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Some Emotional Support for Hoorta, Tex and woodpecker (don't open until after Nov 3)


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10 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

And if you actually believe that (and not just repeating some insane talking point that you think resonates with crazy people) then you are as crazy the farthest right-wing Q spouting conspiracy theorist you rail against.

I can listen and respond to any disagreements with policy or stated policy anybody wants to discuss but this kind of shit is just aluminum foil hat looney. And before you start spare me the what about what about what about it.


Then go believe what ever the (damn I hate to cuss ) fucking hell you want to Steve. You're no better than Mr.T.  Reality is a strange thing- I'd suggest you and the other MAGAs who populate this forum get a grip on it. Trump is fucking out of his mind. Period. That "interview" was to any person who doesn't have their heads a mile up Trump's ass a very clear display of- at the very least non Presidential behavior, or being a total asshole at the worst. Looking at the replay, I'm surprised Lesley didn't start crying at the abuse hurled at her. Deny reality at your own risk.  

I don't buy conspiracy- but I do rely on my medical background to make observations. Trump in his super spreader events is fucking over America, and denying reality. You wanna die, or hope you dont get seriously sick? Be my fucking guest. 430,000 Steve... Book it. I'm sure you know what that number means....  

BTW, as the Moderator of this Forum, maybe you should clue in the the MAGAtards who populate this area of non-discussion-  TDS is even a more rampant lame excuse here than Covid- the ultimate cop-out. Seems at least 51% of the voting public is infected with it, and running as high as the 60% in tens of millions of voters in California. :D  :D  :D   

The little circle jerk Trump crowd here is totally insignificant as to the what may, or may not happen in six days...  See you November 4th. 

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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

Then go believe what ever the (damn I hate to cuss ) fucking hell you want to Steve. You're no better than Mr.T.  Reality is a strange thing- I'd suggest you and the other MAGAs who populate this forum get a grip on it. Trump is fucking out of his mind. Period. That "interview" was to any person who doesn't have their heads a mile up Trump's ass a very clear display of- at the very least non Presidential behavior, or being a total asshole at the worst. Looking at the replay, I'm surprised Lesley didn't start crying at the abuse hurled at her. Deny reality at your own risk.  

I don't buy conspiracy- but I do rely on my medical background to make observations. Trump in his super spreader events is fucking over America, and denying reality. You wanna die, or hope you dont get seriously sick? Be my fucking guest. 430,000 Steve... Book it. I'm sure you know what that number means....  

BTW, as the Moderator of this Forum, maybe you should clue in the the MAGAtards who populate this area of non-discussion-  TDS is even a more rampant lame excuse here than Covid- the ultimate cop-out. Seems at least 51% of the voting public is infected with it, and running as high as the 60% in tens of millions of voters in California. :D  :D  :D   

The little circle jerk Trump crowd here is totally insignificant as to the what may, or may not happen in six days...  See you November 4th. 

The Browns Board quad demands exactly no more respect. But it's up to you guys to make your point, not me. If I were mr. T I'd have been issuing warning points left and right banning some of you guys editing or deleting your responses etc etc. Hey baby I can't even change the Liberals screen names to something vulgar. Somewhat similar to the style you run the Browns board.

But be that as it may I understand you're just mad because I won't offer an extra layer of protection to you liberals. And yes I call you liberals because you're throwing your support behind Harris Pelosi Schumer Waters AOC BLM rioters looters  illegal aliens etc etc. As far as your hand ring over non discussion you are easily as bad is anyone you complain about. Just not quite as prolific. But again you choose to read stuff that you know will make you angry. I think comparing Obamao,  who I've never called more than an empty suit, World Class dictator it's crazy. I think the same thing about you guys who compare Trump to Hitler.

I have yet to see the uncut portion of the interview but I did watch the edited by CBS version. Chickenshit and confrontational questioning which we expect the fake news. Unfortunate but there's nothing I can do about it. And again we can discuss issues in a separate thread. I know you don't want to but hey if you thought she was going to start crying maybe she shouldn't be doing what she does for a living.

As far as November 4th it will be what it is. I'm expecting a big step backwards for the country but hoping against hope it doesn't happen. But I don't expect that I will change my values because of the election any more than I switched to being a Steeler fan after the loss.


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ah, "non-discussion" is the new slur.

Ok, Hopeless Hoorta. Let's discuss some stuff.

Like, Bobolinski's treasure trove of emails, texts, and even audio recording

of joe biden discussing bad stuff. Saying, "come on, man, you'll bury us".

like sleazeball hunter's emails, which are LEGIT EVIDENCE, that of course joe and joe's brother were all in

on the corruption to make millions and millions and millions from china. and russia.

Hoorta won't discuss anything, he'll just fuss again.

because he is completely wrong, emotionally, illogically, etc.

Hey, Hopeless - I had a great career of software engineering/programmer-analysis/business analysis...

that means I'm a good judge that you can't logically defend your side, so you are trying to do it emotionally.


you can't name ONE good/great thing your heroes obaMao/biden did FOR AMERICA, ...

while we can easily name hundreds of good/GREAT things Pres Trump and Pence have done FOR AMERICA.

   BTW, Hopeless Hoorta, you were just as WRONG about Josh Allen as you were about Josh Rosen. You called Josh Allen "garbage" and bragged that Josh Rosen was the "best pure pocket passer" and was going to be a star and I should STFU.

   If you weren't so freaking nasty and WRONG, you would be a lot happier person.

Have a nice day. and go kiss the biden families corrupt asses if you want to.

"If you won't admit, you are full of s....crap" Calfox

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On a different facet of the Mask subject just in case you are serious about safety why in the world wouldn't you make little kids wear them? Seems like they'd be just as likely to carry the disease and be asymptomatic and spread it, right? Or do you guys not really care about how silly an arbitrary some of your little rules are you just love rules?


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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

On a different facet of the Mask subject just in case you are serious about safety why in the world wouldn't you make little kids wear them? Seems like they'd be just as likely to carry the disease and be asymptomatic and spread it, right? Or do you guys not really care about how silly an arbitrary some of your little rules are you just love rules?


Haven’t you heard the news?

The Covid virus completely bypasses certain individuals such as:

small children 

BLM rioters protesters

Looters peaceful protesters 

certain funerals

The House Dems when not in the public eye

  • Haha 2
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