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Biden executive order says schools should include transgender athletes in girls' sports


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I’m sort of still trying to sort this one out. I try to look at all the angles, as any responsible person should before even attempting to form an opinion on something like this.

On one hand, being a kid is tough. Maybe not a young kid, and maybe not the later teenage years, but that in between period? Holy hell. That awkward period where you’re getting into girls, but don’t know how to talk to them, and you still got a thing for Legos. Yeesh. The only saving grace is not knowing how messed up it is at the time.

And then throw being transgender on top of that? I can’t even imagine what that would be like. 

If playing a sport is something that helps that kid get through all that and gives them something to look forward to, it’s hard to be against it. We all have something to gain with every kid developing well into productive members of society, and involvement in team sports truly helps in that regard.

On the other hand, l have a daughter who was an athlete through high school, and boys and girls are simply made differently. Different body parts are prone to injury, different strength and conditioning routines have been developed and so on. On average there is a strength advantage with being born male, so it skews the competitive balance away from the other girls who were born and still identify as girls. 

I’d love to hear @D Bone take on this. I suspect he may have a good perspective here.

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14 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

I never thought of it that way, but I have to agree he’s just a meat puppet of the DNC.

Actually the left wing of the DNC. One has to imagine that there are some middle-of-the-road Democrats out there? Then again Democrats are known for solidarity. Unlike Republicans sadly.



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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

More likely he just signs whatever shit the left puts on his desk.


Obama is running the show behind closed doors... I have 0 doubt about this.. Him and Mike just acquired a home a few blocks from the WH.... I have no doubt he is behind everything...Biden and Harris are just window dressing...

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14 minutes ago, nickers said:

Obama is running the show behind closed doors... I have 0 doubt about this.. Him and Mike just acquired a home a few blocks from the WH.... I have no doubt he is behind everything...Biden and Harris are just window dressing...

I think like a quarterback who gets more blame and more credit then they probably deserve I don't think any one man has that kind of power. Certainly not the empty suit Obammy.


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1 hour ago, nickers said:

Obama is running the show behind closed doors... I have 0 doubt about this.. Him and Mike just acquired a home a few blocks from the WH.... I have no doubt he is behind everything...Biden and Harris are just window dressing...

Yep.  He bought a 8.1 Million dollar home a few blocks away.

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15 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:

I’d love to hear @D Bone take on this. I suspect he may have a good perspective here.

Man, this is one that really bothers me, and a lot. It goes against every core belief that makes me me. I can not imagine watching my daughter compete for the last spot on a National Team, and then have to watch her get beaten out by a man that simply thinks of himself as something different than what he really is. 

I don't pretend to understand what it must be like to feel completely different inside than the mirror shows the outside, and I'm just thankful that I don't have that problem.... However, if I did, I would understand that there is going to be a price to pay for wanting to be something so far out of the norm from what the rest of the 99+% of humanity is. 

I'm not saying that they should be bullied, ostracized or discriminated against in any way, I'm just saying that if it were me, I would know that I would make most women seriously uncomfortable as I joined them in their gym's shower.  

As with everything in life, once this snowball is pushed off the hill, the following avalanche is inevitable.... So once this passes, where is the line?? What if I, a 53yr old man, considers himself a 12yr old boy, will I then be allowed to compete in Little League??

^ If that is said to be "ridiculous".... then why? Are my feelings not as valid as those who see themselves other than what science proves they are? Why am I discriminated against and not them?  

There will be nothing good to come out of this warped, twisted thinking of reality. 

My .02

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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

I think like a quarterback who gets more blame and more credit then they probably deserve I don't think any one man has that kind of power. Certainly not the empty suit Obammy.


When you are funded and backed by George Soros money... Anything is possible...

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4 hours ago, D Bone said:

Man, this is one that really bothers me, and a lot. It goes against every core belief that makes me me. I can not imagine watching my daughter compete for the last spot on a National Team, and then have to watch her get beaten out by a man that simply thinks of himself as something different than what he really is. 

I don't pretend to understand what it must be like to feel completely different inside than the mirror shows the outside, and I'm just thankful that I don't have that problem.... However, if I did, I would understand that there is going to be a price to pay for wanting to be something so far out of the norm from what the rest of the 99+% of humanity is. 

I'm not saying that they should be bullied, ostracized or discriminated against in any way, I'm just saying that if it were me, I would know that I would make most women seriously uncomfortable as I joined them in their gym's shower.  

As with everything in life, once this snowball is pushed off the hill, the following avalanche is inevitable.... So once this passes, where is the line?? What if I, a 53yr old man, considers himself a 12yr old boy, will I then be allowed to compete in Little League??

^ If that is said to be "ridiculous".... then why? Are my feelings not as valid as those who see themselves other than what science proves they are? Why am I discriminated against and not them?  

There will be nothing good to come out of this warped, twisted thinking of reality. 

My .02

I knew l could count on you. Very well said. Much of my issue is, like you, l just can’t wrap my mind around it all. I don’t want to be that guy opposes something just because l don’t understand it, but it still doesn’t help me understand it. 

It took me probably into my 20s to wrap my head around how someone could be gay. It just didn’t compute. I sort of concluded that the hardwiring was just different. I figure once we learn more about genetics we’ll discover there’s something in the genetic code that compels someone to be gay.

But transgender, where someone could be born male, but identify as a woman, but they’re attracted to men, and that means they’re not gay. Oh man. This will take time and conversations to compute.

Youth team sports to me is a sacred thing. A lot of valuable life lessons come from it. Working as a team, communication skills, playing by a set of rules, etc. I don’t like the idea of skewing those.

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