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5 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

1. Nope you are wrong. I said it had no study with evidence showing it was any better than a placebo (and still does not). And of course his more knowledgeable MD

don't forget your butt boy says competent MD's don't matter.

did not include it in his cocktail of treatment medications, but did include this one. Now why would that be? Because he has firsthand experience with both with some very ill COVID patients.

 of course the hydroxychloroquine regimen he previously took strengthen his immune system so the effects of the covid-19 were less. 😏

2. And being fiscally responsible has been, but is no longer, the biggest mainstream Republican issue ever IMO. So stop ignoring it as if it means nothing. For this party that used to be priority #1. But for the new Trumpublican party, it has been BS from Mr. "I love debt!" C-OR-ON-A. Why exactly do you think we now have a more Republican looking Libertarian Party? That issue right there is a key.

 But you're not voting for the Libertarians. You're voting for the only party of the two that's less financially responsible then the other one.  You're voting for the one that wants to strangle the economy with more regulations and higher capital gains tax which will drive more business out of the United States they cause more unemployment. But your new party loves that. The more poor people that depend on them the more power they have.

And you're charge that Trump may be a con man, hey I wouldn't be surprised if the fuckers never set foot in church in his life. Of course if you think Joe Biden gives one shit number one about his Catholic faith and cares about you you're a bigger fucking idiot than I thought. And he no longer has the mental capacity to buck the hard left wing who are actually in charge.



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23 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

of course the hydroxychloroquine regimen he previously took strengthen his immune system so the effects of the covid-19 were less. 😏 

If you believe he ever really took it then who is the fool here? He's a pathological liar. And find the study that says it makes you immune in any way. It doesn't exist.

But you're not voting for the Libertarians. You're voting for the only party of the two that's less financially responsible then the other one. 

John Carter is less responsible financially? I don't think so. Seems like none of those Republicans I voted for are that way either. And why did I vote for Carter? To keep the Dems in check without voting for the fool on the hill to continue killing Americans with something he doesn't believe kills because it didn't kill him. His rally after COVID proves he gives a shit less whether it kills anyone else because magically they will just disappear.


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7 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:


Tex my friend I give zero fucks about who you vote for on the undercard. If this addled idiot Biden takes the presidency Nancy and Chuck will have free reign in Congress.

And after the election there will be no profit left in over-reporting covid. And no reason for the Democratic governors to keep a Stranglehold on their states economies. Even if Trump wins people aren't going to put up with this shit forever.

Maybe a handful of liberal sheep who don't like leaving the house in the first place.





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On 10/13/2020 at 4:19 PM, Westside Steve said:

Tex my friend I give zero fucks about who you vote for on the undercard. If this addled idiot Biden takes the presidency Nancy and Chuck will have free reign in Congress.

And after the election there will be no profit left in over-reporting covid. And no reason for the Democratic governors to keep a Stranglehold on their states economies. Even if Trump wins people aren't going to put up with this shit forever.

Maybe a handful of liberal sheep who don't like leaving the house in the first place.


Hmmm... "addled idiot ", depends on your POV Steve. The only  sheep I see  are MAGA lemmings, er, sheep  believing Trump's constant bullshit without question. Just read though his interview (and Joe's) in the latest AARP mag, and when you come  right down to it, Trump has no plan, about  anything.  Other than eliminating Obamacare,  and getting  Barrett on the Supreme Court. Eliminate the payroll tax? Kiss your SS check goodbye. Some of his responses were flat out lies, I didn't need a fact  checker to spot them. Another reason to not vote for the man of 10,000+ lies. Any wonder 60% of folks in a national poll don't  believe him anymore? 

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9 hours ago, hoorta said:

Hmmm... "addled idiot ", depends on your POV Steve. The only  sheep I see  are MAGA lemmings, er, sheep  believing Trump's constant bullshit without question. Just read though his interview (and Joe's) in the latest AARP mag, and when you come  right down to it, Trump has no plan, about  anything.  Other than eliminating Obamacare,  and getting  Barrett on the Supreme Court. Eliminate the payroll tax? Kiss your SS check goodbye. Some of his responses were flat out lies, I didn't need a fact  checker to spot them. Another reason to not vote for the man of 10,000+ lies. Any wonder 60% of folks in a national poll don't  believe him anymore? 

Of course it depends on my point of view Larry. Its entire board depends on each of our personal point of view.

And from my point of view lifting of the payroll tax would be good for the economy which has been hurt badly by the Panic you people have created. And it's been done before as you know. Number two I don't take AARP as a source for anything. And as you know I supported Obama care but it has been gutted and is now worse than useless.  It's only served to make medical care more expensive.  Nice work Democrat. If you think socialized medicine is a better way to go good for you. Sitting on your ass and getting a check would certainly appeal to that 60% of people. Just admit it. Like I said it's the Stockholm syndrome.

And I have absolutely no doubt that any blue-blooded Republican that you would support would believe that Justice Barrett is a fine and honorable Judge. And if you and your new comrades deep six her nomination just because you hate Trump you  should be ashamed.




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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

From the article:  "new cases hit record levels in Ohio"

You guys were late to the party, but welcome to Club Pandemic.

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10 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Of course it depends on my point of view Larry. Its entire board depends on each of our personal point of view.

And I have absolutely no doubt that any blue-blooded Republican that you would support would believe that Justice Barrett is a fine and honorable Judge. And if you and your new comrades deep six her nomination just because you hate Trump you  should be ashamed.



I've said elsewhere Steve I would 100% support Barrett as a Supreme Court Justice under different circumstances. That being if the winner of the election on November 3rd had nominated her. She's probably going to get confirmed regardless. Just remember McConnell- political paybacks are hell, and they're coming as sure as the sun comes up next year assuming Biden wins.  I hope Graham loses his Senate seat over his immense hypocrisy. We'll stall Garland's nomination- because we can. Now we're going to do a 180 and get Barrett on the Court as fast as possible- because we can. Sure, put the shoe on the other foot and the Democrats would probably have done the same thing. 

A conservative Supreme Court is a good thing MHO.  The process of getting there sucks. 

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32 minutes ago, hoorta said:

I've said elsewhere Steve I would 100% support Barrett as a Supreme Court Justice under different circumstances. That being if the winner of the election on November 3rd had nominated her. She's probably going to get confirmed regardless. Just remember McConnell- political paybacks are hell, and they're coming as sure as the sun comes up next year assuming Biden wins.  I hope Graham loses his Senate seat over his immense hypocrisy. We'll stall Garland's nomination- because we can. Now we're going to do a 180 and get Barrett on the Court as fast as possible- because we can. Sure, put the shoe on the other foot and the Democrats would probably have done the same thing. 

A conservative Supreme Court is a good thing MHO.  The process of getting there sucks. 

It is what it is. Having a good and decent Supreme Court Justices more important that whoever the president is I have absolutely no doubt Biden and Harris will replace Ginsburg with somebody as bad or worse. As I've said I think they handled Garland wrong they had two votes to keep him out. 

Actually I could live with it if she gets the seat Trump gets defeated and the Republicans keep the Senate. I wouldn't like it but I could live with it.

To be honest I will live with it no matter what happens I'm an old guy and hopefully set up well enough to survive whatever damage they do to the country. Which I suppose will be substantial. But I don't expect the scum  in the mainstream media  to report it  very strongly. But your grandchildren and Texs grandchildren and Woody's children can live with that. But it's like I tell my liberal friends when they whine about global warming and the Next Generation. "I don't have kids and I don't like yours."


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