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Republican Party’s Direction


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I thought this might be a good topic for discussion. There has been news for some time of a difference of opinion on what direction the republican party should take. Much of this stems from Trump’s tenure where he influenced a certain tone and direction for the party, but there were some within the party who opposed it. 

Fast forward to now and there seems to be a question now on what direction the party should move. I’ll attach a couple articles that detail what l’m talking about for reference. 


This article details a bit of social media sparring between Marjorie Taylor Greene and the Lincoln Republicans.


This one covers Rep. Kinzinger and the heat he is taking for voting to impeach Trump.

The striking thing in both articles is the vehement language used in some of these instances. Words like “traitor” are commonly heard while pointing fingers, and in another instance one of them was accused of being possessed by the devil.

And these are republicans arguing against republicans (or former republicans). They are supposed to be allies. At the very least, if they disagree, ideally there would be no mention of the devil. Yet this is becoming an everyday thing in politics. Maybe not the devil, but everyone accusing everyone of being a traitor.

My question to you is what direction would you like to see the republican party take? It stands to reason that if they are going to have a fighting chance at winning votes against democrats they would need a unified front. 

I would personally like to see them take a higher ground. They can still oppose the democrat agenda, but using wit and logic instead of hyperbole. I think that would resonate well with swing voters who are tired of some of the overbearing rhetoric coming out of Washington.

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16 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Anyone who voted to impeach Trump is a traitor and should be banned from the Republican Party.  The real Republicans, not the 'Lincoln Republicans'.  

And that’s fine if you would like to see them move in that direction, but l would like to see them do it in a sensible fashion. Saying that they are possessed by the devil just isn’t going to resonate with some folks. I would rather they use logic to show why they don’t belong and don’t deserve votes.

That’s the other caveat here is that every vote matters. It’s reasonable to think that for every representative that voted against Trump there is some segment of the population that felt the same way. Ideally there would be a way to coerce them back into the fold so that whatever direction the party takes it picks up votes in the process.

It’s noble to take an “us against everyone else” approach, but if it doesn’t result in more votes then it’s a losing endeavor. 

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4 minutes ago, Vambo said:


Use your words Vambo. I’d like your input if you have any to share. Republicans could do nothing and allow Biden to shoot himself in the foot, but that’s not a very proactive approach. Ideally they would have a unified front and a plan to sway the disenchanted voters their way. Any thoughts on what that plan would encompass? 

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48 minutes ago, Ibleedbrown said:

Use your words Vambo. I’d like your input if you have any to share. Republicans could do nothing and allow Biden to shoot himself in the foot, but that’s not a very proactive approach. Ideally they would have a unified front and a plan to sway the disenchanted voters their way. Any thoughts on what that plan would encompass? 

Why won't you talk about Biden and Democrats they are the ones in power not Republicans...Use your words what makes Biden the most voted for President ever?

We talked about Republicans the last 4 years where were you then?

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'SNL' noticeably avoids Biden, Harris in first show of 2021: critics

'SNL' noticeably avoids Biden, Harris in first show of 2021: critics

After spending four years relentlessly mocking Donald Trump each week, the popular NBC sketch show did not open with an impersonation of President Joe Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris.

"Even a Saturday Night Live is bored with Biden and didn’t mention him once!" one user wrote.


"What ..NO bashing the President on SNL?? That’s unheard of..we tolerated the weekly bashing, impersonations, disgusting Alec Baldwin & a slew of other unfunnies, denigrating President Trump..Now Biden & Harris are NEVER parodied! No skits, no impersonations..NADA!" another wrote.


"SNL can't say anything bad about Biden.  He's a democrat," a third user noted.


"Why is SNL avoiding the best source of comedy by giving Joe Biden a free pass?" another user added. "Poor old Joe is an endless supply of comedy."


"I would like to see Jim Carey again play Biden, he is funny.  Are we going to see making fun of President Biden anytime soon like when SNL made fun of Trump and other Presidents while they were in office?  A spin-off signing stacks of exec orders would be a funny piece!" another person wrote.

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31 minutes ago, Vambo said:

Why won't you talk about Biden and Democrats they are the ones in power not Republicans...Use your words what makes Biden the most voted for President ever?

We talked about Republicans the last 4 years where were you then?

I’d like to see republicans regain some of the power and votes that they lost. That’s all l’m angling at with this discussion topic is to see what others here think would be good strategies to do that. What would you like to see them do to regain some power?

I think Biden was the most voted for President in part as a backlash against Trump. I also think the republican party has a real shot at overcoming that backlash if they play their cards right. 

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1 hour ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Without reading any of this they should jettison the Trump element  and build from the ground up. The democrats have all the rope and they're  already hanging themselves. Start over at the very base. 

You may be right, but they can likely do that in such a way as to not alienate the staunch pro-Trump voters. They don’t need to outwardly condemn anything, but instead focus on the positive things he accomplished. And maybe dodge some questions and change the subject when need be. You know, politician stuff. And as you say, the dems will hang themselves while the republicans ascend to a loftier position in voters’ minds. They just gotta play it cool.

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all the talk about returning to the "original" republican party as characterized by guys like Rep Kinzinger

will prove to be a mistake and will definitely solidify the millions of Trump supporters away from what will be Paul Ryan 2.0

we already have the TDS'ers - Romney types and the lincoln project loser types like Conway who are bent out of shape about trump 

casting judgements on the former POTUS while disregarding the greater good done, or worse like Conway throwing fellow Lincoln project loser 

Weaver under the "I hate gays" bus.... but thats another story...

you WONT be able to talk about the direction on the R s without bringing up the impression Trump made while in DC   

 the republican party HAS BEEN AND WILL CONTINUE to be an inclusive party - FULL of ideas and CHANGE that brought in an outsider to save us from the hagg

and real hope and change that obumbles himself can only dream about....

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12 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Without reading any of this they should jettison the Trump element  and build from the ground up. The democrats have all the rope and they're  already hanging themselves. Start over at the very base. 

Without looking up the numbers (i I think Trump has amazingly strong support among Republicans And I'm not talking about look at project Republicans because they are just Democrats Or worse) I would think this is a bad idea. These people didn't hate Trump because of any of his policies they hated Trump because Well, that's what Democrats and Lefty's do . They hate the Republican Whoever he is and whatever he says And whatever information The public is fed is filtered through The jaundiced eye Of the hard left media Monopoly. Simple as that. There are some who say they supported [Sasse or McCain or [insert RINO] And they will immediately become the enemy of the left.

I don't know which of the Trump issues you think they should abandon To make themselves more palatable To the left-wing lunatics.


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3 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

I don't know which of the Trump issues you think they should abandon To make themselves more palatable To the left-wing lunatics.


I think much of it circles back to language. Not the message itself but the delivery of the message. Trump had a real in your face delivery style with an “us vs them” undertone that l think alienated some people. Some folks loved it, no doubt. 

it seems to have contributed to the tone we are now seeing out of Washington. It used to be a big deal to call someone a traitor. Now it’s an everyday thing. The bar has risen on the level of animosity political opponents seem to have against each other based on the wording and tone they use.

I don’t think anything can be done to make republicans palatable to lefties, but something can be done to sway the folks in the middle.

Remember those Looney Cartoons with Wile E Coyote and the Roadrunner or sheep dog character? There were a few cartoons where they hit the punch clock together with “morning Sam...morning Ralph” and then go about their day beating the crap out of each other, and then at the end of the day cordially clock out together. “G’night Sam...g’night Ralph.”

I always thought that was what politicians were like, but these guys and gals haven’t clocked out for a while. 


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8 hours ago, Vambo said:

Of course, l forgot terrorist. Everyone’s a terrorist now. I suppose the good news is there’s nowhere to go but down with the amped up insults. Only logical next step is to take it to the octagon.

Which isn’t a bad idea. Who wouldn’t pony up some pay per view money to see politicians square off in the ring? 

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6 minutes ago, Ibleedbrown said:

Of course, l forgot terrorist. Everyone’s a terrorist now. I suppose the good news is there’s nowhere to go but down with the amped up insults. Only logical next step is to take it to the octagon.

Which isn’t a bad idea. Who wouldn’t pony up some pay per view money to see politicians square off in the ring? 

How Bernie's inauguration mittens 'epitomized' white privilege, according to a San Francisco teacher
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like I"ve said other times, liberals like woodpecker, Tex and Whoota use words

for strictly emotional manipulation. They live by emotional knee jerking, it's all they seem to be capable of.

The definitions of the words don't matter.

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

like I"ve said other times, liberals like woodpecker, Tex and Whoota use words

for strictly emotional manipulation. They live by emotional knee jerking, it's all they seem to be capable of.

The definitions of the words don't matter.

If you read this thread through the earlier cited articles detail republicans calling other republicans traitors and that they are “possessed by the devil.” That’s pretty extreme man, and not uttered by a liberal.

The intended topic was the republican party sorting themselves out and what course you would like to see them take to win back votes. 

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8 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:

If you read this thread through the earlier cited articles detail republicans calling other republicans traitors and that they are “possessed by the devil.” That’s pretty extreme man, and not uttered by a liberal.

The intended topic was the republican party sorting themselves out and what course you would like to see them take to win back votes. 

 on the other hand though I'm not a particularly religious guy if there was a devil I would have to imagine that he's very pleased with the Democrats. 😈


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20 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

 on the other hand though I'm not a particularly religious guy if there was a devil I would have to imagine that he's very pleased with the Democrats. 😈


Well sure, with the right attitude this stuff is sort of amusing. I’m thinking in the broader context of “is the good for America?” If folks didn’t take what politicians said so seriously none of this would be a big deal, but that would create another set of problems. 

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18 minutes ago, Ibleedbrown said:

Well sure, with the right attitude this stuff is sort of amusing. I’m thinking in the broader context of “is the good for America?” If folks didn’t take what politicians said so seriously none of this would be a big deal, but that would create another set of problems. 

Well that's pretty much true but where do you draw the line between politicians using religious phrases? They just pick and choose whichever rules the Bible contains support their own greed and ambition but talking about the devil is a step too far?



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10 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:

If you read this thread through the earlier cited articles detail republicans calling other republicans traitors and that they are “possessed by the devil.” That’s pretty extreme man, and not uttered by a liberal.

The intended topic was the republican party sorting themselves out and what course you would like to see them take to win back votes. 

you are confusing hard hitting descriptive words and phrases mean literally, and others meant figuratively/emotionally for manipulation purposes.

    You miss the point again. The strong tendency is, of liberals, is to misuse words on purpose, DESPITE their literal definition. They misuse them because most all? liberals ONLY see the world around them in terms of their own emotions. They continually step into flagrant hypocrisy because they can use the same word in anger, when it SUITS them emotionally, and when their emotions change, they refuse to use the same words in the same kind of situations. It all depends on how they FEEL - if it benefits them, genocide of born and unborn children is a "right".  But it gets them votes. Then, they release violent illegals out of prisons, etc... to get favor with the latino communities. Their antifa/blm violent riots were "peaceful protests" because they have rights and have a grievance.

but let some nutjobs riot of the proud boys (see at least one ofthem being a long term FBI informant...) and they blast

ALL REPUBLICANS, PRES TRUMP, all PRES TRUMP VOTERS, ALL CONSERVATIVES, ALL CHRISTIANS, ALL GUN OWNERS as terrorists because it makes them feel good because they hate.

They are fine with the people who die at the hands of blm/antifa. but let one policeman kneel on the neck of one helpless black man, and ALL POLICEMEN are bad.

That is what I'm talking about. Using words as a weapon, DEFYING the definition of said words.

   I'm a rep, if I say "traitor", I'm going by the DEFINITION of the word. The left/liberals/progressives/marxists/communists use the word "traitor" when it clearly is not warranted, but they emotionally use it as a weapon anyways.


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