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ObaMAO commie and scumbag biden - more Veterans died (Sept 2020) than covid has murdered in America


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so there.


This Obama-Biden Administration Failure Killed More Americans Than COVID-19



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Hey look.... I can cut and paste, too...

Difference (still) is that I read the stuff before I do.

Keep 'em koming Komrade Krelim Kal.... Vlad needs you to pick up the pace.


AP FACT CHECK: Trump takes credit for Obama’s gains for vets


WASHINGTON (AP) — Boastful on the occasion of Memorial Day, President Donald Trump and his Veterans Affairs secretary are claiming full credit for health care improvements that were underway before they took office.

Trump said he passed a private-sector health care program, Veterans Choice, after failed attempts by past presidents for the last “45 years.” That’s not true. The Choice program, which allows veterans to see doctors outside the government-run VA system at taxpayer expense, was first passed in 2014 under President Barack Obama.

Trump’s VA secretary, Robert Wilkie, also is distorting the facts. Faulting previous “bad leadership” at VA, Wilkie suggested it was his own efforts that improved waiting times at VA medical centers and brought new offerings of same-day mental health service. The problem: The study cited by Wilkie on wait times covers the period from 2014 to 2017, before Wilkie took the helm as VA secretary. Same-day mental health services at VA were started during the Obama administration.

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OK...  now that I've counterbalanced your snark with my own...

Two other things, Kal... maybe three...

1. You have to know that this tidbit from your source stripped away most of its credibility before I ever got to your "point".


What the Democrats and the media don’t want us to know is that their scaremongering campaign against hydroxychloroquine, a drug Trump touted as a potential game-changer back in March, could have saved thousands of lives had they not turned public opinion against the drug.

Of course I am assuming that you have actually kept up the controlled studies that have proven hydroxy to not only be entirely ineffective against the virus, but that it actually increased mortality in some cases due to side effects.


2. I found the Sept., 2015 IG report your link "cites". Well actually... your link cites the IG report, but rather links to a Fox News report that cites the IG report.

In any case I read the IG report's Executive Summary. Only once did I see a 300k figure mentioned.

Here it is...


As of September 2014, more than 307,000 pending ES [Enrollment Service] records, or about 35 percent of all pending records, were for individuals reported as deceased by the Social Security Administration. However, due to data limitations, we could not determine specfically how many pending ES records represent veterans who applied for health care benefits. These conditions occurred because the enrollment program did not effectively define, collect, and manage enrollment data. In addition, VHA lacked adequate procedures to identify date of death information and implement necessary updates to the individual’s status.


So, yes, there were over 300,000 deaths per SS records, but the number of these that had actually applied for benefits could not be determined.

In other words your linked article attributed a number of deaths to a cause that the reference it cited... but did not use... could not, and did not. 

Please think about that for a second or two.


3. I found an article I first read back when the VA scandal broke early in the Obama Administration. It is still the best analysis I found. IMO it's worth a read.


And no, it does not hold the Obama admin blameless, so you might actually like it.


OK.... one more... only because I put some thought into it a hour or so ago. Too late to go into it now... plus with the above link it should be unnecessary. In fact it now seems to have  been off base to begin with... that said...


4. I started down a path of looking at veteran death totals period regardless of the VA status. 

  • Deaths of veterans taken as a raw count is a inherently biased basis based upon simple demographics of how many served when and the corresponding actuarial tables for the waves of veterans that have come and gone.
  • I could not find a chart that summed all active military over time... at least not in head count.... but I did find one for the Army... and a WWII total forces snapshot. As I am sure you are aware, the "Air Corps" was under the Army in WWII.
  • Found that under 700,000 WWII vets were still alive by the end of 2016 and a projection of their continued passing.

Why all this? I thought your "source" may have been simply counting veteran deaths, but clearly not the case.



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5 hours ago, Tour2ma said:

Hey look.... I can cut and paste, too...

Difference (still) is that I read the stuff before I do.

Keep 'em koming Komrade Krelim Kal.... Vlad needs you to pick up the pace.


AP FACT CHECK: Trump takes credit for Obama’s gains for vets


WASHINGTON (AP) — Boastful on the occasion of Memorial Day, President Donald Trump and his Veterans Affairs secretary are claiming full credit for health care improvements that were underway before they took office.

Trump said he passed a private-sector health care program, Veterans Choice, after failed attempts by past presidents for the last “45 years.” That’s not true. The Choice program, which allows veterans to see doctors outside the government-run VA system at taxpayer expense, was first passed in 2014 under President Barack Obama.

Trump’s VA secretary, Robert Wilkie, also is distorting the facts. Faulting previous “bad leadership” at VA, Wilkie suggested it was his own efforts that improved waiting times at VA medical centers and brought new offerings of same-day mental health service. The problem: The study cited by Wilkie on wait times covers the period from 2014 to 2017, before Wilkie took the helm as VA secretary. Same-day mental health services at VA were started during the Obama administration.

So Barry cared about Vets?

That’s the stupidest shit I’ll read today.

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7 hours ago, Tour2ma said:

OK...  now that I've counterbalanced your snark with my own...

au contraire, mon ami Toursies.

There is more to the story. AP fact check? LOL LOL LOL LOL. Counter balanced with a molecule of helium?

wrongo, bongo. You see, nearly? every single thing the left does - it for political power benefit. Like "fast and furious". "common core".

"obamao phones". all the way back to the "Great Society".

The bill did little to solve the horrible problems veterans have faced. See, I'm a veteran. I know better.


Did Obama’s Bill Fix Veterans’ Health Care? Still Waiting.

  • Aug. 5, 2016

When President Obama signed a sweeping $15 billion bill to end delays at Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals two years ago, lawmakers standing with him applauded the legislation as a bold response that would finally break the logjam.

It has not quite worked out that way.

Although veterans say they have seen improvement under the bill, it has often fallen short of expectations. Nowhere is the shortfall more clear than in the wait for appointments: Veterans are waiting longer to see doctors than they were two years ago, and more are languishing with extreme waiting times.

According to the agency’s most recent data, 526,000 veterans are waiting more than a month for care. And about 88,000 of them are waiting more than three months.

“We’re making progress, yes,” Senator Johnny Isakson, the Georgia Republican who is the chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, said in an interview. “Whether it is enough is another question.”


But lawmakers and veterans groups say the program was hastily constructed.

“Long story short: It has major problems, not the least of which is the pure confusion that veterans and even V.A. employees have in working the program,” said Garry Augustine, director of Disabled American Veterans.

Veterans are required to call a private contractor to authorize and schedule appointments with private doctors, a process that veterans have said can take weeks. By the time a veteran sees a doctor, Mr. Augustine said, waits can be the same or longer than they would have been at a veterans hospital.

If a private doctor decides a patient needs an additional scan or test that was not authorized for the visit, paperwork must go back to the department; that can add several more weeks.


“The bottleneck is still back in the V.A.,” said Dr. Sam Foote, a retired physician who was one of the primary whistle-blowers in the scandal.

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