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Biden's Lawful Election CERTIFIED


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On 1/7/2021 at 6:56 PM, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Certainly, an argument could be made that Belknap’s post-resignation impeachment did not carve out a broader precedent. The gears of the Belknap impeachment, after all, had already been turning at the time of his resignation. That is quite a different thing than initiating impeachment proceedings after Trump (hopefully) vacates the Oval Office.

So you are for resignation?

It's clear the House will be voting this coming week on articles of impeachment.

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22 hours ago, Axe said:
For all of you Biden voters, I am making this post so it will show back up as a future memory
  1. Today is 1 day after Biden electoral confirmation. Gasoline is currently $2.19 per gallon.
  2. Interest rates are 2.25 percent for a 30 year mortgage.
  3. The stock market closed at 30829.40 though we have been fighting COVID for 11 months.
  4. Our GDP growth for the 3rd Qtr was 33.1 percent.
  5. We had the best economy ever until COVID and it is recovering well.
  6. We have not had any new wars or conflicts in the last 4 years.
  7. North Korea has been under control and has not been testing any missiles.
  8. ISIS has not been heard from for over 3 years.
  9. The housing market is the strongest it has been in years. Homes have appreciated at an unbelievable rate and sell well.
  10. And let’s not forget that peace deals in the Middle East were signed by 4 countries—unprecedented!
  11. Unemployment sits at 6.7% in spite of COVID.
Good bye good days 🙁 PS: Should also keep an eye on the health insurance situation, as well as welfare handouts.

Nice copy/paste... at least Kal generally provides links. At least the last line appears to yours...


That you believe Trump is responsible for all that is positive and nothing negative is symptomatic of the collective delusion that is rampant amongst his hardcore supporters.

  1. Gas is low because fuel use is off worldwide due to covid causing an oil glut and prices to fall.
  2. Interests rates are low because the Fed has set them low to keep Covid from pushing our economy into recession.
  3. The stock market is at all-time highs because interest rates are low driving investment into stocks AND the "job creating corporate tax rate cuts" were predominantly spent on Corporate stock buybacks, acquisitions and mergers.
  4. In the prior two quarters GDP FELL 5% and 31.4%... so up 33.1 has still not gotten us back to where we were. Do the math and yo will see GDP is still down 13.3% from pre-covid levels.
  5. We had the highest deficits ever and they increased further due to COvid-19.
  6. No conflicts? Yemen, Charlottesville and D.C. don't count?
  7. North Korea has been building nukes for 2 years. They no longer need to test those or missiles.
  8. ISIS was crushed, but it is not gone. It has already begun to rise again under the added chaos Covid has brought to the Middle-east.
  9. The housing market has been fueled by low interest rates and now it has been boosted by covid flight from densely populated cities.
  10. I hope they stick, but let's be clear... these were not "peace deals" as Israel and Sudan/UAE/etc. were not "at war". These were the normalization of relations between countries. These were the product of continued secular declines due to the continued modernization of countries in that region.
  11. Congratulations... your guy is leaving with unemployment almost as low as the rate he inherited which was just under 5%.

As for....

  • Health care... over 360,000 dead due to Covid including over 4000 yesterday.
  • Welfare... doubt it, but will watch for it, in any case at least it will go to people and not corporations.


You going to print this, too, Kal?


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Dear Little Toursies-

   I understand you don't do well with math. Perhaps you would like to learn some outdoor skills - it would give you greater confidence to learn simple math. I've been an outdoorsman most all my life - I could put you in touch with some survival experts.

   What you have, per your last silly rationalization for not praising Pres Trump - is using covid like an emotional crutch. If you ever got lost in the wilderness, we would lose a valued member of the football forum. I do not consider myself a wilderness survival expert - but I know a lot. There is always more to learn. If you would like - I could tell you about fire starting, shelter building, and finding food out in the wild.

   Here is your math problem:

      Pres Trump has been a GREAT president for four years. Covid hit us about Jan/Feb of last year. Last year was 2020.

Now, not to make this too complicated for you - but Pres Trump became president in 2016. So, if you could just study those two dates for a while, perhaps you would become aware of the amount of time in years that Pres Trump became president, and when dangerous communist chinese covid designed in the wuhan lab hit our country.

   HINT: 4 - 1 = 3. That is as simple as that.

 Feel free to contact me for survival advice - I believe everyone will benefit from knowing how to go out into the wilderness/woods, and at least know how to do simple math.

  God Bless, have a nice day, and remember - you can't count on a miracle to save your life, you need survival skills if you ever are out in nature.


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7 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

Dear Little Toursies-

   I understand you don't do well with math. Perhaps you would like to learn some outdoor skills - it would give you greater confidence to learn simple math. I've been an outdoorsman most all my life - I could put you in touch with some survival experts.

   What you have, per your last silly rationalization for not praising Pres Trump - is using covid like an emotional crutch. If you ever got lost in the wilderness, we would lose a valued member of the football forum. I do not consider myself a wilderness survival expert - but I know a lot. There is always more to learn. If you would like - I could tell you about fire starting, shelter building, and finding food out in the wild.

   Here is your math problem:

      Pres Trump has been a GREAT president for four years. Covid hit us about Jan/Feb of last year. Last year was 2020.

Now, not to make this too complicated for you - but Pres Trump became president in 2016. So, if you could just study those two dates for a while, perhaps you would become aware of the amount of time in years that Pres Trump became president, and when dangerous communist chinese covid designed in the wuhan lab hit our country.

   HINT: 4 - 1 = 3. That is as simple as that.

 Feel free to contact me for survival advice - I believe everyone will benefit from knowing how to go out into the wilderness/woods, and at least know how to do simple math.

  God Bless, have a nice day, and remember - you can't count on a miracle to save your life, you need survival skills if you ever are out in nature.


Cal it's useless to try to explain anything to people who make their decisions based on HATE...if none of them actually like the person they voted for and admit he's worthless.  That is why they want the board shut down they know after Joe is in they have nothing to hate so they have nothing to say, they cannot back their candidate only HATE Trump it's sad and I feel sorry for them when they have to live with what they asked for.

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9 minutes ago, Vambo said:

Cal it's useless to try to explain anything to people who make their decisions based on HATE...if none of them actually like the person they voted for and admit he's worthless.  That is why they want the board shut down they know after Joe is in they have nothing to hate so they have nothing to say, they cannot back their candidate only HATE Trump it's sad and I feel sorry for them when they have to live with what they asked for.

you're right. Another part of it is: they know they have attacked for four years, ridiculed/mocked for four years....

and now they don't want it bouncing back on them - their desperate warped emotions won't allow it.

It's just another example of serious emotional knee jerking. They flip the switch - it's being done by the msm, big tech.... freedom of speech is DEMANDED.....

until they have the power to deny it to the rest of us. They do not think. They feel, that is ALL they do.

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38 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

you're right. Another part of it is: they know they have attacked for four years, ridiculed/mocked for four years....

and now they don't want it bouncing back on them - their desperate warped emotions won't allow it.

It's just another example of serious emotional knee jerking. They flip the switch - it's being done by the msm, big tech.... freedom of speech is DEMANDED.....

until they have the power to deny it to the rest of us. They do not think. They feel, that is ALL they do.

Their man Biden will have us in a war before the year is over.

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