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Third Debate Rigged Again, Changes Topics, Trump DEMANDS They Bring Back Foreign Policy Debate


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maybe Hoorta is on the debate committee.

that is liberal partisan garbage. cancel the debate - it's worthless. except that is what they want. lol

they cut Trump off one time, and a lot of voters more honest than Hoorta's alleged vote will vote for Trump

just to reject the sick corrupt in the leftwing communist/socialist democratic party.

I'm so tired of the leftwing hypocrisy.

actually, it's worse than garbage. Just wait til they get total control over our government.

be very afraid, unless you are wanting to be like soros and turn your family and friends in

to the communist party.

and disappear in the middle of the night.

like in Venezuela. and cuba.

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2 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

maybe Hoorta is on the debate committee.

that is liberal partisan garbage. cancel the debate - it's worthless. except that is what they want. lol

they cut Trump off one time, and a lot of voters more honest than Hoorta's alleged vote will vote for Trump

just to reject the sick corrupt in the leftwing communist/socialist democratic party.

I'm so tired of the leftwing hypocrisy.

actually, it's worse than garbage. Just wait til they get total control over our government.

be very afraid, unless you are wanting to be like soros and turn your family and friends in

to the communist party.

and disappear in the middle of the night.

like in Venezuela. and cuba.

Please, please cancel the debate!!!! Trump would be better off just running more of his super spreader tours. Got anything to say about that BTW?   Instead of embarrassing himself in front of a national audience again. To the point the debate commission is using mike kill switches this time to prevent this turning into another Trump shit show. Unlike you Cal- most of America knows when Trump is behaving like a jackass- and it will only reinforce their opinion he's a total jerk. Oh, he may try to control himself this time to project a more sane image- I'm betting he won't be able to though. 

Get it though your thick MAGA skull- TRUMP DOESN'T MAKE THE RULES. HE JUST THNKS HE CAN. 

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14 minutes ago, Vambo said:



May I refer you to 270towin.com for an update?   Or are you guys still hoping every poll is totally off base, and Donnie is going to pull another election day shocker out of his ass?  A surprising little factoid I came across PMing Tex....  Biden's current lead in the national polls- 51% to 41% is exactly the same final margin in the 1980 election where Reagan almost totally whitewashed Jimmy Carter.... 

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4 minutes ago, hoorta said:

May I refer you to 270towin.com for an update?   Or are you guys still hoping every poll is totally off base, and Donnie is going to pull another election day shocker out of his ass?  A surprising little factoid I came across PMing Tex....  Biden's current lead in the national polls- 51% to 41% is exactly the same final margin in the 1980 election where Reagan almost totally whitewashed Jimmy Carter.... 


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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

May I refer you to 270towin.com for an update?   Or are you guys still hoping every poll is totally off base, and Donnie is going to pull another election day shocker out of his ass?  A surprising little factoid I came across PMing Tex....  Biden's current lead in the national polls- 51% to 41% is exactly the same final margin in the 1980 election where Reagan almost totally whitewashed Jimmy Carter.... 

Biden may not make it to Election Day 

Hope you and your pen pal have that discussion.

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37 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Why does it matter what the questions are? Trump is just going to yell over everyone, about whatever he wants, like a spoiled child. 

They are changing them in hopes Hunter Biden (like a spoiled child) and Joe's shitty record doesn't get talked about.

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10 hours ago, hoorta said:

Waste of time. Beck, Hannity, Carlson, Limbaugh, Brietbart, FOX, Red State, Newsmax... Putin Power guy.... FAKE NEWS!!! 

Why hasn't Joe denied the Emails?   Why has no one from Joe's team denied the Emails?  Why did Hunter's lawyer try to get the laptop back?

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30 minutes ago, Vambo said:

Why hasn't Joe denied the Emails?   Why has no one from Joe's team denied the Emails?  Why did Hunter's lawyer try to get the laptop back?

Because Dimentia Joe is going back into hiding, and let the MSM cover his ass.

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3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Why does it matter what the questions are? Trump is just going to yell over everyone, about whatever he wants, like a spoiled child. 

There will be more MAGA denial Woody, but here's a pretty detailed look at Trump's "debate strategy"....  

"Constant interruption is best understood not as a thing that Trump sometimes does in debates but, essentially, as his entire debate strategy. Trump uses his non-stop interrupting to throw his opponent of their message, to distract from difficult topics for him, to bully his way through things."
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9 minutes ago, hoorta said:

There will be more MAGA denial Woody, but here's a pretty detailed look at Trump's "debate strategy"....  

"Constant interruption is best understood not as a thing that Trump sometimes does in debates but, essentially, as his entire debate strategy. Trump uses his non-stop interrupting to throw his opponent of their message, to distract from difficult topics for him, to bully his way through things."


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19 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Why does it matter what the questions are? Trump is just going to yell over everyone, about whatever he wants, like a spoiled child. 

What's the difference? Not much. By the way people like you will just put your fingers in your ears and scream lalala no matter what anybody says anyway.


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