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Biden kills 70,000+ U.S. jobs with the stroke of a pen


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13 minutes ago, Neo said:


Neo- I said it way back in a previous post. Canadian tar sand and shale oil is acidic abrasive crap that's tough to refine. Looks like that 70,000 jobs lost is hyperbole too- as I'd expect.  

Of course Canada is upset- they're now sitting on some junk oil that suddenly doesn't have a market.  :)   If it's such great stuff- refine it yourselves Canada, and sell it as gasoline or diesel.  :)  

6 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

teamsters... jimmy hoffa groupies.

LOL- you want to talk groupies? Like QAnon and another dozen or so brainwashed Trump groupies?


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6 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Neo- I said it way back in a previous post. Canadian tar sand and shale oil is acidic abrasive crap that's tough to refine. Looks like that 70,000 jobs lost is hyperbole too- as I'd expect.  

Of course Canada is upset- they're now sitting on some junk oil that suddenly doesn't have a market.  :)   If it's such great stuff- refine it yourselves Canada, and sell it as gasoline or diesel.  :)  

LOL- you want to talk groupies? Like QAnon and another dozen or so brainwashed Trump groupies?


You do realize the oil is still shipped here only by truck and railway the pipeline would have been safer and cheaper...

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9 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Neo- I said it way back in a previous post. Canadian tar sand and shale oil is acidic abrasive crap that's tough to refine. Looks like that 70,000 jobs lost is hyperbole too- as I'd expect.  

Of course Canada is upset- they're now sitting on some junk oil that suddenly doesn't have a market.  :)   If it's such great stuff- refine it yourselves Canada, and sell it as gasoline or diesel.  :)  

LOL- you want to talk groupies? Like QAnon and another dozen or so brainwashed Trump groupies?



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58 minutes ago, Vambo said:

Like Antifa and another dozen or so brainwashed Biden groupies?

Antifa? Trump tried to say they're left wing extremists- but if you do 5 minutes of unbiased research- they're hardly left wing pro-Biden. 

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4 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Antifa? Trump tried to say they're left wing extremists- but if you do 5 minutes of unbiased research- they're hardly left wing pro-Biden. 

Why did Biden and Harris bail them out of jail?

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1 hour ago, Vambo said:

Like Antifa and another dozen or so brainwashed Biden groupies?

they hate biden I live in the middle of this shit they are fucking up a once cool town 

didnt you see the riots in tacoma last night ? it was the same fuckers who have been fucking up portland

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:


I don't trust anything Trump says as far as I could throw his fat ass, (it's going away X26 times, for starters). He deserves as much respect as a monkey in a zoo. (Would you like a link to The thousands of his tweets where he disrespected anyone who wouldn't kiss his ass?)    Those still loyal to him have been brainwashed. 


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1 minute ago, ATOM said:

they hate biden I live in the middle of this shit they are fucking up a once cool town 

didnt you see the riots in tacoma last night ? it was the same fuckers who have been fucking up portland

Why did Biden and Harris bail them out of jail?

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29 minutes ago, Vambo said:


That was after George Floyd’s death in Minnesota and the subsequent riots there. It was clearly a heavy time with an outpouring of support from a lot of people wanting to help but likely not sure how. Not saying right or wrong, just a different set of circumstances altogether.

Around that time we heard a lot about BLM and Antifa, and in some media outlets they seemed to be depicted as similar to each other. 

I think it’s very clear that’s not the case now, but l’m not sure we knew that at the time. Antifa groups are pretty out there. Hell, l’m still trying to figure out what they’re fighting for and how they think doing what they’re doing will accomplish it. To accomplish anything you need some degree of public support, and l don’t even think they’re trying for that.

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7 minutes ago, Ibleedbrown said:

That was after George Floyd’s death in Minnesota and the subsequent riots there. It was clearly a heavy time with an outpouring of support from a lot of people wanting to help but likely not sure how. Not saying right or wrong, just a different set of circumstances altogether.

Around that time we heard a lot about BLM and Antifa, and in some media outlets they seemed to be depicted as similar to each other. 

I think it’s very clear that’s not the case now, but l’m not sure we knew that at the time. Antifa groups are pretty out there. Hell, l’m still trying to figure out what they’re fighting for and how they think doing what they’re doing will accomplish it. To accomplish anything you need some degree of public support, and l don’t even think they’re trying for that.

So why are they not stopping them and why is the MSM ignoring them?

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“Thirteen members of Biden’s campaign staff donated to bail and — rioters — they’re getting them out of jail. Looters — they got them out of jail. And his running mate, Kamala, urged their supporters to do the same thing.”


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42 minutes ago, Vambo said:

So why are they not stopping them and why is the MSM ignoring them?

NBC story on Tacoma riots.


And Portland riots.


I might wager a guess that you don’t read the mainstream media, and therefore may not be aware of what they do or do not cover. There’s a very reasonable chance that if a riot happens, most national news outlets will cover it. They kind of have to. It’s pretty hard to not notice a riot, and they are obliged to do stories on noticeable newsworthy things.

As to why they are not stopping them? It appears arrests are being made. Efforts are being put forth. Perhaps not enough efforts? You could be right. But hopefully that will change soon and the requisite efforts will be put forth to stop the riots.

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3 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:

NBC story on Tacoma riots.


And Portland riots.


I might wager a guess that you don’t read the mainstream media, and therefore may not be aware of what they do or do not cover. There’s a very reasonable chance that if a riot happens, most national news outlets will cover it. They kind of have to. It’s pretty hard to not notice a riot, and they are obliged to do stories on noticeable newsworthy things.

As to why they are not stopping them? It appears arrests are being made. Efforts are being put forth. Perhaps not enough efforts? You could be right. But hopefully that will change soon and the requisite efforts will be put forth to stop the riots.

There is nothing on riots...


Protesters took to the streets in downtown Tacoma


Protesters are tagging the Democratic Party of Oregon Headquarters and smashing windows.

First they need to admit they are riots, insurrections.

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5 hours ago, Vambo said:

There is nothing on riots...

First they need to admit they are riots, insurrections.

I get it. You want emotionally charged words in your news coverage. You’re not alone. There is a market for that. This is why we now have news outlets that cater to various spins on things. They manipulate language to elicit certain emotional responses.

Once upon a time it was acceptable and even desirous to report just the facts. The who, what, why and where. 

If you google riot definition, it states “a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd.” The NBC articles clearly depicted a crowd and violent disturbances, complete with videos. 

Most of the facts appear to be in both versions of the story. 

Not everyone wants to be manipulated with emotionally charged language. That’s why there’s still a market for that kind of news coverage as well. 

None of that means the mainstream media isn’t covering it, they’re just not covering it in a way that suits you. 

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2 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:

I get it. You want emotionally charged words in your news coverage. You’re not alone. There is a market for that. This is why we now have news outlets that cater to various spins on things. They manipulate language to elicit certain emotional responses.

Once upon a time it was acceptable and even desirous to report just the facts. The who, what, why and where. 

If you google riot definition, it states “a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd.” The NBC articles clearly depicted a crowd and violent disturbances, complete with videos. 

Most of the facts appear to be in both versions of the story. 

Not everyone wants to be manipulated with emotionally charged language. That’s why there’s still a market for that kind of news coverage as well. 

None of that means the mainstream media isn’t covering it, they’re just not covering it in a way that suits you. 

Had they covered the capitol protest the same way it would be fine but you see the difference but you won't admit it.

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2 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Antifa are 'Lincoln Republicans'.

I actually think they’re much worse. I’ve been searching off and on for a few days to find out what Antifa is all about. Not necessarily who the media says they are, but who they say they are. I finally hit on something last night that l’ll post later. It’s not good though. They’re really really far outside the political spectrum. 

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Steve- it would be nice if the right wing of this forum would just STOP with the TDS already.

That’s actually a good idea but not, I’m sure, from the reasons you think so.☆

 Lame, lame, lame.

 ☆Yes it is. So give it a rest. Even though my respect for Joe Biden this just about zero my disagreements with his policies because most of them are ridiculous. There are more than the ones mentioned in this post we can do that at another time. But, and I don’t expect a straight answer, like I have asked on other occasions if there’s discussion about race switch the words black and white and read the statement again. If it now sounds ridiculous it was ridiculous all along. You pretend that you would have backed Mike Pence. Great. How many of these ridiculous orders do you think Mike Pence would have supported or made as president? My guess is, let me think… Could it be… None? A little church lady ref.☆

 There's probably at least a hundred or so valid reasons to hate Trump. I can start with Coal Miner's Son Trump- arguably the most anti-environmental president since the EPA came into existence.

There’s a lot of stuff here let me try to address them as succinctly as I can. I have very little use for the EPA as I do for most bloated and useless bureaucracies. Especially those who impose punitive restrictions but receive either a zero or minuscule results. Just for the record I don’t care about fracking I don’t care about the pipeline and I don’t care about Anwar. I do care about energy Independence and not having to kiss the Saudis ass for a gallon of gas. But hey this should make the Saudis pretend to love us as much as the Chinese do now.
And speaking of the stupid Paris Accord which puts an extra burden on the United States business and gives a free ride to the people who are the biggest polluters and our competitors. That makes Chinese Goods even more attractive and US Goods less. Some more shit being built in a country with no Environmental Protection whatsoever?☆

 I stated some damn facts, about the aggrandizing BS regarding the Wall,

☆Again frankly I don’t care about the wall, I don’t think it’s probably the best way to control illegal immigration. But unlike you people I do care about you illegal immigration and would like it to be stopped. Maybe I’m a hypocrite maybe if they all voted Republican I’d be happy to turn the country into a third-world shithole. But I don’t think so.☆

 replacing Obamacare with something better,

 ☆They actually did and I didn’t like the outcome. Removing the Mandate was the linchpin of Obamacare and a bipartisan team pulled it out. I think that was a bad idea and don’t agree with whoever was for that. As a matter of fact I’d have raised the mandate. But no plan of the presidents had a chance in hell of getting past Nancy Pelosi. Don’t play stupid.☆

 and his non-existent infrastructure plan. 

The one that he put forth back in like April or something that Democrats blocked. Again don’t give me a Snow Job  any infrastructure  plan is going to be a boost to the economy  and your girl Nancy  was having none of it . ☆

Go ahead- so where am I factually wrong on any of it?

☆ I don't see any facts at all just barking and insults☆

He's not God, though some around here think his shit don't stink.  

I’ve never said anything of the sort. So what are you crying about? Somebody else?☆

1)    Numerous posts have shown (and proven) Trump is the person who's deranged. Not those of us who dare to point it out. Tex showed based on a test- Trump is a sociopath. That his narcissism is out of control isn't debatable. Mr. Pathological Liar racked up 30,500 lies and change before he got exiled to Mar a Lago.  Swell guy. Couldn't admit Joe beat him fair and square. Called his minions to DC- and then you know what happened. Not his fault? My ass it isn't.  

☆  I read that it’s horseshit that applies to every politician that ever ran for office and probably every human being who posts on this site. Tex is a lunatic and that study with so ridiculous that qanon would be embarrassed publish it.☆

3)    The difference between legal and illegal immigration is Trump and the xenophobes trying to shut the barn door after the horses got out. Read where there's at least 11 million illegals living in the country, some old enough to have kids that are native born right here in the USA. Sorry, kicking them out isn't happening. The other point is back in the 1850s ramping that up to 2020 population- you'd have 42 million immigrants here.  Irish decent Steve? I had a talk with a Ranger down at the Towpath Visitor Center. That canal was dug by hand by Irish immigrants who got paid around a dime a day and a shot of whisky after work. They died on an average of one per mile. 

Illegal means illegal. Somebody steals your bike and they don’t get to keep it just because they’ve hidden it in the garage. We’re not fools we know why you guys want more illegals. It’s an especially stupid idea if you are a union worker. But give this 11 million the green light and the next 11 million will be crossing the border before the ink is dry.☆

4)    There's TONS of BDS (Biden Derangement Syndrome) HDS (Harris Derangement syndrome) Ah gee- you don't like Kameltoe? I don't like Cheetos- fair enough?  DDS (Democrat Derangement Syndrome) going on here. One guy- you know who- is still living 4 years in the past bashing Obama.

☆There is. So what? I don’t give a damn about Obama. Some others do and some others are crazy just like you are about Trump. I don’t base my opinions on any policy beast on personal animus to anybody on this board. No matter how crazy they are.☆

Finally- though I do like most, if not all of Joe's executive orders undoing the worst of Trump's mistakes, I'm not going to back him 100%.
I will need to see evidence of that which hasn’t surfaced yet. 
  It's amazingly hypocritical of Republicans turning into deficit hawks on a dime, 

No shit. How many times have I made the point that it’s disgusting how quickly the two parties change hats depending on who’s sitting in the Oval Office not only on matters of the economy but the military and everything else.☆

when Trump's tax cuts for his rich buddies ballooned the deficit- even with the economy running full tilt

☆And now crazy Joe has doubled down on destroying the economy. It’s stupid to think that punishing the rich will make the poor smarter stronger or happier or even self-sufficient.☆

 with record low unemployment.  It's magical thinking to believe cutting taxes is the way to disappearing deficits and prosperity. If you want better programs- 

I’m not seeing any of this from Biden. I’m seeing throwing trillions and trillions of dollars away which I can’t imagine isn't going to be a head on Blow to the economy short and Midterm and inflation mid to long-term. Now are there some people in America with pride who would prefer to work than sit on their ass? Sure. But there are a hell of a lot cool quit their jobs now because they’re getting as much or more or at least almost as much for free. Like throwing a hundred pounds have dog food on your back porch does not make the raccoons in the squirrels stronger creatures.☆

and better services- that money doesn't appear out of thin air, it has to be paid for somehow. Regarding local infrastructure... The I-75 Brent Spence Bridge over the Ohio River into Kentucky is at the end of it's useful service life. It's going to cost somewhere around a BILLION dollars at last count to replace it. But let's bitch about raising the federal gas tax by a fucking nickel or dime a gallon instead. 

We’ll talk in a year or twoif its a nickel or dime who cares?
Again see above the infrastructure argument is facetious. Not only that but I can’t imagine the huge amount of graft involved in creating these contracts. But that’s something Joe has always been good at.
And we haven’t even touched on the batshit crazy idea that men should compete with women in sports.
Hopefully the speech-to-text typos haven’t fucked anything up too badly.☆



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25 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Steve- it would be nice if the right wing of this forum would just STOP with the TDS already.

☆ That’s actually a good idea but not, I’m sure, from the reasons you think so.☆

 Lame, lame, lame.

 ☆Yes it is. So give it a rest. Even though my respect for Joe Biden this just about zero my disagreements with his policies because most of them are ridiculous. There are more than the ones mentioned in this post we can do that at another time. But, and I don’t expect a straight answer, like I have asked on other occasions if there’s discussion about race switch the words black and white and read the statement again. If it now sounds ridiculous it was ridiculous all along. You pretend that you would have backed Mike Pence. Great. How many of these ridiculous orders do you think Mike Pence would have supported or made as president? My guess is, let me think… Could it be… None? A little church lady ref.☆

 There's probably at least a hundred or so valid reasons to hate Trump. I can start with Coal Miner's Son Trump- arguably the most anti-environmental president since the EPA came into existence.

☆ There’s a lot of stuff here let me try to address them as succinctly as I can. I have very little use for the EPA as I do for most bloated and useless bureaucracies. Especially those who impose punitive restrictions but receive either a zero or minuscule results. Just for the record I don’t care about fracking I don’t care about the pipeline and I don’t care about Anwar. I do care about energy Independence and not having to kiss the Saudis ass for a gallon of gas. But hey this should make the Saudis pretend to love us as much as the Chinese do now.
And speaking of the stupid Paris Accord which puts an extra burden on the United States business and gives a free ride to the people who are the biggest polluters and our competitors. That makes Chinese Goods even more attractive and US Goods less. Some more shit being built in a country with no Environmental Protection whatsoever?☆

 I stated some damn facts, about the aggrandizing BS regarding the Wall,

☆Again frankly I don’t care about the wall, I don’t think it’s probably the best way to control illegal immigration. But unlike you people I do care about you illegal immigration and would like it to be stopped. Maybe I’m a hypocrite maybe if they all voted Republican I’d be happy to turn the country into a third-world shithole. But I don’t think so.☆

 replacing Obamacare with something better,

 ☆They actually did and I didn’t like the outcome. Removing the Mandate was the linchpin of Obamacare and a bipartisan team pulled it out. I think that was a bad idea and don’t agree with whoever was for that. As a matter of fact I’d have raised the mandate. But no plan of the presidents had a chance in hell of getting past Nancy Pelosi. Don’t play stupid.☆

 and his non-existent infrastructure plan. 

☆The one that he put forth back in like April or something that Democrats blocked. Again don’t give me a Snow Job  any infrastructure  plan is going to be a boost to the economy  and your girl Nancy  was having none of it . ☆

Go ahead- so where am I factually wrong on any of it?

☆ I don't see any facts at all just barking and insults☆

He's not God, though some around here think his shit don't stink.  

☆I’ve never said anything of the sort. So what are you crying about? Somebody else?☆

1)    Numerous posts have shown (and proven) Trump is the person who's deranged. Not those of us who dare to point it out. Tex showed based on a test- Trump is a sociopath. That his narcissism is out of control isn't debatable. Mr. Pathological Liar racked up 30,500 lies and change before he got exiled to Mar a Lago.  Swell guy. Couldn't admit Joe beat him fair and square. Called his minions to DC- and then you know what happened. Not his fault? My ass it isn't.  

☆  I read that it’s horseshit that applies to every politician that ever ran for office and probably every human being who posts on this site. Tex is a lunatic and that study with so ridiculous that qanon would be embarrassed publish it.☆

3)    The difference between legal and illegal immigration is Trump and the xenophobes trying to shut the barn door after the horses got out. Read where there's at least 11 million illegals living in the country, some old enough to have kids that are native born right here in the USA. Sorry, kicking them out isn't happening. The other point is back in the 1850s ramping that up to 2020 population- you'd have 42 million immigrants here.  Irish decent Steve? I had a talk with a Ranger down at the Towpath Visitor Center. That canal was dug by hand by Irish immigrants who got paid around a dime a day and a shot of whisky after work. They died on an average of one per mile. 

☆Illegal means illegal. Somebody steals your bike and they don’t get to keep it just because they’ve hidden it in the garage. We’re not fools we know why you guys want more illegals. It’s an especially stupid idea if you are a union worker. But give this 11 million the green light and the next 11 million will be crossing the border before the ink is dry.☆

4)    There's TONS of BDS (Biden Derangement Syndrome) HDS (Harris Derangement syndrome) Ah gee- you don't like Kameltoe? I don't like Cheetos- fair enough?  DDS (Democrat Derangement Syndrome) going on here. One guy- you know who- is still living 4 years in the past bashing Obama.

☆There is. So what? I don’t give a damn about Obama. Some others do and some others are crazy just like you are about Trump. I don’t base my opinions on any policy beast on personal animus to anybody on this board. No matter how crazy they are.☆

Finally- though I do like most, if not all of Joe's executive orders undoing the worst of Trump's mistakes, I'm not going to back him 100%.
I will need to see evidence of that which hasn’t surfaced yet. 
  It's amazingly hypocritical of Republicans turning into deficit hawks on a dime, 

☆No shit. How many times have I made the point that it’s disgusting how quickly the two parties change hats depending on who’s sitting in the Oval Office not only on matters of the economy but the military and everything else.☆

when Trump's tax cuts for his rich buddies ballooned the deficit- even with the economy running full tilt

☆And now crazy Joe has doubled down on destroying the economy. It’s stupid to think that punishing the rich will make the poor smarter stronger or happier or even self-sufficient.☆

 with record low unemployment.  It's magical thinking to believe cutting taxes is the way to disappearing deficits and prosperity. If you want better programs- 

☆I’m not seeing any of this from Biden. I’m seeing throwing trillions and trillions of dollars away which I can’t imagine isn't going to be a head on Blow to the economy short and Midterm and inflation mid to long-term. Now are there some people in America with pride who would prefer to work than sit on their ass? Sure. But there are a hell of a lot cool quit their jobs now because they’re getting as much or more or at least almost as much for free. Like throwing a hundred pounds have dog food on your back porch does not make the raccoons in the squirrels stronger creatures.☆

and better services- that money doesn't appear out of thin air, it has to be paid for somehow. Regarding local infrastructure... The I-75 Brent Spence Bridge over the Ohio River into Kentucky is at the end of it's useful service life. It's going to cost somewhere around a BILLION dollars at last count to replace it. But let's bitch about raising the federal gas tax by a fucking nickel or dime a gallon instead. 

☆We’ll talk in a year or twoif its a nickel or dime who cares?
Again see above the infrastructure argument is facetious. Not only that but I can’t imagine the huge amount of graft involved in creating these contracts. But that’s something Joe has always been good at.
And we haven’t even touched on the batshit crazy idea that men should compete with women in sports.
Hopefully the speech-to-text typos haven’t fucked anything up too badly.☆



There is no cure for TDS unfortunately.

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3 hours ago, Vambo said:

Had they covered the capitol protest the same way it would be fine but you see the difference but you won't admit it.

Dude, that’s is my point. Different media outlets cover things in different ways. It’s nothing to get upset about. It’s a byproduct of supply and demand.

Some folks actually want stories with a little extra emotional charge. Some folks don’t. Some people want a little right wing slant, some want a left with slant, some like as little slant as possible. Different strokes for different folks. 

The coverage is there, the spin can vary. It doesn’t mean NBC isn’t covering a story, it just means they aren’t covering it in the flavor you like. 

But it’s not a big deal because there are media outlets that will cater to your spin satisfaction, so you take your news reading business there. That’s how supply and demand works. 

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10 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

So you’re insinuating they’re right wing Pro Trump?

I'll wait for ibleedbrown's post. But from what I gather, they have their own agenda neither left nor right- but anti government?  

7 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Antifa are 'Lincoln Republicans'.

Flat out Bullshit. 

4 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

There is no cure for TDS unfortunately.

Unfortunately, there's no cure for BDS, HDS, and DDS either.... 

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