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Impeachment with no investigatstion...what Pelosi knew and when she knew it ..


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BREAKING: Just The News Editor-in-Chief John Solomon says that DC police officials rejected his open records request for records pertaining to interviews with key capitol security officials.
Reply says release of the records would be 'personally embarrasing' and will continue to investigate what Speaker Nancy Pelosi knew and when she knew it.
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Overall, we rate Just the News Right Biased based on story selection that mostly favors a conservative perspective.

We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to four failed fact checks over a short period of time.


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the corruption and garbage from the dems is way out of control.

character assassination, legal threats of fake prosecution, threats to Pres Trump and his family, threats to all

conservatives/Pres Trum supporters... now they are going after Judge Thomas to get him to step down, so they can have a chance to control the Supreme Court.



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Written by Candace Owens
01/ 14/ 2021
Now that the FBI has announced publicly that the “insurgency”at the U.S. Capitol was a pre-planned attack, ALL MEMBERS of CONGRESS,(all Democrats & some Republicans), that took part In that sham of an impeachment yesterday owe President Trump & his family, 75 million Patriotic supporters and really all of America a MASSIVE APOLOGY!
All of the millions of vengeful, disgusting members of the Media and Social Media who took their lead from Nancy Pelosi and Congressional Democrats and stood before the world and LIED about the events of that day should be really ashamed!
It is now known that the Capitol Police had prior knowledge of this planned attack, provided to them by the FBI in the days leading up to the Jan.6 event. Capitol Police then appropriately notified the Congressional Sgt-at-Arms, (who reports directly to Pelosi), and at that time Capitol Police also requested NG presence. In fact, CP asked Pelosi and Mayor Bowser numerous times to call up NG for support and were turned down. Why? Reportedly, Pelosi, the DC Mayor, Schumer and others thought the “OPTICS WOULD BE BAD”????
Pelosi and others apparently knew in advance of the “attack”and It appears that this “insurgence” and the tragic events that followed were used by Pelosi & others as just one more last-ditch attempt by DC Democrats to damage President Trump’s name & legacy!
We now know the reason Pelosi rushed forward with that phony impeachment, before the facts had time to come out!
The members of Congress who stood and said the most vile things imaginable, in a public hearing, about our President showed the world just what despicable human beings some Americans can be. It was irresponsible of them to rush to judgement based on events that apparently were engineered/used by Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats in Congress in an attempt to ruin an honest, decent American’s life. I hope they pay a serious price, including removal from office. Democrats in America have become very dangerous people and the hate they harbor for those they consider to be “weak” is like nothing I’ve ever seen before. Their lust for power is just beyond comprehension.
Fortunately for Americans, though, the Democrats’ underhanded tactics have once again been unable to get the better of Donald J. Trump. Again, in this the final week of his successful term, he comes out the winner yet again!
For more than four years, Pelosi,Schumer and the DC Democrats have tried time and time again to “get” Donald Trump and bring him down. He has been forced to endure Investigations that went on for months & months, (costing untold millions in taxpayer dollars), two impeachments based on fabricated “evidence” along with unrelenting lies and other “charges”, yet he maintains his dignity, holds his head up high, and continues go out every day and do the job he was elected to do. There has never been a finer President than Donald J. Trump. Thank you, Sir, for restoring Greatness to America!♥️
WE LOVE YOU!! 🇺🇸♥️🇺🇸
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House Violated Constitution


President Donald Trump did not commit any impeachable offenses, but the House violated the Constitution to suggest he did and are, ironically, immune from reprisals, according to constitutional law expert Alan Dershowitz on Newsmax TV.

"We all hear that the president is not above the law, but Congress is not above the law: When Congress impeached the president earlier this week, they committed six independent violations of the Constitution," Dershowitz told "Saturday Report."

"They violated the free speech provision. They violated the impeachment criteria. They violated the bill of attainder. They violated due process, on and on and on."

Ironically, lawmakers are protected from legal culpability from their congressional actions, so unlike they are doing with the president, they cannot be sought for the allegations against them.

"But the only sanction is to vote them out of office and to bring them to trial in the court of public opinion," Dershowitz told host Carl Higbie. "Senators and congressmen are immune from lawsuits for what they do or say on the floor of the Senate, so there can't be any personal lawsuits.

"And I wouldn't favor recriminations."

All House Democrats and 10 Republicans impeached the president for the second time this week for inciting the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6, but the president's pursuit of an Electoral College challenge is not grounds for impeachment, Dershowitz noted.


"How can you impeach a president for a speech that is constitutionally protected?" he lamented.

Ultimately, impeachment should die in the Senate as it did the last time, according to Dershowitz, a member of the president's first Senate impeachment trial team.

"The Constitution is very clear, the purpose of impeachment is removal," he concluded, adding the president will be out of office by the time a trial can be held, pointing to the precedent of former President Richard Nixon's resignation ending an impeachment trial in the Senate.

"The Senate cannot try an ordinary citizen."


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