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Here's your evidence lefties.


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“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election,” Barr told the AP.

Barr didn’t name Powell specifically but said: “There’s been one assertion that would be systemic fraud and that would be the claim that machines were programmed essentially to skew the election results. And the DHS and DOJ have looked into that, and so far, we haven’t seen anything to substantiate that,” Barr said.

Barr: No evidence of fraud that’d change election outcome (apnews.com)

Oh shit! The derp state has gotten to Barr too!!! 

Panic GIFs | Tenor

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18 minutes ago, Gorka said:

Biden broke decades of records.

If Biden had won by a slim margin or the support for Trump wasn't as great as it was in 2016, any normal shit like that, I could accept it.

But man something really stinks about this election.

Fuck your feelings. You lost get over it.

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The testimony in front of the Senate is deavastating. Heard some of it on the radio today.

blockbuster testimony by REAL WHISTLEBLOWERS, not the fake whistleblowers the lefties around here worshipped.

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15 hours ago, Gorka said:

This is laughable. They have plenty of merit. You're just in denial.

This election was you guys last hope.  For nearly 4 years you vermin tried to unseat a duly elected president with bogus claims having NO MERIT,  and you now expect us to just fall in line with you assholes and believe everything was honest and on the up and up?  Everything about this election was unprecedented, countless anomalies and irregularities. So shove your sanctimonious, when it's convenient for you "threat to democracy"  rhetoric up your ass Hoorta.

I had feared Biden may win, but not under these circumstances, but rather "normally".  That I would of accepted.


Don't lump me in with the Dems. Lincoln Project Republican and proud of it. Dumping Donald was the last hope to prevent a Banana Republic Dictatorship. That's what strongmen do- get the election results tossed if they don't like the results- and Trump is trying mightily to do exactly that. I've had more than enough of his constant lying, and the majority of Americans are on the same page with me. 

From my POV, you would accept it if Trump told you the sky was green.  There was no possibility of "normal" because Cheetos has been spouting his "election fraud" mantra for years.  :(  He's still in denial- so are you. It's just SO over for Trump...  How much fucking evidence do you need that there wasn't significant fraud? The fired head of DHS- because Trump couldn't stand the truth? Now his head lackey AG chimes in...  I tried to find a "neutral" link.  Old Sid is still on a fraud witch hunt though.. Her credibility is pretty shot unless you belong to QAnon. Ghool-iani is still spouting (in public). Though notice what he said in court "under oath" DUH- no fraud.  :D  Evidence? More like half baked (or completely fried) conspiracy. You've had a month to show your cards- in court- and so far you're batting damn near zero.  Allegations aren't "proof". Minor voter irregularities aren't an indication of massive fraud either. 


"Disputing President Donald Trump’s persistent, baseless claims, Attorney General William Barr declared Tuesday the U.S. Justice Department has uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election."

Oh and FUCK YOU NUT JOBS THAT DON'T LIKE THE ELECTION RESULTS... Gabe is pissed- and I don't blame him. 

Here's the link to the entire 12 minute press conference... You MAGAs need only listen to the first couple minutes to get an inkling of the trash that supports the Madman in the White House... 


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10 hours ago, hoorta said:

Don't lump me in with the Dems. Lincoln Project Republican and proud of it. Dumping Donald was the last hope to prevent a Banana Republic Dictatorship. That's what strongmen do- get the election results tossed if they don't like the results- and Trump is trying mightily to do exactly that. I've had more than enough of his constant lying, and the majority of Americans are on the same page with me. 

From my POV, you would accept it if Trump told you the sky was green.  There was no possibility of "normal" because Cheetos has been spouting his "election fraud" mantra for years.  :(  He's still in denial- so are you. It's just SO over for Trump...  How much fucking evidence do you need that there wasn't significant fraud? The fired head of DHS- because Trump couldn't stand the truth? Now his head lackey AG chimes in...  I tried to find a "neutral" link.  Old Sid is still on a fraud witch hunt though.. Her credibility is pretty shot unless you belong to QAnon. Ghool-iani is still spouting (in public). Though notice what he said in court "under oath" DUH- no fraud.  :D  Evidence? More like half baked (or completely fried) conspiracy. You've had a month to show your cards- in court- and so far you're batting damn near zero.  Allegations aren't "proof". Minor voter irregularities aren't an indication of massive fraud either. 


"Disputing President Donald Trump’s persistent, baseless claims, Attorney General William Barr declared Tuesday the U.S. Justice Department has uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election."

Oh and FUCK YOU NUT JOBS THAT DON'T LIKE THE ELECTION RESULTS... Gabe is pissed- and I don't blame him. 

Here's the link to the entire 12 minute press conference... You MAGAs need only listen to the first couple minutes to get an inkling of the trash that supports the Madman in the White House... 


So in other words, don't use your democratic buddies tactics (intimidation, death threats, etc.)?

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14 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

So in other words, don't use your democratic buddies tactics (intimidation, death threats, etc.)?

Really? Unprecedented intimidation by the Trumpistas... Lyn Wood and Syd Vicious holding their little rally down south replete with actual pitchforks. RE: the Georgia Governor chant "LOCK HIM UP!!!" Picket his house.  For what exactly? Doing his job? Gabe and other election workers getting death threats. Multiple states too. Amazing there's only election fraud in states Trump lost. Do I detect a trainload of bullshit there?  I want a recount in North Carolina. 

Trump has about another week to keep spewing his alternate reality crap and legal nothing burgers in court....  https://www.fox6now.com/news/safe-harbor-deadline-heres-why-dec-8-matters-in-the-2020-election

"Federal law (3 U.S. Code § 5) frees a state from further challenge if it settles legal disputes and certifies its results at least six days before the Electoral College meeting, which occurs this year on Dec. 14."

Then again, I wouldn't put it past Trump to file a legal challenge in the states he lost one minute before midnight on December 7th.  Coincidentally- Pearl Harbor Day, where Trump's election bid finally winds up like the Arizona sunk in the harbor.  :D  

So- why is Trump still trying his "Mission Impossible" act to overturn an election he knows he's lost? I finally have the answer, and as usual it's $$$$ Ya see- he's still out there soliciting his dutiful MAGA lemmings to contribute to his "Election Defense Fund", which now stands at a rather tidy $170 million dollars. Only thing they don't realize is- it's an UNRESTRICTED PAC. Meaning Donnie can use that money however the hell he feels like. Golf outings in Scotland or wherever. More likely for his legal defense for the ton of hot water he's going to be in as soon as he leaves office....  

The CON goes ON.  

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TDS swimming in Egypt -

guess what?

you all swooned over your fake whistleblowers, we have REAL WHISTLEBLOWERS testifying in Congress, and

they have LEGAL AFFIDAVITS signed.

Pres Trump won the election, WE WON the election - the fraud was overwhelming, millions of votes....

frankly, I don't give a crap that you deny it, Hoorta.

You won't even admit you were wrong about Josh Allen vs Josh Rosen.


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10 hours ago, hoorta said:



Its so cute how you try to sell these absurdly false equivalencies. You people are vile.

Now if those protesters were of the same ilk as the violent mobs you support, don't you think the media would be all over it?

Unprecedented intimidation by the Trumpistas... Lyn Wood and Syd Vicious holding their little rally down south replete with actual pitchforks. RE: the Georgia Governor chant "LOCK HIM UP!!!" Picket his house.  For what exactly? Doing his job? Gabe and other election workers getting death threats. Multiple states too. Amazing there's only election fraud in states Trump lost.

Lin Wood and Syndey Powell have impeccable reputations and would not risk their reputations over something they believe has no merit.

Do I detect a trainload of bullshit there? 

Yeah, probably your own.

So- why is Trump still trying his "Mission Impossible" act to overturn an election he knows he's lost won?

No, he knows he won.

I finally have the answer, and as usual it's $$$$ Ya see- he's still out there soliciting his dutiful MAGA lemmings to contribute to his "Election Defense Fund", which now stands at a rather tidy $170 million dollars. Only thing they don't realize is- it's an UNRESTRICTED PAC. Meaning Donnie can use that money however the hell he feels like. Golf outings in Scotland or wherever. More likely for his legal defense for the ton of hot water he's going to be in as soon as he leaves office....  


 So maybeTrump should have kept his $400,000 salary rather than donate it. That would have left him with a $160 Million nest egg for that "rainy day".

Do you think multimillionaire Biden will donate his salary?

I'll just paraphrase Reagan and leave it at that..."you liberals know so much that isn't true."





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In Arizona, it turns out that 3% of the votes cast in the 100 count vote sampling were tainted or worse. This would be, if carried forward, approximately 90,000 votes more than we would need to win the State. Now we were granted a much larger sample to work with. Wow!
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1 hour ago, Gorka said:

Not very long.

Now lets see how soon you'll start crying like a baby again 5...4...3..2..1..

I figure triple c has been crying like a baby all along, for negative attention.

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2 hours ago, cccjwh said:

No self control, sad. Looks like most of the nut jobs have finally got past the denial phase. Bring on the anger! 🤣

There's no hope for folks like Gorka who still live 100% in Trump's alternate reality and are lapping up his bullshit lies. Even Trump realizes he has no path to another four years in the White House. Just keeping the fantasy going as long as possible to milk more $$$ out of his lemmings. 


Hell, even Insanity Hannity backhandedly admitted as much it's over. Why would Trump pardon himself if he wasn't heading out the door and hadn't done a single thing wrong? Looks like his kids even may be in some legal hot water too..   

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6 hours ago, Gorka said:

Its so cute how you try to sell these absurdly false equivalencies. You people are vile. And you're obnoxious

Lin Wood and Syndey Powell have impeccable reputations and would not risk their reputations over something they believe has no merit. Only in MAGA World. You sort of lose credibility when you claim dead despots had something to do with Trump's loss. Said it before- got any proof? Show it Syd, I'm waiting.   :D  

So- why is Trump still trying his "Mission Impossible" act to overturn an election he knows he's lost won?

No, he knows he won. ROTFLMAO!!! Only in Orangie's demented mind, and even HE only 1\2 believes it. There is a solution- the 25th Amendment.

Do you think multimillionaire Biden will donate his salary? I could care less if he does or doesn't. It's up to him. 

I'll just paraphrase Reagan and leave it at that..."you liberals know so much that isn't true." And you MAGAs believe so much that is a flat out LIE.


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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

Looks like his kids even may be in some legal hot water too..   

If they are, I’m positive the MSM will be ALL over it.

Too bad they can’t be good kids...you know...like Hunter Biden?

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3 hours ago, hoorta said:

And you're obnoxious

You scumbags have always found truth to be obnoxious.

Lin Wood and Syndey Powell have impeccable reputations and would not risk their reputations over something they believe has no merit. 

Only in MAGA World.

No in the real world, or the MAGA world if you will.  In case you didn't know, which you didn't , Lin Wood was a democrat donor to democrat causes.

You sort of lose credibility when you claim dead despots had something to do with Trump's loss.

I never claimed that liar.  You lost your credibility a long time ago so what's another lie gonna hurt right?

Said it before- got any proof? Show it Syd, I'm waiting.   :D  

What you need to do is show proof that Powell is not reputable.

No, he knows he won. 

ROTFLMAO!!! Only in Orangie's demented mind, and even HE only 1\2 believes it.

No knucklehead, also in the minds of 30% of democrats and people like Powell.

Rasmussen poll: 30% of Democrats and 75% of Republicans ...

Do you think multimillionaire Biden will donate his salary? 

I could care less if he does or doesn't. It's up to him. 

So why do you care about what Trump does with his money?

Pretty noble and unselfish for Trump to donate his salary huh?

I'll just paraphrase Reagan and leave it at that..."you liberals know so much that isn't true." 

And you MAGAs believe so much that is a flat out LIE.

Like what? 

This ought to be interesting.





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I see Hoorta is discrediting himself again like a belligerent fool.

If Hoorta wants evidence, listen to the testimony - SEan Hannity's show.... Laura Ingraham,


I believe Hoorta is desperately trying to start a lot of trouble around here ...we all know why.

How about STFU long enough to READ what you pretend you want to know about?


All types of allegations of fraud are mentioned. Here is just a sampling of the allegations:

  • EYEWITNESS saw batch of ballots, 60% had SAME signature
  • EYEWITNESS saw ballot batch scanned 5 times
  • EYEWITNESS saw 50 ballots fed many times into scanner
  • EYEWITNESSES say Jan 1, 1900 was recorded in poll book as DOB for many not in book so they could count ballots
  • EYEWITNESS saw 35 ballots counted even though not connected to voter record
  • EYEWITNESS saw poll workers marking ballot with no mark for candidates
  • EYEWITNESSES saw ballots counted with no signature or postmark
  • VOTER said deceased son was recorded as voting twice
  • EYEWITNESS saw provisional ballots placed in tabulation box
  • PASSENGERS dropped off more ballots than people in car
  • WITNESS told ballots received after election were being pre-dated, counted
  • FAILED software that caused error in Antrim County used in Wayne County
  • GOP challengers not readmitted but Dems admitted
  • GOP challengers forced to stay away while Dems were not
  • GOP challengers physically pushed from counting tables by officials
  • GOP challengers subjected to racial harassment
  • DEM challengers gave out packet: “Tactics to Distract GOP Challengers”
  • Election officials covered windows so challengers couldn’t observe counting
  • Election officials cheered when GOP challenger ejected
  • GOP challenges to suspect ballots ignored
  • Challengers barred from observing ballot duplication process




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