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1 hour ago, cccjwh said:

None of you nut jobs have answer the simple question. Who other then your lord and savior Cheetos Jesus, needs to tell you that the election was legitimate for you to acknowledge the reality? 

You have already ignored:

GOP Judges

GOP Governors


GOP Senate Majority leader

hand picked US Attorney General

I guess you need Qanon to tell you?


If you think those groups are loyal to the GOP or President Trump you are stupider than I thought which is a pretty big feat  if you are I can't imagine how you feed yourself.


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4 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

and Steve continues to go further down the rabbit hole....

Amazing people can fall for this nonsense

Amazing that you refuse to admit it. 

But like in a football game if it's the Browns it's a good clean it if it's the Steelers it's a cheap shot. You deadbeats won the election so you don't care if it was honest or not. Understandable.

As a matter of fact I think you liked it better that it was dirty so you can gloat and say that you can't be touched no matter what.


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39 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

If you think those groups are loyal to the GOP or President Trump you are stupider than I thought which is a pretty big feat  if you are I can't imagine how you feed yourself.


That you think they should be loyal to the GOP or the President before their country and state shows you for the cult member you are. Again, other than your lord and savior Cheetos Jesus, who is the person you would believe if they told you the elections was free and fair. Is there anyone? 

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3 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Amazing that you refuse to admit it. 

But like in a football game if it's the Browns it's a good clean it if it's the Steelers it's a cheap shot. You deadbeats won the election so you don't care if it was honest or not. Understandable.


Admit what? Your allegations? Prove it or STFU. 1- 62. 62 times you failed to show any massive voter fraud. You want to throw out an election results because you don't like who won. Fuck your feelings.

"If this election were overturned by mere allegations from the losing side, our democracy would enter a death spiral. We would never see the whole nation accept an election again. Every four years would be a scramble for power at any cost. The electoral college, which most of us on this side have been defending for years, would cease to exist, leaving many of our states with no real say at all in choosing a president." - Soon to be Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell (R)

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18 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Amazing that you refuse to admit it. 

But like in a football game if it's the Browns it's a good clean it if it's the Steelers it's a cheap shot. You deadbeats won the election so you don't care if it was honest or not. Understandable.

As a matter of fact I think you liked it better that it was dirty so you can gloat and say that you can't be touched no matter what.


what in the fuck are you talking about?


If you think Biden won only because the election was "rigged" or "dirty" then you're a moron. You've fallen for his con. That is all. 



You can think politicians are shit. You can think the Dems are shit. You can think Biden is shit.

You can think  all of these things and still think Biden won the election fairly and Trump is nothing more than a sore loser



Any sense of nuance or gray area is lost on so many of you

I never thought you'd fall into the cult... and yet here we are

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23 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

what in the fuck are you talking about?


If you think Biden won only because the election was "rigged" or "dirty" then you're a moron. You've fallen for his con. That is all. 



You can think politicians are shit. You can think the Dems are shit. You can think Biden is shit.

You can think  all of these things and still think Biden won the election fairly and Trump is nothing more than a sore loser



Any sense of nuance or gray area is lost on so many of you

I never thought you'd fall into the cult... and yet here we are

 I've said it a dozen times and there's really no point in trying to educate you any further. Whether the fraud was widespread or not whether would have changed the outcome of the election or not it would be an embarrassment for you and the Democrats. I would personally like to see the results have an investigation. I understand you would not. What else is there to argue about Woody? Seriously? Seems like my request his rational.

if you have nothing to lose it should be something you'd support.


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 I've said it a dozen times and there's really no point in trying to educate you any further. Whether the fraud was widespread or not whether would have changed the outcome of the election or not it would be an embarrassment for you and the Democrats. I would personally like to see the results have an investigation. I understand you would not. What else is there to argue about Woody? Seriously? Seems like my request his rational.

if you have nothing to lose it should be something you'd support.


My problem with the Dems, is they were investigating shit for the last 4 years INCLUDING the 2016 election.

All of a sudden, they’re totally against investigations...I wonder why?

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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

 I've said it a dozen times and there's really no point in trying to educate you any further. Whether the fraud was widespread or not whether would have changed the outcome of the election or not it would be an embarrassment for you and the Democrats. I would personally like to see the results have an investigation. I understand you would not. What else is there to argue about Woody? Seriously? Seems like my request his rational.

if you have nothing to lose it should be something you'd support.


The DoJ said no fraud. There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud. What "investigation" do you want? I'm sure some random guy in Idaho made up a handful of ballots (or something) and the right will run with this like the whole election is false. 

trump lost. 

All he has done is repeatedly say there's fraud, with no proof. Apparently some of you, if you hear the same thing a dozen times just assume it must be true. Way too damn gullible.


You aren't educating any on anything. You're perpetuating a lie because you've fallen for the con. 

All you're doing is repeating the lies of a sore loser. I thought you were better than falling for his con, but I guess not. 

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1 minute ago, MLD Woody said:

The DoJ said no fraud. There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud. What "investigation" do you want? I'm sure some random guy in Idaho made up a handful of ballots (or something) and the right will run with this like the whole election is false. 

trump lost. 

All he has done is repeatedly say there's fraud, with no proof. Apparently some of you, if you hear the same thing a dozen times just assume it must be true. Way too damn gullible.


You aren't educating any on anything. You're perpetuating a lie because you've fallen for the con. 

All you're doing is repeating the lies of a sore loser. I thought you were better than falling for his con, but I guess not. 

Sore winner Woodpecker. 

Repeating no lies just would like to see the investigation which scares the shit out of you.


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Holy shit you're dense

Drinking way too much of the kool aid



There is no widespread fraud. It has been investigated. How are you not getting this?


Quite the fall you've had the last four years. The others were already down there, but I wasn't expecting you to join them. 


Oh well, I'm out. Take the last response and Typical Steve it up. 

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4 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

The DoJ said no fraud. There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud.

DOJ Researcher Releases Study Indicating Massive Election ...


Dec 29, 2020 · A researcher at the Department of Justice on Tuesday released a 25-page report indicating a high probability of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election. World-renown economist John Lott Ph.D., examined election results from Pennsylvania and Georgia, as well as potential election fraud in Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, and Wisconsin.


Dec 30, 2020 · An academic analysis and report written by a Department of Justice researcher may be the clearest indication that massive voter fraud took place. It’s not that it presents additional evidence, but instead dives into the numbers in a way that makes it crystal clear voter fraud was the only viable explanation for surges in votes that were isolated to key counties in swing states.

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On 1/16/2021 at 7:33 PM, FairHooker11 said:

I think we all remember voting trump in 2016 as a vote to keep out higgardly - we didnt know exactly who we were getting with trump (politically) 

showy, narcissistic, self-aggrandizing yes... but a POTUS?   It was so much fun seeing (reading) the leftys here screaming about the lack of decorum.... 

My vote for trump in 2020 was my middle finger to all the establishment dc politics and YEARS of playing nice 

Trump has changed the landscape forever - and while Im not on the civil war ending yet,  I do know that the 74 million of us that voted trump 

will be here watching waiting for biden harris to get caught perpetuating the very notion of war that cysko says IMO correctly as "eating thier own"   

and like Axe says and Im paraphrasing to my feelings -  thanks a lot for voting these asswipes in - you know who you are


Lack of decorum? OK. Attacking anyone who doesn't agree with him? Not OK. Constant lying? Not OK. 

13 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

What will the 'Lincoln Republicans' do after Trump leaves?   Will their obsession with him continue?  I think so.......

Only if he's convicted in an Impeachment trial and banned from ever running for office again.  And his lemmings Cruz and Hawley get sent packing along with him. 

7 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

 I've said it a dozen times and there's really no point in trying to educate you any further. Whether the fraud was widespread or not whether would have changed the outcome of the election or not it would be an embarrassment for you and the Democrats. I would personally like to see the results have an investigation. I understand you would not. What else is there to argue about Woody? Seriously? Seems like my request his rational.

if you have nothing to lose it should be something you'd support.


Shit Steve- you apparently want to say wow!!! we found 20 bogus votes!!!  After a Congressional Investigation turns up diddly squat- just like 60 court cases did.  Georgia investigated 3 different times, but that's not going to be enough until you find enough (Oh probably a million or so) to fraudulently give the election to Cheetos. 

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Bueller? Hoorta?

You pinned 3 warning pts on me including  a 2 where YOU called me a very derogatory name..  After I called you far less than a moron..


Where you is super mod Hoorta? 😂


You obviously are monitoring this thread so don't feed me that Sgt Shulz thing





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59 minutes ago, Axe said:

Wait!!   We can call mods morons??


Super mod Hoorta?



Actually that's an old woodpecker liberal trick. (though not really a brilliant trick) Using a word like only or all or every. Nothing in the whole world is ever only all anything.

Example "so you say that the helmet-to-helmet by the Chiefs is the only reason the Browns lost the game?"



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7 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Actually that's an old woodpecker liberal trick. (though not really a brilliant trick) Using a word like only or all or every. Nothing in the whole world is ever only all anything.

Example "so you say that the helmet-to-helmet by the Chiefs is the only reason the Browns lost the game?"



Ha, ya, right...

Coming from the guy that repeatedly refers to those he disagrees with as a collective "you" to brush them all over as Dems, liberals, etc, to try and make his strawman arguments easier to make...

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41 minutes ago, Axe said:

Bueller? Hoorta?

You pinned 3 warning pts on me including  a 2 where YOU called me a very derogatory name..  After I called you far less than a moron..


Where you is super mod Hoorta? 😂

You called me "a piece of shit". And several other profane names on multiple occasions. LOSER.  Want to go away again? Keep it up Rabbit Hole Trumpie.  

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1 hour ago, Axe said:

Wait!!   We can call mods morons??


Super mod Hoorta?



Axe I really couldn't care less what names the Woodpecker calls me. Remember those big boy pants I was talking about? I own a pier and I'm happy to dish it out as well as take it. But quite frankly the only criticisms that might bother me or hurt my feelings would come from someone whose opinion I respect. 


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2 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Axe I really couldn't care less what names the Woodpecker calls me. Remember those big boy pants I was talking about? I own a pier and I'm happy to dish it out as well as take it. But quite frankly the only criticisms that might bother me or hurt my feelings would come from someone whose opinion I respect. 


Well, please lend a pair of those "big boy pants" to Larry ;)  He is dire need of more than one pair ;)

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3 minutes ago, Axe said:

Well, please lend a pair of those "big boy pants" to Larry ;)  He is dire need of more than one pair ;)

By the way I wasn't particularly talking about him when I mentioned someone whose opinion I respect more like if Jimmy Webb said I wrote shity songs.

The Woodpecker is just a crybaby.



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4 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

By the way I wasn't particularly talking about him when I mentioned someone whose opinion I respect more like if Jimmy Webb said I wrote shity songs.

The Woodpecker is just a crybaby.



I understand...


I was

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On 1/16/2021 at 11:01 PM, Axe said:

Why? You wouldn't believe it. You are incapable of free thought. This coming from a guy that used to be far more liberal than you... But I lived.. And I learned.


Unlike you.

I used to be a Republican- and actually- I am totally capable of free unbiased thought. I may still be one IF the party can excise the cancer that is one sociopathic, narcissistic , pathological liar named Donald Trump.  

You learned what?  An Impressive zillons of fake votes graph? Again, can I have the source please?  10,000 dead voters in Georgia- after three recounts and an investigation (by REPUBLICANS) TWO.   Sorry that graph is Trump rabbit hole thinking- and his (futile & illegal) attempt to get 200,000 valid Pennsylvania votes get tossed on a technicality shows his level of desperation to remain in power. At least the latest- he's going to go peacefully, but not without a final joy ride on Air Force One.  :)   

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10 hours ago, hoorta said:

I used to be a Republican- and actually- I am totally capable of free unbiased thought. I may still be one IF the party can excise the cancer that is one sociopathic, narcissistic , pathological liar named Donald Trump.  

You learned what?  An Impressive zillons of fake votes graph? Again, can I have the source please?  10,000 dead voters in Georgia- after three recounts and an investigation (by REPUBLICANS) TWO.   Sorry that graph is Trump rabbit hole thinking- and his (futile & illegal) attempt to get 200,000 valid Pennsylvania votes get tossed on a technicality shows his level of desperation to remain in power. At least the latest- he's going to go peacefully, but not without a final joy ride on Air Force One.  :)   

bs. simply put.

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