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8 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Got anything else, leader of the BDS brigade?   

want to retract as well ? probably don't have it in you?

your sec of state in Ga is a liar. Even the Washington Post knows better. Finally.


The Story of the WaPo 'Scoop' and the Discovery of the Trump Recording Is So Much Worse Than It Appears and GA's Sec of State Ofc Has Some Explaining to Do

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On 3/15/2021 at 11:44 PM, hoorta said:

Yup Steve. but blaming Joe for rising gas prices is bullshit.  My point is demand is going up- and doubtless oil companies are making up for lost ground last year.  

Myth 1: Gas prices are going up because Joe Biden was elected president

Prices are not going up because "X" was elected, they are going up because US and global oil demand is rising and because OPEC and other oil producers cut oil production last year. Now, as countries are seeing COVID improvements, demand is rising faster than supply is rising. OPEC has not yet agreed to pump more oil, so oil prices are up and that's pushing gas prices higher. This is exactly why gas prices last spring went down (lower demand as COVID hit) then rebounded from $1.74 per gallon nationally in May to $2.12 per gallon during the summer. Biden's policy and decision to cancel Keystone XL is something that may affect prices years from now, but not now since existing pipelines aren't even filled due to still lower demand vs pre-pandemic, and oil companies, which lost over $50 billion in 2020, aren't looking to even drill- not on federal land or on private land at this time- if they raise production it would be from existing wells.

 And of course I don't blame Biden solely for the rising gasoline prices  And since you continue to flag for him you should also realise that he does need to accept some responsibility. 1st all the extreme weather in Texas closed refineries and the oil companies  Will use any opportunity to gouge the customers, but that's an annual event.  2nd  For that reason plus supply and demand the gas prices always go up before the summer season.

But  Stopping or slowing fracking makes it more expensive for the United States to produce oil. That's good for the Saudis and bad for us.  

3rd  Regardless of your opinion on the quality of the oil leaving Canada the pipeline is profitable for the United States the workers and the oil companies, punishing us business and making it Less profitable.  Same deal with the Paris accord which not away punishes us business but rewards the biggest polluters in the world.

 BDS would be basing my opinions on his hair plugs or his advanced age or his loss of mental cognizance or his speech  and mental problems or  his infidelities or  creepy paederast style behaviour. 

 Calling out the senile old prick for his policies is a completely different thing.


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PSS to one of your other points about affecting us business a few years down the road so what? Raping and torturing children today Is likely to cause severe damage and problems when they are grown. Just for example. Borrowing huge amounts of money and neglecting to pay your bills set up financial woes in the future. But hey you look like a rich man today.



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On 3/15/2021 at 12:17 AM, Vambo said:


Because nothing screams democracy like a fence with razor wire!

This view brought to you by _________'s  __________ .   

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17 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

 And of course I don't blame Biden solely for the rising gasoline prices  And since you continue to flag for him you should also realize that he does need to accept some responsibility. 


1)  1st all the extreme weather in Texas closed refineries and the oil companies  Will use any opportunity to gouge the customers, but that's an annual event.  2nd  For that reason plus supply and demand the gas prices always go up before the summer season.

2) But  Stopping or slowing fracking makes it more expensive for the United States to produce oil. That's good for the Saudis and bad for us.  

3) 3rd  Regardless of your opinion on the quality of the oil leaving Canada the pipeline is profitable for the United States the workers and the oil companies, punishing us business and making it Less profitable.  Same deal with the Paris accord which not away punishes us business but rewards the biggest polluters in the world.

 BDS would be basing my opinions on his hair plugs or his advanced age or his loss of mental cognizance or his speech  and mental problems or  his infidelities or  creepy paederast style behavior. 

 Calling out the senile old prick for his policies is a completely different thing.


1) The Texas refineries were under the mistaken impression "it can't happen here" and didn't winterize. Just like the wind turbines that froze. Biden's fault? Like hell.  Griddy- declares Chapter 11, I guess charging people the limit of $9 bucks a KWH wasn't enough to keep them afloat. FWIW, I pay 9 CENTS  a KWH.  Little wonder Texans were getting electric bills on the high side of $5,000 bucks.  

2) Sure- it reinforces my argument Steve- there's only so much oil in  the ground. Right now the Saudis have us beat on the easily and cheaply extractable version. Eventually- their wells are going to run dry- and they're going to have to resort to fracking too. Short term thinking. :) 

3) Classic Trumpist Environmental "I don't give a shit" thinking. Profits are Job #1.  Until you get the equivalent of a billion dollar+ Deep Water Horizon Keystone pipeline event over the Oglala aquifer, and my LOL pal (not) Kristi Noem has to relocate 1\2 the people in South Dakota to elsewhere- when tar sludge pollutes the aquifer. I already pointed out tar sand is abrasive high acid low quality crap that has the consistency of peanut butter, and has to be refined on site before it can even be pumped. - Canada wants the Keystone? So (as I understand it) it can be shipped to China? You (Canada) pay for it- and any future environmental damage.  ROTFLMAO- just like Trump was going to have Mexico pay for his boondoggle Wall.  :D   

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5 hours ago, hoorta said:

1) The Texas refineries were under the mistaken impression "it can't happen here" and didn't winterize. Just like the wind turbines that froze. Biden's fault? Like hell.  Griddy- declares Chapter 11, I guess charging people the limit of $9 bucks a KWH wasn't enough to keep them afloat. FWIW, I pay 9 CENTS  a KWH.  Little wonder Texans were getting electric bills on the high side of $5,000 bucks.  

 Read my statement again I didn't blame your cult later for that.  Glad you agree with me. Even though it's tough.

2) Sure- it reinforces my argument Steve- there's only so much oil in  the ground. Right now the Saudis have us beat on the easily and cheaply extractable version. Eventually- their wells are going to run dry- and they're going to have to resort to fracking too. Short term thinking. :) 

And we used horses until motor vehicles were more Realistic. Again like I said. 

3) Classic Trumpist Environmental "I don't give a shit" thinking. Profits are Job #1.  Until you get the equivalent of a billion dollar+ Deep Water Horizon Keystone pipeline event over the Oglala aquifer, and my LOL pal (not) Kristi Noem has to relocate 1\2 the people in South Dakota to elsewhere- when tar sludge pollutes the aquifer. I already pointed out tar sand is abrasive high acid low quality crap that has the consistency of peanut butter, and has to be refined on site before it can even be pumped. - Canada wants the Keystone? So (as I understand it) it can be shipped to China? You (Canada) pay for it- and any future environmental damage.  ROTFLMAO- just like Trump was going to have Mexico pay for his boondoggle Wall.  :D   

 As to profits? I agree with trump there. I think the financial health of the United States is more important than implementing business killing programs that do not really benefit the environment.   And much more important than stuffing the pockets of the euro trash and the chi coms with cash. Punishing the United States who has been one of the cleanest producers and rewarding the Chinese who are the worst doesn't get you where are you want to be. Even if the European Union slobbers all over you.

 PS it would have saved you time on point number 1 and 2 to say yes Steve you're right there.


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19 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

 As to profits? I agree with trump there. I think the financial health of the United States is more important than implementing business killing programs that do not really benefit the environment.   And much more important than stuffing the pockets of the euro trash and the chi coms with cash. Punishing the United States who has been one of the cleanest producers and rewarding the Chinese who are the worst doesn't get you where are you want to be. Even if the European Union slobbers all over you.

I really think there’s a best of both worlds approach that could be implemented here. Basically a slow and more organic transition to greener energy sources that doesn’t upend anyone’s lives too quickly. A lot of headway is already being made towards green energy simply because there’s demand for it. Demand creates jobs and the push for innovation. 

The govt barely needs to be involved in this scenario. Maybe throw out some tax credits like they have in the past. Carrots on sticks are fine. 

Green energy is already an important cog in the economy. It already employs more people than the fossil fuel industry. At this point in the game both are already important factors to the financial health of the USA. 

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5 minutes ago, Ibleedbrown said:

I really think there’s a best of both worlds approach that could be implemented here. Basically a slow and more organic transition to greener energy sources that doesn’t upend anyone’s lives too quickly. A lot of headway is already being made towards green energy simply because there’s demand for it. Demand creates jobs and the push for innovation. 

The govt barely needs to be involved in this scenario. Maybe throw out some tax credits like they have in the past. Carrots on sticks are fine. 

Green energy is already an important cog in the economy. It already employs more people than the fossil fuel industry. At this point in the game both are already important factors to the financial health of the USA. 

 That's true. And it is happening. By more efficient use of fossil fuels until the green energy is worth having.  Not by flushing money down the toilet for bloated bureaucracy. But you can bet your ass Because of restrictions on us business the Chinese are going to me making the lion's share of the inefficient solar panels for the foreseeable future. And polluting the shit out of the air while doing so.

 But your most important point is that the government shouldn't have hardly anything to do with.

 The government could put restrictions on people speaking to each other in order to promote the use of mental telepathy. Similar idea.


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4 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

 That's true. And it is happening. By more efficient use of fossil fuels until the green energy is worth having.  Not by flushing money down the toilet for bloated bureaucracy. But you can bet your ass Because of restrictions on us business the Chinese are going to me making the lion's share of the inefficient solar panels for the foreseeable future. And polluting the shit out of the air while doing so.

 But your most important point is that the government shouldn't have hardly anything to do with.

 The government could put restrictions on people speaking to each other in order to promote the use of mental telepathy. Similar idea.


(Response sent via mental telepathy)

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