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EXPOSE - the organizations funded by mega billionair America hater george soros


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this is a brilliant amount of research results - and the truth. America First stands in the way of soros running the global economy.

Remember who george soros is.

George Soros Staff Exposed Bragging About Toppling Democracies


Globalist activists on billionaire George Soros’ payroll have been exposed bragging about toppling democratically-elected governments at a private lunch. A former professor of sociology at the University of Kent in the UK, Frank Furedi recounted his experience with the globalist’s “ missionaries ” in an article for the Telegraph newspaper, having been prompted by the revelations about Soros’ efforts to bring …


Complete List Of U.S. Organizations Funded By George Soros

If you take a few minutes to read the list - there are 199 orgs directly funded, and a short list of other organizations that are funded by

the orgs that ARE funded.

   The msm has ignored soros all these years. How long ago did a few of us mention him?

big, serious trouble.

I'll list just one, the very last one in the entire list:

Working Families Party: Created in 1998 to help push the Democratic Party toward the left, this front group for the Soros-funded ACORN functions as a political party that promotes ACORN-friendly candidates.


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eh... who do we know about, who is famous for lies, deaths of our Soldiers, and who had no use for our Constitution or our Country?

let's see.

oh, yeah -

https://barackobamafile.com/acorn/#:~:text=ACORN is one of far too many very,Obama%2C the Obama campaign has given them %24800%2C000

" ACORN is one of far too many very troubling Barack Obama associations. He has been closely allied with this organization for years and even though, as a non-profit group, they are not supposed to endorse political candidates, not only have they have endorsed Barack Obama, the Obama campaign has given them $800,000... "

folks, obamao is right there in the mix of everything going on now.

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