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3 minutes ago, hammertime said:

I think your a smug, arrogant and condescending old man.

You know nothing of our life experiences or trials or tribulations.  Kindly mourn your sorrows to your self and take comfort that even confused bastards such as your self do receive prayers in one fashion or another.

You and your BBClan are really a piece of work.

Just what I expected from a judgemental young man with zero understanding of the implications of this virus beyond the dead alone (if that).

And you know nothing of my life experiences or trials or tribulations, so don't be so condescending yourself. And it sounds like some here are praying I just go away because you don't like the fact there are alternate ways of viewing this jackass you all follow. To bad.

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18 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Just what I expected from a judgemental young man with zero understanding of the implications of this virus beyond the dead alone (if that).

And you know nothing of my life experiences or trials or tribulations, so don't be so condescending yourself. And it sounds like some here are praying I just go away because you don't like the fact there are alternate ways of viewing this jackass you all follow. To bad.

Spin away.  Go away.  Don’t flatter yourself.

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1 hour ago, Vambo said:

Why have you not mentioned and ragged on the Cuomo and Whitmer who put covid-19 infected in nursing homes? Until you do you are just displaying your TDS BS, this thread is nothing more than your hate for one man not the handling of covid-19.

Thank you. It's sad that Tex is using a sad situation, if it's even true, for political emotional leverage

against Pres Trump.

   "A bird pooped on my car, NOW do you see how the orange man is a murderer?"

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15 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

Thank you. It's sad that Tex is using a sad situation, if it's even true, for political emotional leverage

against Pres Trump.

   "A bird pooped on my car, NOW do you see how the orange man is a murderer?"

Even if said bird was a woodpecker? ;)


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33 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Just what I expected from a judgemental young man with zero understanding of the implications of this virus beyond the dead alone (if that).

And you know nothing of my life experiences or trials or tribulations, so don't be so condescending yourself. And it sounds like some here are praying I just go away because you don't like the fact there are alternate ways of viewing this jackass you all follow. To bad.

Nobody is "praying you go away". That is just you being a VICTIM like you lefties do. You hate.

You demand attention. You SLUR at anything and everyone who doesn't kiss your emotions and make em all better.

and you slurring contentions HAVE NO BASIS IN FACT. You just make them up.  You make a fool of yourself, Tex, with all the


   The incredibly gigantic, overflowing CROWDS know better than you. REAL AMERICA knows better than you.

You refuse to find fault with any dem/leftist.  You hate Trump. for no good reason. Your bleating is stupid.

    Higgardly/obaMao commie/biden/etc etc - there are a lot of HUGE reasons of what they have done in the past to despise  them.

President Trump has done nothing wrong. 28 million in a fake investigation over nothing found. So, when that blew up in your face, you just picked another and another and another attack to go with. And every single time it blew up in your face. and Hoorta's.

   All your hateful bitching is nothing. Just "look at me, I hate Pres Trump, aren't I special".

Now you are mad, because you've failed for nearly four years so many times. So, whether or not these updates on a tragic situation are true, and I suspect after Pres Trump wins re-election - you will sickly laugh? and admit you made it all up.

   No cred on all your crap from and others, Tex. Not one reason to believe your sad story. If it's true, sorry to hear, but can't tell if you are just bs'ing to the max to save face.

   Not buyin what you are trying to sell.

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On 10/31/2020 at 5:42 AM, DieHardBrownsFan said:


and that is why the swamp bureaucrats hate him. They think THEY RUN AMERICA. not all of us Americans.

they need to be GONE.

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56 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Just what I expected from a judgemental young man with zero understanding of the implications of this virus beyond the dead alone (if that).

And you know nothing of my life experiences or trials or tribulations, so don't be so condescending yourself. And it sounds like some here are praying I just go away because you don't like the fact there are alternate ways of viewing this jackass you all follow. To bad.

Whitmer, Cuomo and China...

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3 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:


"Now do you get it Steve? Axe? hammertime? Cysko?  Or will it have to be someone close to you that you love that is gone forever first? Did you think the cost is only one old life? And have you ignored the many reports of the deaths of others not so old?"

Here's what I get tex. I've tried to be civil with you on this oh, more civil than I think you deserve. And here's exactly what it will take before I give your argument the slightest bit of weight. And frankly it will be lots more than a few people that I actually know dying from this disease. The few that I know who had it got sick and got better not all of which were in the best health. And it will take a lot more than you blathering on endlessly about how Trump could have stopped it and refused. And it will take a lot more than you blathering on about how Joe Biden or any other Democrat would have stopped it. And you will need to explain to me why the cases, which I believe is a facetious number, are soaring in Europe and all over the world and places where the lockdowns and the quarantines have been much stricter than here in the United States. 

This is worldwide but thanks to the unscrupulous press and the idiots who suck their shit up through a straw the issue even though it's a strawman has gained popularity. Not among thinking people but unfortunately thinking people aren't the only ones who vote. Whatever sympathy any of us has for your sick friend is unfortunately wearing thin. And let's be clear your hatred for the president was at ridiculous levels before anyone ever heard the word pandemic. So do what you want. For whatever shit politicians and shit policies you want. Just a guess but I don't think very many people take you seriously anymore and only pretend to because they share your blind hatred. And even though I understand you want me to protect you from those who insult you you haven't earned it. You're no better than any when you complain about. I just for the record when Biden is President the people of the United States are absolutely not going to look at him as an example and follow his lead. Americans are sick of the panic and sick of being told what to do and we aren't going to stay at our homes and wear masks. But you do what you want








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And furthermore if we are going to wring our hands over individual sorrow think of the thousands upon thousands upon thousands who died at the hands of street thugs over the years. Think of the families of the police officers and firefighters murdered in the line of duty while they are trying to protect these scum. I think of their families and think of their sorrow and think of their grief. Then think about Hillary and Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi kissing those animals asses for votes and Power. Maybe you will care if one of those police officers or firefighters or  innocent people walking down the street that's murdered is someone you know.

I wonder how many tears you shed over them? As many as you do the rear African-American violent Criminal killed by a police officer? Let me answer that for you. Since it doesn't get Joe Biden votes the answer would be hell no.


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5 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

And furthermore if we are going to wring our hands over individual sorrow think of the thousands upon thousands upon thousands who died at the hands of street thugs over the years. Think of the families of the police officers and firefighters murdered in the line of duty while they are trying to protect these scum. I think of their families and think of their sorrow and think of their grief. Then think about Hillary and Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi kissing those animals asses for votes and Power. Maybe you will care if one of those police officers or firefighters or  innocent people walking down the street that's murdered is someone you know.

I wonder how many tears you shed over them? As many as you do the rear African-American violent Criminal killed by a police officer? Let me answer that for you. Since it doesn't get Joe Biden votes the answer would be hell no.



while Tex has never lamented the deaths in Benghazi. None of the left will talk about it. and the deaths of our SOLDIERS who had to abide by obamao/biden restricting rules of engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan.

all political attack garbage.

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Joe Biden is promising to delay the vaccine and turn America into a prison state—locking you in your home while letting far-left rioters roam free. The Biden Lockdown will mean no school, no graduations, no weddings, no Thanksgiving, no Christmas, no Fourth of July, and no future for America’s youth. A vote for Biden is a vote for Lockdowns, Layoffs and Misery. Get out and VOTE tomorrow!
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21 minutes ago, hammertime said:

But my cousins best friend was perfectly healthy and he died a horrible Death because of Covid-19....Lockdown America....rip (turns out it was hereditary heart disease)

And if Biden wins from that moment on a death from heart disease will be reported as a death from heart disease. Well, actually, after he takes office if he makes it that long.


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On ‎10‎/‎29‎/‎2020 at 6:23 PM, TexasAg1969 said:

The point is that all these people did not need to die nor their families be in mourning. Trump is an ignorant narcissistic jerk who gives not a shit about you or any other follower. He is oblivious to the results of his inaction. Apparently you join him in that blindness.

But this thread has nothing to do with your TDS.


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On ‎11‎/‎2‎/‎2020 at 4:23 AM, TexasAg1969 said:

WW II service member deaths were just over 400,000. Glad that is acceptable to you

Wow. The guilt trip games your TDS makes you play.

If we could only ask  those that stormed the beach on Normandy that day  if they thought their deaths were acceptable.

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On 11/3/2020 at 5:14 AM, Westside Steve said:

And if Biden wins from that moment on a death from heart disease will be reported as a death from heart disease. Well, actually, after he takes office if he makes it that long.


It will be reported that way by the Trump WH which will disband the COVID Team and declare victory as independent counters take it past 600,000 while awaiting an effective vaccine.

Count on that and also count on more rallies during term II should he win. Narcissistic Personalities like his require massive adulation, e.g. Hitler.

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Back to my thread. 3 of the last 4 days Terry has been able to wear the trach collar which allows him to breath on his on. Two were 2 hours at a time with one bad day and then yesterday 4 hours at a time. This is major progress according to his treatment team. The plan is to eventually wean him entirely from the vent and attach a speaking enhancer to the trach collar since at the moment he is unable to speak other than non-verbally or barely audible whisper.

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15 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Back to my thread. 3 of the last 4 days Terry has been able to wear the trach collar which allows him to breath on his on. Two were 2 hours at a time with one bad day and then yesterday 4 hours at a time. This is major progress according to his treatment team. The plan is to eventually wean him entirely from the vent and attach a speaking enhancer to the trach collar since at the moment he is unable to speak other than non-verbally or barely audible whisper.

Was he following CDC guidelines and wearing a mask?  How did he get Covid-19?

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