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Top Infectious Disease Expert Says Double Masking ‘Actually Enhances Your Ability To Get Infected’


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An infectious disease expert who served on President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 Advisory Board during the presidential transition says wearing two face masks as a precautionary measure against COVID-19 may actually do more harm than good.


“So, what we’re concerned about is that many of these face cloth coverings do have already compromised fit or filtration capacity,” he said. “If you add on another mask, you may actually make it tougher for the air to move through the two-cloth area, and then at that point, it causes more air to actually leak around the sides, which actually enhances your ability to get infected.”

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do this, don't do that, this is true, the opposite is true.....hate the Great American President Trump that is doing great things for America, love the corrupt mentally deficient fake president who is already doing damaging things to America....close all schools, open public schools but keep private schools closed, open businesses we like, close businesses we don't like, "Trump stole the election" - then they go fraudulent mail in ballots and steal the election and say claiming an election is unConstitutional, Hoorta's higgardly colludes with the russians/deletes 30,000 emails off her server/has phones smashed/etc, then they fabricate fake evidence to use against Pres Trump to fake an investigation of him colluding with russians but he didn't but they impeach him anyways........the left owns the msm, the msm lies and divides Amerca while blaming Pres Trump and all those who voted for him, msm and all dems go insane divisive and dangerous with their free speech, they steal the elections, get the power to deny Real America THEIR free speech.............

"dance American public puppets, dance"

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