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Cal Gives a Speech About Real Americans

MLD Woody

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3 hours ago, Vambo said:


No signs of poisoning? Good- does Trump have his canary try his food now before he imbibes? Wouldn't shock me...  


More alternate reality from the Pravda Channel, er- FOX....  Savannah ripped Trump to shreds. https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/15/opinions/donald-trump-town-hall-nbc-lockhart/index.html(OK, a little over the top, but he deserved it after his BS in the first debate with Biden) His ignorance is showing when confronted with facts. Flapped his gums for an hour without saying anything except how wonderful he is. Point blank- your plan to replace Obamacare is? "We're going to have something bigger, better and cheaper- I promise you." Yes Mr. President- and that plan exactly is?  We've been waiting for over a year. What are you going to do about covid? Oh, and about those pesky tax returns that are still being audited. Essentially- "I'm so rich that $400 million I owe is small change". Probably lies 20,001 & 20,002.    

You're not highly leveraged either- lie #20,003 https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/10/can-trump-pay-off-his-billion-in-debt?itm_content=footer-recirc

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vanity fair ?




Savannah was a belligerent hack - her husband has been a democrat operative. And Pres Trump came out looking good - he was getting applause at the break, and nods in the background, and your Hoortabiden who you won't man up and talk about....

got softballs most of the time at his fake news "town hall". and still looked bad. biden WON'T give a list of Supreme Court nominees,

and WON'T answer about packing the Supreme Court.

so, Hoorta, what do you think about packing the Supreme Court? what you do think about biden's corruption and cowardice?

we have hunter's and higgardly's dirty emails now. biden is corrupt, lied about it, and has been found out. What do you think about THAT?


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35 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

vanity fair ?




Savannah was a belligerent hack - her husband has been a democrat operative. And Pres Trump came out looking good - he was getting applause at the break, and nods in the background, and your Hoortabiden who you won't man up and talk about....

got softballs most of the time at his fake news "town hall". and still looked bad. biden WON'T give a list of Supreme Court nominees,

and WON'T answer about packing the Supreme Court.

so, Hoorta, what do you think about packing the Supreme Court? what you do think about biden's corruption and cowardice?

we have hunter's and higgardly's dirty emails now. biden is corrupt, lied about it, and has been found out. What do you think about THAT?


I think it's bullshit Cal... conspiracy away 18 days to the END. Just like Trump's "unmasking"- declaring a previous president of treason is pretty serious stuff. (when he's probably guilty of it himself) Ah, he's going down with all guns blazing away. FWIW, the majority of Americans don't believe him anymore... 

Belligerent? He was asked questions America wants to know the answers to. He failed HUGE. Oh poor poor Donnie- the nasty media is out to get him again. Did you note one of those articles said he was playing the victim card? Attacking Democrats who aren't even on the ballot? Said it before- in Trumps alternate reality he thinks he's still running against Obama or Clinton. Joe will debate the assclown in a week- and for the love of God- there had better be mike kill switches to stop the clown show. 

Red State LOL.... FOX LOL, LOL- may as well be the ATATT network- All Trump, all the time... Trump looked bad Cal- real bad, as he usually does when he doesn't have an interviewer like Hannity hugging his tiny balls. Evaded way more than 1\2 of the questions he was asked, notably an Obamacare replacement that he's had way over a year to come up with a concrete proposal- instead of hacking up a big nothing burger. . His deflecting on covid was truly a work of art..  He has no plan other than meaningless slogans like "Make America Great Again" and "Four more Years". His time is coming to an end soon, probably in bankruptcy court...  Biden did nothing OTOH to hurt his chances. All he had to do was not come off as a bumbling dotard. From my POV he didn't. Some folks want to mistake his not totally under control stuttering problem as senility. I take it as, take a deep breath and make sure you've got it straight in your head exactly what you want to say and how.  

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27 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

so her interrupting him again and again and arguing with him falsely, is your idea of a fair moderator?

come on, man. that is laughable.


Your unwavering defense of the guy with the fake orange makeup is what's laughable Cal...  He spends more on his perfect hair than what a lot of Americans make in a year... "Man of the people"- my ass. 

Falsely? This coming from the man of 10,000 lies? And he lied plenty in that forum- that's when he wasn't answering direct questions. Face it Cal- Trump is clueless (other than try to bluster his way out of it) on how to respond when he gets the least bit challenged on his positions or record...  A rewind of his losing tactic in the first debate against Biden. Blame China, blame Chris Wallace, now blame Savannah Guthrie- anyone but yourself. I thought Savannah did a most excellent job ripping Trump another asshole to spew his crap out of.  :D:D:D Come out of your alternate reality for a second and look at the general consensus. Trump behaved like a grade school bully jerk in debate #1, and the vast majority of poll respondents agree. 

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

so her interrupting him again and again and arguing with him falsely, is your idea of a fair moderator?

come on, man. that is laughable.


Trump’s NBC town hall turns into debate with moderator — and Trump wins

DAN GAINOR: Trump had to debate Guthrie at ‘town hall’

“Today” show anchor Savannah Guthrie was supposed to be the moderator at an event where the president would take questions from citizens in the audience. Instead, she hogged the time and peppered Trump with numerous questions about his personal health that few Americans could answer as specifically as she demanded.

It wasn’t a town hall, it was a debate. Except instead of Trump debating Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, as originally planned, Trump had to debate Guthrie.


And the winner of the debate, hands down, was Trump.  


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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

No signs of poisoning? Good- does Trump have his canary try his food now before he imbibes? Wouldn't shock me...  


More alternate reality from the Pravda Channel, er- FOX....  Savannah ripped Trump to shreds. https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/15/opinions/donald-trump-town-hall-nbc-lockhart/index.html(OK, a little over the top, but he deserved it after his BS in the first debate with Biden) His ignorance is showing when confronted with facts. Flapped his gums for an hour without saying anything except how wonderful he is. Point blank- your plan to replace Obamacare is? "We're going to have something bigger, better and cheaper- I promise you." Yes Mr. President- and that plan exactly is?  We've been waiting for over a year. What are you going to do about covid? Oh, and about those pesky tax returns that are still being audited. Essentially- "I'm so rich that $400 million I owe is small change". Probably lies 20,001 & 20,002.    

You're not highly leveraged either- lie #20,003 https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/10/can-trump-pay-off-his-billion-in-debt?itm_content=footer-recirc

Your excessive TDS is really coming thru lib.

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6 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

so her interrupting him again and again and arguing with him falsely, is your idea of a fair moderator?

come on, man. that is laughable.



4 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Your excessive TDS is really coming thru lib.

Looks like Republican Senator Ben Sasse has it too. A really bad case of TRS..............................Trump Reality Syndrome. Have listen. "The Horror. The Horror."😱



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4 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:


Looks like Republican Senator Ben Sasse has it too. A really bad case of TRS..............................Trump Reality Syndrome. Have listen. "The Horror. The Horror."😱



Deep State Sasse.  MAGA!

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46 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Deep State Sasse.  MAGA!

LOL! One of the few Republicans presidential possibilities I would actively campaign for down here. MAGA made a big mistake putting Trumpy back up again. A Romney-Sasse or Sasse-Romney ticket would have retained the presidency, the Senate and likely a lot more of the House than the 2108 did. The handwriting was on the wall in 2018. Trump goes down and takes a lot of people with him. Start getting ready with Sasse in 2024 and i'm right there with all you ex-MAGAs who hopefully learned your lesson about putting lying con in charge. BTW any of you guys out there on Obama Care? You're about to be thrown out with the bathwater by this Supreme Court runup. And the replacement plan is on top of the Mexican financed wall, so get ready to cross some borders if you want real health care (I know that isn't you DieHard-but it is for a lot of trumpy voters who are about to screw themselves).

Here's a clue:

, former Health Educator - Retired 2015; USAF Veteran

The following “red” states use the Medicaid Expansion under the Affordable Care Act:

Florida, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, , Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

Of those states, the following have the highest poverty rates in the US with the majority of its residents dependent upon the Affordable Care Act(Obamacare):

States With the Highest Poverty Rates

  • Mississippi
  • Louisiana
  • Alabama
  • South Carolina
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so, Hoorta, name one good or great thing biden has done for America in his 47? years.

that includes 8 years of being your obaMao's vp.

and enriching himself and his entire family around the world, to America's


doesn't count. Just name one. I'm still waiting ...

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7 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

LOL! One of the few Republicans presidential possibilities I would actively campaign for down here. MAGA made a big mistake putting Trumpy back up again. A Romney-Sasse or Sasse-Romney ticket would have retained the presidency, the Senate and likely a lot more of the House than the 2108 did. The handwriting was on the wall in 2018. Trump goes down and takes a lot of people with him. Start getting ready with Sasse in 2024 and i'm right there with all you ex-MAGAs who hopefully learned your lesson about putting lying con in charge. BTW any of you guys out there on Obama Care? You're about to be thrown out with the bathwater by this Supreme Court runup. And the replacement plan is on top of the Mexican financed wall, so get ready to cross some borders if you want real health care (I know that isn't you DieHard-but it is for a lot of trumpy voters who are about to screw themselves).

Here's a clue:

, former Health Educator - Retired 2015; USAF Veteran

The following “red” states use the Medicaid Expansion under the Affordable Care Act:

Florida, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, , Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

Of those states, the following have the highest poverty rates in the US with the majority of its residents dependent upon the Affordable Care Act(Obamacare):

States With the Highest Poverty Rates

  • Mississippi
  • Louisiana
  • Alabama
  • South Carolina

Too bad this isn't what the MAGAs want to hear. Ben in 2024? Damn right if I'm still around to vote...  Already said it- DT was specifically asked about what he was going to do if Obamacare gets tossed out. Bluster Bob at work- "it's going to be bigger and better", OK, got any details yet?  Finances? The $400 million you're on the hook for- that surprisingly he didn't flat out deny...  Cal can laugh and poo-poo the Vanity Fair article, but actually- he's on the hook for way, way more than that. It's not exactly Rocket Science to check which properties Trump owns and what the combined mortgages are on them- more like $800 million. MHO is he's going to be the Art Modell of the finance world, rolling over those loans until he cant even afford the interest payment on them... "I'm not highly leveraged" just another Trump whopper....  

What truly scared me was when he was asked about QAnon...  "I don't know that much about them".  Just like The Proud Boys- huh?  There's only two possibilities. 1) He's a totally uninformed ignoramus. 2) He's lying....  I hope for the good of America it's option #2, which still isn't any good.   

4 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:


Donald J. Trump  · 
Very good reviews on last night’s NBC News Town Hall in Miami. Thank you!!!

Why of course Mr. Trump, if you only were tuned into FOX and listening to Sean and Tucker tell you what you want to hear...  Keep on living in your alternate reality. OTOH.... 

It's gong to be quite a blow to your immense ego, and doubtless you'll label as FAKE NEWS!!!  Joe had better TV ratings for his Town Hall than yours... 


"Tonight @SavannahGuthrie asked @realDonaldTrump crucial questions about COVID, the economy, voter fraud, healthcare & immigration. It was an important conversation & thanks to her, Americans are more informed as we head to the polls. I suspect there are less undecided voters now..."

Like Trump shouldn't be asked these questions? Hells Bells- previously he couldn't even answer questions like "what are your plans for the next four years?" when Sean Hannity was lobbing Donnie up softballs to hit out of the park....  

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Biden's Town Hall Was 'Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood' While ...


President Donald Trump's town hall event was "president vs. Guthrie" and Democratic nominee Joe Biden's was Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, according to critics. Demonstrators Protest Proposition

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3 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

so, Hoorta, name one good or great thing biden has done for America in his 47? years.

that includes 8 years of being your obaMao's vp.

and enriching himself and his entire family around the world, to America's

loss... doesn't count. Just name one. I'm still waiting ...

You're a broken record.... Trump loves your kind... 

I've named several that you've spun out of.. I'm not wasting my time trying again... The final spin comes November 4th when you & the MAGAs wake up to find out exactly how much of America has TDS... The polls are currently saying around 60% of voters.... 

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biden hoping Pres Trump dies of covid


Well, it didn’t stop there. Apparently, Joe Biden decided to elaborate to his tens of followers about Trump being delivered a “death blow” as he battles his infection.

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