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This is what I voted against

MLD Woody

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How Trump has handled the lead up to this election and how he is handling it now should  be more than enough reason for most people to just want him gone. He is literally undermining democracy in this country. Sorry, call me some "bleeding heart lib" or whatever you want, but the man is out there trying to implode the election process. I don't see how others can't see this. 

This isn't some ringing endorsement of Biden or Dem's, far from it. Trump's actions are more than enough reasons to vote him out.


Couple that with the cult following he's created, the rise of QAnon, and the response his supporters have had to this election. It needs stopped. And I'm sure I'll hear "BLM" this and "Antifa" that, but those groups aren't being actively supported and controlled anywhere near like what Trump is doing to his cult. A vote against Trump was a vote for this group to hopefully start fading away...


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13 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

How Trump has handled the lead up to this election and how he is handling it now should  be more than enough reason for most people to just want him gone. He is literally undermining democracy in this country. Sorry, call me some "bleeding heart lib" or whatever you want, but the man is out there trying to implode the election process. I don't see how others can't see this. 

This isn't some ringing endorsement of Biden or Dem's, far from it. Trump's actions are more than enough reasons to vote him out.


Couple that with the cult following he's created, the rise of QAnon, and the response his supporters have had to this election. It needs stopped. And I'm sure I'll hear "BLM" this and "Antifa" that, but those groups aren't being actively supported and controlled anywhere near like what Trump is doing to his cult. A vote against Trump was a vote for this group to hopefully start fading away...


Yeah- those armed "peaceful" protestors down Arizona way in Phoenix where they had call in the sheriffs to protect election workers?  

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I have a new brochure available for trumpy for a meager $200 "processing fee". I cannot give a guarantee it includes Moscow however. Such a deal I have for him.


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Well we almost have every member of the squad here. Let's be honest fellows you guys hated Trump before he set foot in the White House. These reasons for your protest vote really are meaningless. You guys didn't weigh the issues anymore than anybody on the other side. 

That being said at least for you Woody I have yet to see one issue floated by the hard left wing represented by the Democrats that you have not supported on the board.


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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Well we almost have every member of the squad here. Let's be honest fellows you guys hated Trump before he set foot in the White House. These reasons for your protest vote really are meaningless. You guys didn't weigh the issues anymore than anybody on the other side. 

That being said at least for you Woody I have yet to see one issue floated by the hard left wing represented by the Democrats that you have not supported on the board.


Haha you still don't get it man. You and others, this attempt to discredit those on here that voted for Biden because we haven't discussed "the issues."

Trump is the issue. That's the point. 


A protest vote is what I did last time, where I voted third party. So I apparently hated Trump so much that I didn't even vote for his main opponent to keep him out. 

Again, I considered voting for Trump early in 2016. He was an outsider. Not a politician. Etc. But then it became more and more clear he was a shitbag. He pandered to social conservatives and that did nothing to sway me. 

He's gone on to show not a single ounce of leadership during his 4 years. 


The issue was to get the man out of office that was driving our country the wrong direction

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9 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Haha you still don't get it man. You and others, this attempt to discredit those on here that voted for Biden because we haven't discussed "the issues."

Trump is the issue. That's the point. 

 if you think that's the point you're an idiot.

A protest vote is what I did last time, where I voted third party. So I apparently hated Trump so much that I didn't even vote for his main opponent to keep him out. 

Again, I considered voting for Trump early in 2016. He was an outsider. Not a politician. Etc. But then it became more and more clear he was a shitbag. He pandered to social conservatives and that did nothing to sway me. 

He's gone on to show not a single ounce of leadership during his 4 years. 

again that point is completely meaningless. You and the other members of the squad or going to be violently against whatever he says or does. Doesn't matter what it is. (And yes yes what about what about what about)

The issue was to get the man out of office that was driving our country the wrong direction

 actually I doubt that anybody here believes your bullshit. Even if other members of the squad pretend they do. We've all read your position. I don't see a single one where you step off the path.


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1 minute ago, Westside Steve said:

 actually I doubt that anybody here believes your bullshit. Even if other members of the squad pretend they do. We've all read your position. I don't see a single one where you step off the path.


I love your little pet name "the squad". As if this board is 90% MAGA loving posts. Are you trying to equate people floating around the middle as the far left squad in congress? Hilarious. But shows how skewed this board is. 


It's not "what about what about" when it's a legitimate fact or point that you just so happen to disagree with or one that hurts your argument. Christ. 


I have no idea how you can sit there and tell me what I'm actually thinking and why I actually voted. I've spelled it out multiple times. You just keep being Typical Steve. 



A blowhard, unpresidential, no leadership, con man that helped turn back social progress is soon to be out of office. A man that worsened our COVID crisis and a man that undermined our democratic process (and still is). My vote, my issue, was to get that man out of power for the betterment of the country. 


If Biden actually takes steps against Covid, gets us back in the paris accords and pushes climate change regulation, expand upon healthcare, etc... Great. That's all just a bonus. 

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41 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

I love your little pet name "the squad". As if this board is 90% MAGA loving posts. Are you trying to equate people floating around the middle as the far left squad in congress? Hilarious. But shows how skewed this board is. 

 anybody is free to post and everybody is free to cry like a little bitch.

It's not "what about what about" when it's a legitimate fact or point that you just so happen to disagree with or one that hurts your argument. Christ. 

 legitimate fact? From the squad?

I have no idea how you can sit there and tell me what I'm actually thinking and why I actually voted. I've spelled it out multiple times. You just keep being Typical Steve. 

 I can only go by what I see. And typical Woody is lying about it.


A blowhard, unpresidential, no leadership, con man that helped turn back social progress is soon to be out of office. A man that worsened our COVID crisis and a man that undermined our democratic process (and still is). My vote, my issue, was to get that man out of power for the betterment of the country. 

then you are stupider than I thought and I didn't believe that was possible.

If Biden actually takes steps against Covid, gets us back in the paris accords and pushes climate change regulation, expand upon healthcare, etc... Great. That's all just a bonus. 

Plus don't forget your other key issues, slowing the economy to a crawl flooding the country with illegals making the streets more dangerous for average citizens, pushing unemployment to new heights, free shit free shit and more free shit,  etc

 By the way nobody except a small fraction of the base considers their own candidate a leader. Probably less so even with you assholes who are voting only because of a blind slobbering hatred of trump and not because of any respect for Joe Biden. Only a moron thinks he'll bring the country together.

Unfortunately there are plenty of Deadbeats who are happy to blame somebody else for their shortcomings. And they vote with the bbsquad.



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27 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

 By the way nobody except a small fraction of the base considers their own candidate a leader. Probably less so even with you assholes who are voting only because of a blind slobbering hatred of trump and not because of any respect for Joe Biden. Only a moron thinks he'll bring the country together.

Unfortunately there are plenty of Deadbeats who are happy to blame somebody else for their shortcomings. And they vote with the bbsquad.



Biden could do nothing to bring the country together and that would be better than Trump actively trying to divide it. That's the point


It's not "blind hatred" for Trump. It's watching him for 4+ years and seeing how he operates. The only people that are "blind" are those that fell for the con. People that actually thought Trump cared about Christians or the working man. They fell for a con plain and simple. The amount of shady shit he openly tried to pull, and his cult actively ate it up ...sad


As for your list of "other key issues" I just see a bunch of fear mongering pushed by right wing media for months and months now. Not anything legitimate. Maybe we can get another thread about some caravan, that'll get him the votes he needs!


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20 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Biden could do nothing to bring the country together and that would be better than Trump actively trying to divide it. That's the point

 and if that's the point you're out of your mind. Supporting the criminals the looters the Deadbeats the illegals bankrupting what's left of the nation with more lockdowns will certainly serve to push people farther apart than anything Trump ever did.

It's not "blind hatred" for Trump. It's watching him for 4+ years and seeing how he operates. The only people that are "blind" are those that fell for the con. People that actually thought Trump cared about Christians or the working man. They fell for a con plain and simple. The amount of shady shit he openly tried to pull, and his cult actively ate it up ...sad

good example. You're blind hatred of Christianity speaks volumes. Whether it impacts your life or not.

As for your list of "other key issues" I just see a bunch of fear mongering pushed by right wing media for months and months now. Not anything legitimate. Maybe we can get another thread about some caravan, that'll get him the votes he needs!


Fear-mongering? Come on dude we know that self-awareness isn't really your strong suit but you really aren't that stupid are you? Wait...


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I easily WIN the Presidency of the United States with LEGAL VOTES CAST. The OBSERVERS were not allowed, in any way, shape, or form, to do their job and therefore, votes accepted during this period must be determined to be ILLEGAL VOTES. U.S. Supreme Court should decide!
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23 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:


Ah yes. I was raised Catholic and some of my closest friends are very Christian and yet I blindly hate Christianity. That's definitely what typical Steve would take from that post. 

It's easily, blatantly fear mongering. Don't be so dense. 

And if you don't think Trump is actively dividing the country you're a fool. Biden won't get us to all hold hands but he's not going to be the flaming ball of division Trump was




This is all basic shit that you're refusing to grasp. There isn't much more to say. Going around in circles, or more accurately ramming my head into a brick wall, seems like a waste.

Get your typical Steve last word where you out words in my move to try and get me to reply again. Peace

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Recap of all voting irregularities Posted on 11/4/20 at 10:32 am
1. 4am dump in Wisconsin of around 65,000 votes at 100% for Biden
2. 4am dump in Michigan of 138,499 votes at 100% for Biden
3. 93% voter turnout in Wisconsin
4. AZ poll workers forcing voters to use sharpies thereby invalidated their ballots
5. 101 million early voters and only 139 million total votes - making the record in person turnout we saw yesterday actually be 1/4 of 2016 📷 (this one gets me and I can’t see why no one is talking about it)
6. Joe freaking Biden received the most votes for a president in history (beating Obama’s 2008 record)
7. Trump leading in GA, NC, PA, WI, MI and they all "stop counting" within an hour of each other, only to have the vote fairy make an overnight visit.
8. “Busted water line” in heavily democratic Georgia county delaying results until early this morning
9. After polls announced they STOPPED counting and sent poll watchers home at shift change (4am), the 200k, 100% Biden spike occurred
10. There is VIDEO of boxes being walking into the counting stations in MI after poll watchers were sent home just before then.
👁Open your eyes👁
📷 Fairfax Virginia has switched 100,000 votes from Trump to Biden stating a “clerical error”
📷 Wisconsin suddenly discovers over 112k Biden ballots between 3:30 am and 4:30 am
📷 Wisconsin magically now has more votes than registered voters
📷 Nevada has decided they won’t have all vote counts in until Thursday
📷 Michigan has gained 138,339 ballots for Biden since they stopped counting last night. A whopping zero for Trump
📷 6 states Trump has sizable leads, all six states decided to stop counting ballots on election night (unheard of) and they all have blue strong holds
📷 Jack from Twitter deletes the current sitting presidents tweet on election night. Glaringly obvious election interference
📷 LeeJoe, who was running for district 16 senate seat in Idaho and stated so on his account profile, gets his account deleted from Facebook not once but twice. Another example of a glaringly obvious election interference.
📷 North Carolina has 100% of precincts counted with Trump in the clear lead and it’s not being called.
All of this and Trump has not gained a single vote.
Yeah nothing is going on here.

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oh, look, the woodypeckerhead has diarrhea again.

woodpecker - you don't respect other's Christianity - that is a glaring problem.

your fake perspectives are just solon talking points. You have zero basis to be able to

justify your really dumbass assertions.

You think your obaMao/biden didn't divide our country?

"if you don't vote for me you ain't black" ???

"if they have a knife, we'll bring a gun" ???

Obama angers midwest voters with guns and religion remark ...


Obama angers midwest voters with guns and religion remark This article is more than 12 years old Comments seized on by Hillary Clinton, who hopes to turn voters against what she classes as Obama ...

 FYI, stupid bird, your biden was VICE PRESIDENT. but then again, you are typical woodpecker, fighting and squabbling and chirping to denigrate other posters on here, instead of trying to prove one of your stupid non-legit "points".

The same people who hate Pres Trump are the same that hate Christianity, our Constiuttion/Bill of Rights, conservatism, Real America, Real Marriage.....and who delight in the idea that they love to torture and murder unborn and born children....

that is you woodpecker.


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6 minutes ago, Vambo said:

Recap of all voting irregularities Posted on 11/4/20 at 10:32 am
1. 4am dump in Wisconsin of around 65,000 votes at 100% for Biden
2. 4am dump in Michigan of 138,499 votes at 100% for Biden
3. 93% voter turnout in Wisconsin
4. AZ poll workers forcing voters to use sharpies thereby invalidated their ballots
5. 101 million early voters and only 139 million total votes - making the record in person turnout we saw yesterday actually be 1/4 of 2016 📷 (this one gets me and I can’t see why no one is talking about it)
6. Joe freaking Biden received the most votes for a president in history (beating Obama’s 2008 record)
7. Trump leading in GA, NC, PA, WI, MI and they all "stop counting" within an hour of each other, only to have the vote fairy make an overnight visit.
8. “Busted water line” in heavily democratic Georgia county delaying results until early this morning
9. After polls announced they STOPPED counting and sent poll watchers home at shift change (4am), the 200k, 100% Biden spike occurred
10. There is VIDEO of boxes being walking into the counting stations in MI after poll watchers were sent home just before then.
👁Open your eyes👁
📷 Fairfax Virginia has switched 100,000 votes from Trump to Biden stating a “clerical error”
📷 Wisconsin suddenly discovers over 112k Biden ballots between 3:30 am and 4:30 am
📷 Wisconsin magically now has more votes than registered voters
📷 Nevada has decided they won’t have all vote counts in until Thursday
📷 Michigan has gained 138,339 ballots for Biden since they stopped counting last night. A whopping zero for Trump
📷 6 states Trump has sizable leads, all six states decided to stop counting ballots on election night (unheard of) and they all have blue strong holds
📷 Jack from Twitter deletes the current sitting presidents tweet on election night. Glaringly obvious election interference
📷 LeeJoe, who was running for district 16 senate seat in Idaho and stated so on his account profile, gets his account deleted from Facebook not once but twice. Another example of a glaringly obvious election interference.
📷 North Carolina has 100% of precincts counted with Trump in the clear lead and it’s not being called.
All of this and Trump has not gained a single vote.
Yeah nothing is going on here.

they are stealing the election away from us. They keep counting late and manufactured fake votes until they win.

and if they can clusterfook it up long enough, the dem leftist nazi like House dems will pick who is president.

Our country is going to go through hell, and not just economically.

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7 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Ah yes. I was raised Catholic and some of my closest friends are very Christian and yet I blindly hate Christianity. That's definitely what typical Steve would take from that post. 

 who gives a fuck how you were raised? Seriously?

It's easily, blatantly fear mongering. Don't be so dense. 

 don't be stupid. Which party supports any of that shit I mentioned? Just yours.

And if you don't think Trump is actively dividing the country you're a fool. Biden won't get us to all hold hands but he's not going to be the flaming ball of division Trump was

 dividing the country? Between whom and whom? Criminals and decent people? Probably.



This is all basic shit that you're refusing to grasp. There isn't much more to say. Going around in circles, or more accurately ramming my head into a brick wall, seems like a waste.

 it's most certainly a waste.

Get your typical Steve last word where you out words in my move to try and get me to reply again. Peace


One of the few positives if I leave is that you know when you are beaten and you shut up and play the last word card.

 but here's a typical Steve for you. Mike difficult quote I think it was from magnum force. "A man's got to know his limitations."


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13 hours ago, hoorta said:

Yeah- those armed "peaceful" protestors down Arizona way in Phoenix where they had call in the sheriffs to protect election workers?  

And not one dead police officer not one building smashed burned or looted. Not one innocent civilian dragged from his business and beaten to death. But the second amendment is a right as well. Allow me to quote the New York Dolls

"Meanwhile back in the jungle"


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and THIS is what woodpecker voted FOR:

Obama Accused Of Suppressing Military Vote By Withholding ...


Sep 26, 2012 · The New York Times reports that while military voters gave George Bush a 16 point advantage over John Kerry in 2004, and gave John McCain a ten point lead over Barack Obama in 2008, Obama …

Author: Rick Ungar

UPDATE: Obama Campaign Sues to Suppress Military Votes ...


Aug 05, 2012 · UPDATE: After reading the entire law and the Obama campaign efforts, the story has taken a slightly different turn.I won’t delete this post since my integrity forbids me from hiding my mistakes, but owning them. The Obama campaign is not seeking to suppress the military vote…

Obama Sues To Prevent Military From Voting (voters ...


Aug 02, 2012 · The Obama Campaign is suing to keep our service men and women from voting in Ohio. Breitbart reported:On July 17th, the Obama for America Campaign, the Democratic National Committee and the Ohio Democratic Party filed suit in OH to strike down part of that state’s law governing voting by members of the military.

Obama admin spent $36M on lawsuits to keep info secret ...


Mar 14, 2017 · WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration in its final year in office spent a record $36.2 million on legal costs defending its refusal to turn over federal records under …

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and woodpecker voted for a lot MORe of this:

Abortion statistics in the United States - Wikipedia


48 rows · Because reporting is voluntary, CDC surveillance reports undercount the actual number of …

    2016 623,471 11.6 186
    2015 638,169 11.8 188
    2014 652,639 12.1 186
    2013 664,435 12.4 200
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