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President Trump promises wild protest in DC on January 6, 2021.


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1 hour ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:
Peter Navarro releases 36-page report alleging election fraud 'more than sufficient' to swing victory to Trump https://washex.am/3nwaBCe. A great report by Peter. Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election. Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!
Yawn, Trumpie has another month to keep spewing.  He apparently flunked statistics at Wharton, and grade school math- that 81 million is > 74 million.  :D But, but I got 74 million votes!!! Yeah, and Joe got 7 million more, Loser.  White House insiders have been speaking off the record for at least a week that Cheetos KNOWS he's lost, yet he spews on- pumping up the lemmings with more lies and insanity. 
Craziest of all is that nut job Amanda Chase down Virginia way saying they should declare martial law, and hold a new election. She apparently is so far out there in Never Neverland that the Constitution (I doubt she's ever read it) doesn't allow for an election do over. She's probably never heard the definition of sedition either. 
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you lefties dispute the existence of God, you hate

Real America, you hate our Constitution/Bill of Rights, can't name

one good or great thing done by your worthless loser hero biden, refuse

to admit PRESIDENT TRUMP has been one of the greatest American Presidents in our history,

you are happy with widespread murder of born and unborn children,

and you are happy that giant floods of illegals are going to start coming in again,

bringing drug cartels, illegal drugs, sex trafficing, and bad diseases, rape and violent crime

and you dispute that there was election fraud.

and you were totally completely wrong about josh rosen and Josh Allen.

Where is the World is Gorka ?


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47 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

disputed? No disputing you're the undisputed champion of conspiracy around these parts Cal

you lefties dispute the existence of God, you hate  This statement is disputed by numerous Democrats, including Joe...

Real America, you hate our Constitution/Bill of Rights,  Maybe that nut job Trumpista Amanda Chase should read it. 

one good or great thing done by your worthless loser hero biden, refuse  BDS!!! BDS!!!!   

to admit PRESIDENT TRUMP has been one of the greatest American Presidents in our history,  If you like pathological liars.  

you are happy with widespread murder of born and unborn children, You're full of crap- AND NOT VERY ATTENTIVE EITHER I've said dozens of times I'm anti-abortion and contribute to Elizabeth's New Life. That does not preclude one from deciding Trump was a clear and present danger to Democracy.  The only one trying to "steal" an election is Donald Trump- one he clearly lost by a LANDSLIDE.  :D 

and you are happy that giant floods of illegals are going to start coming in again,

bringing drug cartels, illegal drugs, sex trafficing, and bad diseases, rape and violent crime  Spoken like a true xenophobe... 

and you dispute that there was election fraud. Because there was none- so say the courts over 60 times, including the SCOTUS.  Even Bill Barr. It's all conspiracy, and ace lawyer Sidney Powell is going to get countersued by Dominion if she doesn't retract her crap. 

and you were totally completely wrong about josh rosen and Josh Allen.  You have the wrong poster AGAIN there Cal, blaming me for Rosen, that was Tour's guy. For say the 20th time it was Mayfield or Darnold in my book. You suffering memory loss, or slipping into dementia?  Regarding Allen- congrats, you got that one right.

Where is the World is Gorka ? Apparently the snowflake (Internet Tough Guy) got all butthurt after I kicked him off for a week for repeated profane insults and acting like a general asshole. 


Hey- just keep on living in Trump's alternate reality world. It's a free country- but it probably wouldn't have been for long if Americans hadn't woken up and voted this incompetent loser out of office. 

PS- predictably Trump- with no basis to back him up is blaming China for the cyberattack.  And "we have the situation well under control". Sure you do Donnie- just like you have covid well under control, and going away right after November 4th.  :D  :D :D The guy is a joke. 

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On 12/19/2020 at 7:40 PM, hoorta said:

Hey- just keep on living in Trump's alternate reality world. It's a free country- but it probably wouldn't have been for long if Americans hadn't woken up and voted this incompetent loser out of office. 

PS- predictably Trump- with no basis to back him up is blaming China for the cyberattack.  And "we have the situation well under control". Sure you do Donnie- just like you have covid well under control, and going away right after November 4th.  :D  :D :D The guy is a joke. 

Why don't you just ban everyone that doesn't agree with your demented view of reality? Gorka called ya what you are.. You reap what you sow..


Zero respect.. ZERO!

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1 hour ago, Axe said:

Why don't you just ban everyone that doesn't agree with your demented view of reality? Gorka called ya what you are.. You reap what you sow..

Zero respect.. ZERO!

Maybe you ought to get your head out of Trump's ass for a minute and get a grip on realty, demented one.  I could give a rat's ass if Gorka wants to give Trump blow jobs on the hour. That's not the issue here. What IS the issue... And with all due respects to Steve.... There are over riding limits of what will be tolerated on The Browns Board in any forum. PERIOD.

Repeatedly calling another poster (& not just me) a dumb fuck or a piece of shit- will not be tolerated- here or anywhere else. Clear enough?  Or do you want to be next in line to get a kiddie timeout? 

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7 hours ago, hoorta said:


Maybe you ought to get your head out of Trump's ass for a minute and get a grip on realty, demented one.  I could give a rat's ass if Gorka wants to give Trump blow jobs on the hour. That's not the issue here. What IS the issue... And with all due respects to Steve.... There are over riding limits of what will be tolerated on The Browns Board in any forum. PERIOD.

Repeatedly calling another poster (& not just me) a dumb fuck or a piece of shit- will not be tolerated- here or anywhere else. Clear enough?  Or do you want to be next in line to get a kiddie timeout? 


Anyone see any difference between what I quoted Cartman,,eerrr, Hoorta saying and what he accuses Gorka of?


What a fucking hypocrite..

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5 hours ago, Axe said:


Anyone see any difference between what I quoted Cartman,,eerrr, Hoorta saying and what he accuses Gorka of?


What a fucking hypocrite..

he uses what he doesn't like, name calling and slurs, to goad conservatives into responding.

really, really, really low.

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On 12/19/2020 at 7:40 PM, hoorta said:

You have the wrong poster AGAIN there Cal, blaming me for Rosen, that was Tour's guy. For say the 20th time it was Mayfield or Darnold in my book. You suffering memory loss, or slipping into dementia?  Regarding Allen- congrats, you got that one right.

Where is the World is Gorka ? Apparently the snowflake (Internet Tough Guy) got all butthurt after I kicked him off for a week for repeated profane insults and acting like a general asshole. 

but you have nothing to say to a leftie poster who threatened Axe and his family?


and, you had rosen rated above allen.

The Combine - a few days away...

hoorta replied to Orion's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD

 How many times do I have to say my QB rankings are 1A Mayfield, 1B Darnold, 3Rosen ,

Josh Allen mechanics are very good.

hoorta replied to calfoxwc's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD

...Allen was facing defenses that weren't anywhere near as good as whatRosen and Darnold were facing in the Pac 12 either. Darnold made as many pretty throws to guys being defended by NFL caliber talent as Allen was to guys who will be raising cattle (New Mexico) or growing cabbage (Fresno State) whe...



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13 hours ago, hoorta said:


Maybe you ought to get your head out of Trump's ass for a minute and get a grip on realty, demented one.  I could give a rat's ass if Gorka wants to give Trump blow jobs on the hour. That's not the issue here. What IS the issue... And with all due respects to Steve.... There are over riding limits of what will be tolerated on The Browns Board in any forum. PERIOD.

Repeatedly calling another poster (& not just me) a dumb fuck or a piece of shit- will not be tolerated- here or anywhere else. Clear enough?  Or do you want to be next in line to get a kiddie timeout? 

You need to look at your TDS posse

and address them the same as people you don’t agree with.


or step down as a mod or just be a hypocrite.

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Here's Hoorta saying he ALWAYS HAD ROSEN in his TOP THREE

hoorta replied to Flugel's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD

I've always hadRosen in my top 3. To have him as our #1 in the draft? It's going to seriously depend how much weight Dorsey &

March 12, 2018

62 replies

Company put on his injury history.

Here's Hoorta saying Rosen was MIGHTY IMPRESSIVE. Bruins bowl eligible. BIG WHOOPEE

hoorta replied to Louisville Slugger's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD

I agree aboutRosen . Mighty impressive. Bruins bowl eligible.
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Baker Mayfield Thread

hoorta replied to BobPOUND!'s topic in THE BROWNS BOARD

I can live withRosen if that's the choice. Just no to Allen- & I hope Lamar Jackson isn't in the discussion.
...(Bret Hundley) ThatRosen was solely responsible for getting his coach fired is complete BS. The bar changes in favor ofRosen every time, um because he's a better prospect. Your broken record is something that can't be quantified- intangibles, which have largely been debunked.
That is Hoorta defending his josh rosen,
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Hoorta defending josh rosen AGAIN:

Should we draft a quarterback 1st overall?

hoorta replied to Louisville Slugger's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD

Cal is behind the times- he's also using preseason evaluations ofRosen . Probably didn't watch JR play USC or Cal either. FWIW, I've seenRosen make passes Kizer can only dream about making.
...My order now is Darnold- Mayfield-Rosen , and hell no to Allen or Jackson. Should Dorsey take Allen he'll have a lot shorter honeymoon in Cleveland if Allen busts. Have to admit in my book- John has done little wrong since he's taken over. Started off on the right foot sending Kenny Britt packin...
...and prayRosen or Mayfield will be there at #4?

Darnold at #1?

hoorta replied to Babernakle's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD

...Rosen , and Barkley's respective pro days speaks volumes which direction we're headed.
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The trouble is,

Real America have jobs and families and are not doped up soros sleazeball

rioters off the welfare/street people/illegals rolls. Most of us don't go places

and raise hell.


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On 12/21/2020 at 8:27 AM, Axe said:


Anyone see any difference between what I quoted Cartman,,eerrr, Hoorta saying and what he accuses Gorka of?


What a fucking hypocrite..

And you're blind to the obvious that repeated profane ad hominum attacks against posters degrades the level of conversation around here. Gorka sunk to the level of one of your swamp creatures in that regard. I believe I mentioned once he was following down the same path that got Ghoolie permanently kicked off the board. 

Maybe you're not old enough to remember the early days of the Internet (USENET et al) where it wasn't technically possible to moderate forums. It devolved into a spam & troll infested free for all.  Same would happen here if there wasn't any moderation and spam filters. I just drew a moderation line in the sand. Don't like it? Well tough shit.  Go cry to Kathy (you'll be banned if you do) or Zombo and see how far that gets you. Why not go out and start your very own MAGA Trump ass kissing forum instead?  That would be a good thing, mostly because the lack of objectivity and willingness to swallow any right wing conspiracy theory that surfaces is pretty SOP around here. 

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On 12/21/2020 at 1:59 PM, calfoxwc said:

Here's Hoorta saying he ALWAYS HAD ROSEN in his TOP THREE

hoorta replied to Flugel's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD

I've always hadRosen in my top 3. To have him as our #1 in the draft? It's going to seriously depend how much weight Dorsey &

March 12, 2018

62 replies

Company put on his injury history.

Here's Hoorta saying Rosen was MIGHTY IMPRESSIVE. Bruins bowl eligible. BIG WHOOPEE

hoorta replied to Louisville Slugger's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD

I agree aboutRosen . Mighty impressive. Bruins bowl eligible.

My third choice Cal... Hardly a ringing endorsement.  How much time did you waste having to dredge up three year old posts?  

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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

My third choice Cal... Hardly a ringing endorsement.  How much time did you waste having to dredge up three year old posts?  

  It was time well wasted. You denied it, you swim in Egypt, and you are losing cred more and more on this forum. It didn't take me any longer than it does to check on my homemade sauerkraut. The comparison of rosen vs Allen was the point. Did woodpecker get his inability to get points from you or what ?


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