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Even the National Review is calling out the stupidity


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Looks like the derp state got to more people over at the National Review. I will sit back and wait for the bloggers responses. It's the DEPT STATE!

If you put your faith in President Trump’s claim of a presidential election stolen through massive alteration of votes through the use of voting software, and in the legal skills of Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, I am sorry to tell you that you have been conned.


Dominion Voting Systems works in 28 states and ran elections in Ohio, Florida, and other states that Trump won. In state of Florida, which Trump won by a wider margin than expected, the state division of elections certified their voting systems as safe, secure, and effective. That division answers to the Florida secretary of state, Laurel Lee, who is a former assistant U.S. attorney and former judge appointed by Governor Ron DeSantis in 2019.


The Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency have thoroughly examined the company’s hardware and software and found no vulnerabilities, no backdoors, no evidence of a secret way to alter the votes.

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There's always a way. Anything can be cracked, period. If you don't believe that you probably use microsoft windows and think an antivirus program makes your computer secure. 


I don't think trump won the election but this article of a foolproof electronic system is for people who don't know any better. 

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The fact that anything and everything can be cracked isn't a conspiracy. It's just what I called it: a fact. 


National review can run any story that they want. They can say masks prevent the coronavirus but, yet, here we are. Every network every computer every electronic system can be hacked. Period. End of story. Anyone that tells you it's not possible is selling something. 

Whether it happened or not is the question. The answer to that is probably no, it didn't. But anyone that says the answer is "No IT COULDN'T" is lying and depending on your ignorance. Don't let them down. 


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1 hour ago, The Cysko Kid said:

The fact that anything and everything can be cracked isn't a conspiracy. It's just what I called it: a fact. 


National review can run any story that they want. They can say masks prevent the coronavirus but, yet, here we are. Every network every computer every electronic system can be hacked. Period. End of story. Anyone that tells you it's not possible is selling something. 

Whether it happened or not is the question. The answer to that is probably no, it didn't. But anyone that says the answer is "No IT COULDN'T" is lying and depending on your ignorance. Don't let them down. 


Pretty much they said there is no evidence that it happened, nothing about "No IT COULDN'T". But you keep on pushing "it could happen!" and making up what other people "said". 


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Where have I made up what other people said? 


"The Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency have thoroughly examined the company’s hardware and software and found no vulnerabilities, no backdoors, no evidence of a secret way to alter the votes."


That's someone telling you it can't be hacked, or if you really want to be literal that there's no SECRET way to alter the votes. 

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3 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Where have I made up what other people said? 


"The Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency have thoroughly examined the company’s hardware and software and found no vulnerabilities, no backdoors, no evidence of a secret way to alter the votes."


That's someone telling you it can't be hacked, or if you really want to be literal that there's no SECRET way to alter the votes. 

except the maker of the voting machines is on the CISA board. so is microsoft....apple....google.....

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Damn babycow you have been on a real spam fest. Something big must have triggered you. You hear about Georgia and Arizona? 

No Cysko, that is someone telling you they looked for evidence that the system had compromised and they found no evidence that they have been. Why don't you research how their system works and get back to me. Just saying that any system can be hacked, is not evidence that a system has been hacked.

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the fraud is so serious - the recount in GA simply recounted illegal votes, what a farce. But it WAS noticed, and now

the sec won't certify it. btw, in Michigan, the two reps who were coerced and were promised a review of the votes? they "certified" it after being harrassed and threats to their family, but the dems reneged on the "review" of course, and now the two reps have filed legal affidavits saying they have retracted their "certification".

all hell has broken loose in this election, the coverup will take too long. Sidney Powell - and Giuliani have over 1000 LEGAL AFFIDAVITS legally stating observed voter fraud, vote counter fraud.

President Trump won this election. WE WON this election. If we can get rid of the illegal votes, we're good. the trouble is, and that is planned by the dnc mafia, not a whole lot of time.

We should have three years of LEGIT investigation before Pres Trump concedes.

so, ccc, you keep making an ass of yourself. Bitch all you want, but replies all over the place, showing you to be an ignorant ass troll, is because you troll so much.

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3 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Damn babycow you have been on a real spam fest. Something big must have triggered you. You hear about Georgia and Arizona? 

No Cysko, that is someone telling you they looked for evidence that the system had compromised and they found no evidence that they have been. Why don't you research how their system works and get back to me. Just saying that any system can be hacked, is not evidence that a system has been hacked.

You're a person with no known knowledge of how technology works that gets your information from memes. I've already engaged with you longer than any sane person should. 

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On 11/21/2020 at 8:58 AM, calfoxwc said:

the fraud is so serious - the recount in GA simply recounted illegal votes, what a farce. But it WAS noticed, and now

the sec won't certify it. btw, in Michigan, the two reps who were coerced and were promised a review of the votes? they "certified" it after being harrassed and threats to their family, but the dems reneged on the "review" of course, and now the two reps have filed legal affidavits saying they have retracted their "certification".

all hell has broken loose in this election, the coverup will take too long. Sidney Powell - and Giuliani have over 1000 LEGAL AFFIDAVITS legally stating observed voter fraud, vote counter fraud.

President Trump won this election. WE WON this election. If we can get rid of the illegal votes, we're good. the trouble is, and that is planned by the dnc mafia, not a whole lot of time.

We should have three years of LEGIT investigation before Pres Trump concedes.

so, ccc, you keep making an ass of yourself. Bitch all you want, but replies all over the place, showing you to be an ignorant ass troll, is because you troll so much.



Sure thing nut job. 😁

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wow. you are THAT stupid? they did a worthless RECOUNT, still not transparent, not with rep observers, but now it has been certified,

which helps the Pres Trump campaign to go ahead and formally ask for a legit recount.

Apparently, you don't understand what you posted....

" The Certificate of Ascertainment identifies the winning candidates and electors in each state in the United States and lists the number of votes all electors received. The certificate represents a crucial link between the popular vote and votes cast by electors. "

so, what you stupidly posted was the certification of the electors, not the election results as counted.

Georgia governor calls for audit after state certifies ...


2 days ago · Mr. Trump tweeted. Since the results of the hand recount were still within the 0.5% margin, the Trump campaign may request another recount within two business days. If the Trump campaign

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furthermore the sec of state has certified now, which means:


"Earlier today, Secretary Raffensperger presented the certified results of the 2020 general election to my office," Kemp said in a brief announcement Friday evening, after which a spokesperson confirmed to the Associated Press that Kemp certified the presidential electors. "State law now requires the governor's office to formalize the certification, which paves the way for the Trump campaign to peruse other legal options and a separate recount if they choose."


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25 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

wow. you are THAT stupid? they did a worthless RECOUNT, still not transparent, not with rep observers, but now it has been certified,

which helps the Pres Trump campaign to go ahead and formally ask for a legit recount.

Apparently, you don't understand what you posted....

" The Certificate of Ascertainment identifies the winning candidates and electors in each state in the United States and lists the number of votes all electors received. The certificate represents a crucial link between the popular vote and votes cast by electors. "

so, what you stupidly posted was the certification of the electors, not the election results as counted.

Georgia governor calls for audit after state certifies ...


2 days ago · Mr. Trump tweeted. Since the results of the hand recount were still within the 0.5% margin, the Trump campaign may request another recount within two business days. If the Trump campaign

Your messiah lost. But you keep on donating money to the those lawsuits. 😁

“The truth is that the people of Georgia—and across the country—should not have any remaining doubts about who was elected governor two years ago or who won the presidential election earlier this month,” wrote Raffensperger in The Washington Post. “The presidential outcome was remarkably close, but the new paper-ballot system, the strong election security and integrity mechanisms in place, and the audit and hand recount should combine to put to rest any doubts about the final outcome.”


Brad Raffensperger(R) is Georgia’s secretary of state.


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On 11/21/2020 at 9:58 AM, calfoxwc said:

the fraud is so serious - the recount in GA simply recounted illegal votes, what a farce. But it WAS noticed, and now

the sec won't certify it. btw, in Michigan, the two reps who were coerced and were promised a review of the votes? they "certified" it after being harrassed and threats to their family, but the dems reneged on the "review" of course, and now the two reps have filed legal affidavits saying they have retracted their "certification".

all hell has broken loose in this election, the coverup will take too long. Sidney Powell - and Giuliani have over 1000 LEGAL AFFIDAVITS legally stating observed voter fraud, vote counter fraud.

President Trump won this election. WE WON this election. If we can get rid of the illegal votes, we're good. the trouble is, and that is planned by the dnc mafia, not a whole lot of time.

We should have three years of LEGIT investigation before Pres Trump concedes.

so, ccc, you keep making an ass of yourself. Bitch all you want, but replies all over the place, showing you to be an ignorant ass troll, is because you troll so much.

OMG Cal- you're as delusional as DT.  The reality is Trump lost the 2020 election "by a landslide" his words when he won in 2016.  :D   So if there's massive voter fraud, where is it?  Huh? How come to date Trump has gotten his lame ass fraud claims summarily tossed out of court at least two dozen times by REPUBLICAN judges? In case the link is hiding behind a paywall- the relevant part is:   

The judge’s decision, which he explained in a scathing 37-page opinion, was a thorough rebuke of the president’s sole attempt to challenge the statewide result in Pennsylvania. Brann wrote that Trump’s campaign had used “strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations” in its effort to throw out millions of votes “In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state,” Brann wrote.


Michigan? You mean the state the Trump lost by 150,000 votes, and he's tried to browbeat the Republican House to toss out every vote in Michigan so they'll cast electoral votes for him instead? SEIG HEIL!!! Donnie.  

Sidney Powell? The legal hack that just got booted off Team Trump for positing  bullshit and untenable fantasies?  https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/22/trump-campaign-sidney-powell-legal-439357  She's flying solo now. Yeah- the REPUBLICAN elected officials in Georgia- according to her- are in cahoots with some communists. The ghost of Joe McCarthy lives. Affidavits don't mean jack shit- until you can back them up IN COURT.  I'm waiting.... I'll sign an affidavit I'm the Sultan of Oman. Like Trump still tweeting with zero proof- he still won the election. That's grounds in my book to invoke the 25th Amendment and get this nut job sent packing before January 20th.     

Go ahead Trumpie- demand your Georgia post certification recount. It's going to change nothing . Keep grasping at your straws.... Sure, take it all the way to the US Supreme Court- so in your deranged mind- they'll declare you President for life.  

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Yep-delusional material is strong with this one who still doesn't like the fact the courts throw it out because trumpy team told them there was no fraud. As I heard last night, it is not against the law to lie to the public under the first amendment, but it damn sure is to lie to a judge in a court of law. If you do you risk your license to practice law. Trumpy team must have gotten scared ole Sydney might try to spew this crap in court too as a member of their team. Then they all lose their licenses.

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3 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Yep-delusional material is strong with this one who still doesn't like the fact the courts throw it out because trumpy team told them there was no fraud. As I heard last night, it is not against the law to lie to the public under the first amendment, but it damn sure is to lie to a judge in a court of law. If you do you risk your license to practice law. Trumpy team must have gotten scared ole Sydney might try to spew this crap in court too as a member of their team. Then they all lose their licenses.

Tex, They missed the memo some of Team Trump's lawyers said sayonara to the cause- for that exact reason.  :)  

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12 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Tex, They missed the memo some of Team Trump's lawyers said sayonara to the cause- for that exact reason.  :)  


In certain swing states, there were more votes than people who voted, and in big numbers. Does that not really matter? Stopping Poll Watchers, voting for unsuspecting people, fake ballots and so much more. Such egregious conduct. We will win!
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8 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Tex, They missed the memo some of Team Trump's lawyers said sayonara to the cause- for that exact reason.  :)  

Hard to believe Rudy had enough sense to say there was no fraud when the judge put him on the spot. Thought he had lost more brainpower than that. But then when you get to milk the latest turmpy fraud fund, which in the small print now says 75% of it does not really go to the defense as claimed, but to some political PAC now. That old wily hair dye bleeding Fox is stealing money from trumpy donor/suckers while telling them what they want to hear before the mike, but a totally different tune before the Bar. They all deserve it.🤡

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2 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:


In certain swing states, there were more votes than people who voted, and in big numbers. Does that not really matter? Stopping Poll Watchers, voting for unsuspecting people, fake ballots and so much more. Such egregious conduct. We will win!

The Delusion grows daily with the Circus Barker King.🤡🤴

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13 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:


In certain swing states, there were more votes than people who voted, and in big numbers. Does that not really matter? Stopping Poll Watchers, voting for unsuspecting people, fake ballots and so much more. Such egregious conduct. We will win!

How many times do I have to tell you Die Hard- you can tweet anything.  (at least DT can) I suspect if he was just a private citizen and not the POTUS, he would have had his Twitter account revoked- long ago. I don't doubt Twitter is damn tired of having to fact check his constant lying.  Trump has had two weeks (and counting) to back up his accusations with some facts and proof... Two dozen cases+ tossed out of court for lack of evidence... Chirp, chirp... crickets.... 

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5 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Hard to believe Rudy had enough sense to say there was no fraud when the judge put him on the spot. Thought he had lost more brainpower than that. But then when you get to milk the latest turmpy fraud fund, which in the small print now says 75% of it does not really go to the defense as claimed, but to some political PAC now. That old wily hair dye bleeding Fox is stealing money from trumpy donor/suckers while telling them what they want to hear before the mike, but a totally different tune before the Bar. They all deserve it.🤡

Had to look up what Trump's latest "Super PAC" really was....  Hmmm building up a war chest...  Or try to use the money when the inevitable legal shit hits the fan after he leaves the White House....  

"Super PACs are not subject to contribution limits and can accept donations from corporations and unions. They enjoy this freedom because super PACs do not give money to candidates or parties, and do not coordinate their spending with these entities. However, super PACs are still heavily regulated by campaign finance laws. Just like candidates and political parties, super PACs must report detailed information about their donors who contribute over $200. They must also register with the Federal Election Commission and report all of their donations and spending on a schedule set forth by the government. This information is then published online in a searchable database available to anyone."

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19 minutes ago, hoorta said:

 I don't doubt Twitter is damn tired of having to fact check his constant lying.

Twitter shouldn’t be fact checking anyone.

People are posting shit on there about ghosts, goblins, chupacabra, Sasquatch, Yeti, you fucking name it....it’s on there.

The non stupid people see Twitter for what it is, Taliban Jack wants to censor who he sees fit.

End of story.

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Had to look up what Trump's latest "Super PAC" really was....  Hmmm building up a war chest...  Or try to use the money when the inevitable legal shit hits the fan after he leaves the White House....  

"Super PACs are not subject to contribution limits and can accept donations from corporations and unions. They enjoy this freedom because super PACs do not give money to candidates or parties, and do not coordinate their spending with these entities. However, super PACs are still heavily regulated by campaign finance laws. Just like candidates and political parties, super PACs must report detailed information about their donors who contribute over $200. They must also register with the Federal Election Commission and report all of their donations and spending on a schedule set forth by the government. This information is then published online in a searchable database available to anyone."

Trump is just trying to cash out before he's out of office. Milking his adoring fans for all they're worth. 

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1 hour ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:


In certain swing states, there were more votes than people who voted, and in big numbers. Does that not really matter? Stopping Poll Watchers, voting for unsuspecting people, fake ballots and so much more. Such egregious conduct. We will win!

WARNING: there are crocodiles in the river Hoorta, Tex and woodpecker tread water in.

I still think they want to raise hell on this board so they can get it canned so they don't have to listen to the truth the next four years of more nothing being done for AMERICA.


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Want-to-be dicktator loses again. Sad!


LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Michigan election officials on Monday certified Democrat Joe Biden’s 154,000-vote victory in the state amid President Donald Trump’s brazen attempts to subvert the results of the election.

The Board of State Canvassers, which has two Republicans and two Democrats, confirmed the results on a 3-0 vote with one abstention. Allies of Trump and losing GOP Senate candidate John James had urged the panel to delay voting for two weeks to audit votes in heavily Democratic Wayne County, home to Detroit.

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2 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

WARNING: there are crocodiles in the river Hoorta, Tex and woodpecker tread water in.

I still think they want to raise hell on this board so they can get it canned so they don't have to listen to the truth the next four years of more nothing being done for AMERICA.


For the record- if I really wanted to get this Forum shut down- I would have done so- long ago. Paranoid much? I do think so.  If I had Z's level of Mod power I'd consider changing the title of the Political Forum to MAGA WORLD or something similar for a week or so for my amusement.  :D  

Truth? Or a bunch of Red State, NewsMax, Brietbart, and QAnon conspiracy theories, along with a serious dose of sour grapeitis. How about some differing opinions for a change with actual dialogue, instead of the Right Wing circle jerk here? Aw gee- it's not what we believe- it can't be right.  From my POV, the endless 100s of pages "Draining the Swamp" thread- you just replaced a Democratic Swamp with a Trump Swamp. 

Um, while I'm at it-  it's better than the D-Nile River you're swimming in Cal... If you still sincerely believe Trump "won" and that there's rampant voter fraud going on- all I can tell you is to seek mental counselling. Trump is a proven pathological liar- and was showing just how far he'd go to retain the presidency with his "I need republican electoral college voters" in Michigan, disenfranchising millions legitimate votes in the process.  That's what Dictators and Banana Republic Strongmen do when they don't like the results of an election. I don't know what's sadder- Trump constantly spouting lies and bullshit- or those who have been brainwashed by it- and actually believe it.  :( 

I know what we're getting in Joe- someone who's not Donald Trump- and isn't stir a stir crazy vindictive SOB who fires anyone he can who disagrees with him.  To paraphrase something Stephen King- yeah that guy- heard when he asked a lady why she voted for Trump in 2016. "Well, he's going to go to Washington and upset a few apple carts". He not only upset some apple carts- he burned them to ashes, and tossed what was left in a dumpster. It's going to take Joe years to pick up all the apples. Starting with the now out of control covid epidemic that Trump totally messed up on.  Captain Hydroxy-Lysol would rather play golf while Americans are dying from it by the thousands EVERY DAY. Is there some risk the far left is going to want a major say in the new Democrat government? Remains to be seen. What I do know is Biden's projected new team to date are well respected, and not of a bunch of incompetent yes men lackeys that Trump has surrounded himself with. 

LOL, looks like he's got some quack lawyers (transposing data from the wrong state) to go along with his quack doctors.  Donnie is still imagining he's back in the 1980s in New Jersey where he could sue poor subcontractors into submission until they gave up.  State Governors, Attorney Generals, Secretaries of State, and top Election Oversight Commissioners won't give up so easily- and they have better financial resources than he does.  :)  Not that you care Donnie- but your challenges are getting laughed out of court as baseless hearsay with no proof by the dozens.....  

Nah- I'll probably be out of here fairly soon so you (and the other MAGAs) can spin more baseless right wing conspiracy- uncontested- to your hearts content.

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3 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

Twitter shouldn’t be fact checking anyone.

People are posting shit on there about ghosts, goblins, chupacabra, Sasquatch, Yeti, you fucking name it....it’s on there.

The non stupid people see Twitter for what it is, Taliban Jack wants to censor who he sees fit.

End of story.

The difference Canton is they're not the President of the United States with 88 million followers. I have no idea how many of those actually believe all the bullshit and lies he's constantly spewing...  Some may just do it for comic relief- and it's why I have zero interest in getting a Twitter account.... 

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