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for 4 Years the leftist press (oxymoron) was paranoid about attempted censorhip...but it's THEM who is doing it


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dangerous times for America's freedoms. Like everything they do - they reverse it when the situation and their emotions reverse.

"paranoid fear of censorship" then turns into leftwing cancel culture, accounts ended, media access ended.... and now pelosi says

all republicans are domestic terrorists.

you watch - obaMao wants his "civilian security force" because what they want, is UNCONSTITUTIONAL POWER, permanently, and they

can't trust our AMERICAN MILITARY to go along with a dicktatership.


Complaints Continue About Trump’s Hostility Towards the Press as Journalists Are Calling to Shut Down Outlets


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The left in this country has always practiced very effective gaslighting. They do a thing and then wring their hands and clutch their pearls and cry crocodile tears as they hysterically accuse the other side of it. 

Case on point - "insurrection". They've been more than condoning rioting and  insurrections for years. In fact they've been encouraging it and now they're gaslighting everyone about it. 

Despite what hoorta keeps parroting I don't think the capital riot was an insurrection. It was a riot and the mob, as mobs are likely to do, got rabble roused. It's quite easy to accomplish because people are largely stupid and mobs even more so. They even have a term for it "mob mentality"

If I had to guess I would guess the left was behind the capital protest becoming a riot. They saw an opportunity and took it. Yes, trump also has culpability. He encouraged the protest. But someone did the rabble rousing. That fellow john sullivan, was there rabble rousing for one. And now the left is doing left stuff and gaslighting. 

Again, despite what hoorta cries crocodile tears over, I don't believe they were there to kill congress or pence. They easily overpowered capitol Police. If they had been there to kill pence and congress there would have been casualties. 


They were dumb fucks and they got used to accomplish a goal. Now they're being used again to accomplish an even more important leftist goal - the total destruction of american freedom. Good job, dumb fuck trump fans. Good job. 

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