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Some serious truth about the left's war on energy


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despair. that is where we are going. Venezuela.

Just because a new president is in the White House doesn’t mean the laws of physics go away, although you can bet the green left and their allies in Congress will try to tell you otherwise.


They want you to believe they’re building an economy of the future … but they’re really powering down America’s prosperity.


On the campaign trail, President Biden promised a carbon-free energy economy by 2050, and now he — along with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer — seem ready to spend massive amounts of your money to pursue it.


Their plans are one part magic and 20 parts taxpayer spending.


Just think about cars (because you’ll have to say goodbye to trucks and SUVs). How they’ll manufacture carbon-free electric vehicles (EVs) remains a mystery, especially since current EVs on average have 1,000 plastic parts. Plus, replacing just 50 million of the world’s estimated 1.3 billion cars in pursuit of their carbon-free economy would require a doubling of the world’s annual production of cobalt and lithium plus using more than half of the current production of copper.


And while President Biden and the green left will try to wish away reality with promises of a better future, it’s American consumers and taxpayers (read: all of us!) who will be stuck with decidedly not dreamy bill.


You and I could see serious tax hikes and a regulatory apparatus not imposed since the Jimmy Carter energy years. We will likely be forced to endure higher energy prices, less reliable energy due to increased reliance on renewable sources, and the loss of good-paying American jobs in energy production for natural gas, oil, and coal. No thanks!


They want you to believe they’re solving a “crisis” … but they’re really just pursuing their long-time progressive political agenda.


Just consider these provisions of the Green New Deal that have sketchy (at best) connections to global warming, but long-running connections to the progressive agenda:

  • “strengthening and protecting the right of all workers to organize, unionize, and collectively bargain free of coercion, intimidation, and harassment”
  • “guaranteeing a job with a family-sustaining wage, adequate family and medical leave, paid vacations, and retirement security to all people of the United States”
  • “strengthening and enforcing labor, workplace health and safety, anti-discrimination, and wage and hour standards across all employers, industries, and sectors”
  • “directing investments to spur economic development, deepen and diversify industry and business in local and regional economies, and build wealth and community ownership”

Plus, provisions for healthcare and antitrust.


No matter the buzzwords they’re using the facts remain the same. It’s never really been about energy for them; it’s about government control.


They want you to believe they’ll make America a world leader … but they’re surrendering our status as a global energy superpower and making us dependent on China.


In 2019, America achieved independence after 62 years thanks to President Trump’s energy dominance policy that unleashed American energy production. That means the United States produced more energy than we consumed, and we didn’t need to rely on hostile foreign regimes to power our homes, workplaces, and communities.


In 2020, America became a true energy superpower when, in June, we actually exported oil to Saudi Arabia. That’s just months after the U.S. produced more natural gas and oil than either Saudi Arabia or Russia, which marks a new era for global energy politics.


Now President Biden and congressional Democrats want to return us to dependence on often-hostile foreign regimes, including Saudi Arabia, Russia, and China.


How? They’ll power down the boom in our energy production thanks to natural gas, oil, and coal. They’ll return us to the misguided Paris Agreement that restricts our energy development while turning loose countries like China to use natural gas, oil, and coal to fuel their manufacturing and development. And they’ll dramatically increase our need for solar panels, wind turbines, and massive batteries, the supply chain for which overwhelmingly runs through China.


 I know we have a bright future ahead — but not if we follow the path that Joe Biden and congressional Democrats want to lay out for us.


That’s why our efforts to speak up as pro-American energy activists, to contact our elected officials about critical legislation, and to educate our social networks about the truth of American energy and the green left’s true agenda are more important now than ever.


Thanks for standing with the American Energy Alliance in our push to promote affordable, abundant, and reliable energy and to make sure Americans — not D.C. bureaucrats and the Biden Administration — have the power to make their own energy choices.




Tom Pyle


American Energy Alliance


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