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New Gun Bills sponsored in Ohio for vote


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HB 12 - ENFORCE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS (Sponsor: Diane V. Grendell) To provide for a writ of mandamus or prohibition to enforce a person's constitutional right against a chief administrative officer or elected executive official whose duty is to uphold the Ohio and United States Constitutions.
    EXACTLY. biden and co. can't unconstitutionally declare or pass anti-Constitution orders. State and local officials can't deny rights over politics etc either.
HB 38 - REQUIRE DUTY TO RETREAT (Sponsors: Thomas West, Adam C. Miller) To repeal Senate Bill 175, passed last session, and bring back the duty to retreat in Ohio.
     NO - with the biden and co. threats - the law that got rid of "duty to retreat" was terribly subject, emboldened violent criminals who would home invade etc. Another liberal political antagonism that backfired. It was GREAT to have been repealed for GREAT REASON. If an elderly couple is out fishing, and some criminal illegal comes at them with a machete, how can the couple prove they tried to retreat when the police finally arrive?
It's nonsense. But it's a belligerent political attack subjective "gotcha". bad law.
HB 62 - DESIGNATE OHIO A SECOND AMENDMENT SANCTUARY (Sponsors: Mike Loychik, Diane V. Grendell) To designate the State of Ohio as a Second Amendment Sanctuary State and to name this act the Ohio Second Amendment Safe Haven Act.
EXACTLY - The leftwing radical gov has openly declared they will violate Americans' CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS and the fed cannot take them away. Sure, some liberal trolls will say "but the FED overrides states rights !". These are the usual people who are happy to support sanctuary cities and states over the illegal immigration issue, you betcha.
HB 89 - REPEAL THE DUTY TO "PROMPTLY" INFORM (Sponsor: Scott Wiggam) To modify the requirement that a concealed handgun licensee must notify a law enforcement officer that the licensee is authorized to carry a concealed handgun and is carrying a concealed handgun when stopped.
EXACTLY. Another example of a liberal leftwing emotional kneejerk law that backfired into bs. What IS "promptly" ? whatever some policeman who hates CCW says it is? Whatever some leftwing CCW hater prosecutor SAYS IT MEANS? What if a ticked off on the issue officer belligerently doesn't listen when you try to tell him? What if a loud air brake semi keeps it from being heard? "promptly" is just an emotional application to the law. I understand the police would like to be informed, sure. I'm fine with telling them...but subjective terms in a law make it an open door to be deliberately used politically.
HB 99 - EXEMPT ARMED SCHOOL PERSONNEL FROM POLICE TRAINING (Sponsor: Thomas Hall) To expressly exempt persons authorized to go armed within a school safety zone from a requirement to complete extensive peace officer basic training.
EXACTLY - the reason is, this was a stupid application. Why? because police officer training is two years in college, right? 4 weeks to 6 months police academy training? Who is able to take that much time off work? Who can afford to pay for all that training? What school system can afford to pay for all that training? Again, it lends itself to abuse. A leftwing state? gov could raise the fee of "police training" etc etc to completely unafordable levels to politocally attack the issue and stop it backhandedly. (see "Trojan Horse"). The other problem is - we've seen veteran police, who had police training, COMPLETELY FAIL to do their job and protect students.
So, what is the point?
But there is one MORE problem with requiring police training. It reminds me of Ted Kennedy's (and George W. Bush's) "no child left behind". Except - it stupidly did NOT account for special ed programs in schools. A great school with an excellent special education program gets hammered on their one size fits all average academic evaluations on grades.
Why? because schools surely won't give employees the right to carry to defend to just anyone. A highly trained and decorated Special Forces teacher is supposed to go to police training? Police training isn't going to change much for some teacher who undisciplined, exceptionally meek or not the type of person that should ever be in that position.
All it would take is the mayor of chicago, etc to order that nobody passes the "police training" if they are going to be employees in a school, etc. And that isn't a stretch at all, not anymore. It's a nonsense law with fake "good intentions". Let churches and school systems decide on their own. "Big brother" just screws so many things up with "one size fits all" bs.
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