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Agenda 21 - UN global control


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it wasn't just a conspiracy theory. It was real. You see it being played out

with vengenence. Pres Trump kicked it to the curb, and swamp rats in our gov have millions of bucks to gain

in their pockets, and they will accrue so much power, that they will own us, and never lose elections again.

Stopped our grid from china control/interference PRES TRUMP

gave the control back to china - biden and the left.

built the Keystone Pipeline PRES TRUMP

stopped the keystone pipeline - biden and the left.

built the wall/clamped down on illegal entry/deported criminals guilty of sex trafficing, rape, murder, torture, etc etc.PRES TRUMP

allowed it to start up again - BIDEN AND THE LEFT

it goes on and on.

stopped the redistribution of wealth via goober warning/paris stupid fraud accord - PRES TRUMP

going to go all in on redistribution of wealth, fake news "global warming", back to the paris accord, throwing billions overseas biden and the left.

Agenda 21 - read up on it.



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