia, of which again I am too old to really do much about.

However, I will support them as well to the best of my ability should we come to that.


For now, as corrupt and evil as things are, the order the day is to "standby".



Who's getting ready to riot in Minneapolis and other cities (already occurring) regardless of "guilty" or "innocent" ?

It is BidAn's army, not the Military or Militia.



Most folk just want too be left alone and for the Gov to stay out of their lives = See the Constitution.


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1 hour ago, gumby73 said:

Government.............. PANIC !




Not sure how to take that   .   .   .   me panic, or Gov panic ?


Me, saddened by what I see - yea, but not panic.


The panic is what the DS is doing.

Me, I'm just a bump in their road they can take out any time (most likely not worth the trouble), but the bigger things going on - they got problems.


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3 hours ago, JAFBF said:


Cal, go dig deep into those items you posted, you'll find there was more going on during those times than just those diseases.

Not saying they aren't real, but History is, shall we say, "not complete".


Example, the Spanish Flu of 1918, most if not all deaths were from vaccines   .   .   .   had the article earlier, will repost once I find it again.

oh, stop and think about that reply. You don't think medical technology - specifically vaccines, have dramatically skyrocketed in improvement since 1918?

come on, man.

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8 hours ago, JAFBF said:




Guess ya'll missed the hypocrisy / sarcasm, as well as the comparisons   .   .   .  


 Possibly. Maybe I wasn't clear in my opinion.


Most folk just want too be left alone and for the Gov to stay out of their lives = See the Constitution.

 Sure fine with me.   Maybe this will help come maybe not. You refused to buy health insurance. OK. Then you get sicker than hell. Then you go to the hospital had a costs hundreds of thousands to put you right. Set you, not necessarily you but whoever the hypothetical character is, Welshes on the hospital bill and who gets left holding the bag? Save deal with the guy that doesn't want to wear a helmet or seat belt. Or frankly the guy that's 18 and wants to drink whiskey or anybody that wants to smoke cigarettes. And I think there are enough questions about the vaccines to make someone have a reasonable opposition to it. That's fine with Me Too!. It's also fine with me if certain establishment won't let you in without a vaccination card. I am sure somebody will.



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6 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

oh, stop and think about that reply. You don't think medical technology - specifically vaccines, have dramatically skyrocketed in improvement since 1918?

come on, man.

We had a good HS friend who got polio before the Salk vaccine came out. She was able to walk with a very noticeable limp on a leg that was half as muscular as the other and about 2-3 inches shorter. I was one of the lucky ones in on the initial testing, not by choice, but by location in a poor white school. A few years later we took a series of different kinds of vaccines in order to go live in Venezuela. Those were required and no one complained since getting yellow fever (and other diseases) was far worse than getting the vaccine. And in the service even more were required to go to Vietnam including one for the Plague which still existed. Smallpox was required even before the Salk vaccine came out, so I don't see a problem with requiring a vaccine for public health. And if you want to travel anywhere else in the world, don't be surprised when you have to produce a vaccination card that includes COVID like we had for vaccines that existed back then when we went to Venezuela in 1959 right alongside our Visa and Passport.

People around you (not pointing at you cal) also have the right to live, so if you are an asymptomatic carrier because of your right not to get vaccinated, fuck your "rights". And yes we know someone in his late 30s whose schoolteacher wife brought it home to him from there and killed him off. She would have given her right arm to have had a vaccine before she went back to school. Now she has an over $10mil medical bill because it took so long for him to die. With small children and the loss of an income she will have to declare bankruptcy and then sell her home to get out from a under a mortgage she cannot afford. Hers is one of millions of stories out there that would not have happened had we had a vaccine that became required before this cascaded so badly.

EDIT: One last thing. Do you have a little round scar on one arm or the other? Yes, you almost certainly do. It's from the mandated smalllpox vaccine.

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2 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

We had a good HS friend who got polio before the Salk vaccine came out. She was able to walk with a very noticeable limp on a leg that was half as muscular as the other and about 2-3 inches shorter. I was one of the lucky ones in on the initial testing, not by choice, but by location in a poor white school. A few years later we took a series of different kinds of vaccines in order to go live in Venezuela. Those were required and no one complained since getting yellow fever (and other diseases) was far worse than getting the vaccine. And in the service even more were required to go to Vietnam including one for the Plague which still existed. Smallpox was required even before the Salk vaccine came out, so I don't see a problem with requiring a vaccine for public health. And if you want to travel anywhere else in the world, don't be surprised when you have to produce a vaccination card that includes COVID like we had for vaccines that existed back then when we went to Venezuela in 1959 right alongside our Visa and Passport.

People around you (not pointing at you cal) also have the right to live, so if you are an asymptomatic carrier because of your right not to get vaccinated, fuck your "rights". And yes we know someone in his late 30s whose schoolteacher wife brought it home to him from there and killed him off. She would have given her right arm to have had a vaccine before she went back to school. Now she has an over $10mil medical bill because it took so long for him to die. With small children and the loss of an income she will have to declare bankruptcy and then sell her home to get out from a under a mortgage she cannot afford. Hers is one of millions of stories out there that would not have happened had we had a vaccine that became required before this cascaded so badly.

EDIT: One last thing. Do you have a little round scar on one arm or the other? Yes, you almost certainly do. It's from the mandated smalllpox vaccine.

I remember the polio shots first, then later on the sugar cube.  My mother says I never even flinched while getting the shots.   I remember the small pox where they prick your arm a few (10?) times.   Also had the Yellow Fever, plague, anthrax, and I can't remember how many others.  I think I still have the yellow vaccination card issued to me in t he service.

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52 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

I remember the polio shots first, then later on the sugar cube.  My mother says I never even flinched while getting the shots.   I remember the small pox where they prick your arm a few (10?) times.   Also had the Yellow Fever, plague, anthrax, and I can't remember how many others.  I think I still have the yellow vaccination card issued to me in t he service.

They also put a round very short tube with tape over it so you would not scratch the smallpox itch and then get it in your eyes or make it worst at the vaccine site. I only recall the 3 series polio vaccines. After that I think my youngest sister born in 1962 got the sugar cube.

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My smallpox vaccine scar has faded away, but it was there a long time. I think we had a liquid - one ounce or something to drink for the polio.

    Saw some guy at the grocery walk in...no mask.

some people are just stupid and contrary. At the funeral - everybody was wearing masks, except when we went out

to have a dinner and the food was delivered.

    I still resent this whole covid garbage happening. I think it's a war crime......and it was the wuhan lab.

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39 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

My smallpox vaccine scar has faded away, but it was there a long time. I think we had a liquid - one ounce or something to drink for the polio.

    Saw some guy at the grocery walk in...no mask.

some people are just stupid and contrary. At the funeral - everybody was wearing masks, except when we went out

to have a dinner and the food was delivered.

    I still resent this whole covid garbage happening. I think it's a war crime......and it was the wuhan lab.

Also many do not know that the Russians and Chinese have been behind a big disinformation campaign against western COVID vaccines. They want to sell the world their versions.




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5 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Russia and China in to make the USA obsolete.

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On 4/13/2021 at 7:49 AM, Bob806 said:


For the anti-vax folks, I know they have concerns & reasons. I wouldn't want them to be treated as 2nd class citizens however. I think mandating the vaccine(s) isn't a good idea. Way too much control there in the " land of the free."

I'm not anti vax.. I just want to wait a bit longer and watch before I subject my wife and I to this. It's all still too new. Remember, we own and operate  small local businesses that deal directly with people.  We closed nothing thruout the entire pandemic.

On 4/13/2021 at 7:49 AM, Bob806 said:

But like your last sentence implies, we can all have our beliefs on this. The wild card are the damn lawyers who may end up screwing both the people who got the vaccine, and those who did not.

 It's what lawyers do.. And the ones that are really good at it get elected to the Senate or Congress ;)

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  • 2 months later...
7 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

At this point, fine, don't get vaccinated. 99+% of deaths now are unvaccinated people. 

Go fight each other for your Darwin Award 

 I would imagine a big part of that is because millennials and generation Z the least likely groups to get  Vaccinated are also less likely to have bad complications or death. 

And that we tend to freak out about minor news reports across-the-board. All of us. It seems at this point anybody that wants one already has had 1. Plus I think we are all just suffering from covid fatigue.


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