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Just for you, Hoorta


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disgraceful. If Pres Trump had done this, you'd be all over it every day, and the msm would be blaring it every minute.

This is typical on the take - show him the money - sell American down the drain for profit candidate you support.

that is how liberal emotions go:


Joe Biden's Cancer Charity Turned Into an IRS Sanctioned Grift -- Big Salaries but No Money For Research

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3 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

disgraceful. If Pres Trump had done this, you'd be all over it every day, and the msm would be blaring it every minute.

This is typical on the take - show him the money - sell American down the drain for profit candidate you support.

that is how liberal emotions go:


Joe Biden's Cancer Charity Turned Into an IRS Sanctioned Grift -- Big Salaries but No Money For Research

Red State... OK- got anything from News Max or Brietbart today?    

How about Trump University Cal?  There's tons of stuff Donnie is going to have to worry about once he can't hide behind the Presidential Seal in a couple months . Like his Tax returns and a few $100 million in loans coming due  that he'll probably try to use his PAC money to pay off....  And that little matter of accused rape cases and pal-ing around with Epstein and Ghislaine.  

I fully expected the sliming of Joe to commence the second he "won" which LOSER Trump still hasn't gotten around to admitting.... 

Waiting for that book coming out early 2022. "Trump- From the White House- to the Big House"... Don't bet against it.  

Sorry Woody- and it's not in Michigan...  :D  

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12 hours ago, hoorta said:

Red State... OK- got anything from News Max or Brietbart today?    

How about Trump University Cal?  There's tons of stuff Donnie is going to have to worry about once he can't hide behind the Presidential Seal in a couple months . Like his Tax returns and a few $100 million in loans coming due  that he'll probably try to use his PAC money to pay off....  And that little matter of accused rape cases and pal-ing around with Epstein and Ghislaine.  

I fully expected the sliming of Joe to commence the second he "won" which LOSER Trump still hasn't gotten around to admitting.... 

Waiting for that book coming out early 2022. "Trump- From the White House- to the Big House"... Don't bet against it.  

Sorry Woody- and it's not in Michigan...  :D  

dang, you are childish when you are disagreed with, and when you are wrong. Simple facts, you don't have to get enraged and attack the source.

  It isn't sliming of joe, it's facts about Joe. But you, like your little woodpecker, don't thrive on facts. Just fake attacks.

Trump U. didn't have ANYTHING to do with cancer - that is the serious offense to me.  PEOPLE GAVE TO THE CANCER RESEARCH CHARITY and it was a fraud, like most of the demoquack fake good ideas you support.

   Furthermore, attacking sources is the cowardly way out. You can't dispute the facts, so you attack who posts the facts?

Perhaps you should give yourself a warning point for utter foolishness eh?

Meanwhile, you won't admit the rampant voter fraud?

Well, tell it to the court, sport.



Judge hits Gavin Newsom with massive legal loss, rules he overstepped authority on mail-in ballots

But the judge's ruling had broader implications

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Since the mainstream media called the election for Biden and his gang of socialists, liberals have been lecturing on the need to “suck it up” and accept the outcome.

Biden has said it’s a time for the country to unify and heal.

A time for a peaceful transfer of power.

Yes, the same people who spent four years trying to undo an election, who used violence and mayhem for political means, who’ve attacked and assaulted anyone who disagreed with them…

These folks are now demanding you fall in line and accept their “peaceful” rule and reign.

But if you’ve been paying attention, you’re already seen that it’s a false call for peace.

Here’s what I mean:

While ballots were still being counted the day of the election, violence and protests erupted in BLM Square, and other places.

And during the million Maga march, Trump supporters were accosted and assaulted by Antifa and BLM thugs.

Mind you, these are the same people calling for unity and peace.

Yet, if you display a different political opinion, you’re violently attacked.

And this is exactly the type of “peace” you can expect during a Biden term.

But as bad as the violent silencing of one half of the country, it could get even worse...

Because extremist groups on the left want more than victory - they want domination.

And not just of Trump supporters…

In fact, leaders of BLM handed down a list of demands to Biden and Harris for securing “their vote.”

It’s not a small list.

And what do you think will happen if they don’t get their way?

More looting and robbing… More businesses trashed… More cities burning.

And you’ll see the mayhem bleed farther and farther into the suburbs, which is when the bodies could start piling up.

See, it’s one thing to trash a city...

You can choose to stay home and hunker down at home.

But when violent mobs march into the suburbs and harass you in your home, there can be nowhere left to fall back to.

With tensions high, politicians directing police to stand down, and a mob rampaging through the streets…

You’re forced to choose between the well-being of a violent attacker and you and your family’s personal safety…

Which is no choice at all.

Even a year ago this scenario could be considered “extreme.”

Now, it’s more likely than not.

And you need to be mentally and physically prepared for it.

Review your bug out plans.

If you have a secondary bug out location, ensure you have multiple routes to and from.

Update your home defense plan. Make sure everyone knows their role. (For example, one person grabs the gun, the other person calls 911.)

If you don’t have 500 - 1,000 rounds of ammo for your firearms, scrounge for it, buy it where you can, in whatever quantities you can.

While the country is still open for business, stock your pantry.

Make sure you can last for weeks on the food you have at your home.

If you’re low on survival food, stock up now before the next mad rush hits.

And don’t neglect your health.

None of this is worth a lick if you’re not healthy enough to follow through on it.

Make sure you have immune system supporting vitamins and supplements on hand to stay healthy during this pandemic/flu season.

The bottom line is that the “peace” being talked about by the left is really just another word for subjugation.

Fall in line or face the violent consequences.

And you need to prepare for a continued onslaught of attacks against your personal and Constitutional freedoms.

Now is the time to make sure “your house is in order.”

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ok, NOT redstate:


"A cancer charity started by Joe Biden gave out no money to research, and spent most of its contributions on staff salaries, federal filings show.

Biden headed up the Cancer Moonshot Task Force when he was veep after his son Beau died of a brain tumor in 2015. After leaving office, the Biden Cancer Initiative sought to continue such efforts to provide “urgent” solutions to treating cancer, according to a 2017 press statement announcing its launch.

The Post report confirmed earlier reporting by the Washington Free Beacon, via Breitbart News, in June:

The cancer research non-profit that former Vice President Joe Biden created after leaving the Obama administration in 2017 spent two thirds of its money on staff, with top executives getting as much as six-figures, before shuttering.

The Washington Free Beacon reported on Thursday that the Biden Cancer Initiative directed 65 percent of its total expenditures to staff compensation between 2017 and 2018. Overall, the group raised $4.8 million during the those two years, spending slightly more than $3 million on salaries and benefits for its employees.

“That is well above the 25 percent charity watchdogs recommend nonprofits spend on administrative overhead and fundraising costs combined,” the outlet reported, noting that Biden’s nonprofit “did not cut a single grant to any other group or foundation during its two-year run.”

As Breitbart News noted in October, Biden met with businessman Tony Bobulinski in May 2017 to discuss a potential business venture with a Chinese energy company. The meeting took place before the prestigious Milken conference in Los Angeles — where Biden was to speak about his family’s efforts to fund cancer research.



so, just how proud of biden are Hoorta and his little woodpecker? Used his late son's memory to scam a charity for cancer research -...only to use all the money and shutter it down.

yep. if biden is inaugurated, our country is going to be badly damaged, folks.

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Big victory moments ago in the State of Nevada. The all Democrat County Commissioner race, on same ballot as President, just thrown out because of large scale voter discrepancy. Clark County officials do not have confidence in their own election security. Major impact!
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