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"Systemic Racism" Blamed For Glue Hair Fiasco


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Systemic racism and white supremacy is the biggest bunch of bulshit that the Democrats have spewed in years. I will probably repeat this another conversations about the subject but the bottom line is it's within the power to end any distrust lies within your our community. Don't behave like animals and other people won't treat you like animals. It really is as simple as that.

Black people blame everything on racism because the Democrat Party accepts that excuse. Not because it's real but because the Democrats are dishonest and hungry for power. And white people that buy into it are just stupid.


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5 minutes ago, Axe said:

Systemic racism and Climate change... Two bullshit terms invented to place blame for whatever happens.

it's also about control. Leftwinger see everything emotionally - facts don't matter. Even a UN official admitted

it's about redistribution of wealth, not climate change, and that there was no way redistribution could work without acceptance of mmgw. They demand out wealth, that is why India, China, etc don't have to abide by the paris accord, kyoto treaty, etc.

    That's why they can pollute all they want - pollution and climate change is NOT the intent. The intent is to control America to give up it's wealth. That is also why we paid SO MUCH MORE to the WHO, when china controls the WHO.

    Systemic racism - is just another emotional knee jerk term. It puts everybody else on the defensive - and lends fake support to the left's false narratives, and excuses for wanting free rides, and demanding control over everybody else, and control over whatever wealth they can manipulate into their own pockets.

   Corrupt dem politicians have tapped into this subculture, and "legitimized" it in their party. Too many votes to pass up. That is why they do the illegals flooding in. More and more votes.

  The money for illegals, "mmgw"..."sytsemic racism", WHO, united nations, etc...could be going to rebuild our infrastructure, take care of our veterans, raise our standard of living for all with economic growth, etc

but no - dems/leftists get in there and explode the buying of votes, and explode the dishing out of so much of our money which is just redistribution of our wealth to get the rest of the world to like us.

   We are in what...27? TRILLION in DEBT? Our economy is going to break - it's historically proven to be a probability.

America First was saving us. Now, "America Last" is going to cause a lot of despair if we don't turn around in a few years.

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9 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

I was going to post this, but it was so freaking stupid, I just didn't.

use glue to set your hair?


Woman who sprayed hair with Gorilla Glue says her $23G GoFundMe is under investigation



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Putting Gorilla Glue in your hair is quite foolish. I read the Washington Post article. It literally doesn’t mention “systemic racism”. I think they’re trying to jerk your chain by saying it does.

 It reads more like a history lesson of the crazy stuff black people would use to straighten their hair, like axle grease and bacon grease. Eww.

Here it is if you wanna pick it apart.


Reminded me of the Chris Rock documentary “Good Hair.”


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The Washington Post engages in vicious race-baiting

While the traumatic saga ended for Tessica Brown after Black plastic surgeon Michael K. Obeng offered his services for free, the Washington Post decided to go about its usual race-baiting. In an article titled, “The ‘Gorilla Glue girl’ saga drew ridicule but also a sense of community among others”, the left-propaganda newspaper argued that it was a case of “systemic racism”. The newspaper claimed while she was being mocked online, the Black community chose to shield her.

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19 minutes ago, Ibleedbrown said:

I read that article too. Then l read the actual source article. It never mentions systemic racism, or even has the word racism in it. 

Here's the thing though - how the hell does Ben Shapiro stay in business, to keep people tuning into his words, without the (likely fabricated) "outrage" in this case? 

As an aside, I'm going to mail this dude a carton of menthols.  His voice is so fucking nasally and whiny how could anyone listen to it?  Either that or get the man some vasodialators and pray for him that his balls drop.



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5 minutes ago, tiamat63 said:

Here's the thing though - how the hell does Ben Shapiro stay in business, to keep people tuning into his words, without the (likely fabricated) "outrage" in this case? 

As an aside, I'm going to mail this dude a carton of menthols.  His voice is so fucking nasally and whiny how could anyone listen to it?  Either that or get the man some vasodialators and pray for him that his balls drop.



Just curious where do you find fabricated outrage? Not picking on you just wondering who you think is being insincere. And exactly what you see as falling into the definition of outrage in the first place?


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l watched half of the Shapiro segment. I’m not sure l would use the word outrage, but he certainly speaks with a sense of urgency. Quick bursts of speech followed by short pauses, sharp inflections, some expressions and gestures of exasperation. It’s a stark contrast to how the news is delivered on say 60 Minutes. 

If you watch the local weatherman giving the news about a calm day coming, it’s usually smooth even tones. But when that big snow storm is coming, the pace quickens. 

It’s one way they try to get the viewer to pay attention and queue in on the most important stuff. I’m not super familiar with Shapiro, but in this segment he was balls to the walls with his delivery. Is he like that all the time?

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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Just curious where do you find fabricated outrage? Not picking on you just wondering who you think is being insincere. And exactly what you see as falling into the definition of outrage in the first place?


If you take Bleed at his word, that he has read the source WaPO article Cal referenced linked in it's entirety - then I'd say that's about as solid an example as any.

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48 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Worse he is in McConnel's and a lot of the real Republicans who left the GOP and want it back from The Great Stealer.🤴

That is a tiny fraction and honestly the crooks and child molesters that populated the Lincoln project were going to vote Democrat anyway.

Plus one would imagine that there are Democrats who aren't on board with this ridiculous fringe left agenda  of JoJo the puppet boy.

(so for those of you who defended to the nail oh... Well I doubt you wherever conservatives in the first place)



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24 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

That is a tiny fraction and honestly the crooks and child molesters that populated the Lincoln project were going to vote Democrat anyway.

Plus one would imagine that there are Democrats who aren't on board with this ridiculous fringe left agenda  of JoJo the puppet boy.

(so for those of you who defended to the nail oh... Well I doubt you wherever conservatives in the first place)



Just sayin' I know a lot of lifelong Republicans who left but will come back with people who really represent Republican values of old. But not with Trump or the far right conspiracy folks. They were disgusted to even be associated with the Big Lie and the assault on Congress. That should have made all Americans sick to their stomachs.

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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Just sayin' I know a lot of lifelong Republicans who left but will come back with people who really represent Republican values of old. But not with Trump or the far right conspiracy folks. They were disgusted to even be associated with the Big Lie and the assault on Congress. That should have made all Americans sick to their stomachs.

Sorry tex  I don't buy it. I think a lot of these old farts have just gotten liberal or have always been liberal. Biden has unleashed the most radical left-wing agenda of any president in my memory. And I have yet to hear any of you fake conservatives gripe about any of the parts of it.

It's perfectly okay to admit you become liberal in your old age. Pretending otherwise makes you son woodpecker ish.


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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

Sorry tex  I don't buy it. I think a lot of these old farts have just gotten liberal or have always been liberal. Biden has unleashed the most radical left-wing agenda of any president in my memory. And I have yet to hear any of you fake conservatives gripe about any of the parts of it.

It's perfectly okay to admit you become liberal in your old age. Pretending otherwise makes you son woodpecker ish.


Maybe because my priority was maintaining our alliances in this world and trumpy was an idiot in that regard and I still believe a Putin tool. Some day I expect to find out the $$ details of why that was. I just don't cotton to traitors is all and I think he was and is one. As to liberal agenda I had my own solution of voting him out and Republicans in Congress, but trumpy screwed it up in Georgia and handed over those two senate seats by his ridiculous claim of "landslide". You can thank him if you wish. Back to no comments on politics.

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54 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Maybe because my priority was maintaining our alliances in this world and trumpy was an idiot in that regard and I still believe a Putin tool. Some day I expect to find out the $$ details of why that was. I just don't cotton to traitors is all and I think he was and is one. As to liberal agenda I had my own solution of voting him out and Republicans in Congress, but trumpy screwed it up in Georgia and handed over those two senate seats by his ridiculous claim of "landslide". You can thank him if you wish. Back to no comments on politics.

If you say so. No doubt the Euro trash will pretend they love us as long as they have their hand in our pocket. Don't worry dirtbags we'll spend the extra money on NATO ants do the Dirty Work to protect your miserable butts while you buy your gas and oil from the Russians.

Those two senators got voted in primarily because Stacey Abrams sister allowed a flood of previously purged unqualified and unsubstantiated votes back into the pool.

But as for your spearing as your bullshit another couple of weeks or days... Again I quote Harry Callahan. "A man's got to know his limitations."


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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

If you say so. No doubt the Euro trash will pretend they love us as long as they have their hand in our pocket. Don't worry dirtbags we'll spend the extra money on NATO ants do the Dirty Work to protect your miserable butts while you buy your gas and oil from the Russians.

Those two senators got voted in primarily because Stacey Abrams sister allowed a flood of previously purged unqualified and unsubstantiated votes back into the pool.

But as for your spearing as your bullshit another couple of weeks or days... Again I quote Harry Callahan. "A man's got to know his limitations."


I got what I wanted. The traitor out of the WH. Now find a better leader! Ben Sasse 2024.

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59 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

I got what I wanted. The traitor out of the WH. Now find a better leader! Ben Sasse 2024.

Good luck. "Hey dealer go ahead and hit that 20 there are four aces in the deck!"

Just for fun, and I'm not expecting anything worth a shit, what are the big differences between him and Biden?


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Tex can't admit biden is screwing up America, won't criticize him, and uses the word "traitor"

Tex surely doesn't know what the word means.

another example of traumatic misuse of words to coincide with twisted emotions.

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