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Biden's minion says: ‘Don’t be Surprised when Buildings are on Fire’ if Derek Chauvin Isn’t Convicted


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7 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

It depends if they overcharge him. Looks like involuntary manslaughter.  Depends how many negroes they get on the jury.

 The Biden supporters will riot regardless.


Nah, they'll only riot if Chauvin walks. And yes, in that event, it will make Watts look like a Church Sunday afternoon ice cream social. Regarding your black jurors,  I believe it's four.

Steve, you been following the trial at all? OK, the guy tried to pass a phony $20, and was a druggie. That doesn't mean you can put a knee on a handcuffed guy who's face down on the  ground with three other cops around for nine minutes.  

The eyewitness testimony was pretty damning, ditto expert testimony from police- he got thrown under the bus, and ran over a few times. There was a firefighter there with EMT training who got blown off. When paramedics arrived,  Floyd was already unconscious, and Chauvin still wouldn't let up.  He's going to the slammer,  just a question for how long. 

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Nah, they'll only riot if Chauvin walks. And yes, in that event, it will make Watts look like a Church Sunday afternoon ice cream social. Regarding your black jurors,  I believe it's four.

Steve, you been following the trial at all? OK, the guy tried to pass a phony $20, and was a druggie. That doesn't mean you can put a knee on a handcuffed guy who's face down on the  ground with three other cops around for nine minutes.  

 Add career violent criminal to that list. Still doesn't matter no he didn't deserve what he got.

The eyewitness testimony was pretty damning, ditto expert testimony from police- he got thrown under the bus, and ran over a few times. There was a firefighter there with EMT training who got blown off. When paramedics arrived,  Floyd was already unconscious, and Chauvin still wouldn't let up.  He's going to the slammer,  just a question for how long. 

Sorry did I say otherwise?The cop fucked up. For premeditation you have to prove that he began his day planning to kill Floyd.  You should probably need to prove whether or not the drugs in his system and extenuating medical circumstances contributed to death. Or at least you would if there were absolutely no agenda; from either side

 I am not here to defend the police officer I am not here to Canonize  George Floyd. 

 I'm saying that in an unbiased court of law without any political or racial overtones  It's a completely different trial. 

 The street thugs aren't going to be happy with anything short of murder one . 

 And no I've only been following it superficially.  And most of what I've heard has been speculation. 





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3 hours ago, Vambo said:


DUH!!! Vambo- that's what defense attorneys do, just try to create "reasonable doubt". See- Simpson, OJ. Wasn't really on his neck the entire time. Heard somewhere George had a fractured neck vertebra, that won't help the defense if it's introduced as evidence.  Or it was drugs. That won't mitigate the fact Chauvin used unreasonable force in arresting him. Yeah, I've already heard the sob stories from DC's apologists, and I'm not wasting 13 minutes to listen to a rehash of what I already damn well know.

In your example, Floyd died from a drug overdose.  Been debunked by experts that addicts can build up an unreal tolerance to drugs they're taking. Let me give you a couple examples from my ER days. Booze? You're legally drunk at 0.08. They dragged in a couple of old alkies that had been in a car accident.  The woman was alert and oriented. Her BAC was.530- she was supposed to be DEAD. Hubby was driving the car,  and tested out at .400, you're supposed to be unconscious at that level. My neurologist pal had to consult on a guy who was having bizarre seizures,  because his BAC was 1.00, double the supposed lethal dose. His blood was 2 proof. Guy lived to tell about it too.

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Chauvin deserved to have the trial moved to a neutral location to have a FAIR TRIAL.

I don't get that.

But he, imho, is going to get al least involuntary manslaughter. Even the med personell tried to get him

to get off him, and he refused, then they had to push him off?

Whatever happened with him, he snapped and should be held responsible.

Apparently, there is a very solid judge running the show, so "they" say.

I just wonder how much pressure he's under with the trail right there in the hotbed.

and, what the..., testimony was stopped, the jury was sent out, and this judge reprimanded the firefighter woman

for her testimony, in answering the prosecutor's question, for arguing with the prosecutor? not seeing that, on the surface of it.


I don't know at all, but why hasn't chauvin's past violence allowed to be heard in court?

six times? He needs to be put in prison for a long time.



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10 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

 I am not here to defend the police officer I am not here to Canonize  George Floyd. 

 I'm saying that in an unbiased court of law without any political or racial overtones  It's a completely different trial. 

 The street thugs aren't going to be happy with anything short of murder one . 

 And no I've only been following it superficially.  And most of what I've heard has been speculation. 


Same here Steve. Floyd was a a drug user with a rap sheet. That doesn't excuse the police of over the top actions. Starting with pulling out their gun on him when he was sitting in a car. Chauvin IMHO is a thug who's an embarrassment to anyone who wears a badge. If he had his cop pals drag the guy into the squad car after a minute or so, I'd have  a different opinion- and Floyd may well not be dead now. 

FWIW, the $27 million settlement with his family is crazy ridiculous over the top. 

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Same here Steve. Floyd was a a drug user with a rap sheet. That doesn't excuse the police of over the top actions.


Starting with pulling out their gun on him when he was sitting in a car.

 I have no problem with pulling gun on a criminal in a car. Who knows what hes got in there? Safety 1st for the cops.


Chauvin IMHO is a thug who's an embarrassment to anyone who wears a badge. If he had his cop pals drag the guy into the squad car after a minute or so, I'd have  a different opinion- and Floyd may well not be dead now. 


FWIW, the $27 million settlement with his family is crazy ridiculous over the top. 


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It's George Floyds fault for being dumb enough to put himself in that position.. No it does not excuse what Chauvin did.. But making Floyd an Icon was completely over blown.. He was a sick loser and a sex offender... Basically... A living POS... That's where I stand...

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3 hours ago, hammertime said:

What did Chauvin do?

A jury will determine that. Doubtless some here will say- he didn't get a fair trial. MHO? Chauvin can hope for a manslaughter conviction at best. Federal police brutality charges down the road? He's got the best defense lawyer the police union could afford, (Johnny Cochran is dead, unfortunately) so yeah- innocent until proven guilty. However, the prosecution has documented a mountain of proof- with more yet to come.   

BTW Hammer- let me give you a newsflash from HNN the (hoorta news network). Liz Cheney has been laughing her ever loving ass off over the last few days.   

Or you going to claim ignorance on that connection too?   I'll even give you a hint: The cowpokes in Wyoming are asking how many women Gaetz poked $$$. :D  

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6 hours ago, hoorta said:

A jury will determine that.

 Maybe I'm nit picking but not really. The jury will decide what story the defence or prosecution spins they like .  Regardless of what anybody did or didn't do.

Doubtless some here will say- he didn't get a fair trial. MHO? Chauvin can hope for a manslaughter conviction at best. Federal police brutality charges down the road? He's got the best defense lawyer the police union could afford,

Which is why I think our legal system sucks. Not because I think hes guilty or innocent exactly but because PT Barnum is the guy that could win the case or lose it.  I think a lot will depend on the coroner's report. Or it should.

(Johnny Cochran is dead, unfortunately) so yeah- innocent until proven guilty. However, the prosecution has documented a mountain of proof- with more yet to come.   

BTW Hammer- let me give you a newsflash from HNN the (hoorta news network). Liz Cheney has been laughing her ever loving ass off over the last few days.   

Or you going to claim ignorance on that connection too?   I'll even give you a hint: The cowpokes in Wyoming are asking how many women Gaetz poked $$$. :D  

Not sure I get Ms neo con and Gaetz connection to this trial either.



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On 4/8/2021 at 3:51 AM, hoorta said:

Nah, they'll only riot if Chauvin walks. And yes, in that event, it will make Watts look like a Church Sunday afternoon ice cream social. Regarding your black jurors,  I believe it's four.

Steve, you been following the trial at all? OK, the guy tried to pass a phony $20, and was a druggie. That doesn't mean you can put a knee on a handcuffed guy who's face down on the  ground with three other cops around for nine minutes.  

The eyewitness testimony was pretty damning, ditto expert testimony from police- he got thrown under the bus, and ran over a few times. There was a firefighter there with EMT training who got blown off. When paramedics arrived,  Floyd was already unconscious, and Chauvin still wouldn't let up.  He's going to the slammer,  just a question for how long. 

Yes you can. It's an allowable use of force. The case against chauvin is much worse than the media reporting on it wants to let on. They have, in actuality, a very bad case. It's going to be very difficult for them to prove any murder charge. 

The court of public opinion isn't a real court. 


Regarding black jurors, bill cosby raped likely hundreds of women. He's a piece of shit that should probably be executed but because he had two black jurors the trial was hung. They are not objective. They value blackness over truth, facts, or anything. 



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15 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

That is a very gpod piece by the new yorker when they were apparently credible where one eric holder admits black people are not objective jurors

Racist much?   BTW- anyone who's going to stick up for Derek Chauvin will lose any respect from me. Right back at ya. 

BTW Cisco- there's been PLENTY of testimony at the trial from expert witnesses- that DC FAR exceeded what would be considered "reasonable force" to restrain Floyd.  

Regarding black jurors- Nah- they're all dumb former slaves, and members of BLM.  

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8 hours ago, hoorta said:

Racist much?   BTW- anyone who's going to stick up for Derek Chauvin will lose any respect from me. Right back at ya. 

BTW Cisco- there's been PLENTY of testimony at the trial from expert witnesses- that DC FAR exceeded what would be considered "reasonable force" to restrain Floyd.  

Regarding black jurors- Nah- they're all dumb former slaves, and members of BLM.  

Because you're, apparently, in possession of an extra chromosome I won't bother arguing the obvious, that pointing out the state's case is not good isn't the same as sticking up for the defendant. 


And as for racist, if it's racist to point out facts you should take that up with the new yorker and Eric holder. Tell him what a racist he is. 


And by the way, fuck you. If I had the respect of an individual such as yourself I don't know that I could respect myself. 

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Democrats voted unanimously against the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery.
On April 9, 1866, the Civil Rights Act of 1866 was enacted into law. The bill was sponsored by Illinois Republican Senator Lyman Trumbull to "eliminate the discriminatory badge of slavery" from former slaves.
Zero Democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1866. The bill was vetoed by Democrat President Andrew Johnson, but the Republican-controlled Congress voted to override the veto.
The law declared that anyone born in the United States were also citizens regardless of race or previous condition of servitude and entitled to the privileges of citizenship. The term "badge of slavery" was used to describe Jim Crow laws.
The bill was a temporary solution until the passage of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution two years later.
Most Democrats voted against the 14th Amendment, granting newly-freed slaves citizenship. Republicans then codified the equal protection tenets of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 into the language of the 14th Amendment, effectively turning the 14th Amendment into a padlock of sorts, making it almost impossible for any future Democrat-majority Congress to repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1866 or otherwise take away the citizenship of African Americans. These are the great lengths that.
Republicans went to secure Black Americans’ freedom and ensure that no one could ever take away their citizenship.
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6 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Because you're, apparently, in possession of an extra chromosome I won't bother arguing the obvious, that pointing out the state's case is not good isn't the same as sticking up for the defendant. 

States case not good? You're living in LaLa land. No need to elaborate, believe whatever you want to. Unless you're law enforcement or a lawyer, your opinion carries no more weight than mine. I'll defer to one of my friends opinions who's a retired police sergeant. 

EDIT: OK, I will elaborate. Its so weak the City already shelled out $27 million (excessive IMHO) to settle even before the trial started? There's that little 9 minute video with Floyd yelling "I can't breathe". as evidence.- Expert testimony saying Chauvin had his entire weight on his back, not an approved restraint technique either. Let someone put his entire weight on your chest for ten minutes, and tell me how it feels.

Why did you have to kneel on a handcuffed guy for nine fucking minutes with three other cops around to help you? Why didn't you get off of the guy when the paramedics showed ? I'll leave you guys to your delusions- just like Trump's fraud claims- I'll make a cameo when the sentence gets announced. 

And- he's not going to be convicted because the jury is afraid of a riot- he's going to be convicted because he acted like a thug with a badge. Yeah, George Floyd wasn't a model citizen, but he didn't deserve to die for trying to pass a phony $20 bill either. 

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3 hours ago, hoorta said:

States case not good? You're living in LaLa land. No need to elaborate, believe whatever you want to. Unless you're law enforcement or a lawyer, your opinion carries no more weight than mine. I'll defer to one of my friends opinions who's a retired police sergeant. 

EDIT: OK, I will elaborate. Its so weak the City already shelled out $27 million (excessive IMHO) to settle even before the trial started? There's that little 9 minute video with Floyd yelling "I can't breathe". as evidence.- Expert testimony saying Chauvin had his entire weight on his back, not an approved restraint technique either. Let someone put his entire weight on your chest for ten minutes, and tell me how it feels.

Why did you have to kneel on a handcuffed guy for nine fucking minutes with three other cops around to help you? Why didn't you get off of the guy when the paramedics showed ? I'll leave you guys to your delusions- just like Trump's fraud claims- I'll make a cameo when the sentence gets announced. 

And- he's not going to be convicted because the jury is afraid of a riot- he's going to be convicted because he acted like a thug with a badge. Yeah, George Floyd wasn't a model citizen, but he didn't deserve to die for trying to pass a phony $20 bill either. 

 Don't know what the beef is about. Looks like involuntary manslaughter should be pretty easy. Murder one not so much.

 Did Floyd deserve it? Nope.  But he did deserve it more than the people on this list. 


And not one city not 1 suburb not even a township went up in flames.

 But unlike the voter fraud this one was at least investigated.



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3 hours ago, hoorta said:

States case not good? You're living in LaLa land. No need to elaborate, believe whatever you want to. Unless you're law enforcement or a lawyer, your opinion carries no more weight than mine. I'll defer to one of my friends opinions who's a retired police sergeant. 

EDIT: OK, I will elaborate. Its so weak the City already shelled out $27 million (excessive IMHO) to settle even before the trial started? There's that little 9 minute video with Floyd yelling "I can't breathe". as evidence.- Expert testimony saying Chauvin had his entire weight on his back, not an approved restraint technique either. Let someone put his entire weight on your chest for ten minutes, and tell me how it feels.

Why did you have to kneel on a handcuffed guy for nine fucking minutes with three other cops around to help you? Why didn't you get off of the guy when the paramedics showed ? I'll leave you guys to your delusions- just like Trump's fraud claims- I'll make a cameo when the sentence gets announced. 

And- he's not going to be convicted because the jury is afraid of a riot- he's going to be convicted because he acted like a thug with a badge. Yeah, George Floyd wasn't a model citizen, but he didn't deserve to die for trying to pass a phony $20 bill either. 

If you can't breathe how the hell can you say it?  And for nine minutes?

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22 hours ago, hoorta said:

States case not good? You're living in LaLa land. No need to elaborate, believe whatever you want to. Unless you're law enforcement or a lawyer, your opinion carries no more weight than mine. I'll defer to one of my friends opinions who's a retired police sergeant. 

EDIT: OK, I will elaborate. Its so weak the City already shelled out $27 million (excessive IMHO) to settle even before the trial started? There's that little 9 minute video with Floyd yelling "I can't breathe". as evidence.- Expert testimony saying Chauvin had his entire weight on his back, not an approved restraint technique either. Let someone put his entire weight on your chest for ten minutes, and tell me how it feels.

Why did you have to kneel on a handcuffed guy for nine fucking minutes with three other cops around to help you? Why didn't you get off of the guy when the paramedics showed ? I'll leave you guys to your delusions- just like Trump's fraud claims- I'll make a cameo when the sentence gets announced. 

And- he's not going to be convicted because the jury is afraid of a riot- he's going to be convicted because he acted like a thug with a badge. Yeah, George Floyd wasn't a model citizen, but he didn't deserve to die for trying to pass a phony $20 bill either. 


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On 4/10/2021 at 12:24 AM, hoorta said:

Racist much?   BTW- anyone who's going to stick up for Derek Chauvin will lose any respect from me. Right back at ya. 

BTW Cisco- there's been PLENTY of testimony at the trial from expert witnesses- that DC FAR exceeded what would be considered "reasonable force" to restrain Floyd.  

Regarding black jurors- Nah- they're all dumb former slaves, and members of BLM.  

Wait, there are former slaves still alive?  I didn't know that.  How old are those people, 160 +/-  years old?

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1 minute ago, ballpeen said:

Wait, there are former slaves still alive?  I didn't know that.  How old is that person, 160 +/-  years old?

:D OK, ya got me there- descendants of slaves. 

Vambo is playing the defense's card- as I already said they would- "create reasonable doubt"....  That will be for the jury to decide. How one OJ Simpson got off, but there won't be a civil trial, as the City of Minneapolis already paid up. Time will tell, until then- I'm outta here, they can enjoy their right wing rants and conspiracies to their heart's content.  

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