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What problems have Democrats solved?


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24 minutes ago, Vambo said:


He reminds me of one of my friends back in the Keesler AFB days. He talked about how he tried to get two friends of his to enlist with him. They wouldn't. He said he told them about how the military WILL give them a job. He'll pay them for four or six years. The GI Bill will even pay for them to go to college and make something of themselves. He came from a poor part of town, I forget where.

    They didn't care, wouldn't listen. So he enlisted alone.

    I was on alert in 76? with a Msgt - he talked about how nobody would give a poor black kid a job- all the jobs were on the white part of town, and he grew on on the poor side. But his Mom made him sing in the choir at church, and he got in fights with the local gang that insisted he become a member. But he said Uncle Sam gave him a job. Didn't matter of the color of his skin. He told me all about that - and the look in his eyes - it meant the world to him. His two daughters were in college, he had a wonderful family, really nice home.... had lived a dream come true.

    Now, all the false narratives are going by the wayside. So many folks are either officially, or unknowingly becoming "walk-awayers".

All the slurs have never rang true. and now a huge number of folks are seeing it, like this guy.

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