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10 hours ago, nickers said:

This is the garbage the left hang with... Disgusting!

She’s clearly someone on the far out radical side of the left and doesn’t represent half of the country. This is what l’m talking about when we try to use the extremists on both sides as examples. It’s not healthy and makes you feel more distant from your countrymen than you really are.

Think of this woman as the opposite of the right supporters who broke into the Capitol. They do not represent your average righties just as she doesn’t represent your average lefties.

A good rule of thumb is that if there’s a news article written about someone who acts out of political motivation, chances are they are extremists.  Nobody writes articles about old Mrs. Betty Lou who said a few disparaging words about Trump to her mailman while sipping coffee on her porch.

Don’t let the rhetoric get the best of you.

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1 minute ago, Ibleedbrown said:

She’s clearly someone on the far out radical side of the left and doesn’t represent half of the country. This is what l’m talking about when we try to use the extremists on both sides as examples. It’s not healthy and makes you feel more distant from your countrymen than you really are.

Think of this woman as the opposite of the right supporters who broke into the Capitol. They do not represent your average righties just as she doesn’t represent your average lefties.

A good rule of thumb is that if there’s a news article written about someone who acts out of political motivation, chances are they are extremists.  Nobody writes articles about old Mrs. Betty Lou who said a few disparaging words about Trump to her mailman while sipping coffee on her porch.

Don’t let the rhetoric get the best of you.

Actually, that isn't true. Because we can see people just like her all over the democratic party, all over the msm, all over facebook and twitter, all over. It's a constant - they are coming out of the woodwork. It's a vicious culture war, and the left smells blood like sharks.

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1 minute ago, calfoxwc said:

Actually, that isn't true. Because we can see people just like her all over the democratic party, all over the msm, all over facebook and twitter, all over. It's a constant - they are coming out of the woodwork. It's a vicious culture war, and the left smells blood like sharks.

They’re out there man, no doubt. And that’s my point, they make the news. And the more we feed into the hype and parrot the rhetoric, the worse it will get. That’s my point. It’s our collective responsibility to turn the tone down. If we continue to bark loudly and point fingers, nothing will improve. We have to ascend to higher ground. I’m willing to do that. I welcome you there as well.

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2 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:

They’re out there man, no doubt. And that’s my point, they make the news. And the more we feed into the hype and parrot the rhetoric, the worse it will get. That’s my point. It’s our collective responsibility to turn the tone down. If we continue to bark loudly and point fingers, nothing will improve. We have to ascend to higher ground. I’m willing to do that. I welcome you there as well.

I get what you saying- but I don't see it myself. Sick aggressive people get worse at weakness. Bullies back down when confronted.

Peace through strength. Mildly keeping quiet is what they want. Like terrorists instill fear to control. that is what the left is doing now.

be afraid to speak out. be afraid to politically oppose. be afraid to disagree. keep quiet. Be controlled.

nah. we need to speak out. Our CONSTITUTIONALIST judges need to stop the violations of OUR civil rights.

In a war of words, you lose by keeping silent. They are silencing, to win. They are intimidating all political opposition, to win.


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5 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

I get what you saying- but I don't see it myself. Sick aggressive people get worse at weakness. Bullies back down when confronted.

Peace through strength. Mildly keeping quiet is what they want. Like terrorists instill fear to control. that is what the left is doing now.

be afraid to speak out. be afraid to politically oppose. be afraid to disagree. keep quiet. Be controlled.

nah. we need to speak out. Our CONSTITUTIONALIST judges need to stop the violations of OUR civil rights.

In a war of words, you lose by keeping silent. They are silencing, to win. They are intimidating all political opposition, to win.


I’m not saying don’t speak out. I’m saying when you speak, let your words be a scalpel instead of a bazooka.

Look at some of the tone in this thread alone.

“This is the garbage the left hang with”

”The entire left has been given free range to act out if hate.

Bunch of sick losers.”

Where are the bullies here? Who is being the aggressor here? You’re on a message board talking politics to a small group of people. Who in this message provoked that? It comes off like the internet version of angrily shouting at clouds.

This was an article about a specific person, who was arrested and will go to trial, and it quickly got spun into “the entire left”. It doesn’t invite a rational discussion amongst someone who may offer a different perspective.  

Make your words count for something. Let them be used to make someone want to see your side of things instead of something to bludgeon them with.

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28 minutes ago, Ibleedbrown said:

I’m not saying don’t speak out. I’m saying when you speak, let your words be a scalpel instead of a bazooka.

Look at some of the tone in this thread alone.

“This is the garbage the left hang with”

”The entire left has been given free range to act out if hate.

Bunch of sick losers.”

Where are the bullies here? Who is being the aggressor here? You’re on a message board talking politics to a small group of people. Who in this message provoked that? It comes off like the internet version of angrily shouting at clouds.

This was an article about a specific person, who was arrested and will go to trial, and it quickly got spun into “the entire left”. It doesn’t invite a rational discussion amongst someone who may offer a different perspective.  

Make your words count for something. Let them be used to make someone want to see your side of things instead of something to bludgeon them with.

I appreciate your gentle ways. It's all over the news. This is just one example. Yes, IT IS WHO THEY ARE and they can shove it.

I'm not a liberal. I guess you are. That's ok. But LOGIC, what liberals do NOT live by, tells us that flagrant hatred needs to be met with real words that have serious meaning. Not pablum nicey nicey, because they will just respond with a fake severed head of Pres Trump dripping blood.

Therefore, I am not buyin what yer sellin. Have a nice day.

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3 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

I appreciate your gentle ways. It's all over the news. This is just one example. Yes, IT IS WHO THEY ARE and they can shove it.

I'm not a liberal. I guess you are. That's ok. But LOGIC, what liberals do NOT live by, tells us that flagrant hatred needs to be met with real words that have serious meaning. Not pablum nicey nicey, because they will just respond with a fake severed head of Pres Trump dripping blood.

Therefore, I am not buyin what yer sellin. Have a nice day.

Logic is what l’m selling Cal. And knowing your audience. You’re on a political forum for Browns fans. Every time you post you have an opportunity to help someone understand where you’re coming from and why you feel the way you do. Your approach makes a difference. 

If someone walks up to you and smacks you, an appropriate response would be to smack back. If someone walks up to you and smiles, you would smile back. 

If you start off a conversation about politics with “the entire left...is a bunch of sick losers”, without being provoked, you are setting the tone. You are inviting conflict. There are a few lefty folks who post here, and if you invite intelligent discourse, you very well might get it. If you start off with an attack, just like in real life you may get attacked back.

Logical enough?

If you want to angrily shout at clouds, hell, you don’t even need the internet for that. But ask yourself what you are trying to accomplish by doing that? Do you think that will make someone go, “hmm, l never thought of it like that”? 

Know your audience. The people who post here are not the ones destroying shit in the street. They’re Browns fans like you, and some of them have different political persuasions. If you show you are open to hearing them out and giving thought to what they say they may in turn do the same.

Welcome to the high road. 

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3 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:

Logic is what l’m selling Cal. And knowing your audience. You’re on a political forum for Browns fans. Every time you post you have an opportunity to help someone understand where you’re coming from and why you feel the way you do. Your approach makes a difference. 
If someone walks up to you and smacks you, an appropriate response would be to smack back. If someone walks up to you and smiles, you would smile back.

If you start off a conversation about politics with “the entire left...is a bunch of sick losers”, without being provoked, you are setting the tone. You are inviting conflict. There are a few lefty folks who post here, and if you invite intelligent discourse, you very well might get it. If you start off with an attack, just like in real life you may get attacked back.

Logical enough?If you want to angrily shout at clouds, hell, you don’t even need the internet for that. But ask yourself what you are trying to accomplish by doing that? Do you think that will make someone go, “hmm, l never thought of it like that”? Know your audience. The people who post here are not the ones destroying shit in the street. They’re Browns fans like you, and some of them have different political persuasions. If you show you are open to hearing them out and giving thought to what they say they may in turn do the same.

Welcome to the high road. 

goofy pablum. Not buyin it. Were you here when OBF was? he was eloquent, spoke beautifully in antagonistic answers explaining his Christian faith. See him here now? NO. He decided he had better things to do instead of taking more antagonistic garbage.

   I was once asked why I believed in God. I wrote about myself when I was a kid. got ridiculed for years afterwards.

You can believe your stuff, but it's dumb. Like getting a rock thrown at you, then turning your butt towards them so they can hit that with another rock.

    At best, you are very, very naive, and you may or may not know world history. I can honestly talk to liberals. But around here, it's all on who has the power to be belligerent without any provocation. I have liberal friends here and there.  

  But the desperate hate flows without any regard for tone, serious discussion.....

So, I ain't never gonna buy the cheap knockoff you're sellin, and NO SOUP FOR YOU.


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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

goofy pablum. Not buyin it. Were you here when OBF was? he was eloquent, spoke beautifully in antagonistic answers explaining his Christian faith. See him here now? NO. He decided he had better things to do instead of taking more antagonistic garbage.

   I was once asked why I believed in God. I wrote about myself when I was a kid. got ridiculed for years afterwards.

You can believe your stuff, but it's dumb. Like getting a rock thrown at you, then turning your butt towards them so they can hit that with another rock.

    At best, you are very, very naive, and you may or may not know world history. I can honestly talk to liberals. But around here, it's all on who has the power to be belligerent without any provocation. I have liberal friends here and there.  

  But the desperate hate flows without any regard for tone, serious discussion.....

So, I ain't never gonna buy the cheap knockoff you're sellin, and NO SOUP FOR YOU.


Goodness Cal. It’s a message board. Nobody threw a rock at you. If words were rocks, in this case, you threw the rock. Decorum and tact is a good approach. That’s all l’m getting at. You will sway more minds with a better approach. You’ll turn people off when you lead with insults.

I do appreciate the insight though. Some of this makes more sense now. You have a history here and have had bad experiences, and you defenses are so high up they’ve turned into offenses. 

I don’t recall OBF. I have peeked in on the poli board a few years now and it often seems like a hot mess of bickering with no insight in sight. It could be better. 

And sure, l’m naive. And an idealist. I actually would like a poli board where rational exchanges happen betwixt people with different perspectives. I might learn something that way. Seeing people shout at clouds on the internet is not helpful. 

Hateful comments just begets hateful comments. It’s tired and unproductive. 

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and bending over to be nice gets your ass kicked because the left is corrupt.

and the rock is an analogy......the slurs from the left all this time, and you want everybody to play

patticake patticake whatever that was kids play.

Just observe the left. Emotional knee jerking does not respond to legit discussions.

Go listen to John Lennon's song "Imagine" and dream of utopia. have a nice.

but no soup for you.

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

and bending over to be nice gets your ass kicked because the left is corrupt.

and the rock is an analogy......the slurs from the left all this time, and you want everybody to play

patticake patticake whatever that was kids play.

Just observe the left. Emotional knee jerking does not respond to legit discussions.

Go listen to John Lennon's song "Imagine" and dream of utopia. have a nice.

but no soup for you.

Politicians are corrupt Cal. You’re not talking to them here. You’re not talking to rioters here. Just Browns fans.

It’s up to you really. If you want to look like the guy shouting at clouds, you can do that.

If you want to be someone who gets taken seriously with a shot at gaining respect from those who disagree with you, l laid it out for you. 

Or you could mock me children’s games and soup. That’s fine Cal. 

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well, I tried to take you seriously, but you lost my respect with your nonsense.

to quote Billy Joel... "I didn't start the fire".

and it won't go out. How nice do you think Kavanaugh was ?  Really, really, really nice.

and they did every dirty filthy lie etc to destroy him and his family.

wake up, smell the hoses.


Megyn Kelly: The Left's talk of unity is 'nonsense,' they've 'awakened a sleeping giant'


'Unify behind my agenda' is not a real call for unity

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4 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

well, I tried to take you seriously, but you lost my respect with your nonsense.

to quote Billy Joel... "I didn't start the fire".

and it won't go out. How nice do you think Kavanaugh was ?  Really, really, really nice.

and they did every dirty filthy lie etc to destroy him and his family.

wake up, smell the hoses.


Megyn Kelly: The Left's talk of unity is 'nonsense,' they've 'awakened a sleeping giant'


'Unify behind my agenda' is not a real call for unity



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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

Despite the bombast which makes any thread a chore to even click on I don't believe that anyone on this board is truly insane or stupid. Therefore I don't think anyone believes that Unity is the goal of either party 



It’s not. A semblance would be nice. It’s like expecting a dog to not be a dog.

That seems to be the thing l am doing a poor job of explaining. 

Just regular folks, who l believe comprise this forum. They tend to be reasonable and approachable, within reason and depending on how they are approached.

If l lead off with “Conservatives are such sick losers”, it’s not very inviting for a conservative to further explore my point of view on that. Most likely l’ll just get called an asshole. 

And l am naive enough to think that some unity can come about with rational and even keeled debates, at least amongst us common folk. If we start off that way, it still might evolve into hurling insults, but neither is harder than the other. It’s all just typing words on a screen, but one approach has a much higher success rate at getting that “I never thought of it like that” type response than the other.

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36 minutes ago, Ibleedbrown said:

It’s not. A semblance would be nice. It’s like expecting a dog to not be a dog.

That seems to be the thing l am doing a poor job of explaining. 

Just regular folks, who l believe comprise this forum. They tend to be reasonable and approachable, within reason and depending on how they are approached.

If l lead off with “Conservatives are such sick losers”, it’s not very inviting for a conservative to further explore my point of view on that. Most likely l’ll just get called an asshole. 

And l am naive enough to think that some unity can come about with rational and even keeled debates, at least amongst us common folk. If we start off that way, it still might evolve into hurling insults, but neither is harder than the other. It’s all just typing words on a screen, but one approach has a much higher success rate at getting that “I never thought of it like that” type response than the other.

Spare us the fact that you showed up after 4 years of hate towards 45.

Now it’s unity and civil discussion you preach?


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25 minutes ago, hammertime said:

Spare us the fact that you showed up after 4 years of hate towards 45.

Now it’s unity and civil discussion you preach?


I never thought of it like that. So preaching messages of unity and civil discussion were more relevant 4 years ago? You could be right. Why do you think that?

I kind of feel like the political climate has been pretty hairy even before that. Perhaps more people should have been preaching them in an effort to ease tensions and possibly ward off riots. I apologize if l am late to the game. I suppose better late than never may apply here.

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5 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

I hope the republicans block or harass any Biden idea put forward.  I hope his cabinet members get harassed at restaurants, at their homes and while driving.   For the entire length of his Presidency.  Kamaltoe also.😊

I hope the republicans do their jobs and uphold the values of their constituents. I always thought a balance of conservative and liberal thinking was, when done right, a vehicle through which we as a nation could evolve with the times, but in a way people are ready for.

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