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Biden focuses on slamming Trump coronavirus plan, but faces questions over his plan's specifics


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Well Joe finally came out and announced his plan to slay the dreaded Covid virus.

According to his TV ad here it is....a drumroll please:

1) He’s going to double the number of Covid testing locations.

2) He’s going to bring the production of PPE back to the U.S.

3) He wants to open a virus task force in the White House.

Well, there she is boys...he’s a fucking genius!

That’s like saying I’m going to eliminate diarrhea by manufacturing more toilet paper and distributing more porta-potties.

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A plan that acknowledges the coronavirus is an issue but lacks specifics is better that "it'll just disappear" any day of the week.


And that's this election in a nutshell.


Biden is presenting D student work, and it's STILL worlds better than Trump's F's and Did Not Completes

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9 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

A plan that acknowledges the coronavirus is an issue but lacks specifics is better that "it'll just disappear" any day of the week.


And that's this election in a nutshell.


Biden is presenting D student work, and it's STILL worlds better than Trump's F's and Did Not Completes

Really?  You are worthless!

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15 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

A plan that acknowledges the coronavirus is an issue but lacks specifics is better that "it'll just disappear" any day of the week.

And that's this election in a nutshell.

Biden is presenting D student work, and it's STILL worlds better than Trump's F's and Did Not Completes

know nothing about everything woodpecker:


Critics have alleged that Birx minimized the dangers of coronavirus and downplayed equipment shortfalls. She was the White House's chief proponent for the idea in April that COVID-19 infections had peaked and the virus was fading quickly,[33]when afterward infections surged.[34] A board member at the American College of Emergency Physicians, Dr. Ryan A. Stanton, said Birx sounded like “the builders of the Titanic saying the ship can’t sink." Birx was also accused of squandering her credibility and bringing her independence into question with her public praise of Trump, whom many believed bungled the coronavirus response.[35


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