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Biden plans to rejoin Paris Agreement and WHO, undo other Trump decisions on Day 1 He would also reinstate DACA and repeal Trump's travel ban targeting majority Muslim countries.


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so stupid - crooked joe biden gets 10% of the money that russia and china gave to schmoe's corrupt druggie on the take son,

and he's going to

reward them with more giveaways to russia and china.

Russia and china will be DELIGHTED we will give more money to the UN in general, and

the WHO in particular, pay reparations to iran, fund more terrorism, send more businesses overseas again,

devastate our energy independence, send energy prices skyrocketing,

more gas shortages jimmy carter style, send truckers into a nationwide gas price strike,

food shortages, everything shortages, millions can lose their health insurance they WORKED FOR all their lives,

inflation will skyrocket, jimmy carter style, and interest rates will go up to double digits again, putting

home loans, car loans out of reach for most of the middle class, and businesses will no longer be able to borrow to invest

in more capital, and R&D, a lot of jobs will be lost.

    But don't worry, biden will invest even more of our money into new energy companies and create more jobs...


Our only hope is to have the Supreme Court, if it goes that far, order new elections in the swing states, or at least

have the national guard to the recounts of ballots.

    Meanwhile, in Georgia, the former AG explains what Georgia did - they turned down the voting machines' signature check system....turned it DOWN to the lowest setting - 40 percent. and a ton of evidence is out there already that there was

widespread corruption of the election to sway it to the dems' voting fraud.

    BTW, in PA - the Constitution clearly stipulates that state legislatures pick the electors.

GUess who picked the electors in P'A? the democratic corrupt governor. that's who.

Levin: Pa. Secretary of State Is Violating This Exact ...


Nov 05, 2020 · Below is a transcript of the segment: Mark Levin: Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution provides that, quote -- ready? -- “each state shall appoint, in such manner” -- ready? -- “as the legislature thereof may direct” -- hello, hello, wow! -- “equal to the whole number of senators and representatives to which the state may be entitled in the Congress.”


     Michigan and Pa, and Georgia - the Supreme Court needs to get the illegal ballots thrown out.


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Start crying in your Frosty Cal.... It's over Grover. 

wah!!! wah!!! 

America is rejoining the rest of the (real) world. I'd suggest you spend a few hours of your busy conspiracy filled day researching what the rest of the world is saying about fucktard isolationist Cheetos...  

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7 hours ago, hoorta said:

Start crying in your Frosty Cal.... It's over Grover. 

wah!!! wah!!! 

America is rejoining the rest of the (real) world. I'd suggest you spend a few hours of your busy conspiracy filled day researching what the rest of the world is saying about fucktard isolationist Cheetos...  

So seriously you like the Paris accord or you just want to spite conservatives? If Trump had resigned two years ago and Mike Pence was president would you want him to join the Paris Accord?


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34 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

So seriously you like the Paris accord or you just want to spite conservatives? If Trump had resigned two years ago and Mike Pence was president would you want him to join the Paris Accord?


I'll bet he's happy Biden will also go back on the Iran nuclear deal.  Fake conservative.

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