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Fox reporter asks important Hunter questions as Biden ducks


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On 12/26/2020 at 7:10 PM, BaconHound said:

Investigate away, Trump is just laying the foundation for “Pardon Politics”.  Just make sure you are only violating federal law

But you understand there won't be an investigation because you guys kept the House of Representatives. It's as simple as that. You're a smart guy I think you would have to admit the Russian collusion thing was a farce yet will the Democrats controlled house it lasted for years.

Regardless I'm not sure that it is or should be illegal to expose the wrongdoings or the dirt of your opponent no matter where the information came from. On the other hand bribery and influence peddling by a public official is probably illegal.


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But you understand there won't be an investigation because you guys kept the House of Representatives. It's as simple as that. You're a smart guy I think you would have to admit the Russian collusion thing was a farce yet will the Democrats controlled house it lasted for years.

Regardless I'm not sure that it is or should be illegal to expose the wrongdoings or the dirt of your opponent no matter where the information came from. On the other hand bribery and influence peddling by a public official is probably illegal.


I don’t think the Russian collusion was a farce.  I think it occurred but most politicians are smart enough to insulate themselves and the degree wasn’t what it was made out to be.  The attempted prosecution was a farce as those charges are rarely proven without audio/video evidence of the candidate participating.

For the record I’m a Republican 

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10 minutes ago, BaconHound said:

I don’t think the Russian collusion was a farce.  I think it occurred but most politicians are smart enough to insulate themselves and the degree wasn’t what it was made out to be.  The attempted prosecution was a farce as those charges are rarely proven without audio/video evidence of the candidate participating.

For the record I’m a Republican 

Actually that doesn't address my point really. Is it or should it be illegal to expose wrongdoing on the part of one's opponent, yes or no? I would smell a rat if it were alleged that the Trump Administration made up the information about Hillary's camp. But nobody makes that claim. As a matter of fact the only faked evidence was from Hillary's people. The documents that sparked the investigation in the first place. To an impartial Observer that should seem a lot worse.

And by the way Michael Moore is a member in good standing of the NRA. 




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Actually that doesn't address my point really. Is it or should it be illegal to expose wrongdoing on the part of one's opponent, yes or no? I would smell a rat if it were alleged that the Trump Administration made up the information about Hillary's camp. But nobody makes that claim. As a matter of fact the only faked evidence was from Hillary's people. The documents that sparked the investigation in the first place. To an impartial Observer that should seem a lot worse.

And by the way Michael Moore is a member in good standing of the NRA. 




Expose, no it’s not illegal.  Obtaining information from a foreign power and believing it to be true, using as a political tool, still not illegal.  Employing a foreign power to “dig up” or provide information in a political opponent is illegal.

As I’ve said in the past, labels are meaningless.  I look at each decision and try to make the most informed decision possible.  My registered party does not require me to believe in everything the party supports.  To blindly follow party politics is a dangerous path.

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2 minutes ago, BaconHound said:

Expose, no it’s not illegal.  Obtaining information from a foreign power and believing it to be true, using as a political tool, still not illegal.  Employing a foreign power to “dig up” or provide information in a political opponent is illegal.

As I’ve said in the past, labels are meaningless.  I look at each decision and try to make the most informed decision possible.  My registered party does not require me to believe in everything the party supports.  To blindly follow party politics is a dangerous path.

    Some good points. The problem is, it was higardly clinton who paid for a fake dossier, it was obaMao/clinton people who lied to the FISA court, talked about setting up a backup get Pres Trump plan if he won (strzok/page reference), that was the only russian collusion that DID occur. The fact that it hasn't been prosecuted is a "fear the deep swamp" reaction.

To blindly follow any party - good point. But it applies to both sides of the fence. There are several of those who refuse to talk about how biden's entire family is corrupt, about higgardly/dnc paying for the fake dossier, the fact that biden has never done anything good/great for AMERICA his entire career, would never talk about the obaMao/biden scandals.....

   I am a huge Pres Trump supporter - didn't have much use for him before he showed up in the primaries and I started listening to him and decided he was sincere.

   I support presidents who put American FIRST. Who KEEP THEIR PROMISES. obaMao broke every? promise he ever made.

I don't know of any promise that Pres Trump broke - keeping in mind that replacing obaMaocare with a better package - he kept that promise to WORK on it - but it failed politically. Failure to get cooperation from the hostile deep swamp leftwing haters isn't a lie or a promise not kept - it was the inability to convince the left to stop being obstinate.

The last four years of great successes has been ridiculed. I would have loved for obaMao to have kept a few of his promises - and would have appreciated it. But he didn't.

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    Some good points. The problem is, it was higardly clinton who paid for a fake dossier, it was obaMao/clinton people who lied to the FISA court, talked about setting up a backup get Pres Trump plan if he won (strzok/page reference), that was the only russian collusion that DID occur. The fact that it hasn't been prosecuted is a "fear the deep swamp" reaction.

To blindly follow any party - good point. But it applies to both sides of the fence. There are several of those who refuse to talk about how biden's entire family is corrupt, about higgardly/dnc paying for the fake dossier, the fact that biden has never done anything good/great for AMERICA his entire career, would never talk about the obaMao/biden scandals.....

   I am a huge Pres Trump supporter - didn't have much use for him before he showed up in the primaries and I started listening to him and decided he was sincere.

   I support presidents who put American FIRST. Who KEEP THEIR PROMISES. obaMao broke every? promise he ever made.

I don't know of any promise that Pres Trump broke - keeping in mind that replacing obaMaocare with a better package - he kept that promise to WORK on it - but it failed politically. Failure to get cooperation from the hostile deep swamp leftwing haters isn't a lie or a promise not kept - it was the inability to convince the left to stop being obstinate.

The last four years of great successes has been ridiculed. I would have loved for obaMao to have kept a few of his promises - and would have appreciated it. But he didn't.

What were his promises?  An honest question. I believe is was dismantling the Affordable Care Act but I’ll give you replace it.  There was also the border wall which Mexico would pay for.  To be honest I don’t remember his other campaign issues.  Maybe less regulation which concerning the environment and commerce he has done but he wants to add FCC regulations on social media platforms. 

BTW during Obama’s presidency the DOW Jones went up approximately 10,000 

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36 minutes ago, BaconHound said:

What were his promises?  An honest question. I believe is was dismantling the Affordable Care Act but I’ll give you replace it.  There was also the border wall which Mexico would pay for.  To be honest I don’t remember his other campaign issues.  Maybe less regulation which concerning the environment and commerce he has done but he wants to add FCC regulations on social media platforms. 

BTW during Obama’s presidency the DOW Jones went up approximately 10,000 

Legit question. https://welovetrump.com/2020/10/10/promises-kept-the-certified-master-list-of-trumps-historic-accomplishments-in-just-two-years-2/

I don't consider the affordable care act replacement a promise - it was a stance that he couldn't get cooperation with. Building the wall was a promise - that he did as much as the stupid courts, lawsuits would allow him to get done. Lowering taxes, yes, getting out of the expensive mistake of the paris accord, renegotiating the bad give America away trade deals.

Which, btw, I wonder if a lot of the money that went to the corrupt bidens was to encourage those bad for us trade deals....

He did say mexico would pay - but that isn't up to him to MAKE happen, it was his goal - and mexico DID end up putting their troops at the border to stop the gigantic flows of illegals swarming into our country unchecked, unvetted....

he did promise to drain the swamp - but the swamp fought back with a fake dossier, a fake investigation for three years of nothing, lies to the FISA court, etc etc etc etc.

   Like most things, understandings defies a simple emotional outburst, or simple answer.

During the obaMao presidency, the DOW did go up that 10,000. But it is far more complicated than that -


This article explains some of the complications. Companies moving plants overseas is mostly a matter of high corporate taxes here in America. I worked for several years for a company that built a plant in England - over there, the cost of living and wages were so much lower it was sad. But the company benefitted, sure.

There is also this:

Dow gains 10,000th point since Trump's election | Fox Business


Dec 16, 2019 · The Dow Jones Industrial Average crossed 28,332.74 on Monday, meaning it has rallied 10,000 points, or more than 54 percent, since Trump’s election victory on November 8, 2016. The benchmark S&P ...

Like I said, it is very complicated. Globalism in corp America has it's merits. But that is a two edged sword, unfortunately.

Lower employment, less money in taxes to the fed and states and cities.

Low fuel prices - Pres Trump. High energy costs skyrocketing in the next few years, I believe. Putting America First was desperately needed. We're closing in on 30 trillion in debt. No president seems able to stop it - and the leftwing policies of the squad, etc, will skyrocket out debt. That is very serious thin ice to our existence as a nation. It may never be able to be repaid already.

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2 hours ago, BaconHound said:

BTW during Obama’s presidency the DOW Jones went up approximately 10,000 

Still didn’t surpass Billy Bob Clinton’s first term.






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On 12/28/2020 at 12:26 PM, BaconHound said:

Expose, no it’s not illegal.  Obtaining information from a foreign power and believing it to be true, using as a political tool, still not illegal.  Employing a foreign power to “dig up” or provide information in a political opponent is illegal.

As I’ve said in the past, labels are meaningless.  I look at each decision and try to make the most informed decision possible.  My registered party does not require me to believe in everything the party supports.  To blindly follow party politics is a dangerous path.

Not sure if I've addressed this and can't find it but... First of all Wikileaks is not a foreign country it's a rogue organization. Number to the dirt they uncovered was real dirt not just made up like the Steele dossier Hillary actually commissioned from a foreign source. And that, sir, was tantamount to planting a gun on a dead perp. Even Trump haters should have been outraged  but they got a fisa warrant through that bullshit.  And yet? And of course that had nothing to do with swing the election. Hillary was probably the most uncharismatic and distasteful candidate either party has put up in decades. She made Richard Nixon look like Bob Hope.

As for the issues have I ever seemed to be the kind of guy the flip flops on issues depending on what stupid fucking party it comes from? If you think so give me an example.

There are different kinds of issues. Issue I agree with the president and issues that I don't. Concerning the latter I have to make a decision as to whether I think the Democrats version of that issue would actually be better and those cases don't come up very often.

And that of course references issues that I care about one way or the other. We all need to prioritize which issues are important to us.




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