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A Middle easterner's view of President Trump

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As I'm from the Middle East I would like to say that President Trump has done a great job in making peace in the Middle East... He managed to achieve peace between Israel and 3 Arab countries which are the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan... For 72 years since the beginning of the Arab - Israeli conflict the only 2 countries in the Middle East that signed peace agreements with Israel were Egypt and Jordan.. President Trump managed to convince more countries to create peace..
He also supported moderate governments and regimes in the Middle East while Obama and Hillary Clinton supported radical extremists who destabilized the region and created chaos..
President Trump is a real peace maker who is spreading peace... And this will improve the image of the United States in the Middle East and will be good for American interests in the region and worldwide ..
Talking about peace in the Middle East we shouldn't forget the efforts of President Trump's envoy and son in law Jared Kushner who played a great role as a mediator for these peace agreements.. He did a great job..
President Trump is changing history in the Middle East and he's a great peace maker..
I totally support you President Trump... I hope you will win the election.. This will be important for world peace.. Best of luck.. ✌️👍
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