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By my tabulations, Pres Trump WINS BIG


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2 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

 It's never been me I have feared for you dumb fuck, it's my adult children and my teen grandchildren who are more exposed because your ignorant asshole is pushing school openings that are proving to be a disaster as time goes by.

And if you are so brave, then head off for one of the rallies with all the other lemmings. Should be very enlightening.

Actually your denial of death figures that 90+% of the experts say are under-reporting proves you actually live in a shell 🐢 because ..............................................


It’ll be okay now little man, my family and other Americans will cover for you and your weak offspring.


hows that’s sound dumb fuck?

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7 minutes ago, hammertime said:

  Never even cursed at Tex and he decided I was a ‘dumb fuck’?

thats the left.

Oh everybody throws shit everybody else's way around here Hammer. I wouldn't worry about it. On the other hand he did cry like a little bitch when somebody call him a coward but...  



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On 10/14/2020 at 1:14 AM, hoorta said:

Regarding the bold you and a few other Trump ass kissers around here are so far in denial of reality, it's beyond incredulous. I really don't even know where to begin. Maybe we can start with the juvenile name calling... Sleepy Joe, Pocahontas. We have Joke-a-hontas play acting he's president. 

and how many slurs did biden level at President Trump? and how many lies and slurs have been leveled at him ever since WE ELECTED HIM and VP PENCE TO SAVE AMERICA ???????

     name calling is bad to you, only when Pres Trump or conservatives do it.

See? that is a severe lack of PRINCIPLE. Name calling = you should be honest enough to be against name calling no matter who does it.

  But with TDS, it is only bad when it doesn't make you happy.


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12 hours ago, hammertime said:

  Never even cursed at Tex and he decided I was a ‘dumb fuck’?

thats the left.

yeah, the lefties, like Hoorta, LOVE name calling as long as lefties are doing it.

but let a conservative name call.... bad, bad, offensive TDS cherry pickie emotional knee jerkie hypocrisy. (lol)

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btw, schools opened around here - and not one case of covid. at all. none.

band marchings. volleyball. etc etc etc.

surely there may be a few cases happen different places....

some friends' kids got a 24 hr flu.....

If schools had stayed closed, it would have been "wouldn't you like to get back to school? well then, vote against

mean old President Trump in nov !"

guaranteed. that is how TDS manifests itself in those with weakened immunity to dishonesty.

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