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28 minutes ago, FairHooker11 said:

this might be in JAFBF's MEGA / MAGA thread ?



Court-ordered audit concludes Dominion voting machines were intentionally designed to ‘create systemic fraud’ in Michigan

Biden should be made to concede.

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2 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:


Here’s what the fact checkers say. I imagine the election was stolen crowd is working on something to debunk the fact checkers but l couldn’t find it yet.

One thing I can state with 100% absolute certainty.  The 2020 election fraud conspiracies are not going to go away anytime soon, if ever. And there's always going to be fraud believers who are always going to be convinced that they're true. You know who they are.  All you had to do is see two minutes of Mike Lindell blabbering almost incoherently on a NewsMax clip to think to yourself "consider the source". 

Yup... "The officials (State AG) also described ASOG, which has participated in other lawsuits challenging the election results, as “partisan,” and said the group lacks the expertise to audit the voting software." Twitter account suspended.  I wonder why. :D 

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53 minutes ago, hoorta said:

One thing I can state with 100% absolute certainty.  The 2020 election fraud conspiracies are not going to go away anytime soon, if ever. And there's always going to be fraud believers who are always going to be convinced that they're true. You know who they are.  All you had to do is see two minutes of Mike Lindell blabbering almost incoherently on a NewsMax clip to think to yourself "consider the source". 

Yup... "The officials (State AG) also described ASOG, which has participated in other lawsuits challenging the election results, as “partisan,” and said the group lacks the expertise to audit the voting software." Twitter account suspended.  I wonder why. 


The Proof Is In: The Election Was Stolen

The Proof Is In: The Election Was Stolen

Paul Craig Roberts

I have read enough of the fraud reports, affidavits, and statements from election security and forensic experts to be comfortable in my conclusion that the election was stolen.  But I am not confident that anything will be done about the fradulent election. The American elite no longer believe in democracy.

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6 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:


Here’s what the fact checkers say. I imagine the election was stolen crowd is working on something to debunk the fact checkers but l couldn’t find it yet.

fact checkers kinda glossed over Dr. Shiva's account on the September 1 2020  Massachussets republican senate primary .

 Same with General Thomas McInerny USAF ret

like anything else media related -  the group think method of skewing the talking points in one favor and censoring the other -  (Fakebook -twatter-google, amazon ) is pretty obvious 

I listened to Dr Shiva's credible claim of fraud - and taking into account his impressive professional background,  I can only conclude - 

"debunking the fact checkers" has already been considered  a fools errand 

when the whole conclusion surrounding the Presidential election has been determined by players insulated from litigation. { see MSM}

But that is just a matter of time when the lawsuits start turning in Trump's favor?

 80 million votes are gonna have their say one day. 

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Good stuff Fair. You seem to be a guy willing to go for next level digging. Hats off. 

I’m not sure l would call it a “fools errand”, but it’s certainly not an errand for common folk without access to certain information. But in the battle of swaying minds it would be mighty helpful to have a team of journalists to fight fire with fire.

Those fact check articles are downright scholarly. Succinct explanations, linked citations, and they even have freaking bibliographies. Holy bibliography Batman!

I’m just saying it would be ideal if their opposition could put together equally well done pieces to argue their points.

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cool - bibliographies - same question, where was Dr. Shiva's or Gen McInerny's backgrounds? 

they werent in there - as if the testimony of these two men alone were insignificant.

to me that's a blatant and biased disregard for the facts that even out the story,

 and one that proves the long-stated narrative of fake news.  

And excuse me for not considering the style and scholarliness of the article you posted... 

I said all I did to say that the deck is stacked against any naysayers.   

having a team of journalists to match wits - fight fire with fire?  - they already exist. 

Changing hearts and minds will happen one person at a time apart from the systems you prescribe. 

largely by the truth-telling and believing, not by arbitrarily biased institutions calling themselves the final word. in this case "fact checkers" 

trouble is,  a guy like Trump managed to get all this to the light is amazing to us - not so much for you?


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5 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:

Good stuff Fair. You seem to be a guy willing to go for next level digging. Hats off. 

I’m not sure l would call it a “fools errand”, but it’s certainly not an errand for common folk without access to certain information. But in the battle of swaying minds it would be mighty helpful to have a team of journalists to fight fire with fire.

Those fact check articles are downright scholarly. Succinct explanations, linked citations, and they even have freaking bibliographies. Holy bibliography Batman!

I’m just saying it would be ideal if their opposition could put together equally well done pieces to argue their points.

I believe there’s far more evidence of election fraud in 2020 than there was evidence of Russian Collusion during the 2016 Presidential election.

Yet the leftist and MSM repeatedly mentioned the Russian Collusion narrative ad nauseam.

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I know right? Bibliographies. Very exciting. 

l’ll be honest, l’m not terribly familiar with Dr. Shiva’s claim. When l google “dr shiva fraud” (without quotes) the top hit is this. 


Yet another fact check style article that seems to give a very reasonable explanation about ballots still existing and sealed in a vault waiting for a court order or recount to be unsealed. 

And yes, l’m sure much of this is the media machine doing its thing. But for the average guy just trying to follow the bouncing ball, they see such and such election fraud claim and think, “hmm, l should learn more,” and there’s the waiting fact check article that very convincingly lets you know that it wasn’t fraud, it was just this this and this. And l’m just not consistently finding that next article that convincingly explains that the fact check article was bullshit, and yes, it was fraud. 

And it’s not so much for myself. It’s more for the benefit of our collective well being. If you play the ‘what if’ scenario out in your head, and court things happen and the election gets overturned, the information we get leading up to that point is going to be very very important in how awful and widespread the subsequent riots will be and who gets targeted. It’s extremely important that the explanations be as succinct and  understandable as possible so that people are prepared for such an outcome.

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28 minutes ago, FairHooker11 said:

maybe Hoorta would like to show up and admit he read this?

or, probably not.

"The party line with regard to the 2020 presidential election, aggressively promoted by America’s corporate media and Big Tech, is this: There was no election fraud because the courts have said so.

Both claims are false. Not just questionable, but dead wrong."

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19 hours ago, FairHooker11 said:

Great, a blogger with too much time on his hands. It must be true. That must be the reason he didn't mention Rudy and Sidney are getting sued for billions making baseless accusations about voter fraud. 

We'll see how much "proof" they have when they have to present hard evidence under oath in court.

Said it already, the more fraud claims get debunked, the conspiracy theorists just keep burrowing ever deeper down the rabbit hole.  They (the fraud claims) are never going to go away, because the true fraud believers will never be convinced otherwise that they aren't true. 

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45 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Great, a blogger with too much time on his hands. It must be true. That must be the reason he didn't mention Rudy and Sidney are getting sued for billions making baseless accusations about voter fraud. 

We'll see how much "proof" they have when they have to present hard evidence under oath in court.

Said it already, the more fraud claims get debunked, the conspiracy theorists just keep burrowing ever deeper down the rabbit hole.  They (the fraud claims) are never going to go away, because the true fraud believers will never be convinced otherwise that they aren't true. 

treading water in Egypt making you tired yet?  You're wrong on just about every single issue. Perhaps you should go just talk football. Of course, I'll bring up Josh Allen again eventually.

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45 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Great, a blogger with too much time on his hands. It must be true. That must be the reason he didn't mention Rudy and Sidney are getting sued for billions making baseless accusations about voter fraud. 

We'll see how much "proof" they have when they have to present hard evidence under oath in court.

Said it already, the more fraud claims get debunked, the conspiracy theorists just keep burrowing ever deeper down the rabbit hole.  They (the fraud claims) are never going to go away, because the true fraud believers will never be convinced otherwise that they aren't true. 

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that – poof – he's gone!”

"The greatest trick the Democrats ever pulled was convincing the world fraud didn't exist. And like that – poof – it's gone!”

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7 hours ago, hoorta said:

Great, a blogger with too much time on his hands. It must be true. That must be the reason he didn't mention Rudy and Sidney are getting sued for billions making baseless accusations about voter fraud. 

We'll see how much "proof" they have when they have to present hard evidence under oath in court.

Said it already, the more fraud claims get debunked, the conspiracy theorists just keep burrowing ever deeper down the rabbit hole.  They (the fraud claims) are never going to go away, because the true fraud believers will never be convinced otherwise that they aren't true. 

well they are true - and you have to remember this is all about election integrity.  Despite the allegations of massive voter fraud, with proving out the machine manipulation being more costly and time-consuming, the lawsuits focused on illegalities like voting twice, dead people votes. And one case with machine inaccuracies is still open. The point is that the lawsuits are still going on. And the title saying "Trump is winning lawsuits" is real, not whimsy from a blogger (who BTW I think has good credentials) 

Its the same thing with Ibleedbrownsfan assertion with the "fact check" angle, as if that is the final word?  cmon man I can find info and determine for myself what is factual and what is BS.. .

this is not BS   

so it can be said in reverse speak (if you will)  that trumps opposition is hell bent on suppressing any or all dissent on election fraud. 

Why?   you know why

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I don't watch very much o a n. I did watch a chunk of this yesterday it's not that fascinating but it doesn't seem bogus. Certainly enough to investigate. Unless, of course, the fix is in which it is.

One thing that struck me is that Mike Lindell is smarter than his voice and speech patterns and commercials make him seem.

As always I suggest the opposition switch the name Trump and Biden and the parties from Republican to Democrat and imagine the Trump had won by the same margin and these accusations were leveled against him. I think we all know the outcome of that scenario.

When difference might be that instead of a little protest this got out of hand with a bunch of middle-aged people Milling around we would have cities across the United States in flames billions and looting it probably a couple dozen murders. Meeting a couple dozen above the usual hundreds in the inner cities every weekend...



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