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Bombshells - brennan/hillary/obamao/biden


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I've kept bringing up benghazi so many times - it did NOT MAKE SENSE.

a lot of things did not make sense. I've wanted answers.


DNI declassifies Brennan notes, CIA memo on Hillary Clinton 'stirring up' scandal between Trump, Russia

A source said Brennan's handwritten notes were taken after briefing Obama on the matter


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the previous story - is absolutely true.

this story - I don't know. But it explains a hell of a lot of intrigue about secrets kept by the likes of brennan and hillary/ obamao...biden.....

that are devastating if true.

Read on. IF TRUE - all hell is going to break loose. THIS bombshell needs to be scrutinized seriously. We'll see.

but it would explain the entire mess. and it never did make sense that bin laden was "buried at sea" except to infuriate radical "muslim" terrorists all over the world and more.

what in the.....


"And so the agent provocateurs, the engineers of all of this were John Brennan, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden. And when they went in there, trusting the Iranians had bin Laden there, waiting for them, SEAL Team 6…they killed Osama bin Laden’s double.

Charles Woods: How do we know that?

Alan Parrot: One of the wives went running towards them before he shot him and said, “Don’t shoot! He’s a double.” I don’t know the language used. And then, if you read Sy Hersh’s book, he explains that they threw the body parts over the Hindu Kush Mountains. They didn’t even save them, like they saved the sons of Saddam Hussein and in a refrigerated tent, well-preserved and with makeup, just to prove that “the wicked witch was dead”. They saved the sons of Saddam Hussein but they did not save the corpse of Osama bin Laden, because it was his double and it could not handle the scrutiny of DA testing, obviously."



Charles Woods: OK, the SEAL team, they knew that it was thrown out of the helicopter?

Alan Parrot: They learned that it was not bin Laden and so they threw the body parts over the Hindu Kush Mountains and John Brennan said that the people on the ship were told to keep quiet about the burial at sea – but they all say that they never were told to keep quiet, because there was no burial at sea!

John Brennan took the lead and made the fake media announcements. He lied to the press, when he explained this “Muslim burial” at sea. It’s actually haram. It’s forbidden to bury a Muslim at sea, unless unless the body’s gonna endanger the lives of the crew with disease risk, you know. Because, you see, in the ocean, the feet’ll rotate around and the feet will face Mecca. It’s haram. You must bury on land with the face facing Mecca. So Brennan, who’s a Muslim, you’d think he’d know not to lie about something so obvious! He said it was a Muslim burial at sea! Nonsense!

And so this big lie – you see, they – Biden, Hillary and Clinton worked this agreement with Iran they trusted Iran to move bin laden to Pakistan – he did. He was there. But then they trusted Iran to keep him there. They moved him out, back to Iran!

And then, the communication from Iran to Obama was, “Hey, we got your neck in a noose. Give us all this money,” $152 billion, $2 billion on an airplane pallet, was paid out for the secrets I wish to reveal now and to the President, under the terms of Misprision of Treason.

That is to say, this is a secret. These are secrets worth $152 billion dollars paid by President Obama. And Vice President Biden, paid with the blood of SEAL Team 6, when he had them killed.

Nicholas Noe: So, it’s blackmail an extortion, then.

Alan Parrot: Blackmail an extortion, yeah. Iran commandeered –

Charles Woods: Do you have the documents to prove this?

Alan Parrot: Yes, yes. Now, Iran –

Charles Woods: Well, I was going to ask you, if you have those documents, are you willing to personally deliver those to President Trump, if he were to provide the transportation and the guarantee of safety for you to do that?

Alan Parrot: Well, I’m not concerned about safety. There’s always an invisible hand that protects us and we’re on the winning team. America is on the winning team.

Charles Woods: “Not one sparrow falls to the ground outside of God’s will.”

Alan Parrot: Yes, it would be my pleasure and my honor to bring this material to President Trump. There’s a massive amount – terabytes, documents, video, audio. It needs to go to the President.

Charles Woods: I will do everything that I can to get this video into his hands.

Alan Parrot: It’s my only wish. My only wish.

Nicholas Noe: Alan, I’ve got a question for you. So that means that SEAL Team 6 was shot down on purpose, after the trophy kill, to ensure that “dead man can tell no tales”.

Alan Parrot: You are correct. So that President Obama paid bribery of $ 152 million dollars, Vice President Biden paid with the blood of SEAL Team 6. He spent their blood like currency.

Nicholas Noe: Well, I’ve gotta share something with you. Actually, Charles does. Charles, tell him about the Army Ranger that you talked to that was in the city where they were shot down.

Charles Woods: OK, when we lived in Hawaii and for about a month afterwards, I was in shock and my wife and I, we went walking on the beach and in the back of my vehicle, I have a bumper sticker about Ty. And this gentleman came up to me and he was an Army Ranger that had been injured. He was recuperating in Hawaii and he said, “How do you know Chief Petty Officer Woods?” and I says, “Well, I’m his dad.” He says, “Well, I worked with your son.”

And we became very close. It was part of my healing process, actually, getting to know him. He started coming to our church, his girlfriend started surfing with my daughters and they ended up getting married. And one of the things that he told me, he says, “I was on the Ranger team that was in that village, where SEAL Team 6 was killed.

The story was by the Biden-Obama administration, that there was this team that was under attack in this village: “We’re gonna die if you don’t get someone here really quick.” And so, they loaded SEAL Team 6 on this slow, vintage Huey helicopter, the size of a school bus and slowly got them to the village.

Now, they did not request help. They’ve been in that village numerous times before. In fact, if someone came, it would actually endanger them. The story was not true.

And then, usually when a helicopter comes in, it goes zoom right down to the ground, opens up, all the troops go out in seconds and then, boom, the helicopter goes straight up.

Well, this was a sitting target, OK the size of the school bus. It hovered in the air over that village, just waiting to be shot down and the people hot-roped – I never heard the word “hot-roped” before. That means they each individually lowers down, while it was a sitting target.

And then, apparently, it was shot down by one of those weapons that Hillary Clinton illegally sent to Benghazi to give to terrorists a terrorist organization the US government used to get rid of our ally, who was fighting terrorism – that’s Gaddafi – and then, that weapon ended up over in Afghanistan.

Nicholas Noe: They were Stinger missiles. Thousands upon thousands of them went missing and Marc Turi was told that he’s no longer – he had a small arms covert weapons program going, so that way, none of that was ever given to someone, because they could shoot down jetliners just flying by, if they wanted to – a child could do it, a 12 year old could do it.

So, these Stinger missiles went through Benghazi and then were given to the people who shot down SEAL Team 6. That was a setup. They were covering their tracks there. And then, when they found the serial number on one of the missiles it is traced back to the CIA from Qatar from that weapons cache of Stinger missiles.

That’s why they had to, then cover their tracks, after people found out that the missiles were from Qatar and then they could traced back, where they came from – from Hillary through Benghazi. That’s why Stevens was back there, to recover those missiles and cover-up the evidence.

Well, that’s at least what we were told. I assume that part of the plan for her was to eliminate everyone there, at the Benghazi  compound, as well."



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that second story is tough to believe.

if true,

john brennan and higgardly are more dangerous than anyone could ever imagine.

killed bin laden just in time to win re-election.

and it was a double?

there is no deep state eh?


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Meanwhile U.S. Attorney John Durham's investigation into the actions of Obama officials like Brennan and others, continues. 

"There's the issue of whether someone crossed the line. In the course of these, in my view, unjustified and horrible abuse of power, actually cross the line and committed a federal offense and I can't really say anything about the status of that investigation except that it's continuing and we'll be careful about not bringing indictments in a way that can be viewed as interfering with the election," Attorney General Bill Barr said during a recent interview with Townhall.  "You need strong evidence of intent, it seems to me, before you can charge that kind of crime so developing that evidence is a time consuming process. Most of the people who are mouthing off about 'well why aren't these people already indicted,' they don't understand the criminal justice process. People get lawyers, sometimes they won't talk to you. Even if they talk to you they'll say they'll take the fifth and you have to get documents and frequently fight over documents and fight over things in court so the investigation is a cumbersome process. It's not something that can be done quickly."


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