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An uncomfortable reality

Westside Steve

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Yes like I said last week. The virus will naturally spread among family and or gatherings in people's private homes. Add that to news that while mask-wearing is up among grown-ups its way down among young people.

So whether the rat Squad is controlled by Mike dewine Gavin Newsom or Joe Biden it would appear that the most effective solution would include entering people's homes and controlling their gatherings by force.

Unfortunately people in power stay in power by preying upon the fears of the Great unwashed. Since they can't really control the citizens private lives they will lash out at businesses.  Some people like to focus on ineffectually Solutions because it makes them seem like they're doing something. All the while overlooking three causes which they can't really affect.

I realized some of you might react as you usually do with "So you would just do nothing??? Is that your plan???"

And of course I will give the same old answer, yes. No plan is better than a plan but doesn't work beyond causing more misery.

It seems like the medicine that tastes the worst gives the illusion of being more effective whether it is or not.


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27 minutes ago, hammertime said:

Are you saying that if someone is sick in your house they should stay in bed

till they’re feeling better?

We shouldn’t cuddle with sick family members?


I suppose if someone has the virus in your home it might not be a bad idea to quarantine until it passes. Actually what I'm saying is the government can't make you do that. I'm also saying that if you aren't allowed to go to a bar or restaurant you will go to someone's home. Human beings really are social creatures.

Still I'm sure there are a lot of frightened old goats who are happy to sit home alone in front of the TV in their underwear 24/7.


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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

And here's some news from one of the BBsquad's favorite sites.



a guy from Australia was on Fox yesterday. They have been locked down for.... 111 days. This is also the country that did the gun confiscation. Too bad the left takes our freedom for granted, and hates our Constitution/Bill of Rights.


Oct 03, 2015 · But the Australian 1996 National Agreement on Firearms was not a benign set of commonsense gun-control rules: It was a gun-confiscation program rushed through the Australian

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3 hours ago, Westside Steve said:


Still I'm sure there are a lot of frightened old goats who are happy to sit home alone in front of the TV in their underwear 24/7.


I’m not a frightened old goat, but I do love sitting at home alone watching TV in my sweatpants

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1 hour ago, Axe said:

Talk about an uncomfortable reality.. 😳




Actually there should be no cases in Michigan or any of the states with Democratic Governors who have really cracked down on the citizens. And there shouldn't be any cases at all in Europe because those guys are about a step away from totalitarianism. 

And yet crazy people blame Trump


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1 hour ago, Axe said:

Talk about an uncomfortable reality.. 😳



remember when the NY folks had to register their guns?

they published the list in their newspaper to screw with them.

Even policemen. and firemen.


now, they could publish lists of people who go to restaurants that are publicaly pro-America.

Like Mission BBQ... Chick-Fil-a .....no one would be safe if they "cross the red line" ....(chinese virologist expert reference)

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