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Republican Party’s Direction


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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

Well that's pretty much true but where do you draw the line between politicians using religious phrases? They just pick and choose whichever rules the Bible contains support their own greed and ambition but talking about the devil is a step too far?



They can call each other cotton headed ninny muggins and stuck up half witted scruffy looking nerf herders. The main issue is the trickle down effect it has where their combative tone gets mirrored by Joe Q public. It makes it more difficult to have a rational conversation.

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1 minute ago, Ibleedbrown said:

They can call each other cotton headed ninny muggins and stuck up half witted scruffy looking nerf herders. The main issue is the trickle down effect it has where their combative tone gets mirrored by Joe Q public. It makes it more difficult to have a rational conversation.

so tell me, where were you while the dems did a fake investigation of Pres Trump, impeached him for nothing, had fake witnesses, and attacked and lied about him for four years, even BEFORE he was a elected.

where were you with wanting "rational conversation" ? You are starting to remind me of old wimpy shepwrite.

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39 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

so tell me, where were you while the dems did a fake investigation of Pres Trump, impeached him for nothing, had fake witnesses, and attacked and lied about him for four years, even BEFORE he was a elected.

where were you with wanting "rational conversation" ? You are starting to remind me of old wimpy shepwrite.

I keep getting asked that as thought wanting to discuss the goings on with politicians after a certain time is less acceptable than before that time. I wasn’t at Woodstock either but when l got interested in music l liked talking about that too.

I see a growing divide amongst my fellow Americans exacerbated by unhealthy rhetoric. I’ve seen enough and would like to do my part to curb it. Eliminating unnecessary and unhelpful hyperbole is a start. It does nothing to further discussion.

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

you are confusing hard hitting descriptive words and phrases mean literally, and others meant figuratively/emotionally for manipulation purposes.

    You miss the point again. The strong tendency is, of liberals, is to misuse words on purpose, DESPITE their literal definition. They misuse them because most all? liberals ONLY see the world around them in terms of their own emotions. They continually step into flagrant hypocrisy because they can use the same word in anger, when it SUITS them emotionally, and when their emotions change, they refuse to use the same words in the same kind of situations. It all depends on how they FEEL - if it benefits them, genocide of born and unborn children is a "right".  But it gets them votes. Then, they release violent illegals out of prisons, etc... to get favor with the latino communities. Their antifa/blm violent riots were "peaceful protests" because they have rights and have a grievance.

but let some nutjobs riot of the proud boys (see at least one ofthem being a long term FBI informant...) and they blast

ALL REPUBLICANS, PRES TRUMP, all PRES TRUMP VOTERS, ALL CONSERVATIVES, ALL CHRISTIANS, ALL GUN OWNERS as terrorists because it makes them feel good because they hate.

They are fine with the people who die at the hands of blm/antifa. but let one policeman kneel on the neck of one helpless black man, and ALL POLICEMEN are bad.

That is what I'm talking about. Using words as a weapon, DEFYING the definition of said words.

   I'm a rep, if I say "traitor", I'm going by the DEFINITION of the word. The left/liberals/progressives/marxists/communists use the word "traitor" when it clearly is not warranted, but they emotionally use it as a weapon anyways.


Be that as it may, what direction would you like to see republicans take to regain votes and power?

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On 2/2/2021 at 6:51 AM, Westside Steve said:

Without looking up the numbers (i I think Trump has amazingly strong support among Republicans And I'm not talking about look at project Republicans because they are just Democrats Or worse) I would think this is a bad idea. These people didn't hate Trump because of any of his policies they hated Trump because Well, that's what Democrats and Lefty's do . They hate the Republican Whoever he is and whatever he says And whatever information The public is fed is filtered through The jaundiced eye Of the hard left media Monopoly. Simple as that. There are some who say they supported [Sasse or McCain or [insert RINO] And they will immediately become the enemy of the left.

I don't know which of the Trump issues you think they should abandon To make themselves more palatable To the left-wing lunatics.


You misunderstand me. Popular though trump might be they have successfully painted him as a traitor and a nazi in many of the great unwashed's minds. He cannot come back as the figurehead. It doesn't matter that they themselves are limiting rights every day or that they are occupying the capital and turning it into a military fortress to fight imaginary enemies and using actual foot soldiers to attack citizens and disrupt lives. It doesn't matter that they lie to you with every word and the press lies to you with every word. All that matters is optics. Slight of hand. They know that the populace will believe whatever they want them to believe if they are able to control the media outlets. Trump can't be the figurehead of the opposition. Unless the Democrats tip their hand too soon in their insane and dangerous lust for power and go full nazi they can continue to claim that somehow, despite all evidence to the contrary, that they're the rebels and not the empire. 

The republicans need a new figurehead that the Democrats have to go through the whole process of demonizing again. If they were smart, the republicans, they'd find a gay black muslim that somehow loves america as it was to rally around. The Democrats would try to demonize such a person anyway. I look forward to the day I hear media and congressmen say "uncle Tom" in an attempt to smear a person with lots of "favorable" identity politics traits. 

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1 hour ago, The Cysko Kid said:

The republicans need a new figurehead that the Democrats have to go through the whole process of demonizing again. If they were smart, the republicans, they'd find a gay black muslim that somehow loves america as it was to rally around. The Democrats would try to demonize such a person anyway. I look forward to the day I hear media and congressmen say "uncle Tom" in an attempt to smear a person with lots of "favorable" identity politics traits. 

no, the same figurehead would be great. Not many have the courage to "fight back" against the dangerously corrupt and aggressive left. Letting them get away with making us change leaders is what they want. Anyone who stands up - the left will go after them.

and, it's already been done, man.


Dem: Yes, Clarence Thomas Is 'Uncle Tom'


Apr 14, 2017 · In an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash he reiterated his belief that Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas is an “Uncle Tom.” When Bash asked if the term was racially charged, Thompson said “For some...


itle cards to show who’s who in any given interview. Of course we recognize Lt. Col. Allen West, Dr. Carson and Owens.

Why do people call Ben Carson an "uncle tom" for being a ...


Mar 10, 2019 · They disparage Carson because he is a free thinker. People who say Carson is an Uncle Tom, are trying to say black people can only be black, if they stay on the democrat's

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3 hours ago, Vambo said:

What  policies of the Democrats do you like?


As you’ve probably seen l’ll pick anything to death. I’m not really a blanket “l like this or that” guy. It usually goes “l like this, this and this about something, but l don’t like this, this and that about it.” And usually to even get to that point l have to ask a lot of questions, get reliable answers, look at it from different perspectives, understand who’s affected, how they are affected, look at statistics, etc. It’s a hassle being me man. On a lot of things l don’t have an opinion, l just seek out information as a life long process to eventually arrive at one.

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2 minutes ago, Ibleedbrown said:

As you’ve probably seen l’ll pick anything to death. I’m not really a blanket “l like this or that” guy. It usually goes “l like this, this and this about something, but l don’t like this, this and that about it.” And usually to even get to that point l have to ask a lot of questions, get reliable answers, look at it from different perspectives, understand who’s affected, how they are affected, look at statistics, etc. It’s a hassle being me man. On a lot of things l don’t have an opinion, l just seek out information as a life long process to eventually arrive at one.

What  policies of the Democrats do you like?

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5 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:

I keep getting asked that as thought wanting to discuss the goings on with politicians after a certain time is less acceptable than before that time. I wasn’t at Woodstock either but when l got interested in music l liked talking about that too.

I see a growing divide amongst my fellow Americans exacerbated by unhealthy rhetoric. I’ve seen enough and would like to do my part to curb it. Eliminating unnecessary and unhelpful hyperbole is a start. It does nothing to further discussion.

Looks like the Republicans are at a crossroads. Do they want to be the sane conservative party of Liz Cheney, or instead embrace Ms. QAnon Marjorie Taylor Greene and her pals?  And in the process bring along the radicalized alternate reality element that's out there in big numbers? MHO- the latter will be the death of the party- educated suburban moderate Republicans are deserting the party by the 10s of thousands. 

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6 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

no, the same figurehead would be great. Not many have the courage to "fight back" against the dangerously corrupt and aggressive left. Letting them get away with making us change leaders is what they want. Anyone who stands up - the left will go after them.

and, it's already been done, man.


Dem: Yes, Clarence Thomas Is 'Uncle Tom'


Apr 14, 2017 · In an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash he reiterated his belief that Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas is an “Uncle Tom.” When Bash asked if the term was racially charged, Thompson said “For some...


itle cards to show who’s who in any given interview. Of course we recognize Lt. Col. Allen West, Dr. Carson and Owens.

Why do people call Ben Carson an "uncle tom" for being a ...


Mar 10, 2019 · They disparage Carson because he is a free thinker. People who say Carson is an Uncle Tom, are trying to say black people can only be black, if they stay on the democrat's

This is precisely why it would behoove them to find a figurehead who is a minority to rally around. Make the democrats take their awful racism to the forefront. To the very top. Rub their noses in it daily until the minorities that are currently caught in that particularly vicious honey trap start to see it for what it is. Some people may not feel bad calling a fellow black person an uncle Tom or a coon like they do but quite a lot of them will get sick of that pretty quick. 

Regardless unless biden egregiously shoots his own foot off so badly that the media has no other choice but to cover it it won't matter for the next four years. The republicans need to regroup and  start being clever. They need to come up with a cunning plan. What will absolutely work in this climate is playing dirty pool. Throw their own identity politics back in their faces and make THEM constantly defend against allegations of racism. 

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The republicans need to stop hanging their dumb faces out there to get punched. For too long they've been too upfront about who they are and what they're about. If there's one thing the democrat party is magnificent at it's being duplicitous. They are sneaky fucks and they slide all kinds of bullshit past dumb people by pretending they give a shit about them. How else could they be the party of nearly every minority and LGBTQA person without ever having actually helped them or addressing their grievances? 

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On 2/1/2021 at 11:52 AM, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Anyone who voted to impeach Trump is a traitor and should be banned from the Republican Party.  The real Republicans, not the 'Lincoln Republicans'.  

Here's a thought....what if the voters in their district approved of the impeachment? Isn't that what an elected representative is supposed to do, work for the people and not the party?

Personally I think this whole 2nd impeachment is a waste of time and stupid. No way Trump would get a stamp of approval from the Rs to run in 2024 anyway. 


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2 minutes ago, Bob806 said:

Here's a thought....what if the voters in their district approved of the impeachment? Isn't that what an elected representative is supposed to do, work for the people and not the party?

Personally I think this whole 2nd impeachment is a waste of time and stupid. No way Trump would get a stamp of approval from the Rs to run in 2024 anyway. 


If their constituents approved of course.  But who knows if that is the case?  I agree its a waste of time.  Pelosi and Schumer hate Trump so much they could care less about the country.

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6 hours ago, Bob806 said:

Here's a thought....what if the voters in their district approved of the impeachment? Isn't that what an elected representative is supposed to do, work for the people and not the party?

Personally I think this whole 2nd impeachment is a waste of time and stupid. No way Trump would get a stamp of approval from the Rs to run in 2024 anyway. 


Actually- he could.  The Force is strong still what Trump wields.  He loves him some MTG- and McCarthy is scared shitless if he crosses him, and reprimands her... 2024 is a long way off, and DT has a long and winding road ahead even if (as expected)  the Senate acquits him...  Tax evasion in NYC, rape allegations. The possibility- even probability- the Washington District Attorney  could file inciting a riot charges against him... 

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Hey kids. Hopeful Republicans and panic-stricken Democrats alike, Donald Trump isn't going to run in 24. And truthfully that election will be decided by how badly Joe Biden shits the bed.

I don't see a republican that inspires me especially not the Democrat Lite versions.

Maybe some of them are stupid enough to think they can get around the Democrats to the left. May be legalized abortion up until the 5th year? Make Spanish/Ebonics the official language of the United States? Make Negroes immune from Criminal prosecution? Bring back Jim Crow in reverse? Outlaw religion and send all priests ministers and rabbis to concentration camps? Kill the 1% take everything they own and distribute it among the bottom 15%? Rescind white males voting rights? Make Africa the 53rd state after DC and Puerto Rico?

(I hope Joe doesn't read this and get some ideas...)



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14 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Hey kids. Hopeful Republicans and panic-stricken Democrats alike, Donald Trump isn't going to run in 24. And truthfully that election will be decided by how badly Joe Biden shits the bed.

I don't see a republican that inspires me especially not the Democrat Lite versions.

Maybe some of them are stupid enough to think they can get around the Democrats to the left. May be legalized abortion up until the 5th year? Make Spanish/Ebonics the official language of the United States? Make Negroes immune from Criminal prosecution? Bring back Jim Crow in reverse? Outlaw religion and send all priests ministers and rabbis to concentration camps? Kill the 1% take everything they own and distribute it among the bottom 15%? Rescind white males voting rights? Make Africa the 53rd state after DC and Puerto Rico?

(I hope Joe doesn't read this and get some ideas...)



I forgot eliminate classifications male and female completely.


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