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What are some good conservative countries GOP could move to?


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“The numbers have not improved, it is still 71% out of balance”, stated Wayne County, Michigan, Canvassers. “There is widespread irregularities in poll numbers.” There are “more votes than people”. The two harassed patriot Canvassers refuse to sign the papers!
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President Donald Trump looks down at his notes as he speaks at the White House, Thursday, Nov. 5, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)


2 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:
“The numbers have not improved, it is still 71% out of balance”, stated Wayne County, Michigan, Canvassers. “There is widespread irregularities in poll numbers.” There are “more votes than people”. The two harassed patriot Canvassers refuse to sign the papers!


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1 hour ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Projection at its finest. As far as I know no conservatives threatened to leave the country like the liberals do because they think that they're just so goddamn special and important that the loss of them is going to just make the country that much worse. 

There aren't any. There is only ONE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION and BILL of RIGHTS. Doesn't exist anywhere else.

Plenty of socialist/communist oppressive regimes for triple ccc etc to move to though.

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9 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

I'm pretty sure some are going to Maduro's "Democracy"🙄-they do the vote count exactly like trumpy does plus stack the courts to insure it stays that way.😱

You mean the correct way like Trump does....How did Trump Stack the court?  Was it by the constitution?

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3 hours ago, cccjwh said:

As far as you know. Well that is enough proof for me....🙄

What about as far as you know?

Like he said, projection at its finest. And there isn't going to be any conservative holding the bloodied decapitated head of Biden either.

Did ya go around parading in a pussy hat when Trump was elected? Tell the truth fgt.

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4 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Projection at its finest. As far as I know no conservatives threatened to leave the country like the liberals do because they think that they're just so goddamn special and important that the loss of them is going to just make the country that much worse. 

I mean.... Trump did

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

I mean.... Trump did

First off trump is not a conservative. His behavior is as liberal as it gets. Second I'm not sure what you're talking about but if he wants to leave that's just fine with me. 


I have far more pressing problems in life than whether one likes donald fuckin' trump or not. I have to keep four minor children alive through the breakdown of society

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2 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

First off trump is not a conservative. His behavior is as liberal as it gets. Second I'm not sure what you're talking about but if he wants to leave that's just fine with me. 


I have far more pressing problems in life than whether one likes donald fuckin' trump or not. I have to keep four minor children alive through the breakdown of society

How the fuck is his behavior liberal?

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Just imagine if every conservative disappeared and left the country to liberals to do as they please.

It couldn't happen because most of you liberal fuckers will  turn conservative real quick after being forced to hand over your guns,  pay reparations to black people for slavery, be taxed to death  etc, etc

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2 hours ago, Gorka said:

How the fuck is his behavior liberal?

How is it not? He's a (at least nominally) rich buffoon with a gold plated toilet that fucks porn stars and pays them hush money and marries russian strippers. He's got his own narcissistic name plastered across his damn buildings. 

He certainly doesn't live a life that embodies any sort of traditional conservative values. 

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4 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

First off trump is not a conservative. His behavior is as liberal as it gets. Second I'm not sure what you're talking about but if he wants to leave that's just fine with me. 


I have far more pressing problems in life than whether one likes donald fuckin' trump or not. I have to keep four minor children alive through the breakdown of society

I'm just saying, Trump, the leader of the conservative movement, said at a rally he might leave the country if he lost. 

That's it

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

I'm just saying, Trump, the leader of the conservative movement, said at a rally he might leave the country if he lost. 

That's it

it was a joke. I heard it, you didn't.


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5 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

How is it not? He's a (at least nominally) rich buffoon with a gold plated toilet that fucks porn stars and pays them hush money and marries russian strippers. He's got his own narcissistic name plastered across his damn buildings. 

He certainly doesn't live a life that embodies any sort of traditional conservative values. 

You're kidding.  All that has zero to do with being a conservative. You have a serious misconception about what it is to be a conservative in the political realm. To judge this president by his personal life before he became president is so TDS, because none of it is relevant to how he has done his job as president.  You may be surprised to know that conservatives do fuck around, can be atheists, never go to church (like me} , look at  porn, like to get high, sex, drugs and rock n' roll...

Liberalism doesn't always translate to immoral scum either. There are many liberals who lead clean moral lives. They are liberals because they either are ignorant or foolish.

We weren't electing a pure as the driven snow bible thumping preacher when we elected Trump, we elected a man who we knew would fight and stand up for conservative ideals and principles, and the Constitution.

Trump arguably the most conservative president in our lifetime, I don't give a fuck how many women he slept with.

Appointment of conservative judges. Check

Pro -Capitalism,  Anti Socialism . Check.

Smaller government by  deregulation. Check.

Anti baby killer. Check

Religious freedom. Check

Strengthening our Military. Check

America first/anti globalist. Check

Pro Israel. Check

To list all the actions taken of each would take a quite a bit of time. You can research yourself if you like.





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Trump does what's expected of him within the framework of what got him elected. He prides himself on being an achiever. I understand him. He doesn't really hold many hard opinions about things. He is of two minds about nearly everything that doesn't personally effect him. He's a chameleon-like individual. If the Democrats, in their infinite lack of wisdom, hadn't gone to the mattresses to attempt to destroy him before he even got elected and instead actually tried to work with him he'd have been the most moderate and compromising president in your lifetime. If the Democrats had elected him and the republicans tried to destroy him he'd have been the most liberal president in your lifetime. But that's not what happened. Instead they approached him like they did. Every single thing that Democrats hate about Trump's presidency they can (but won't...taking responsibility and accountability is not in their wheelhouse) lay at their own feet. Had they given him a fair chance things would have gone a lot differently. They didn't though. They wanted to destroy him. Well, they partially succeeded, he won't live to see his reputation ever recover, but at what cost? They've largely destroyed themselves, their own party and a good part of america while doing it. They've stooped to calling good judges gang rapists, an absolutely baseless and disgusting attack that ended any possibility I'd ever vote for a democrat again, and boycotted an even better judge.  (9 and 5 republicans voted 'yea' on sotomayor and kagen respectively for revisionists they want to push the fantasy that barack obama faced anywhere close to the opposition trump did) They, themselves, caused the divisions and divides they pretend to lament. They are the greater of two evils by far and I feel sorry for people who don't understand that basic fact. 

But...on the flip side...

But trump isn't a conservative. Any of those accolades you lauded him for were indirectly caused by Democrats. They could have prevented all of it by simply not being insufferable twats. 

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