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a poll that means a LOT -


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Buckeye Firearms Association - took a poll.

4100 responses.

95.3 percent said they were definitely voting for President Trump.]

there are 6-8 million NEW gun owners in America.

something to consider. Real America doesn't get polled by cnn etc.

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3 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

Buckeye Firearms Association - took a poll.

4100 responses.

95.3 percent said they were definitely voting for President Trump.]

there are 6-8 million NEW gun owners in America.

something to consider. Real America doesn't get polled by cnn etc.

Uh huh- I just took a poll of the attendees at his Erie rally. 100% of them said they were voting for Trump.   :D That's about as cherry picking who you're polling as it can get.  

I've already said Cal- the pollsters screwed up in 2016 not properly weighting certain segments of the voting population. Now you're down to hoping those "uncounted" 2nd amendment guys\gals are Trump's magic carpet to victory? Buckeye Firearms Association? Can I poll everyone who has a Biden sign in their front yard as to who they're voting for?  Lotsa luck.  You can bet for every Proud Boy, there's some Democrat in the suburbs worried about a potential civil war when Trump loses.  

FWIW, I may have to ask my brother if I can borrow back the .375 Python I traded him for in case things get a little out of hand... He's well armed with several 12 gauges....  

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Uh huh- I just took a poll of the attendees at his Erie rally. 100% of them said they were voting for Trump.   :D That's about as cherry picking who you're polling as it can get.  

I've already said Cal- the pollsters screwed up in 2016 not properly weighting certain segments of the voting population. Now you're down to hoping those "uncounted" 2nd amendment guys\gals are Trump's magic carpet to victory? Buckeye Firearms Association? Can I poll everyone who has a Biden sign in their front yard as to who they're voting for?  Lotsa luck.  You can bet for every Proud Boy, there's some Democrat in the suburbs worried about a potential civil war when Trump loses.  

FWIW, I may have to ask my brother if I can borrow back the .375 Python I traded him for in case things get a little out of hand... He's well armed with several 12 gauges....  

Pollsters in 2016 weren't off by as much people think btw. Yes the weights were off, but generally they were within their standard error. It was about as accurate as most presidential polls. 

The meme of how inaccurate it was took on a life of it's own.





Also, I don't even think Cal's trolling. I think he thinks he's legitimately made a good point.... 

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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

Uh huh- I just took a poll of the attendees at his Erie rally. 100% of them said they were voting for Trump.   :D That's about as cherry picking who you're polling as it can get.  

I've already said Cal- the pollsters screwed up in 2016 not properly weighting certain segments of the voting population. Now you're down to hoping those "uncounted" 2nd amendment guys\gals are Trump's magic carpet to victory? Buckeye Firearms Association? Can I poll everyone who has a Biden sign in their front yard as to who they're voting for?  Lotsa luck.  You can bet for every Proud Boy, there's some Democrat in the suburbs worried about a potential civil war when Trump loses.  

FWIW, I may have to ask my brother if I can borrow back the .375 Python I traded him for in case things get a little out of hand... He's well armed with several 12 gauges....  

Civil war if Trump loses? You mean if Trump wins.

The civil war has started, and you people started it.

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1 hour ago, Gorka said:

Civil war if Trump loses? You mean if Trump wins.

The civil war has started, and you people started it.

Exactly. Conservatives don't generally take to the streets. Liberals do.  

PS it's not really a civil war where you have two power factions  struggling for control. It's basically human beings versus animals. Even though it does benefit Joe Biden, or more specifically his left-wing Puppet Masters.


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7 hours ago, hoorta said:

Uh huh- I just took a poll of the attendees at his Erie rally. 100% of them said they were voting for Trump.   :D That's about as cherry picking who you're polling as it can get.  

I've already said Cal- the pollsters screwed up in 2016 not properly weighting certain segments of the voting population. Now you're down to hoping those "uncounted" 2nd amendment guys\gals are Trump's magic carpet to victory? Buckeye Firearms Association? Can I poll everyone who has a Biden sign in their front yard as to who they're voting for?  Lotsa luck.  You can bet for every Proud Boy, there's some Democrat in the suburbs worried about a potential civil war when Trump loses.  

FWIW, I may have to ask my brother if I can borrow back the .375 Python I traded him for in case things get a little out of hand... He's well armed with several 12 gauges....  

    Fair point - except there are other factors. Police unions all over the country. That's nearly a million votes there. Not ONE has supported joe mafia family biden. And, I suppose there are firearms groups in every state. I know this poll is only a smaller indicator.

But you have to think in broader legit terms. The dems are all sold out to the leftist activist haters - and have made dismantling ourt 2nd Amendment one of their primary goals.

the left has fostered dependency on various groups. They've kept the poor black and hispanic and white communities in poverty all these years. Like lyndon johnson said - the "Great Society" created that permanent dependency for all these years.

    Yet, poor Americans are sick of it. The "Walk Away" movement reflects it. Seriously - 8 years of the first black president and puppet biden did NOTHING to stop it. It took Pres Trump to help those black colleges. It took Pres Trump to get the unemployment down to historic lows.

   Just my opinion - but voting on personality to the devastating damage to your country makes zero sense to anyone who isn't all in on their own dominant feelings. 


1. 40-45% of 47-53 million Americans have a household with a gun.
2. 30-34% of 70-80 million Americans own a gun.
3. 17-19% of 40-45 million adults own a handgun.

Gun Ownership Based on Category

Households – 42%
Individuals – 30%
Male – 47%
Female – 13%
White – 33%
Non-White – 18%
Republican – 41%
Independent – 27%
Democrat – 23%


  You have to understand - that if these numbers are accurate as far as they have been able to  know about...    that is a LOT of folks who they know about......who will not vote for the left/biden etc.

I believe there ar millions and millions of Americans who have guns that the government has no idea about. and it's true that "gun registration is confiscation". Of course it is.

Which shows that the left wants the power to permanent render our Constitution null and void. as obaMao commie complained - our Constitution doesn't say what he CAN DO, it says what he CAN'T do.

   Now, a national gun registration law? you don't ever want to vote for anyone who wants to try it.

even in only New York state -


May 28, 2018 · April 23, 2014 NY Gun Owners refuse to Register Firearms en masse April 23, 2014. Albany, NY. The deadline for New York State residents to register their firearms was one week ago. The law is proving to be a disaster just like the attempt to mandate firearm registration in Connecticut earlier this year. With NY’s […]




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9 hours ago, Gorka said:

Civil war if Trump loses? You mean if Trump wins.

The civil war has started, and you people started it.

Right now Trump winning is a big IF.  I'll give you my honest opinion Gorka. He can only win if he succeeds in turning the Hunter thing into THE #1 issue.  Not too damn likely, as outside of MAGA World the top issues are Covid, and the economy for the tens of millions of Americans who are out of work- and permanently lost their jobs because of it.  That and if he can behave like a normal human being during the final debate, instead of a total jerk like the did in the first one and the Town Hall. I'm betting it's going to be more of the same with DT interrupting and trying to make it all about him. Said it elsewhere, Trump really doesn't know how to debate, and he doesn't prepare.  If Climate Change is going to be one of the topics- can't hardly wait to see how Coal Miner Donnie is going to be able to defend himself on that one... :)  

Regarding a Civil War. Sort of like saying Biden started the interrupting in the first debate- and DT finished it 128 times.  Rioting in Portland, to be followed up by the Proud Boys and Michigan Militia. Notice the BLM rioters are going to be outgunned by your righties about 100 to 1?  I also suspect the nutjob Q-Balls are going to be mighty upset too, should Cheetos Jesus go down in flames.  

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Frankly I don't care about Hunter Biden very much. I figured he's a moron who somebody offered a pile of money to for a job he wasn't qualified to do. I would take the money. So would everybody here.

On the other hand

If, in fact, it's influence-peddling on his old man's part which I actually believe then that's a problem for some people and should be for everybody. Even though it won't be.

Joe is worth 10 million bucks and has never worked a job. The money had to come from somewhere.


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38 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Frankly I don't care about Hunter Biden very much. I figured he's a moron who somebody offered a pile of money to for a job he wasn't qualified to do. I would take the money. So would everybody here.

On the other hand

If, in fact, it's influence-peddling on his old man's part which I actually believe then that's a problem for some people and should be for everybody. Even though it won't be.

Joe is worth 10 million bucks and has never worked a job. The money had to come from somewhere.


China Funding of Biden Center Raises Questions



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5 hours ago, hoorta said:

Right now Trump winning is a big IF.  I'll give you my honest opinion Gorka. He can only win if he succeeds in turning the Hunter thing into THE #1 issue.  Not too damn likely, as outside of MAGA World the top issues are Covid, and the economy for the tens of millions of Americans who are out of work- and permanently lost their jobs because of it.  That and if he can behave like a normal human being during the final debate, instead of a total jerk like the did in the first one and the Town Hall. I'm betting it's going to be more of the same with DT interrupting and trying to make it all about him. Said it elsewhere, Trump really doesn't know how to debate, and he doesn't prepare.  If Climate Change is going to be one of the topics- can't hardly wait to see how Coal Miner Donnie is going to be able to defend himself on that one... :)  

Regarding a Civil War. Sort of like saying Biden started the interrupting in the first debate- and DT finished it 128 times.  Rioting in Portland, to be followed up by the Proud Boys and Michigan Militia. Notice the BLM rioters are going to be outgunned by your righties about 100 to 1?  I also suspect the nutjob Q-Balls are going to be mighty upset too, should Cheetos Jesus go down in flames.  

I didn't intend for this to be a debate about who was going to win,  but I will say that Trump has little chance of turning the Hunter thing into the #1 issue. Only the media has that power. But because they are operatives for the democrat party, they choose to ignore the Biden's tales of corruption.  "Nothing to see here" .

Again,  IF Trump wins and IF there ever was to be a civil war as a result, it would be a safe to say your side starts it.

You people rioted and protested the first time Trump won, remember?

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as to gun ownership. How many of the gun owners in America will vote for corrupt bendover for chinese commies ?


Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden’s proposed gun control policy includes a provision that could require every AR-15 rifle be registered under the National Firearms Act of 1934. Unless there were some form of carve-out, this could mandate that American gun owners pay a $200 federal tax per AR-15 that they own. The National Rifle Association’s Andrew Arulanandam told Breitbart News that the current “low end” estimate of privately-owned AR-15s in the United States is 18 million. A tax of $200 on 18 million AR-15s means that gun owners could potentially be required to a pay a collective $3.6 billion in taxes, if this policy were enacted into legislation.

That figure does not even consider other guns that might be deemed “assault weapons” by Democrats, which could also fall under the same provisions of the National Firearms Act.

In addition to the $200 tax, owners of guns that are deemed “assault weapons,” under Biden’s view of the NFA, could also be required to register these weapons with federal authorities, submit their finger prints and photograph, and potentially submit to an FBI background check.

All of this is detailed on Biden’s campaign website, which states in bullet-point form (emphasis in original):

Regulate possession of existing assault weapons under the National Firearms Act. Currently, the National Firearms Act requires individuals possessing machine-guns, silencers, and short-barreled rifles to undergo a background check and register those weapons with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Due to these requirements, such weapons are rarely used in crimes. As president, Biden will pursue legislation to regulate possession of existing assault weapons under the National Firearms Act.

The above paragraph on Biden’s website links to a memorandum from former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords’ Giffords Law Center that calls for the regulation of “assault weapons” under the National Firearms Act (NFA).

The Giffords’ memorandum notes:

The NFA, enacted in 1934, was the first federal regulation of the manufacture and transfer of firearms. Machine guns, short-barreled rifles, and silencers are currently regulated under the NFA. In order to possess NFA firearms, individuals must undergo a background check process that includes the submission of photo identification and fingerprints and requires the registration of the firearm with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Individuals must also pay a $200 transfer tax, an amount that has not changed since the NFA was established in 1934.

The Giffords’ memorandum then calls for the policy that the Biden campaign website also endorses: “Giffords proposes that Congress require all existing assault weapons to be regulated under the National Firearms Act.”

The Giffords’ memorandum specifically defines “assault weapons” to include the AR-15, stating: “Assault weapons are a class of semiautomatic firearms that are designed to kill people quickly and efficiently. The most common variety, the AR-15, is the civilian version of the M16, a combat rifle that made its debut on the battlefield in Vietnam.”

As noted, if lawfully enacted, this policy could encompass “all existing assault weapons.” In practice, this could mean every American who owns a weapon like an AR-15 — or any other gun deemed by Democrats to be an “assault weapon” — could be required to submit their fingerprints and photograph, undergo an FBI background check, register these weapons with the ATF, and pay the federal government a $200 tax for each weapon.

In an interview last year, CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked Biden, “So, to gun owners out there who say, well, a Biden administration means they’re going to come for guns?” Biden responded, “Bingo. You’re right, if you have an ‘assault weapon.’ The fact of the matter is they should be illegal, period.”

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News, the host of the Breitbart podcast Bullets with AWR Hawkins, and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart.com. Sign up to get Down Range at breitbart.com/downrange.


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16 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Frankly I don't care about Hunter Biden very much. I figured he's a moron who somebody offered a pile of money to for a job he wasn't qualified to do. I would take the money. So would everybody here.

On the other hand

If, in fact, it's influence-peddling on his old man's part which I actually believe then that's a problem for some people and should be for everybody. Even though it won't be.

Joe is worth 10 million bucks and has never worked a job. The money had to come from somewhere.


Why, would the VP of the US go to these lengths if he or his cock sucking boss didn't have something to hide?

How does getting a Ukrainian Prosecutor General fired advance the security of the United States?


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5 hours ago, Axe said:

Why, would the VP of the US go to these lengths if he or his cock sucking boss didn't have something to hide?

How does getting a Ukrainian Prosecutor General fired advance the security of the United States?

Hard to imagine it doesn't bother these phony truth justice and the American way Biden voters. Especially after 4 years of squealing about Trump and Ukraine. Which turned up nothing.


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I will soon be giving a first in television history full, unedited preview of the vicious attempted “takeout” interview of me by Lesley Stahl of 60 Minutes. Watch her constant interruptions & anger. Compare my full, flowing and “magnificently brilliant” answers to their “Q’s”.
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