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Data experts testify that thousands of Pres Trump votes were switched to biden


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massive. Seriously massive electoral fraud.

btw, 27 countries on the planet outlaw mail in voting.

want to know why?


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2 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

In court or it didn't happen. Redstate----LOLOLOLOL! Typical "homers".😂

I think you prefer that we be a Banana Republic and steal the election back for your lying hero🤥, King of Corona 🤴.

legal affidavits says it happened, go look it up. You'll find the definition of "legal affidavits" if you just try.

Don't be stuck in ignorance land like woodpecker. You're far higher in the perception dept.

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6 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

legal affidavits says it happened, go look it up. You'll find the definition of "legal affidavits" if you just try.

Don't be stuck in ignorance land like woodpecker. You're far higher in the perception dept.

Legal affidavits will mean zero until they come before a court to back them up. Put them under oath under penalty of law for perjury in a real court, not some dame internet website.

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22 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Legal affidavits will mean zero until they come before a court to back them up. Put them under oath under penalty of law for perjury in a real court, not some dame internet website.

What is the penalty for lying on an Affidavit?

Affidavits hinge on a person submitting true statements as facts, which is why the court takes lying under oath very seriously.

Lying in an Affidavit is punishable by law. The severity of the charge may depend on jurisdiction, but in some cases, it is considered perjury, which is a criminal offence. The possible repercussions for swearing a false statement ranges from fines to jail time.

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42 minutes ago, Vambo said:

What is the penalty for lying on an Affidavit?

Affidavits hinge on a person submitting true statements as facts, which is why the court takes lying under oath very seriously.

Lying in an Affidavit is punishable by law. The severity of the charge may depend on jurisdiction, but in some cases, it is considered perjury, which is a criminal offence. The possible repercussions for swearing a false statement ranges from fines to jail time.


Yep. Buttkicksies on the leftwing buttocks.

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

Yep. Buttkicksies on the leftwing buttocks.

Affidavits? Did you say affidavits?   1-59, that's exactly how much those affidavits are worth. Maybe you ought to figure it out they're not perjury  until they're actually submitted in a court as testimony. 

Hey- I'll have C-Span racked up and have the popcorn ready for the Republican clown show January 6th.  

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48 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

Bahahaha. Still posting Hillary memes. 😆

Well Cheetos is down to the Three Stooges level.... It's one of my all time favorites skits BTW... the Stooges are in trouble, and Larry says "They'll put us in jail" The guy says "did he say JAIL?"  Moe says, "NO!!!  he said Yale- they'll put us in Yale."  :D   

How fast the MAGAs forget Woodward has Orange Man's covid malfeasance on tape...  

Just the latest... Is he really that dumb? Is there any doubt anymore?  

"Trump’s citing possible criminal charges for Raffensperger unless he produces a different election result in Georgia could be seen as extortion, which section 18, chapter 41 of the U.S. code expressly prohibits."



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Ah, stuff from the non far right... however, the Trump butt smoochers on this forum are certainly in the 99th intelligence percentile of all MAGAs....   

"My dream is that Trump and all of his Jonestown kool aid drinking supporters just go away on 1/20/2021 so REAL democracy can resume. Trump is really like Jim Jones or Hitler.....sure knows how to pick the most unintelligent and easily led to follow him."  They loved him on The Apprentice- thought he'd do a bang up job as president.  :D  

"What you have to ask yourself is - every statement Trump said was presented in a court of law and what you forget - it was argued with the lawyers in opposition to fraud claims - these attorneys had absolute proof in hand that Trumps evidence was false- signed documents attesting that Trumps proof videos and all were out and out wrong - they represented the argument to each one of Trumps claims and the Justice of our nation ruled all of Trumps claims false - so now he wants a man who is a known grifter to review along with Powell's secret Spider (he actually flunked IT school in the military and fixed trucks in Iraq but thank you for your service) to go in and search ballots one by one by some fake system he supposedly developed - all by themselves with no witnesses - WOW --- and this call just happened to be leaked by a whistleblower - can you just imagine after listening to the threats Trump dumped on Georgia's Secretary of State - can you imagine what threats he is holding over heads like GYM Jordan and Cruz and Graham--sad. Fear can do horrible things to a dishonest soul."

"What's really sad is that TRump's anti-American fascist party thinks what he did was ok. I asked a friend about the call and all I could get out him was more whataboutisims. But Obama, But Hillary, But Hunter Biden. That's all they have, whataboutisims"

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Ah, stuff from the non far right... however, the Trump butt smoochers on this forum are certainly in the 99th intelligence percentile of all MAGAs....   

"My dream is that Trump and all of his Jonestown kool aid drinking supporters just go away on 1/20/2021 so REAL democracy can resume. Trump is really like Jim Jones or Hitler.....sure knows how to pick the most unintelligent and easily led to follow him."  They loved him on The Apprentice- thought he'd do a bang up job as president.  :D  

"What you have to ask yourself is - every statement Trump said was presented in a court of law and what you forget - it was argued with the lawyers in opposition to fraud claims - these attorneys had absolute proof in hand that Trumps evidence was false- signed documents attesting that Trumps proof videos and all were out and out wrong - they represented the argument to each one of Trumps claims and the Justice of our nation ruled all of Trumps claims false - so now he wants a man who is a known grifter to review along with Powell's secret Spider (he actually flunked IT school in the military and fixed trucks in Iraq but thank you for your service) to go in and search ballots one by one by some fake system he supposedly developed - all by themselves with no witnesses - WOW --- and this call just happened to be leaked by a whistleblower - can you just imagine after listening to the threats Trump dumped on Georgia's Secretary of State - can you imagine what threats he is holding over heads like GYM Jordan and Cruz and Graham--sad. Fear can do horrible things to a dishonest soul."

"What's really sad is that TRump's anti-American fascist party thinks what he did was ok. I asked a friend about the call and all I could get out him was more whataboutisims. But Obama, But Hillary, But Hunter Biden. That's all they have, whataboutisims"

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Yawn Vamtroll...  deflectaburger... Whataboutism.. You got nothing on something recorded that just may send your Cheetos Messiah to jail....  BTW, there were plenty of lawyers on both ends listening to that call. I'll give you a link to the complete transcript if you want to see lunatic Orangie make a fool of himself. Want to bring up some abortion numbers while you're at it trying to change the subject?  I've gotten pretty good recognizing your feeble act. 

"It was clear from the call that Trump has surrounded himself with aides who have fed his false perceptions that the election was stolen. When he claimed that more than 5,000 ballots were cast in Georgia in the name of dead people, Raffensperger responded forcefully: “The actual number was two. Two. Two people that were dead that voted.”

So sure MAGAs- let's toss out 10 million votes because we caught an instance of two dead people voting. Trump "democracy" at it's finest in action.  

MY POV? Hopeless arguing with folks so far down in the Rabbit Hole they refuse to listen, or can't hear- but here's a factoid burger for you.  

"Trump has had weeks (going on nine actually)  to make his case to the courts and present his "facts" of election fraud. All the Trump lawyers and supporters claim fraud when the media is around but when their lawyers get to the courts they backtrack and tell the courts they are not claiming election fraud. And why? The reason why is they have zero, none, nada evidence of wide spread election fraud. The courts time and time again have ridiculed and admonished Trump's lawyers right out of court" . . . 

You hear that Cal?  Where's your holy affidavits? HUH? When the going gets tough, the phonies wimp out. Even Ghool-iani has enough sense to not get thrown in jail spreading crap in court- when it really matters. 

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News & Politics

Report: A Group of 400 Former U.S. Intelligence Officials Are Investigating 'Blatant' Election Fraud

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Yawn Cal. Too late, Trump had two months- now you want to pull this out of your ass?  Of course, you're going to believe anything Mr. Banana Republic says for the duration.  They can investigate those 2 dead people who voted in Georgia to their hearts content. 

 Hey- apparently you have plenty of time, care to read the ravings of a lunatic on that call to Georgia?   Disjointed, rambling, fantasy allegations. Really- the 25th should be invoked, he's nuts. And if you want a guy like him in charge of the suitcase with the nuke codes- you're nuts. 


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59 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

See above? You got allegations? You got nothing but a pile of conspiracy. QAnon needs ya Cal. 

A growing number of U.S. senators are calling for a ten-day extension of the Electoral College count in a joint session of Congress to complete an “audit” of the election. It's been audited and certified. Let's just throw out what's in the Constitution Banana, banana, banana....  

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