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This Level of Crazy Deserves its Own Thread

MLD Woody

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If this board is going to exist to store all of this insane shit anyway... then what's one more thread?


This is next level insane shit for the Q village idiot and his followers. 


If any MAGA morons would like to step up and call this shit crazy, go for it

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I'm so fucking glad I have no idea what any of this is or even means.... I love my life where I actually go outside and live it to the fullest every single day, and leave whatever this shit is to the rest of you.

Put down the phones, put on sun screen and go outside and play! 

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1 minute ago, D Bone said:

I'm so fucking glad I have no idea what any of this is or even means.... I love my life where I actually go outside and live it to the fullest every single day, and leave whatever this shit is to the rest of you! 

Put down the phones, put on sun screen and go outside and play.  

It's probably a good way to look at life... What it means is the Trump crazies are getting crazier by the day. They have only 19 more left to crazy. Pompeo can't do a damn thing- that is if you actually believe the Constitution means something. 

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  21 hours ago, hammertime said:

Help me understand this J.



This is total insanity.  

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If I’m following it correctly, it’s Pence’s duty to declare the electors void and null.

if he doesn’t it’s considered treason?

Sounds like Woods is reacting to that situation.....


anyway you look at

things.  The entire process is



America had a sham for elections and everyone knows it.

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1 hour ago, hammertime said:

If I’m following it correctly, it’s Pence’s duty to declare the electors void and null.

if he doesn’t it’s considered treason?

Sounds like Woods is reacting to that situation.....

anyway you look at things.  The entire process is a shitshow 

America had a sham for elections and everyone knows it.

Sorry, you're not following correctly. It would be considered treason if he tries to do something he's not entitled to do under the Constitution. Pence even asked the Court to throw out the nut job anti-Constitutional request asking him to do exactly that, and said judge agreed.  I mean really- these 5 minute before midnight efforts of the Trumpistas to overturn an election Trump clearly lost are getting progressively further into the realm of Never Neverland. 

Um, the 12th amendment says Pence opens the ballots, he doesn't contest them. That's up to his right wing nut job Congressmen and one Senator (so far). In case you don't realize it, that contested stuff is DOA in the Democratically controlled House. 

"The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted." 

Honestly, I can't decide who's crazier- Lynn Wood or Sidney Powell.   

Regarding a sham election-  the only ones who still believe that are some brain dead MAGA zombies who continue to believe every lie that Cheetos spews.  


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DOCTORS SAY: OBAMA IS INSANE! President Barack Obama is mentally ill! That’s the bombshell diagnosis of mental health experts including one who says the leader displays classic signs of two severe personality disorders. They also point to a recent video where Obama makes strange faces and acts bizarrely. Plus, learn why Vice President Joe Biden is accused of being a serial groper.

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The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result. If you take him at his word, Obama is clearly insane. Changes Coming. Our staff of designers and technical experts is hard at work behind the scenes making an all-new Personal Liberty Digest™ for you.

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Sorry, you're not following correctly. It would be considered treason if he tries to do something he's not entitled to do under the Constitution. Pence even asked the Court to throw out the nut job anti-Constitutional request asking him to do exactly that, and said judge agreed.  I mean really- these 5 minute before midnight efforts of the Trumpistas to overturn an election Trump clearly lost are getting progressively further into the realm of Never Neverland. 

Um, the 12th amendment says Pence opens the ballots, he doesn't contest them. That's up to his right wing nut job Congressmen and one Senator (so far). In case you don't realize it, that contested stuff is DOA in the Democratically controlled House. 

"The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted." 

Honestly, I can't decide who's crazier- Lynn Wood or Sidney Powell.   

Regarding a sham election-  the only ones who still believe that are some brain dead MAGA zombies who continue to believe every lie that Cheetos spews.  


Very simply.


you are wrong, many people do not have faith in our past election.


ive said all along J’s thread is the most entertaining thread on BrownsBoard.

 Yes, I hope half of it’s true but like most we move forward, unlike you.

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2 hours ago, hammertime said:

Hey birdboy 

I’ll accept whatever the results end up as.

will you?

we know the results... we have for a while. This is just a bunch of flailing by Trump so he can grift a few more dollars  out of his cult followers


but, yeah, sure, keep being one of J's disciples. It's a great look

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

will the woodpecker finally admit there is craziness on the leftwing side too?


Wtf are you talking about? Of course there are crazy people on the left. Left wing anti vaxxers. "Natural" medicine hippies. The people that take shit too far at Greenpeace or PETA. Actual SJWs. Of course their are nutjobs on the left. 


But what we've seen post on here, and the one that's gained the most ground recently, are the QAnon MAGA loving nutjobs. We have a 200+ page thread dedicated to them. And now the latest Q nutjob theory is Pence getting executed for treason. And, concerningly enough, every member of this board isn't calling that crazy...

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