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the #1 reason the nazis (think the anti-American dem party now) took full power over the German people


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this is the kind of power the left desperately wants.



1 The Enabling Act


Photo credit: German Federal Archives

The Nazis were in power, but Germany was still a democracy—until they passed the Enabling Act. With this act in place, the Nazis had full power to enact any law without running it through parliament.

They needed support to do it, though. They need two-thirds of the parliament to vote for it, and they couldn’t do that without the support of other parties. They pressured the others by reminding them of the Reichstag fire. A Nazi paper headline read, “Full powers—or else! We want the bill—or fire and murder!”

Hitler promised that he would use his increased powers sparingly. He promised, “The government will make use of these powers only insofar as they are essential for carrying out vitally necessary measures.”

The parties believed him. The Enabling Act won near-universal support. Only one party, the Social Democrats, voted against it. Hitler jeered them, shouting, “You are no longer needed! The star of Germany will rise and yours will sink! Your death knell has sounded!”

Hitler had absolute power. The other political parties were dissolved, and soon, the elections were stopped altogether. German democracy was over. Fascism had taken control—and the people had voted it in.


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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

this is the kind of power the left right desperately wants.



1 The Enabling Act


Photo credit: German Federal Archives

The Nazis Republicans were in power, but Germany America was still a democracy—until they passed the Enabling Act. Until Trump tried to overturn the election with baseless fraud claims. With this act in place, the Nazis had full power to enact any law without running it through parliament. Fortunately, we have an unbiased SCOTUS 

They Trump needed support to do it, though. They need two-thirds of the parliament  spineless Republicans to vote for it, and they couldn’t do that without the support of other parties. They pressured the others by reminding them of the Reichstag fire. A Nazi paper headline read, “Full powers—or else! We want the bill—or fire and murder!”

Hitler promised that he would use his increased powers sparingly. He promised, “The government will make use of these powers only insofar as they are essential for carrying out vitally necessary measures.”

The parties believed him. The Enabling Act won near-universal support. Only one party, the Social Democrats, voted against it. Hitler jeered them, shouting, “You are no longer needed! The star of Germany will rise and yours will sink! Your death knell has sounded!”

Hitler had absolute power. The other political parties were dissolved, and soon, the elections were stopped altogether. German American democracy was over. Fascism Trumpism had taken control—and the people had voted it in.


Look in the Trump mirror Cal- you most certainly want the Democratic party in America to be disbanded.  Orangie has pressured Governors, legislators,  and election officials to do his bidding- plenty of death threats in multiple states by his goons- er SS too (details on request). 

Very democratic of Trump's lackeys to try and toss out 20 million votes, 99%+ that were totally legal. Fortunately, the Trumpinazi Party led by Supreme Leader Cheetos failed- this time. But his undermining of confidence in the voting process in America will endure long after he's gone.  :(   

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.  

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The left are much more Nazi like.  ANTIFA, following around Trump appointees, encouraging going to their homes, restaurants and harass them, etc.  Show me an example of that please.  Riots, burning down buildings.  Taking over streets.  Not the Trump supporters.



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1 minute ago, MLD Woody said:



You Squad members should keep that in mind. Of course the reason the Nazi party as well as most brutal dictatorships get a foothold is preaching socialism during extreme economic downturns. Let's not forget the Nazis were first and foremost socialist. And the politics of Envy is a big seller.


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58 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

You might want to read up a little on that...

And you might want to spare me your bullshit.

Of course the key word is "might."

Germany was in a devastating depression. Hitler scapegoated the Jews much like the Democrats scapegoated president Trump, Christians white people, specifically males and the rich. Hitler could have picked any target the Jews were just an easy one. 





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perhaps those stupidly and cowardly swimming in Egypt would enjoy doing just a bit of RESEARCH before they emotionally knee jerk twist and shout.

6 Similarities Between Socialist Antifa Rioters and Nazis ...


Sep 22, 2020 · Although the modern far-left movement in America claims it is “anti-fascist”–that’s the meaning of “Antifa”–there are some striking similarities between its tactics and those perpetuated by the Nazi Party during its violent rise to power in the …

Lunatic Left Shares Scary Similarities with Nazism


Sep 04, 2020 · Although the modern far-Left of America claims it is anti-fascist, there are some striking similarities between its tactics and those perpetuated by the Nazi Party during its rise to power. From relying on wanton street violence, erasing history, and harping on class envy and identity politics to achieve its goals of political power, the far-Left of America and the far-Left Nazi Party of post-WWI Germany …

Author: The Heartland Institute

Yesterday's Nazis and today's national socialist left


Dec 07, 2017 · The similarities are striking. Today's intolerant national socialist left appears to be consciously patterning itself on the intolerant official Nazis of the pre-WWII era. Shirer notes that Nazi...

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yeah, I knew they would.

A simple yahoo search jobbie:

Was the Nazi Party left wing?
That being the case, it’s becoming more and more common to encounter insistent polemics like this one published on the right-wing blog UFP News: The Nazis were left-wing socialists. Yes, the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany, otherwise known as the Nazi Party, was indeed socialist and it had a lot in common with the modern left.
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The Nazis Were Leftists, Deal With It | by Paul H Jossey ...


Sep 25, 2018 · By these definitions the Nazis were firmly on the left. National Socialism was a collectivist authoritarian movement run by “social justice warriors.” That this brand of “justice”

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Hitler Survivor Has Just 7 Words For Liberals Equating ...

Join Mad World News on Parler @MadWorldNews . A German woman, who survived Nazi leader Adolf Hitler’s tyrannical reign, lived in a refugee camp, and fled to America, has noticed that liberals love to compare President Donald Trump to Hitler. However, when asked about the similarities between the two, she had just 7 words that completely shocked leftists.

100+ Facts That Prove Democrats Are Racist Nazis – IMOwired


Aug 22, 2017 · Only stone cold Nazis would side with UNESCO against the Jews. Those stone cold Nazis are all on the Left-howling about hating Nazis. 75) Nazi Re-branding. The new Antisemitism is masked in “anti-Zionist” and Palestinian sympathizing rhetoric. Antisemitism is a rampant epidemic sweeping across our college campuses.



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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

yeah, I knew they would.

A simple yahoo search jobbie:

Was the Nazi Party left wing?
That being the case, it’s becoming more and more common to encounter insistent polemics like this one published on the right-wing blog UFP News: The Nazis were left-wing socialists. Yes, the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany, otherwise known as the Nazi Party, was indeed socialist and it had a lot in common with the modern left.


Let's highlight this reply by cal

Do you know where it came from? Yep, that's right. Snopes


Do you know what the words right before that are?


"The Nazi problem comes down to this: As an ultra-nationalist, socially conservative, anti-egalitarian and fascist ideology, Nazism naturally falls on the extreme far-right end of the political spectrum; but if it can be successfully argued that it’s really a form of socialism, it would make more sense to place it on the far left. That being the case, it’s becoming more and more common to encounter insistent polemics like this one published on the right-wing blog UFP News:"



There is a push by right wing sites to paint the Nazis as socialists (and not right wing), especially post Charlottesville.

Shit, look at the sites cal posted from.



I would totally expect Cal to be easily fooled by this propaganda. Steve is a little more surprising, but given the last few years here, it really shouldn't be. 

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Some of you will believe anything TeaPartyMAGAEagleLlPatriot.blogspot tells you, so you're a lost cause. It's no surprise they're trying to paint Nazis as something as far away from conservatism as possible. And while so many of you will fall for it, that doesn't make it right 


Not gonna argue this all day. Already got a good laugh out of cal sourcing a snopes article making the point opposite of his own hahaha. (Going back to my theory that older people don't get the internet... proven a little more every day on this board)

Just know you're incorrect

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3 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Some of you will believe anything TeaPartyMAGAEagleLlPatriot.blogspot tells you, so you're a lost cause. It's no surprise they're trying to paint Nazis as something as far away from conservatism as possible. And while so many of you will fall for it, that doesn't make it right 


Not gonna argue this all day. Already got a good laugh out of cal sourcing a snopes article making the point opposite of his own hahaha.

Just know you're incorrect

I'm not, you're an idiot and the propaganda is from your side the word itself means National Socialist. And that term was coined in 1926 long before any of your conservative boogeymen were born. So eat me. And the Takeover of Germany was exactly how I described. And we are talking about Germany and the Takeover by Hitler not some bunch of clowns in South Carolina or wherever the fuck.

So don't waste your time or mine.


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1 hour ago, Canton Dawg said:

The word Nazi literally means Socialism.

I suggest YOU read up on that.

Yes, the word "Socialist" is in the party name. It has nothing to do with what you think of as Socialism. 

Go read up on it. 


This is an after the fact propaganda effort by right wing groups to make the Nazis seem left wing. Nothing more. It appears many of you are falling for it.

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Nazis: Still Socialists | National Review


Dan asserts that Hitler was a socialist with reservations, that: Marx’s error, Hitler believed, had been to foster class war instead of national unity – to set workers against industrialists...

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Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian ...


Nov 11, 2005 · The identification of Nazi Germany as a socialist state was one of the many great contributions of Ludwig von Mises. When one remembers that the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der National sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party —  .image.png.1060cc2b35b2e04b716006750efbed01.png

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What Cal, no response to my quoted post?

Are you just going to try to ignore the fact you sourced a Snopes article, making the exact case against your argument?


Just another data point showing you have no idea how to find legit sources and research information on the internet. To the surprise of no one.

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you love snopes, I showed you the before and after. I showed you how to try to research on your own, instead of always asking

us constant subject changing really stupidass questions.

But you won't quit, you are stuck on stupid.

Hence, the legend of the woodpecker has lived on....

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5 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

You Squad members should keep that in mind. Of course the reason the Nazi party as well as most brutal dictatorships get a foothold is preaching socialism during extreme economic downturns. Let's not forget the Nazis were first and foremost socialist. And the politics of Envy is a big seller.


A frequent misconception of haters anything non-Trump Steve. Wanting Donnie gone doesn't make you an extreme lefty- not by a long shot. MY POV? Biden in 2020 was by far the lesser of two evils- just as Trump was in 2016. (Boy- with 20\20 hindsight was I ever wrong, should have voted none of the above.) Orangie was\is a danger to democracy. Or don't you think trying to get 20 million valid votes in four states tossed is a tad undemocratic?  On the flimsiest of arguments, and certainly unconstitutional. SCOTUS said so, so deal with it. There's way too many parallels in the "Cult of Trump" and Cult of Hitler to ignore them. Extreme nationalism- Deutschland über alles. Xenophobia-anti Semitism. Those Germans fanatically LOVED Adolph- until he got 4.3 million of them killed in WW II, and left their country in ruins.

Saw the devoted MAGAs marched to the Supreme Court today to protest that the Justices were just so wrong to deny Trump- minus any credible evidence- that he deserves another four (make that unlimited) term(s).  That's the very definition of a Cult Steve. RE: Trump- I like to believe I know what fanaticism in some quarters looks like. 

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You're a funny guy Cal, it's why I'm still here for your misguided comedy.  Anti-Trumpism doesn't make you a socialist, but you and the far right Trump butt smoochers can't seem to get it through your thick noggins.   :D 

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yep, name calling ok for some posters I guess.

Socialism Destroys Lives and Would Destroy America - It's ...


Socialism Destroys Lives and Would Destroy America - It's That Simple. Raul Arboleda / Getty Images Poverty in South America (Raul Arboleda / Getty Images) By Patrick Tyrrell & Anthony B. Kim. Published October 26, 2018 at 3:01pm.

What Americans Must Know About Socialism | The Heritage ...


Socialism failed in America in the early 19 th century when the English philanthropist Robert Owen launched New Harmony, a “village of cooperation” on the banks of the Wabash River in Indiana....

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4 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

yep, name calling ok for some posters I guess.

Socialism Destroys Lives and Would Destroy America - It's ...


Socialism Destroys Lives and Would Destroy America - It's That Simple. Raul Arboleda / Getty Images Poverty in South America (Raul Arboleda / Getty Images) By Patrick Tyrrell & Anthony B. Kim. Published October 26, 2018 at 3:01pm.

What Americans Must Know About Socialism | The Heritage ...


Socialism failed in America in the early 19 th century when the English philanthropist Robert Owen launched New Harmony, a “village of cooperation” on the banks of the Wabash River in Indiana....

Gee, I guess you really don't need that Socialist Security check then....   :D  :D  :D 

Fraud? Damn-it's really not that hard to stumble across sources fact checking Sidney Powell's fraudulent Top Secret Intelligence Officer- which it turns out isn't all that intelligent.  Sid is full of krappen, for sure...  Face it Cal- 99% of your "conspiracy" stuff is pure unsubstantiated hogwash. Courts aren't giving it the time of day- because they know that's exactly what it is...  :D 


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5 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

you love snopes, I showed you the before and after. I showed you how to try to research on your own, instead of always asking

us constant subject changing really stupidass questions.

But you won't quit, you are stuck on stupid.

Hence, the legend of the woodpecker has lived on....

Cal... simple question. Do you admit you sourced Snopes as part of your "evidence"?

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(note - the phony man made global warming - was made to enable tyranny globally - including the redistribution of wealth. Guess who NEEDS the wealth? Other countries who are socialist/communist.)



" But as the embers of socialist victory cooled, such as in Russia after the Revolution of 1917 and the bloody three-year civil war that followed, the revolutionaries had to turn to the mundane affairs of “building socialism.” Building socialism meant the transformation of society, and the transforming of society meant watching, overseeing, controlling and commanding everything. "

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