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Fact Check: No, Kamala, Abe Lincoln Did Not Refuse To Nominate a Supreme Court Justice in an Election Year


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Lincoln did not send a nominee to the Senate in October of 1864, that much is true.

That’s because the Senate was out of session until December of that election year, so Lincoln was forced to wait to nominate a successor for Taney.

Salmon P. Chase was nominated to replace Taney on Dec. 6, 1864, and was confirmed by the Senate nine days later on Dec. 15, 1864, according to the Supreme Court Historical Society.

Chase would serve as chief justice until his death in 1873.

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So it was not that Lincoln refused to nominate a Supreme Court justice, McLauglin wrote. The Senate’s schedule, and practical politics in the midst of the carnage of the Civil War, dictated Lincoln’s action.



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