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This Is What It Looks Like


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Just an update on our best friend's brother. The scan showed no worsening and slight improvement of his lungs, so they are going to continue their treatment and increase his times breathing on his own as he can tolerate without getting below 90% pulse ox readings. For the first time he was able to actually communicate with his wife and he wanted to know if she had mailed in his ballot against DJT that he had completed when he first got sick. He smiled as she told him she mailed it in for him. The therapies/treatment will continue in regular ICU for a few more weeks and then repeat the scan to see if there has been further improvement. So for now he and the family are given a reprieve by medical staff.

I will continue this as any new developments occur. I'm trying to make this real for some of you whether you like it or not. BTW no one in his circle of family or friends is voting for the Denier in Chief.🤴 I suspect that will be the case for many of the dead or dying as well. Time to rid this country of the Orange Plagueman.👱‍♂️

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I love you Mr President when you glorify Jesus
The lord will give you more glory of the children of God
I am so honored to voting for you ,,,
And for every arabic muslim that lives in united states and eat from america food and success and achieved their dreams here and on the other hands hate america and celebrate the killing of christians around the world and supporting this sleepy biden and thinking he will fulfill your hidden agenda ,,, you need to know that ,,, this country built on the bible rules and it will be the same even greater
We respect you and your religion ,, you should do the same specially the country who open the arms to you and your beloved one ,,,
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14 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

not from the msm. can never find the truth on cnn, msnbc, NY times, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc .


Isn’t fox news MSM?

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6 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Just an update on our best friend's brother. The scan showed no worsening and slight improvement of his lungs, so they are going to continue their treatment and increase his times breathing on his own as he can tolerate without getting below 90% pulse ox readings. For the first time he was able to actually communicate with his wife and he wanted to know if she had mailed in his ballot against DJT that he had completed when he first got sick. He smiled as she told him she mailed it in for him. The therapies/treatment will continue in regular ICU for a few more weeks and then repeat the scan to see if there has been further improvement. So for now he and the family are given a reprieve by medical staff.

I will continue this as any new developments occur. I'm trying to make this real for some of you whether you like it or not. BTW no one in his circle of family or friends is voting for the Denier in Chief.🤴 I suspect that will be the case for many of the dead or dying as well. Time to rid this country of the Orange Plagueman.👱‍♂️

Don't buy the BS in red sounds more like your TDS than I believe someone fighting to live to worry about voting against Trump.

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THIS, is what it looks like!



A couple quick shots I took minutes ago of the TRUMP TRAIN at the Manatee county Desoto mall.. Unbelievable crowd!! Parking lot JAMMED everywhere and roads clogged with people trying to get there. THOUSANDS of people!! 

The entire mall is packed and there is no more parking! This is a huge mall!

And, the Manatee County Dem HQ is right across the street 🤣


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21 minutes ago, Browns149 said:

Isn’t fox news MSM?

nope. the msm HATES Fox. the left HATES Fox.

and, Fox has seriously differing viewpoints all over the place.

the rest? nope.

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8 minutes ago, Vambo said:

Don't buy the BS in red sounds more like your TDS than I believe someone fighting to live to worry about voting against Trump.

yep. I think it's sounding like an entire made up story. the left has no low they won't go.

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They quit counting at 5600 vehicles.. It was a 30 mile route leaving this location.. The leaders returned before the last in line left.


The route came right by my place of business. 😁

Extraordinary experience! I've never seen anything remotely close to it.. 

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How old is your "best friend's brother" by the way? 65? 70? 80? 

Better kill the kids' future for some old people. 

Sorry to be so blunt because I realize a lot of the regular posters here fit in that age range and don't want to admit their precious national treasure of a generation isn't immortal but you're not and the younger generations from my own generation x to your hated millennials to the kids just trying to live their lives are far more important than you are now. Covid isn't killing us. It's killing you. Time to take some fucking responsibility for yourselves for once in your easy ass, actually had everything handed to you lives. 

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On 10/31/2020 at 6:29 PM, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Sorry Tex, I call bullshit on your story😁

And you would be wrong. You know I am very direct and honest and if I was making anything up I would tell you that.

Despite the hijacking of the thread by all the trumpettes I will continue to post updates. And now we have some good news in the last two 

which say that he is improving enough to breath on his own for a couple of hours at a time each day. They are doing therapy now to help

him sit up in bed as well. Right now he needs support in doing so because of so many weeks in induced coma on the ventilator.

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18 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Ok, wow, that chain letter you got sent on facebook or, probably, AOL really tugged at the old heartstrings.


By the way any number of deaths is acceptable to me if the trade-off is freedom. 

WW II service member deaths were just over 400,000. Glad that is acceptable to you for a second time which is where we are headed. And

you can look at my answer above to DieHard for your answer. This is a real person and a real family that I personally know through our real best 

friend because he is her brother. And you don't mind all those deaths? Good. Go to a trump rally and get this stuff asswipe. Then report back with 

your own fucking heartbreaking story. You internet tough guys are all the same. No guts but want all the glory of cyber-heroism. Speaks volumes

about you. Remember it when you hit 70. The younger gen will want you to volunteer for the Soylent Green program rather than SS retirement. You'll

deserve it.

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17 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

And you would be wrong. You know I am very direct and honest and if I was making anything up I would tell you that.

Despite the hijacking of the thread by all the trumpettes I will continue to post updates. And now we have some good news in the last two 

which say that he is improving enough to breath on his own for a couple of hours at a time each day. They are doing therapy now to help

him sit up in bed as well. Right now he needs support in doing so because of so many weeks in induced coma on the ventilator.

For myself I wouldn't call bullshit on the accuracy of whatever it is you're reporting. I would however call bulshit on the relevance of the story or lack of it.




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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

WW II service member deaths were just over 400,000. Glad that is acceptable to you for a second time which is where we are headed. And

you can look at my answer above to DieHard for your answer. This is a real person and a real family that I personally know through our real best 

friend because he is her brother. And you don't mind all those deaths? Good. Go to a trump rally and get this stuff asswipe. Then report back with 

your own fucking heartbreaking story. You internet tough guys are all the same. No guts but want all the glory of cyber-heroism. Speaks volumes

about you. Remember it when you hit 70. The younger gen will want you to volunteer for the Soylent Green program rather than SS retirement. You'll

deserve it.


You people guided by compassion and feelings rather than reason and logic instinctively view "acceptable" as "approval",  in the sense that we approve of the deaths.

Surely you must have an acceptable death toll.  Let me guess. None?  No doubt that wishing no one die makes you feel special and morally superior , but  "none " is as irrational as is your belief that feelings compassion is the way by which policy is determined.

The rallies you mock. You believe there is not a single one those people that have suffered a COVID loss in their families? I'll bet plenty of them have had. .

An article that may help you off your one track mind  and put the word "acceptable" in context, and there are a few.

First, “acceptable” could mean that compared to other illnesses that cause massive numbers of deaths each year, a few hundred thousand lives lost does not seem so bad. In this we-all-die-of-something view of the world, acceptable suggests “bearable” or “tolerable.” In 2020, about 600,000 Americans will die of cancer, and about the same number from heart disease. Sure, the COVID-19 number far exceeds the average annual mortality from influenza, which kills 12,000-60,000 Americans each year, but COVID-19 is simply a new addition to the list of causes of death, a once-in-a-century mishap that we will surely be able to control by next year. And after all, 10 years ago we didn’t have 70,000 Americans dying of drug overdoses annually, and now we do. This fatalistic understanding of “acceptable” is a conversion of the question of how many people will die to how they will die.

Second, “acceptable” could mean that the COVID-19 fatality level is low compared to what we were expecting when the first cases were reported in Washington state at the beginning of 2020. If we were expecting 2 million deaths as suggested by the early epidemiological models (which did not include any preventive behaviors like wearing masks), and we end up with only half a million dead, then we did something right. In this view, coronavirus is as “acceptable” as any other natural disaster — a hurricane, a tornado— where damage is expected and we hope along the way that the storm changes course. Some people will unfortunately die, but the event will be survivable. Disasters are unavoidable, but if we do our best to protect ourselves, our efforts are acceptable.

Third, one could imagine the question to be asking how 176,000 dead compares to some lesser number, perhaps tens of thousands, who would have died even if we had mandated and enforced stay-at-home orders lasting for months. In this trade-off view, “acceptable” suggests “defensible”; more severe restrictions would have produced even greater unemployment than the nearly 30 million unemployed today. The military makes acceptable loss assessments for every proposed operation. Casualties represent the price for protecting a larger ideal: a better future, freedom, security. Perhaps deaths from COVID-19 are acceptable because our livelihoods are at stake. Someone with this viewpoint does not necessarily accept the notion that better viral control also would have led to fewer business closings and lost jobs.

But the poll question is less about death than an evaluation of the current administration’s effort to prevent death. Ninety percent of Democrats (and 43 percent of Republicans) presumably believe we haven’t done our best. Americans had been warned of a viral pandemic by biodefense experts for a decade and hadn’t prepared adequately. We had inadequate surveillance and supplies. These deaths could have been avoided with competent governance. If COVID-19 is a kind of natural disaster, other countries suffered the same one but didn’t have the US outcomes.


Would any number be acceptable? What if the COVID-19 deaths occurred only among children and teenagers? Would our acceptance level change? Can death rates that are unequal across income or ethnic groups or states ever be acceptable? And acceptable to whom? Each person killed by COVID-19 is someone’s child, someone’s friend, a mother, a cousin. Acceptable deaths seem unquantifiable.

To “accept” deaths from an infectious disease even when we know well how to limit transmission seems not only a failure of determination, but also a failure of imagination as to how we could have done better. Shockingly, partisan politics has now even undermined that ability.

As we suffer through COVID-19, we also need to plan for the next pandemic, which could be even more transmissible and deadly. The relevant next questions should be: “What will it require to save more lives?” “How do we quickly identify the highest-risk populations and protect them?” For now, COVID-19 remains a threat and misery to be endured, one final definition of “acceptable.”

Dr. Michael Stein is chair of Health Law, Policy, and Management at the Boston University School of Public Health, and the executive editor of Public Health Post. Follow him on Twitter @mdsteinmd.


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4 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

For myself I wouldn't call bullshit on the accuracy of whatever it is you're reporting. I would however call bulshit on the relevance of the story or lack of it.


I started the damn thread and it is totally relevant to the lack of proper addressing of this pandemic by the moron in charge and to persons who back his continued moronic lack of response, to include many on this forum. I am doing my best to illustrate one story out of over 200,000 now heading to over 400,000 which is equal to all WW II servicemen and service women deaths in this country. Our members have responded with a total non-understanding that all of these deaths, whether elderly or otherwise, have a cascading effect on those who have been a part of their lives.

Now do you get it Steve? Axe? hammertime? Cysko?  Or will it have to be someone close to you that you love that is gone forever first? Did you think the cost is only one old life? And have you ignored the many reports of the deaths of others not so old?


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1 minute ago, TexasAg1969 said:

I started the damn thread and it is totally relevant to the lack of proper addressing of this pandemic by the moron in charge and to persons who back his continued moronic lack of response, to include many on this forum. I am doing my best to illustrate one story out of over 200,000 now heading to over 400,000 which is equal to all WW II servicemen and service women deaths in this country. Our members have responded with a total non-understanding that all of these deaths, whether elderly or otherwise, have a cascading effect on those who have been a part of their lives.

Now do you get it Steve? Axe? hammertime? Cysko?  Or will it have to be someone close to you that you love that is gone forever first? Did you think the cost is only one old life? And have you ignored the many reports of the deaths of others not so old?


Why have you not mentioned and ragged on the Cuomo and Whitmer who put covid-19 infected in nursing homes? Until you do you are just displaying your TDS BS, this thread is nothing more than your hate for one man not the handling of covid-19.

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6 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

I started the damn thread and it is totally relevant to the lack of proper addressing of this pandemic by the moron in charge and to persons who back his continued moronic lack of response, to include many on this forum. I am doing my best to illustrate one story out of over 200,000 now heading to over 400,000 which is equal to all WW II servicemen and service women deaths in this country. Our members have responded with a total non-understanding that all of these deaths, whether elderly or otherwise, have a cascading effect on those who have been a part of their lives.

Now do you get it Steve? Axe? hammertime? Cysko?  Or will it have to be someone close to you that you love that is gone forever first? Did you think the cost is only one old life? And have you ignored the many reports of the deaths of others not so old?




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9 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

I started the damn thread and it is totally relevant to the lack of proper addressing of this pandemic by the moron in charge and to persons who back his continued moronic lack of response, to include many on this forum. I am doing my best to illustrate one story out of over 200,000 now heading to over 400,000 which is equal to all WW II servicemen and service women deaths in this country. Our members have responded with a total non-understanding that all of these deaths, whether elderly or otherwise, have a cascading effect on those who have been a part of their lives.

Now do you get it Steve? Axe? hammertime? Cysko?  Or will it have to be someone close to you that you love that is gone forever first? Did you think the cost is only one old life? And have you ignored the many reports of the deaths of others not so old?


Why have you not shown anger for Pelosi who is holding up stimulus aid for political purposes? What about other world leader where thousandths of deaths have happened?  You never mention where the disease originated from surely they are more to blame than Trump yet not a peep from you on China your hate of Trump has blinded you I feel sorry for you you need help please seek it for your own mental wellness.

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58 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

I started the damn thread and it is totally relevant to the lack of proper addressing of this pandemic by the moron in charge and to persons who back his continued moronic lack of response, to include many on this forum. I am doing my best to illustrate one story out of over 200,000 now heading to over 400,000 which is equal to all WW II servicemen and service women deaths in this country. Our members have responded with a total non-understanding that all of these deaths, whether elderly or otherwise, have a cascading effect on those who have been a part of their lives.

Now do you get it Steve? Axe? hammertime? Cysko?  Or will it have to be someone close to you that you love that is gone forever first? Did you think the cost is only one old life? And have you ignored the many reports of the deaths of others not so old?


I think your a smug, arrogant and condescending old man.

You know nothing of our life experiences or trials or tribulations.  Kindly mourn your sorrows to your self and take comfort that even confused bastards such as your self do receive prayers in one fashion or another.

You and your BBClan are really a piece of work.

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